HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-210-79 i No. 210. 7 7 3 TOWN OIL' NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Council & Public Works Committee Item: Referred by the Clerk for a report to Public Works Committee. Date: October 17th. , 1979. Subject: No Parking, Highway 401 - Wilmot Creek. Background: The attached correspondence of July 27, 1979 from the Ministry was considered by the Public Works Committee on August 7, 1979. As a -result Resolution # W-200-79 was passed, "see attached". Report: Resolution # W-200-79 being a recommendation of the Public Works Committee was adopted by Council. The more recent correspondence of September 20, 1979, "see attached" indicates that resolution # 200-79 which requested the Ministry to provide some off-Highway parking is being acknowledged and fullfilled. To this end, the Ministry are seeking Councils' endorsement of their recommendation in order that they may proceed in obtaining an Ontario Regulation to prohibit parking on 401 in the area of Wilmot Creek. The Ministry of Natural Resources has now made application for a Property Access Permit on Cobbledick Road south of 401 and north of the Railroad which can be granted. Conclusion: There are a number of homes on Cobbledick Road south of Highway #2 to whom will experience an impact whereas additional traffic will be in existance when acquiring access to the subject parking area. It should also be noted that some property owners in the area may experience pedestrian traffic, who are obtaining access to the Wilmot Creek by way of a short cut. In view of the foregoing, direction is requested in that the Ministry are anxious to Gonstr.uct the parking area this fall. JD/cc att : � } ,J \oJ It! Wt►rlc►t Cnnrrul L L .1u — 9 — Airy;ir►{t 7, 1970 Addendum Resolution /1W-199-79 }' Moved by Con. Holliday,y, seconded by Mayor Rickard Signing THAT Report 197, relative to signing of Area Municipalities an Regional on Regional Roads , be received for information. Roads 9' "CARRIED" y�Resolution /1W-200-79 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. }lolliday Y I t was recommended to Cciunc ( 1 that the Minis try Of 'Transportation and Conuuunications be advised that the Town cannot support the proposal for no parking on 401 Highway on the downgrades at Wilmot Creek and parking on Highway 112 and Cobbledick Road and the Ministry be requested to provide some off-highway parking and rest areas in the areas concerned antl a copy of the letter be sent to Mr. Sam Cureatz, M,p.p, "CARRIED" Resolut� ion (/W_201-79 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Con. Holliday Road THAT as a result of information from the Director Allowance and a physical examination of the subject road, Lots 24 & 25 it appears that it is not feasible to close Colic. 8 & 9 the Road Allowance between hots 24 and 25, Darlington Concessions 8 and 9, former Township of Darlington, "CARRIED" Resolution /1W-202-79 Moved by Con. Holliday, seconded by Mayor Rickard Adjournment THAT the meeting adjourn at 3 p.m. "CARRIED" jn• iw,,�„., CORIJO ZA'r1ON OF '1•i-w -TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 10 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623.3 BOWMANVILLE, ONIAR10 LIC3A6 Oc;tUbcr 1 1919 '. 'p. J. Howes Area Traffic Analyst Ministry of Transportation and Communications 3501 Dufferin Street Downsview, Ontario M3K 1NG Dear Sir: ' Tt�: lli ghway 401 at IWlnx)t C'ro k, Proposed Parking lkc striction Thank you t'or your •lettor (1.1t0d Saptmhor 20 1979, Your letter has lx,en referred to the llircctor of Public Works for a Report and rc c:cxltuc�ndation to tile. Publi(; Works C )frinit tce. We shall adviso of Action talcen in due un>r:,c, Yours vc�r.y truly, JMA4:nof J h i.- Mcllroy, A.M.C.T. cc: Mr. J. Dustin, I C1.erk Public `Yorks Director RECEIVE. ® OCT 2 1979 WORKS DEPT. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE d ' Ontario Ministry of 416/ '2413-- 347 4 ~� Transportation and Communications Central Region Traffic , 3501 Dufferin Street , Downsview , Ontario , M3K 1N6 . Mr . J . M . Ncllroy , Clerk , Town of Newcastle , 40 Temperance Street , Bowmanvil .lo , Ontario , L1C 316 . _ ......�..-w.w......... . . ........�...... _.. September 2 0 , 1979 . Dear Sir , Highway 401 at Wilmot Creek, ' Proposed-Parking^ Restriction_ This is Further to my letter of July 27 , 1979 ) (copy attached ) and a meeting held on September 14 , 1979 of ,the office of Mr . S . Cureatz , M . P . P . For Durham Cast to discuss the proposed parking prohibition and various alternative parking proposals . The resu.lL of the meeting , which was attended by Mayor Garnet Rickard and Councillor Keith Oarr was , that in order to provide ,in alternative par- king locaL.ion the klinisl.ry of Nnt-urol fte:30urces would construct an area for the Lurking of 12 vehicles on their property which is located south of Highway 401 , just elist of Cobbledick Road. The "12 parking spaces should handle the normal daily demand For parking , any excess 'parking requirements will be met by allowing vehicles to park along the shoulders of Cobbledick Road . The shoulders on Cobbledick Road are wide enough to permit parking on both sides of the roadway while maintaining two lanes of t.r,If (ie . Council ' s endorsement of this recommendation would be appreciated in order that we may proceed in Obtaining in Ontario Regulation to prohibit parking for 650 metres east and 800 metres west of the Wilmot r_e77y D Yours truly ,. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE WORKS DEPARTMENT APPLICATION FOR PROPERTY ACCESS 84 OWNERS NAME -I—'j,. Kkt Uj. TELEPHONE 10 1-7 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR ACCESS FROM TOWN ROAD Cob 61 1C_y\ TO THE PREMISES DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS NAME OR NUMBER LOT OR HSE N0. CONCESSIO /PLAN NUMBER/STREET TOWNS: T WN OR VII I.AGf MUNICIPALITY 3 �- _ �� aJ,' k 0. . I /Je "0 CIS PROPOSED AC CE WIDTH EXISTING ACCESS WIDTH SIDE OF ST LOCATION MARKED WI1H DATE TO BE COMPLETED EXPIRY DATE If TEMP '1z 4 o-n e_ '5 hA- , ,e o. CCa 4 /� TYPE: USE: VIA MEANS OF: PERMANENT , RESIDENTIAL ❑ CULVERT TEMPORARY ❑ COMMERCIAL ❑ CURB CUT ❑ ALTERATION TO EXISTING ❑ INDUSTRIAL ❑ FARM BUILDINGS ❑ PaV R M L ANd�OX Cvf"w iR (�,t.cd El COST DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNT NO. SIZE / CULVERT DIAMETER ZY— INCHES x LENGTH FEET I = LENGTH OF CURB CUT FEET Q - LENGTH OF CURB TO BE FORMED FEET a) TOTAL COST $ rSKETCH (NOT TO SCALE) Pay l RD.NAME R NO. LOT NO. INDICATE 0 1 /"'MFT OR NO, L . NORTH �1 LSTREET LINE —• — — — — - ✓..- — — — -- -- — --• -- -- — --J BOULEVARD Cobb� e- d ROAA NAME OR NUMB/ER�^,� /� Q�+ .�b�"' REMARKS�� (� X V� .Q•� (mil' t�odJ 'r+l S 6 -tc (,taPfG��C� CY,�! 1 (�� Q4 � �tY 01k AGREEMENT I HEREBY REQUEST THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TO MAKE THE ABOVE DRIVEWAY OPENING(S)AND AGREE TO PAY THE TOWN THE TOTAL COST THEREOF AS DETERMINED BY THE DIRECTOR OF WORKS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TOWN'S POLICY GOVERNING DRIVEWAY OPENINGS.I FURTHER AGREE THAT THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINT • AN OF ANY APPROACH RAMP ON TOWN PROPERTY. SIGNED:OWNER/AGENT ADDRESS APPROVED:TOWN OF NEWCASTLE DATE While•Public Works Office,Blue•Works D,••• nk-Building Depl.,Yellow•Applicant. 7543 MEMORANDUM TO Jack Dunham, Dbcectoh o6 Pubf-i.c WonLW FROM: Mayo. Gwcne-t. B. Ri.ckoAd VATE: Aug"t 14th, 1979 SUBJECT: Highway 401 at Wi mot Cheek Pu po.a ed PaAku ng Re t4u c t i.o n Ptea.ee 6ind attached eop.ieb 06 eovLupondence 6Aom Sam CUAeatz'b 066ice uganding the above noted 4abjeet. I would appneci.ate any comment6 you may have on .th,i.d matteh. Gahne-t B. R,i,ckwcd. ' AUC 14 1979 WORK: KEPT. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE M h M U R A N D U M To: Mayor Garnet: B. Rickard, From: J. Dunham, birvetor of Public: Works, Subject: Highway 401. at Wilmot Greek. Proposed Parking Restriction. Date: August 15, 1979. i W rah reference to your memorandum of August 14, 1979, this matter Was',the subject of discussion at the Public Works Committee of August 71, 1979, resulting in the following: Resolution # W-?.00--79 Moved by Mayor Rickard, seconded by Councillor Holliday: THAT tho Town cannot support the. proposal for 'no parking' on 401 Highway on the downgrades at Wilmot Creek and 'parking' on Highway ll 2 and Cobbledick Road and the Ministry he requested to }provide some off-highway parking; and rest: areas, in the area con- cerned, and a copy Of the letter be sent to Mr. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. The above was included in Report No. 3 (Item 19) to Council and was adopted on August 13, 1979. I trust the foregoing information will clarify this matter. yl _ _—____ •�N, .. `%'«+.�-,.mss-.. '(y CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERIC 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 620•307 L I C 0A6 August 14, 1979 i I I Mr. P. J. Howes, Traffic Analyst, Central Region Traffic Ministry Of Transportation and Cbrtmunications, 3501 Dufferin Street, Lbwnsview, Ontario. h13K 1N6 Dear Mr. Howes:- Re: Highway 401 at Wilmot C-eels Proposed Parking Restrictions kli.rther to our letter of August discussed at the meting o e 1, 1979, Works Otter was g Cbtrmittee on August 7, 1979 and their recmn)endation was adopted by Council on August 13, 1979" as follows: "THAT the Zbwn cannot support the proposal for no parking' on 401 Highway on the downgrades at Wilmot Creek and 'parking' on Highway ##2 and Cbbbledick Road and the Ministry be requested to provide some off-highway parking and rest areas, in the area concerned, and a copy of the letter be sent to Mr. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P.". Yours very truly, .�..,, •RECEIVED AUG 14 1979 Gertrude D. Gray W"• ICI J, Deputy Cleric/CXxrmittee Secretary 'j TOWN OF NEWC f,,,TL 99 C.C. Director of Public Works ✓ M W. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. I i 0) 571-2084 Ontario (416) 087-4404 Consilluoncy Office: LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Quoan'» Park Olt{co; ' 68 King Strout East a03.. - Room 443 E3owmanvillo• Ontario Legislative Building Sam L. Cureatz, M,P.P. L1C 3X2 Queen's Park, Toronto Durham East Ontario M7A tA2 (416) 623-6663 (416) 065-4106 August 7, 1979 Mr. R.A. Shannon Central REgion Office, MTC 3501 Dufferin St. Downsview, Ont. M3K lN6 Dear Mr. Shannon: Hwy 401 at Wilmot Creek Proposed parking restriction Further to my letter of lst August, I have had the opportunity of reviewing the matter 'with the Mayor and some of our councillors, and it is suggested that we arrange a meeting in my Bowmanville office for Monday 10th September at 9 . 30 a.m. There have been some alternative suggestions for parking, and they are as follows : 1) Parking at the old gas pumps east of Wilmot Creek on the south side of Hwy 2. (This location would cause some difficulties with people walking to the creek) 2) West of the creek and south of Hwy 2 . there is a property owned by, I presume, Natural Resources which might be suitable. However, this might cause some entrance problems on Hwy 2 as it is close to two other roads that meet in the vicinity. 3) Parking along the old Kingston Road which is north of Hwy 2 and east of the creek. I might add that this whole issue has been of concern for quite some time to not only police but the municipality, and perhaps .this is the time to fully look into all a e�natives. You s/sincerely, cc: Mayor Garnet Rickard in L. Cureatz Town of Newcastle -- Hope you can e the meeting II Inrrnrod IU tnply,pinnso rtn so nt Ihu hutnw mnrknd nrlrhuas � � \ � ��•l � `1 ( \ �txtrJ r > L LOA t HO 416)671-2084 Ontario (416) 987-4484 Queen's Park Qttico: LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY Cortstituuncy gtlico; Room 443 �C6,� 68 King Streot East LegIslativo Building Sam L. Curoatz, M,p.p. Bowmonvillo, Ontario Ouoon's park, Toronto Durham East ��G L 1C 3X2 Ontario M7A 1A2 (416) 623-6663 i (416) 965-4186 August 1, 1979 Mr. R.A. Shannon Regional Traffic Engineer Ministry of Transportation & Communications Central Region Office 3501 Dufferin St. Downsview, Ont. M3K 1N6 Dear Mr. Shannon: Hwy 401 at Wilmot Creek i i�roposed parking restriction With reference to your letter of July 27th, I know this is a problem, but at the moment your alternative suggestions are not appropriate. Firstly, I am sure the residents along Cobbledick Road would not like this volume of traffic and secondly,, there is already traffic congestion at Hwy 2. Hence, x am not at this time in a position to support your recommendation. I will be contacting the Mayor of Newcastle and the local and regional councillors for that particular ward to discuss the issue. Yours s ' ncerely, g Cureatz cc: Mayor Garnet Rickard, Town of Newcastle Please review this and give me your views. II nul nnnl in luply,Id„neu,In an„1 Ih„1 u,4,w 1111141111,ul,in,a5 i6a1i41 1111nwmnnvdly( IC)vhnw„ ,,,in ik' Ontario 416- 248- 3474 Ministry of Transportation and Central Region Traffic , Communications 3501 Dufferin Street , Downsview , Ontario . i 113K 1 N 6 July 27 , 1979 . Mr. S . L . Cureatz , M . P . P . , Durham East , Room 443 , Legislative Building , Queen ' s Park , . Toronto , Ontario . M7A 1A2 Dear Sir : Re : Highway 401 at Wilmot Creek Proposed i',irkinc� liestriclio►� At the request of the Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police this office investigated tile need for n parking ,restriction on Highway 401 both eastbound and westbound at. the Wilmot Creek bridge . The study indicated that a seasonal parking problem does exist at this bridge due to the numerous fishermen that are parking alone Highway 401 in order -to get to Wilmot Creek . The number of motorists parkino along Highway 401 creates a hazard both to themselves and to the traffic on the freeway since the approaches to Wilmot Creek are on a downgrade with the visibility of the parked vehicle being restricted due to the crests on Highway 401 both east and west of Wilmot Creek . Instances have been noted where vehicles were parked two deep along the freeway and at times parked vehicles have actually encroached on the eastbound driving lane . To date in 1979 there have been two injury accidents at this location due to parked vehicl.es . In order to prevent motorists from parking along Highway 401 on the downgrades towards Wilmot Creek we ore proposing to restrict parking on Highway 401 for 650 metres east and 800 metres west of the 'Nilmot Creek structure . There is n 1 terna Li ve ,access to Wilmot Creek either via Highway 2 and Cobbledick Road or the township road south of Highway 401 via Mill Street . . . . . . . 2 Your ondorsement of thin recommendation would be appreciated . However , if you hove any objections or questions concerning -it may we hear from you within a month so that we may consider any � I appropriate changes to the recommends Lion before in submitted For approval by Ontario Regula -ion . Yours truly , P Howes , „ Aron Traffic Analyst , ,i for R . A . Shannon , Regional Traffic Engineer . I a � I i ''t I Vt o � � A � Q � � o k tv � 7 tx V � c V V Gol38CE13 .G'a' kb. —' i • 4 � • r •7p"1��11���,'���h''�,2�1�`L.6h•,bt'T`'�J,j'l�y '•�A,. �1��",•fc� ��'��' ,;�•„�.;".�SU.r•,r� �,�tiitr� r'F '`i��,r ),';`.ct'.,� ,,�,�,4� .• l..t,.�,. .. 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