HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-236-79 No. 236 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee. Item: Referral from Town Clerk. Date: December 12, 1979. Subject: ORONO GARBAGE COLLECTION. Background: Orono Hydro Commission has, in the past, administered the collection of garbage within the Police Village of Orono, for the Municipality. As a result of the almalgamation of the Hydro Commissions, it is now indicated that the Town assume the function of administration, former- ly undertaken by Orono Hydro. The attached memorandum, dated November 28, 1979, from the Treasurer, was adopted by Council on December 3, 1979. In that action, Item 2 was referred to the Public Works Committee. Report: At the present time a contractor collects the garbage in the Village of Orono, and the authorization for him to do so is by Resolution of Council and not by a contract. It is felt that, if the Town of Newcastle is to administer this function in the future, a contract is required in order that definitive conditions of same are stipulated as a requirement of a contractor's performance. Recommendation: WHEREAS it is deemed necessary for the Public Works Department of the Town of Newcastle to administer the collection of garbage within the Village of Orono, and in view of the absence of a contract, it is recommended that a tender be called for the same. M I? M 0 R A N D U M TO: Mayor G. B. Rickard and Members of Council FROM: Maas DeGrooL , C.C.A. , Treasurer SUBJECT: Orono Garbage Collection DATE: November 28, 1979. RECOMMENDATION: 1 . That the costs for garbage collection in the Village of Orono be part of the area tax rate for Orono, 2, That the Public Works Committee be requested to review the matter of supervision of garbage collection in the Village of Orono, REPORT: The att.-It-110d rc :;olcit Ion of Lho Nt,wrast le Hydrn-IfIvuric Commission asks that the 'town of Newcastle assume the responsibility for the supervision, billing and collection of the garbage in the Village of Newcastle. The Orono Hydro Commission previously performed these functions for the municipality, and as can be seen, the new Commission does not wish to assume this responsibility. This department cannot continue the billing of rates as has been the practice with the utility included in their monthly bills. I therefore, recommend that this become part of the tax bill for the Village of Orono. The supervision of the garbage pick-up, I believe, is a natural function for the Works Department , but 1 also believe the Department and the Public Works Committee should have an opportunity to review the situation before a decision is made. cc : J . Dunham, Director of Public Works ' �Ic�u�ii��il�• �����r�����;IrM�trfr. t11 �������af►,��� i���� ,. BOWMnNVILLE, ONIAR10 [AC 1,10. TI-IJ.'P11014r 623-4451 November 26, 1979. Mr. Klaus DoGroot, Treasurer, Corporation of tho Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. L1 C 3A6. Re: Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission Rr,solution 65-79 Dear Sir: Please bo advised that the attached Resolution 65-79 was duly moved, seconded and carried out at a special meeting of the Newcastle Hydro Electric Comm.i3sion on November 23, 1979. Yours truly, E. 01. Jenkins, Acting Operations Superintendent, Newcastle Hydrn Electric Commission ED]J/jp { RESULUT ION 65•-71) BE IT RESOLVED that a letter be snnt to the Town Troasurer, Mr. Klauo Oo(;root asking the Town of Newcastle to rjssumo the rospon- sibility for tho 3uporviaion, billing and collection of tho garbnqu in the Villaqo of Orono. Moved by : Cornot Rickard Seconded byi I. McCullough I hereby certify this to be a true copy of 6 Resolution duly moved, seconded and carried out at the speciol meeting of the N©wcestlo Hydro Electric Commission hold on November 23, 1979. S i q nad. Acting Opo tiona Supr�rintnndent • i