HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-7-80 (2 TOWN Or NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPAR' MF.NT Director's Report to Public Works Committee. Item: WD-7-80. Date: January 21, 1980. Subject: Transportation of Aggregates - Truck Route Study. Background: On December 19, 1979, Public Works Committee, by Resolution # W-200-79, adopted Report No. 237 in respect of the subject matter, and requested that: "the Director of Public Works liaise with the Regional Works Staff regarding the study pre- pared by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited and report back". Report: Correspondence (attached) has been received from the Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department, endorsing Report No. 237 and the conclusion and recommendations contained therein. Recommendation: THAT this be received for information. JD:vh 0 CC , January 18, 1980 DURHAM The Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Box 623 The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 105 Consumers Dr. Public Works Department Whitby, Ontario Hampton, Ontario Canada,Li N 6A3 (416)668-7721 LOB 1 JO Attention: Mr. J . Dunham WA. Director of Public Works Commissioner of Works Please quote our ref: Dear Sir: Town of Newcastle RE: Transport of AgLjre ates Truck Route Study Subsequent to our recent meeting we have reviewed the material which you left for the above. I wish to advise that we agree with the contents of your Director' s Report to Public Works Committee No. 237, December 13, 1979, Your Conclusion and Recommendation are quite appropriate in this situation. If you wish to discuss details of the matter further or wish further input from the Region, please advise. Yours truly, RGD/1 c R. G. Dupuis, P. Eng. fbad Design Engineer F0 REC IVE- 021 1960 i�itt3 C>I:P7 •OF i, IV( 1 l. ;1 1 1 1 lilt I 11 1 1"c ,(I IIH ion ilt, #7 1 k)`,'Ck I by Co a i I t: i I f o r Prow , seconded by Councillor Clarke . the rccoumicndnt Kin in Report 235 he endorsed and D rn i nn ye fit) Further action be taken as the ditching and/or Problem cleaning terminates and deposits storm water an private property, is a result or the naturril contour or the l ;Inds , and that Mr. Les liv J . Lohonyay he so notified. "CARR I EDII Resolution NW-288 •79 -"I0Vcd by Councillor Trout , seconded by Mayor Rickard. Qnrhagc 1HAT the recommendation in Report 236 be endorsed and Collection the Director of Public Works he authorized to call Orono tenders For the collection or garbage within the Village or Orono . "CARPIFWI on -NW--289-79 �10V('d by Mayor R i ckn rd , seconded by Counc i I I or Trout. 1980 he 1 1 () Counci I t ha t the Di rcc for of BudPvt I"'""I '' 1) hi , I)HdPvr in the preliminary s t age hc Wort n Comm i t I cc, I "r rev i ow, he Fo re go 1 rig to "CARRIED'' I\ •�:Oltlt ion P!()Vcd by 55yor Rickard, seconded by Councillor !'rout . TransporrAtion • IIAT the recommendation in Report 237 he endorsed or Aggregates and when the reconstruction or the road allowance north Truck. Rout", u) r the Salco Pit to Regional Road 20, can be Financially Study Nccommodatiod , the matter he considered in the appropriate budgets ; AND THAT the Dirvctor or Publ is Works liaison with the R'cOoilaj Works sarr regarding the study prepared by Totten Sims Huhicki Associates Limited and report back to the next meeting OC Public Works , "CARR I EDII -=r----' " /No, 237 %OH0 OY .NEWCASTLE _PU0.7c_uMKS DKYAx?M8K? Dirc'ccor' o Report to Public Works Committee. Icuo: Kcuu}oCLoo W-166-79 & C-1,013-79. Date: December 13, 1979. Subject : Transportation of Aggregates, Truck Route Study. Background : Resolution C-10I2-79 (attached) initiated u study to be undertaken on the feasibility of establishing u truck route for aggregates, from the Leakar6 area southward. During the yuot months, detailed infoonation has been pre- pared, cogechcc with nn-uiLe reviews, in an attempt to present various alternatives for consideration. Report.: The (attached) Truck Route Study Report has been compiled and contains live proposals , as fulIona; Proposal l_� This is the most direct route, southward, from the Leakard area, and is the most expensive. An intersection is proposed at Taunton Kna6 (Regional Road 4) and it is my opinion d`ot this would be unacceptable, with which unsrn,mnnt I am sure the Region of Durham would concur. Proposal 2 follows existing road ulIoqauuea throughout ic /a length; however, LuoJ Acquisition for widening would be nec- essary. At the south end of this proposed route there is some residential development and the Eighth Concession road, at the former 6ounJary , is not the most desirable for the purpose due to a very uCeep incline. Proposal 3 This route follows existing road nll.ownnces, wish the exception of that uection immed- iately north of Taunton Road where Land Acquisition would be necessary. Of the five proposals submitted, this is the least costly but, other than to provide an independent truck route, it would not be an asset to our transportation system as it is in very close proximity to an existing north-south road. Proposal 4 In my opinion this route, which is clearly defined In the Study, is not practical. Proposal 5 The route indicated, south of the Eighth Concession, is similar to Proposal 3, how- ever to the north of the Eighth Concession is by way of an existing road allowance and then easterly. Land Acquisition would be necessary in order to implement this Proposal. Comment : The Study, us presented, is in accordance with Resolutions Nos. W-166-79 and C-1013-79. It Is appreciated that the intent of Resolution C-1013-79 was to establish a 'Truck Route, southward from the Leskard area but at this point I would like to recapitulate various discussions relevant to the possibility of a northbound route to Regional Road 20. From the Sa.lco Pit to Regional Road 20 is a distance of 3.30 kilometers, and the road is classified as 'deficient ' . It is in our ' Now Needs' and the total estimated cost of improvements is $370, 000. 00. In the interests of ensuring an efficient , economical and Practical transportation network, consideration should be given to constructing this existing road , northerly, to Regional Road 20, An additional benefit of such construction is that access to Mosport Park would be enhanced and this, at the present time, leaves much to be desired . The Region of Durham has indicated that it may assume the former Boundary Road as an extension of Regional Road 42, north of Taunton Road to Regional Road 20; if this should become fact then any 'Truck Route designated now could become obsolete and , in any event , the road allowance north of the existing Pit will still require improvements, / 3 . . . /!r No. 237 (3) Conclusion: In view of the foregoing, and taking all aspects into con- sideration, it is neither practical, nor financially pose-. able, to construct a Truck Route for one aggregate operator, at the expense of the taxpayers of this Municipality. RecommendaLion: THAT, as and when the reconstruction of the road allowance north of the Salco Pit to Regional Road 20, can be T inan- cially accommodated, the matter be considered in the app- ropriate Budgets at that time.