HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-120-79 N Report No. 120 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee. Item: Resolution # W-18-79. Date: February 14, 1979. Subject: Frank Street Drainage. Background: The Public Works Committee, on February 6, 1979, received a Delegation regarding rear-lot drainage on Frank Street. Report: As a result of hearing the Delegation, Resolution # W-18-79 was passed, as follows:- "THAT the Public Works Director investigate the possibility of installing a catch basin at Queen and George Streets, and Mrs. Pickard be invited back to the next Meeting on March 6, 1979". Storm Sewers do not exist in or near the area of Queen and George Streets, therefore a catch basin would serve no useful purpose. Recommendation: There is no recommendation in relation to Resolution # W-18-79. � r t l ei JD:vh �� a� tV Report No. 116. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Public Works Committee. Item: W-409-77 & W-420-77. Date: January 29, 1979. Subject: Frank Street, Bowmanville - Drainage. Background: For the past number of years, rear lot drainage on the west side of Frank Street has been a matter of debate and concern. Report: The subject was inspected during Road Inspection Tour on April 28, 1977, and discussed at the subsequent Meeting of the Public Works Committee on May 12, 1977. Report # 36 details action taken by the Committee and Report # 53, and TM-1-77 (attached) are as a result of Resolution # W-409-77 and W-420-77 respectively. The Bowmanville Storm Drainage Study Report, which was com- pleted in 1978, makes reference to Frank Street and includes comments relevant to back-lot drainage. �a IV FRANK STREET DRAINAGE Resolution # W-409-77: THAT this matter be referred to the Director of Public Works and the Town Manager for further consideration. Resolution # W-420-77: THAT Report TM-1-77 of Mr. A. Guiler (dated November 15, 1977) be received for information and that the Director of Public Works brings the area in question to the attention of the Consultants conducting the Storm Sewer Study, and that this area is further discussed when the Study is completed and the recomm- endations have been received. i 11Corporatton of The Town of . ewcaale �u��ic ' or�� ►e�i�rt�rer�t J. DUNHAM, Director Hampton,Ontario LOS 11.10 Mr. D.R. Bourne, 416: 263.2231 Totten, Sims, Hubicki & Associates Limited, 1A King Street East, COBOURG. Ontario. K9A 4L1. December 20, 1977. Dear Sir: Re: Storm Sewer Study - Bowmanville. ith reference to the above, the subject of back,-lot drainage on Frank Street, Bowmanville, has been of concern for some time. On December 8, 1977, the Public Worics Committee passed the following Resolution (# W-420-77) , which was endorsed by Council on December 19, 1977:- ". . . . that the Director of Public Works brings the area in question to the attention of the Consult- ants conducting the Storm Sewer Study, and that this area is further discussed when the Study is complet- ed and the recommendations have been received". Accordingly, it would be appreciated if note could be made of the above. Thanking you for your attention to the foregoing. Yours truly, J. DUNHAM. Director. TM-1-77 TO: Public Works Committee FROM: A. Guiler, Town Manager DATE: November 15, 1977 SUBJECT: Frank Street Drainage. As requested, I reviewed the matter of the Frank Street Drainage with Jack Dunham and we made an on site inspection on November 15. I also reviewed the previous reports submitted by the Director of Public Works. In the Director's report of June 21, 1977, he states "that the Drainage Problem would appear to be a Civil Matter and not totally a Municipal concern", and I concur with this observation. IDIn our opinion, the ultimate solution to the problem would be to reconstruct the Storm Sewers on Prince Street from Frank Street to Simpsons Avenue and then construct a Storm Sewer on Frank Street to Prince Street under the Local Improvement Act. t z I REPORT # 53 June 27, 1977. To: Chairman & Members of the Public Works Committee. From: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. Subject: FRANK STREET. Resolution # W-158-77 (Public Works Committee of June 9, 1977) requested a report on the above. Frank Street, from King to Prince Street, is approximately 760 feet in length. The existing width of pavement is from 31 feet to 25 feet. The total right-of-way width is 66 feet, with no parking restrictions, sidewalks, storm sewers or curbs. So m e time ago a request was submitted for a sidewalk, making mention of the hazardous situation relating to parking in the area of the Dominion and Brewers Retal stores. Drainage is also a concern in the area. In the existing Needs Study, Frank Street, from King to Prince Street, is not deficient, and in 1975 had an A.A.D.T. of 430. Until Frank Street can be determined as deficient, it will be very difficult to obtain Provincial funding for re- construction. 1 In view of the above information, I cannot recommend any further engineering expenditure, etc. , at this time. I would, however, recommend that consideration be given to parking restrictions on one side of Frank Street (from King Street southerly, for a short distance. This would improve the visibility at the King Street and Frank Street intersection ). In conclusion, the proposed Storm Sewer Study, when completed, could enable us to update the Needs Study, and show the subject street as being deficient. I REPORT # 36 May 19, 1977. To: Chairman & Members of the Legislation & By-Laws Committee. From: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. a Subject: Frank Street: King to Prince, Bowmanville. During the Road Inspection Tour on Thursday, April 28th, 1977, the abovementioned was inspected and discussed. Present on that day were Mayor G.B. Rickard, Councillors R..-B. Taylor, R. Dykstra, A. Gray, D.W. Allin, with Superintendent F. Brown and the writer also in attendance. The subject of concern is the backlot drainage south of MacDonald Ford and west of Frank Street, and is a matter which requires consideration and attention. The abovementioned was discussed at the Public Works Committee Meeting on May 12th, 1977, and in view of any possible legal implications, it was decided this should be ref- erred to the Legislation and By-Laws Committee for clarification and comment. g Resolution # W-136-77, Public Works Committee, subsequently adopted by Council, is attached for your files. /11�7 7 Y-1 ffff L9 GQ/y ..�.Iell xNa