HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-173-79 No. 173. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT. Director's Report to Public Works Committee. Item: Correspondence received from Mr. M. Karas. Date: June 28, 1979. Subject: Prestonvale Road. Part Lot 33, Concession 2, former Darlington. Background: The attached correspondence, received from Mr. Michael Karas, requests that Prestonvale Road be designated as a Class A Public Street. Report: At the present time a portion of Prestonvale Road is a Forced Road and is designated as 'Unimproved' in By-Law 2111. The writer of the attached is of the opinion that there will be no change in Prestonvale Road and that it should, in fact, be redesignated. It may be a fair assumption that Prestonvale Road would remain a Local Road; however, this factor has not been totally resolved as yet and I would, therefore, be hesitant to recommend any redesignation. Even if Prestonvale Road is, event- ually, a Local Road, some type of improvements will be necessary to same. Recommendation: THAT the request to redesignate Prestonvale Road be held in abey- ance until other matters are resolved. I (.'-ORPC)RAI'I(:)N OF THE. 10\/%/N OF: NEWC_//Ai,STL.E PUBLIC WORKS DEPARMIM' I.W.Dunham,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB UO TEL.0 16)2630231 Mr. Michael Karas, R.R. # 4. Prestonvale Road, OSHAWA. Ontario. June 28, 1979. Dear Sir: Re: Part Lot 3_3, Concession 2, former Darlington. With reference to your enquiry regarding the status of Preston- vale Road fronting your property, I would answer same as follows:- Item 1. To designate or classify Prestonvale Road, in front of yourproperty, as "Class A Public Street" is a matter for the Public Works Committee and thus will be placed on the next Agenda for consideration. Until any proposed changes have been resolved it is difficult to determine what status Prestonvale Road may have. It would be most helpful if you could forward a plai or sketch defining the exact location of your property in relation to the road itself. Item 2 This refers to the possibility of a severance and, as such, is under the jurisdiction of the Nanning Department. Your enquiry will be forwarded to that Department in order that they may provide information, or necessary action, directly to you. I look forward to receiving the plan., as mentioned, and will advise you of the outcome of the matter following the next meeting of the Public Works Committee. I. trust the foregoing is satisfactory, and assure you of my best attention at all times. Yours truly, J. Dunham. Director. . cc: D.N. Smith. Director of Planning. JD:A att: Mr. Michael Karas, R.R. # 4 Prestonvale Rd. , :!: Oshawa, Ontario. Director of Public Works, Hampton, Town of Newcastle, Ontario. Attention: Mr. J. Dunham Dear Sir: Re: Prestonvale_Road, Part Lot 33j Conc. 2 It seems that according to your planning department there will be major changes in the Court:ice Prestonvale Area. I am contemplating to build a home on the remaining part of my property of the Part Lot 33, Conc. 2. 1 therefore, ask you if you could .look into these possibilities for me. I.- To designate or classify the Prestonvale Road in front of my property as Class A from present Forced road, 2.•- Advise me what should be done to request a reverence of my property since I now have a bungalow on a portion of it. As I note on the preliminary .road map of the area there will be no change in the Ptestonvale Road, so perhaps redesignation will be in order since my property is close to the end of the open part of the road. My present frontage of the property is 219 feet by a depth of 600 feet. [ would appreciate your effort and co-operation in helping me out, and shall await your reply. Yours truly, Michael Karas "`3 Mkt:1f G :3 All f_Y I E k A N D D 11 To: D, N. Smith, Director of Planning. From: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. Subject : Part Lot 33, Concession 2, Darlington. Date: June 28, 1919. Attached please find copy correspondence received from Mr. M. Karas, regarding the redesLgnation of Prestonvale Road, and Report No. L73 which will he submitted to the next meeting of the Public Works Committee on July 10, 1979, Mr. Kar.as is enquiring about the possibility of obtaining a severance, and it would be appreciated if you would answer same. Thanking you for your attention to this matter. r t, Per J . Dunhnm.