HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-12-80 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee. Item: WD-12-80. Date: January 24, 1980. Subject: Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission & Lot 28, Concession 5, former Clarke. Background: Correspondence has been received from the Newcastle Hydro Elect- ric Commission requesting an easement over Part 4 of Plan 1OR- 1042. Following the adoption, by Council, of Report No. 231 the Hydro Commission indicated the need for an easement in that two poles and anchors, plus overhead lines, exist in the subject location. Recommendation: THAT, conditional upon the closure and conveyance of the un- named street, more clearly defined as Part 4 of Plan 1OR-1042, the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission be granted an easement over same. JD:vh ° ewcastic hydro Electric Commission i 19 KAI Skew WesI � Bowmanville,Ontario � L1C 1R2 W.M.Morrison,Chairman 1_J.McCullough,Vice-Chairman H,Partner,Member A Holliday,Member M.J.Watson-Acting Manager G.B.Rickard,Mayor Telephone(416)623-4451-2 January 2.1 , 1980, Corporation of the Torun of Newoostle, Hampton, Ontario. LK 1J0, Attention: Mr. J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. Re : Proposed Easement - Part Lot 28, Concession 5, Clarke. Dear Sir: Please find enclosed a copy of Reference Plan No, IRR-1042 showing the leca±ion of two hydro poles and anchors in red on this prnpnrty. Je would like to have on -asement on the section between Cobhledick Strarvt and the "nnnpned Wictcriq 5trprt. your assist- ance in this matter will he vary greatly appreciated, YOH rs tr+ulv , �J_ E. 7. Jenkins, Operations Superintendent, Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission, ETJPP Enc. i, Nn. 23.] . TOWN OF N11`WCA';T1 f`1 f'UBLLC WORKS !)iSi'Al:'('h1GPJ'1' Director' s Repor[ to Public Works Committee. Item: Resolution # W-71-79. Date: November 26, 1979. Subject: Station Street, Village of Orono. Background: On April 3, 1979, Mr. A. McLaren appeared before the Public Works Committee regarding the alignment of Station Street, Orono, and, as a result, Resolution # W-71-79 was passed as follows: "THAT the delegation be acknowledged and the prese;:tation be referred to Staff and be ex- amine-tl during road inspection and Staff init- iate acquisition of Station Street in total to a �:-dth of 50 ft. where possible". Mr. McLaren statod that the presently travelled portion of Station Street is, ill fa;:_, situated on his lands, the legal boundary of the street is sos.2what to the north of the existing occupied road allowance. .Report: A Reference Plan, Number 1OR-1042, has been obtained and Parts 1 and 2 thereon depict Station Street, as mentioned above, together with the land requirements, northerly, to augment Station Street to a width of 50 (fifty) feet. Mr. McLaren proposed that, in consideration of the Town acquiring the relevant area of Station Street, the north-south street to the east of his property, and Victoria Street which is adjacent to same, should be closed and corn.%eyed. On Plan 1.OR-1042 the lands are depicted as Parts 6 & 7 (unnaitned street) and Part 8 of Victoria Street, as being those abutting the McLaren property. A Reference Plan =s presently being prepared to establish the right or way to the west of the area in question, and this should be avail- able in the very near future. 2 . . . No. 2:31(2) It is suggested that the (unnamed) road allowance, shown as Parts 5, 6 and 7 , together with Victoria Street, shown as Parts 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, be appraised and the value of same be established. In consideration of that portion of Station Street presently sit- uated on his lands (i. e. , Parts 1 and 2) Mr. McLaren wishes to acquire Parts 6 S 7 of the unnamed road allowance and Part 8 of Victoria Street. Recommendation: THAT Parts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Reference Plan 1OR-1042 be Appraised and that Parts 6, 7, and 8 thereof be closed and conveyed to Mr. A. McLaren in lieu of Parts 1 and 2 thereof and, further, that the. remaining lands be advertised, in accordance with The Act. „ ...1111.4 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORK3 D£PArTF-.ICNT J.W. Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1 JO TEL.(4 16)263-2231 Mr. C. S. Pearce, Manager, Orono hydro T?lectric Commission, Park Street, ORONO. Ontario. LOB 1MO. December 21, 1979. Dear Sir: Re: Part Lot 28, Concession 5, Clarke (Dora McLaren) . With reference LO your correspondence of December 11, 1979, address Lo Mr. ?i.iJ. Smith, this has been forwarded to my office relative LO your request for an easement . In the first instance I would like to thank you for bringing to the Town' s attention the existence of the hydro line on the unnamed strc:LL between Cobbledick Street and the rear Property line of Lhe Medical Centre. It would be of great assistance if N”' would provide specific details relative to location, etc. , ;:nd for that purpose I attach hereto a copy of Refercncc Plun No. in-10!x2. If you would be };c>()d enough to return the Plan to this office, at your earliest convenience, every consideration will be given to your request . or an easement. I trust the foregoing is satisfactory but , should you have any queries on this nt:+tter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Yours truly, J. Dunham. Director. cc: D.N. Smith, �• i . i' ciCt : M E M O R A N D U M TO: J . Dunham, Director of Public Works FROM: D. N. S'IdLh, M. C.I.P. , Director of Planning DATE: December 19, 1979 SUBJECT: Proposed Road Closing - Unnamed Street, east of Victoria Street, Orono Please find attached a copy of a letter, which was re- ceived From the Orono Public Utilities Commission in respect to the circulation of Application for Rezoning Number Z-A-3-9-2 (Dora May MCLaren) for your information and any necessary action. NJF:lb Encl. i i, I C012L> JIYL�'lL> ���G'L'iLC C011L1 LLALt.Ill PERK ST. ORONO PHONE 903-5203 ORONO, _ 0N7AR 10 fJt�crrmhtr 11 , 19`Iq . Nr . D . N . Smith , Director of Planninq , Town of Nuwcawt. ] r , 40 Temparnncp +.. rc cat , UOwfrlanvi 1 1 e , Hnt . r i , . Den r `_;i r Re : Wori :ctaren — Pnrt Lnt 20 , Concession S , Clnrke Tomnshin — Ynur file Z—A-3-q-2 At the Or Lnn, r V3 , IQ79 requInr m�pting of tie Urcno lydro Electric Cnmr, jn> i -" , this Nr;, lir,ntlr,n ur-,, di ....seri. Tnp Commi 1 pi Ad r,nt nh jrcL try Lau r: lnsinj of these, Streets as long s an annewc uL was " ivr>n where Aydro Utilities exisLod . SAL pi t nr riL n nyarn line is 1 nc:ated on my unnnmed Shrnet hr t"uen Cph , ledick KropL vnr1 the rpar proparty lino of' the UpPir.rl nt t,' r, "r LHP u - f.eWin" nF ViUnrin Strppt . fI,r! C:nMka I i [M a I n" rrl L i wdL Lkin reznninq might nrip to straignt.un out Lhn nLruut linty on V oLS -n Street woicn has hpen a source of cant MvursY far a numbHr nF years . Yours truly , C . S . Pearce , SN/mu Manager . I� I , r Fa Oil lky�,Jv, Jt Ln ON S E nrgi• 2 �- 'V 54 ti r,—.Sy `30 PART g w,r 264 K — - 65 7C v S PART 10 PART 9 k Arf'1106 1. C 33OOO�p Ian a.sel` 8 5U N 7'V 7'y E v f I 11 - nr ,8bct r C' a 33 '9, co 7515 AD N W ry L _ ]" CtEs AS PART CCLI '-L<LL I I� - � „'`.� _ � •INKS ' J s, w.r,I105} w,t N 71°1730"F I/ o • o a ---- I -- --.—u�T - -- — —O __-.. I I �