HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-151-79 -7) No. 151. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee. Item: Referral from Town Manager. Date: April 23, 1979. Subject: DANAD PROPERTIES LIMITED. Part of Lots 11 & 12, Concession 2, Bowmanville. Background: The attached correspondence was referred to the Public Works and Planning Departments, for comment, by the Town Manager. Report: The subject matter was reviewed, and our Solicitor's opinion sought, and comments were made as per the attached. Upon further review of the matter Danad Properties Limited have expressed the opinion that they prefer to resolve the issue prior to the negotiation of an Agreement, their point being that they could now put the land into Land Titles. Mr. Fine, in his letter of March 2, 1979, suggests two alter- natives for consideration, on which I would comment as follows:- Alternative 1. I do not agree with the content of this suggestion in that the Municipality would give title to those lands and streets in consideration of future streets as required relevant to an Agreement. Alternative 2. This makes reference to the Town agreeing to be a co-applicant with Danad Properties Limited for the purpose of putting the necessary lands into Land Titles, at no expense to the Town. - In my opinion the Town should not become a co-applicant prior to the negotiation of an Agreement. pr Recommendation: THAT the matter of conveying certain streets within Danad Properties Limited, form part of the negotiations of a Subdivision Agreement. i � BROWN. RENG.. O.L.S. 416-623-7251 MERRILL D. BROWN LIMITED Zand -Suzue-ying and EnyinEF-zing 121 QUEEN STREET BOINMANVILLE. ONTARIO LIC 1M7 June 14, 11979. Mr. Jack Dunham, Director of Public Works, Town of Newcastle,, Municipal Offices, HAMPTON, Ontario. RE: Hambly & El'-in Street Closings Pt., of Lot 12,, Con c. 2, (Bowmanville .) To-v,,n of Newcastle. Dear Sir: Further to your recent directive, I have deposited the metric reference plan as Plan 10 R 971x, ei,:,-C>ht copies of which are el.r1closed for your use. The following, description, is suggested for the Notice of Closing and subsequent conveyance: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Newcastle, Regional Municipa`ty of Du_rham, Province of Ontario , and being composed of all of unopened Hambly Street and. all that portion of unopened Elgin Street according a plan of the North one-.half of To-vmship Lot Twelve (12) in the Second Concession of the former ToAm of Bowmanville made by L. H. SI­_='t-J , P.L.S. , for William Hambly, filed in the Land Registry Office for tl.-,e I T ., more particularly Registry Division of Newcastle (,110) on March 3 , 1857 as Pa ) according to Plan 10 R 9 p designated rt One (1' 74-:, deposited in the aforementioned errentioned Land. Registry Office on June 8, 1979. I trust that the enclosures will enable you to proceed in t'ne closing of these streets. A statement of my account for this wo::-k :LE; also enclosed. `Tours 71ery truly, M.. D. Brown,, Ontario Land Surveyor. CIU S PLAN {MATERIAL PLASTIC MATERIAL - MYLAR ART L GAUGE - 0.003 INCH hembt) PROCESS - PHOTOGRAPHIC Shorlt, INK SPECIAL*T* Road Allowance Between Concessions 2 and 3 �Fd.(1005) N.w.AmWe Lot 12 concession 2 CD O N In No l.jO 14993 oFd.(roo5) 15.09 N72 032'50"E ❑ post and I mire t'ence Fd.(1005) Fd.(f005) c i J I i ° I � I ti _ ar Ll r`: I rn r` r- J'l i 42 O? J O � ° g 2 .o g z C) Z Reset C _ a Fd.(!005)0 4 deep Qt O Fd.trC05} ? in cvltwated longs r; 56'E 282.38 – Re$te mo open `-- Mombly (not Stredt ) Fd.(!0057 0.4deap N 71°56 E in cultivcted IOnds — 2f?�.3� � Fd.(1005) 1'� � I ~ PART I rV c o W C c �- T p rJ O cc 3 0 3 � I i.:1 0 z po S1 nd mire Fence mprkittg `{ one_tf9 o+�d z"fh one-h< Fd.(t005)I Fd.(1005) `1 L} 15.09 N71004E (N72'26'30"E 1nsf.^ - L CJ 01 3 LQ Z c � SCHEDULE I REUUk L THIS PLAN TO BE DILPOSI I Lf) ',-ION AREA INST NS UNDER THE REGISTRYACT IOR 9 PLfUld ;in St.,L.N. 1.630 hectare no deed found RECEIVED AND DEPOSITED 12-21 bow. June 8, 1979. Dote r CA ?VF Date IZZY Signature L REGISTRAR E M.D. Brown b Name in Print REGt ST D I VIS 10 N OF NE'VVCAME.(NQ 10) PLAN OF SURVEY OF ALL OF HAMBLY STREET AND PART OF ELGIN STREET, ACCORDING TO L.H. SHORTT'S PLAN OF PART OF TOWNSHIP LOT 12, CONCESSION 2, OF THE FORMER TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE, NOW WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE Town of Newcastle REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM SCALE 1 . 4000 M.D. BROWN O.L.S. 1979 Sorri 30M to a- 50m 1OOm 150m 200.m SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT.' 1.This survey and plan are correct and in occordance with the Surveys Act and the Registry Act and the regulations mode thereunder, 2.The survey was completed on the 14 th.day of May, 1979. May 29, 1979. i�Z M D. BROWN ,,torjo Land Surveyor BEARING REFERENCE Bearings shown on this plan are astronomic, derived from solar observation at the meridion through the north west angle of )at 12, concession 2,geogroph;c township of dorlington.(!crigitude 78'42'west; Denotes Standard Iron Bar 25 mm Square 1.22 long sste Denotes Standard Iron Bar 25 mm square 0.76 long + Denotes Iron Bar 15 mm square 0.6 tong Denotes Iron Bar 20 mm round 0-6 long PL Denotes planted. rd. Denotes found. METRIC.* measurements shown on this plan are in metres and may be converted MERRILL D.BROVfiq LIMITED iirnit bat."n north to feet by dividing by 0.304 8 LAND SURVEYING AND ENGINEERING :,i 12.ooncv"ion 2 121 QUEEN STREET BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO. PHONE'416-623-7251 LIC-ITA7 CAUTION*THIS PLAN IS NOTA PLAN OF Dote: May 29,1979. SUBDIVISION WITHIN THE MEANING - OF THE PLANNING ACT I : 4000 Dro=by: File: D.G.C. 79114