HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-6-80 TOWN OF NFWCASTI,I; ('111;1,1 C WORKS 1)1?I'AWJMFNT Director' s Report to Public Works Committee. Item: WD-6-80. Date: January 21, 1980. Subject: Proposed Parking Restrictions - Highway 401 at Wilmot Creek. Background: The attached correspondence has been received from the Ministry of Transportation & Communications and is in respect of the proposed parking restrictions at Wilmot Creek on Highway 401. Also attached is the following data which documents the action taken to date on the subject matter: Resolution # W-238-79 October 30, 1979. Resolution # C-1413-79 October 22, 1979. Report No. 210 October 17, 1979. Correspondence September 20, 1979 (M.T.C) Correspondence August 7, 1979 (Sam L. Cureatz) Resolution # W-200-79 August 7, 1979. Correspondence August 1, 1_979 (Sam L. Cureatz) Correspondence July 27, 1979 (M.T. C) The Ministry of Transportation & Communications in their correspondence of July 27, 1979, requested the endorsement of Mr. Sam L. Cureatz, M.P.P. , in the restriction of parking on Highway 401 at the Wilmot Creek. Mr. Cureatz informed the M.T. C. (August 1 , 1979) that he was in no position to support the proposal; subsequently (August 7, 1979) Mr. Cureatz sugg- ested alternatives to the proposal. The matter was before the Public Works Committee on August 7, 1979, resulting in the passing of Resolution # W-200-79. / 2 . . . WD-6-80 - 2 - On October 30, 1979, Public Works Committee, by Resolution # W-238-79, referred Report No. 210 back to the Director of Public Works who, with Councillor Keith Barr, was to discuss the proposal for parking restrictions with Mr. Sam L. Cureatz. Resolution # W-238-79 was adopted by Council (Resolution # C-1413-79) with the following amendment: "Referred to the Public Works Committee with power to act". Report: The matter was discussed with Mr. Cureatz at a meeting held on November 26, 1979. Those present included representatives from Ontario Hydro and Ministry of Natural Resources, as well as Councillors Clarke and Barr. On November 27, 1979, a verbal report was given to Committee advising that the proposal for parking restrictions at the Wilmot Creek was being further investigated by the Ministry of Natural Resources. The most recent correspondence from the Ministry of Trans- portation & Communications (January 11, 1980) requests a decision of Council to resolve the matter. In recognition of Council's amendment to Resolution W-200-79, the following is recommended: Recommendation: THAT the Ministry of Transportation & Communications be advised of Resolution # C-1413-79 and the amendment thereto and, further, that when the previously expressed concerns of the Town have been resolved, the Public Works Committee. will approve of the proposed parking restrictions on Highway 401 at the Wilmot Creek. JD:vh / | UV . [)n|x|io ' MiOiS(n/ of �--------- ( 1l6 > 24H-] 47i T[aD3pOM8ki0n and CVnnn0UOic8tiOn3 Central Region Traffic , 3501 Duffe/ in Street , Downsvieo, Ontario , M]K lN6 January ll , 1900 Mc . J . Director Of Public Works , Town of Newcastle , Hampton , Ontario . LOB 1 J _ RE : xNY . 401 at Wilmot Creek , .....Pcopooed_packiny_Deatcictioo_ This in further to my letter of September 20 , 1979 and the proposed parking restriction for DWI , 401 ac wi Imo L C ,ork . I realize that the Public Works Committee have found this to be u contentious issue . However , due to the potential hazard on Uwy . 401 and the length of time it will Lake to either process an Ontario Regulation or to come up with an alternative solution Bciwc to the opening of the fishing season in the Spring , we would appreciate a decision by CounciI either for or against the Proposed packing restriction , Yours truly , P . J . Uovon , Area Traffic Analyst fnc : R . « . Shannon , Reg ional Tca [ [ io Dng1neor - 7 Public Works Conunttice October 30, 1979 R"sollART 04-237- 79 '-' Ca Moved b)' Con, Trout seconded by Con, Holliday Garbage 'I'I1AT the ruuummcrtcl;tllort in RePort No, Containers and additional Bowmanville finrh:tl;0 be 1.1lr Ire endorsed ConOral Bus Iness ImprovE.munt Aroa be acquired for fire total rust not to exc'ced 1\�u liowmnnville, at a agreed, and rind that the Board or Managemenittlwill Dollars agreed contribute fifty Per cent of this amount and the '1'o c,� , Town of Newcastle contribute fifty Per cent. "CARRIED" RrsoluC (ort //ld-�:)ti- 7c) !roved by Con. Holl"Y, seconded by Con, Prout Highway Parking, !roved the Di rector's ighway 401 lair;hway 401 , Wilmot No, 2101 relative to No IJi1nwC Creek tlmot Cree!<, be r�'ferred bar}< to Parkin,; Of l+orl<: and Councillor Barr to discuss with the M. P, P the Director Mr. Sam Cureatz. "CARRIED" Moved by Con. !'rout , seconded by Con, Halliday Road '1'I l r1'l' Allowance the rucoM,,rtd;ttloit In Report ;Jo, the nP�trnised value of 202 be endorsed and Between Concess ion S Chu Road A l low,tnce Lots 6 and 7 former Township of llnw n between Lots 6 and 7 Concession g $' , 500. 00 ('1\ o '1'housOnd Five Andru Dollars) and further Eton, be es tab soh ) lashed at ' Darlington ect to the Rrl; loiAl Nunirlp" lit intorrsl in Y OF Durhnm havin that (Long Sault) the said land;;, itc�:;�clutiort //W_ J' no upon' ("Itc Road Al lot,ance he ecl and 1,4-7 t. ]c,s 9 be enacted abuttint, owner, at an c,r[ah.lisirecl :r > conve the Ot, Yed to the nvr t1 r�'c , to �a , I Praised value s this I > all c•c�;;l:; Involved ub,ject to tr:tn:;.iclion in accorall c was in effecting Town Iolicy) , "CARRIED" TOWN 01' NC1'WnSTLIi To : Mr. Jack Dunham, Director of Public Works Prom: J . M. Mc.11roy, Town Clerk Date: October 25 1979 Subject : No Parking, Highway 401 and Wilmot Creek I with reference to your report dated October 17 1979, the following resolution was ijbled but referred to the Public Works Conuni.ttee with power to act. I Resolution UC-1413-79 That the resolution YW200-79 which requested the Ministry to provido some off-Highway parking is being acknowledged and fulfilled . We approve the Ministry of Transportation and Communications ' endorsement of their reconnendation in order that they may proceed in obtaining an Ontario Regulation to prohibit parking on 401 in the area of Wilmot Creek conditional on The Ministry of Natural Resources providing suitable parking on Cobbledick Road south of 401 and north of the Railroad which is in the process of being arranged. t i TOWN Ulu NEWCASTLE PUHUC WURKS DEPARTMENT Director' s Report to Council & Public Works Committee Item: Referred by the Clerk for a report to Public Works Committee. Date: October 17th. , 1979, Subject : No Parking, highway 401 - Wilmot Creek. Background : The attached correspondence of July 27 , 1979 from the Ministry was considered by the Public Works Committee on August 7, 1979. As a result Resolution P W-200--79 was passed, "see attached", Report : Resolution U W-200-79 being a reconuuendatlon of the Public Works Conunittee was adopted by Council. The more recent correspondence of September 20, 1979, "see attached" indicates that resolution 0 200-79 which requested the Ministry to provide some off-Highway parking is being acknowledged and fullfilled. To this end, the Ministry are seeking Councils` endorsement of their recommendation in order that they may proceed In obtaining an Ontario Regulation to prohibit parking on 401 in Che area of Wilmot Creek. The Ministry of Natural Resources has now made application for a Property Access Permit on Cobbledick Road south of 401 and north of the Railroad which can be granted. Conclusion: There are a number of homes on Cobbledick Road south of Highway #2 to whom will experience an impact whereas additional traffic will be in existance when acquiring access to Lhe subject parking area. should also be noted experience that some Property owners in the area may perience pedestrian traffic, who are obtaining access to the Wilmot Creek by way of a short cut, In view of the foregoing, direction is requested in that the Ministry are anxious to construct the. parking area this fall. JD/cc att : ' . . . '/. . 8( 0 . ---`-` ` ---------- ---- `- '---` - -- `------- ----------- Minin!ry of T(anSporm(iOn and COnl[0U0iC3(io0s Control 8c'} ion | raffic / 3501 Du[ [crio SLrunL , Uoxoxview ' UoLurio ` N}K 1N6 . Hr , J . H . Uc [ } roy / [leck , Town u [ N,wcnaLlu . 40 Temp nruoco SLrooL / Ooxmunvillo . OnLorio , ` . L1C 3A6 . ------'— ' —' September 20 , 1979 , Dea r 5ic . Highwuy 401 at Wilmot Creek , ' proPoycd-yorkinq- RuaLricLiuo . This is [urLhcr to my letter o [ July 27 , 1979 ` ' ( copy xU:ched ) and u meciing hr] d an 5cptomber 14 . 1970 nL the o [ [icc of Hr . 5 . CurooLz / H . P . p . ' [oc Durham LnuL io discuss the proposed parking prohihiL / on ooJ vor/ ouu : l ( , r/uiive Purkjoy proposals . The rcnuii or the mcciing ' which was uiicoded by Mayor [: rocL Rickard and Cuum.i ] 1nc Keith Uorr wnu ' th: \ jo order to providc : o olturn// Livn pnc- king loco iiun the Hioi : iry of Noior: l Resources would construct an orcu For Lhu parking of 12 vehicles on Weir property which is located south or Highway 001 / just mut or [nhb1ndick Road , The 12 parking spaces should hoWc the normal daily | demand for parking , any rxruxs 'O: rking requirements � will be v/ci by allowing vrhic ] r: to puck n ] uny the ohou1drrs or Coh|/ lcdick Hood . Ihc shoulders on CubhlnUick Hood ore wide cnough to permit pnrking on both '/ idon of | hc roadway while moini: ioioq two lnn:x or { W [ic . Council ' s coduruumcni or this recommendation would be upprcci : Led in order that we may proceed in Obtaining on Ontario Kugulxiiu/' to prohibit parking for 65U moLrca cast and UDU mcircs west of the NilmoL ---------- ' Y o u r i r I y ` � ( ' I in 11.9 ��t«,...,d �-I 11.1 �IIIi '111011 (416) 571.2004 UNW10 tJ-,G-l:;LA'11W A!;';f:M111.Y corintilm"ficy offira: C1uuun't Turk Ulllca; 1­1()0(l)rlt 44 (J-1 l, 1(11141 511vut La-11 - LoO191ohn BullrMU Sam t_, Guroatz' M,11,(', Ikwrn);ulvlllu. Ontario Ou"n's Park, Toronto Dwhmn Cast LIC 3X.2 Ontario M7A 1A2 (4 16) 623.6663 (416) 06S•4106 r` August 7 , 1979 c� < rj n c � Mr. . R.A. Shannon Central RLgion Office , M`I'C 3501 Dufferin St. Downsview, Ont. MA 1NG Dear Mr. Shannon : Hwy 401. at Wilmot Creek Proposed parking restriction Further to my letter of 1st August, I have had the opportunity of reviewing the matter 'with the Mayor and some of our councillors , and it is suggested that we arrange a meeting in my Bowmanville office for Monday 10th September at 9 . 30 a.m. There have been some alternative suggestions for parking, and they are as follows : 1) Parking at the old gas PUMPS east of Wilmot Creek on the south side of Hwy 2 . (This location would cause some difficulties with people walking to the creek) 2) West of the creek and south of Hwy 2 there is a property owned by, z presume, Natural Resources which might_ be suitable . however, this might cause some entrance problems on Hwy 2 as it is close to two other roads that meet in the vicinity . 3) Parking along the old Kingston Road which is north of Hwy 2 and east of the creek. I might add that this whole issue has been of concern for quite some time to not only police but the municipa ity, and perhaps this is the time to fully look into all a Natives . You s' sincerely , -- - Sato L. Cureatz cc: Mayor Garnet Rickard Town of Newcnstle - Hope you can mes` e the meeting 11 101hnriNl IU u>rdy,Id unaO r1n so at Il,u hnlnw m,vncl.ul.'. (, l \',I C� \(\ t � ,I I �•"1"('�\, -� I Irts� �' 1� 1 : Wut'kn (:rnunilt 1 AtiI� iii l t.1 p , Add lu 1' Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by t'u Rickard clu Mayor iad Signing 1'ilA1' Report 197 , relative to Signing of Area Munici aliti on Regional on Regional Roads , be received fur. information, p es r' Roads "CARRIED'' Resolution #W-200-.79 gloved by Mayor Rickard , sounded by Con, liull.iday rig It was recommended to comic 1 1 l ha C the Ministry r � 1�rs�y,;tiGQ1 'f of Transportation and Cummunl �,iCiuns be advised chat t,{ ° y W,, : ,,.�r� the Town cannot support the proposal for no ' parking; on 401 Highway on the downgrades at Wilmot Creek and parking on Highway #2 and Cobbledick Road and the Ministry be requested to provide some off--highway parking and rest areas in the areas concerned and a copy of the letter be sent to Mr. . Sam Cureatz, M. P. P. "CARRIED'' I Resolution PW-201-•79 Moved by Mayor Ricks1d, seconded by Con. Holliday Road '1'11AT as a result of information from the Director Allowance rind a physical examination of th Lots 24 & 25 it appears Chat it is not feas subject road , the close Colic. 8 & 9 the Road Allowance between Lots 24 and 25, Darlington Concessions d mal 9 , former 'Township of Darlington. "CARRIED" RU-SOJUtion #W-202-•711 Moved by Con. Holliday, sccundcd by Mayor Rickard Adjournment THAT the meeting, adjourn at 1 p .m. "CARR t EW i •' I i ',,��) ) I (1, -1 W,u'I, lP1111flu i I,wlu f (416) 571.208•1 (huonu ('t t6) 0137.4484 w Ouoort's fork 011ico: I_EGISLAIIVE AS Ctv1(ILY l;onsllluuncy 01I1ca: noon 443 ,�� Gti King Slrnwt LoUIslallvu (Judoing aln L, C;ufoalt, M.{',1'• �� & It 'wnuuwltlu. Onlam) Ouoon's Park, Toronlo Durlinrli East LIC JX2 Unlluiu NVA IA2 10 (41G) G;'J GGG:J (4 16) 965.4186 August 1 , 1979 Mr. R. A. Shannon Regional Traffic Engineer Ministry of 'Transportation & Communications Central Region Office 3501 Duf Perin St. Downsview, Ont. M3K 1N6 Dear Mr. Shannon : Hwy 401. at Wilmot Creek 1'a��osccl ��arkinc) re;;triction 1•lith reference to your letter of July 27th, I know this is a problem, but at the moment your alternative suggestions are not appropriate . Firstly, I am sure the residents along Cobbledick Road would not like this volume of traffic and secondly,, there is already traffic congestion at Hwy 2. Hence , 1: am not at this time in a position to support your recommendation. I will be contacting the Mayor of Newcastle and the local and regional councillors for that particular ward to discuss the issue. Yours sincerely, Sar _L:--Cureatz cc: Mayor Garnet Rickard, Town of rewcastle Please review this and give me your views . fl uu, O'u't W IIgdY.IJu,in'"hl A'I.II II u.I,d.... nuul j Ministry of ------ __ Transportation and C e n t ra 1 Req i on T rn f f i c , COmnlurlicaIi01)S 5501 Duifcrin Street , Downs view , On toAo . H3K 1N6 July 27 , 1979 , Mr . S . L . Cureatz , H . P . P . , Durham Cost , Room 443 , Legislative Building , (Queen ' s ('n rk , . Toronto , Ontario . M7A 1A2 Dea r Si r Re : liigharny 401 n W! I Rio L Creck (' rupOsed Arkino nos LAction At the request or the Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police L h i s Office investigated the need For n parking restriction on Highway 401 ho th ea s thound and wes Lhound at tho Wilmot Creek bridge . The study indicated Lhot n seasonal parking problem doer CAsL n this bridge due to the numerous fishermen that are parking along Highway 401 in order to get to Wilmot Creek . the numher of moLoriato parkini) alone Highway 401 c rea tes a ha za rd both to themselves and to the traffic on the Freeway since the approaches to Wilmot Creek are on a downgrade with the visibility o f the parked vehicle being restricted due to the crosts on Highway 401 both east and west of Wilmot Creek . Instances have been noted where vehicles were parked two deep along the freeway and at Limes parked vehicles have actually encroached on the Onsthound driving la no . To dato in 1979 there have been two injury accidents at this location due to parked vehicles . In order to prevent motorists From parking along Highway 401 on the downgrades town rds Wilmot Creek we are proposing to restrict parking on Highw;) y 401 for 650 metres enst and 800 meLres west of the ',Wilmot. Creek slructurc . There is nlLernal:ive ;access to Wilmot Creek either via Highway 2 and Cobbledick Road or the township road sOuLh nF Highway 401 via Hill SLrect . 2 \\ . Your OHM U Gnnn [ u | thin "Cummnnd" O n Quu | d \ ee apprrEinEed . However , if you have ony ohjeeEiono or question, concurninq iL may we hear from you a within n month no that wr may consider any � nppvopriuLo chungus [o the Eecommendution befuLe \ ' iE is submitted for approval by Ontario RegulaLion , \ Yours truly , P . Howes , Arun TraFfic Analyst , ` R . A . Shnnnon , . � Regional TraEric Engineer . IN Ze < } � • . �z : \} � .� /\ \§ � � .� X �} ' 2\ � �® . x\ � � z i , �y .+ ,,1�ii�]AjLA.rat=�"°'^ ...• ._ sm.�o>b@M.�ARe, .�.��._�,_."�_....,....a� inr t��'r� �r'�1%^7�1�,+1 ,�,jr, t r ii f. t,i J•l.��.1,r r•. N�.,v, ,. .'•,•'. -,is �• ;, .r �.,� 0�, .,` ..j."T..-"'.`.�"'_'�r'----�----j---., J. ice._ '� 6�(���/M,�t7,��'.Y'�?�t'`�..±,�%�`K��,t ti•Q'�q��;`,,!'�"ci '7 V�A'.�;j.ay.��u'}�i,r f,X. �.-1,i•,.}�,1' r {• '( ,: • i t \• • ,�.� � r, •+,< t�'�+-�s^i?���a��(,4�;�J;h.�Y.i,'�',%r b�.• �s4Jf,� ' ,,% J?f' f,, l,�,i�" pJp.¢tr�t'�r-�,rP\ti+tl��'y5� .t�T �,,�;t�i, +��1�.;��� ry��J%���ili t�S`�ij,�•��,. � •�.t �Z'' e•�r� ./. r�..�f /`.'�Y,v t1 •�.. >���� � <. � "f,/`�q1Q�' 61' �..-...,-»-..,;_.;.,,�,_.,-r. �'f c;•,, , , ,n , ��� `� .-�,^�)`t,`,�'i-4Y+�Y, .��Y�..J.i'iY1������'t��,� io z LN P U � i . o h L 0 I .Zl X11 ,t^ o � � � N a. x � oh 1 N I O 0 0 e Z /Y n 0