HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-79 Courtice Storm Water TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director's Report to Council. June 21, 1979. Subject: COURTICE STORM WATER MANAGEMENT STUDY. Background: On May 1, 1979, Public Works Committee endorsed Report # 147 and recommended same to Council. With reference to the subject matter, on May 7, 1979, Council adopted the recommendation, as follows:- "THAT, conditional upon the Terms of Reference being reconfirmed by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Storm Water Manage- ment Study for Courtice be initiated, to be completed by January, 1980." Report: As a result of a discussion with Mr. W. Campbell, Manager of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, correspondence was received on May 22, 1979, regarding the proposed Terms of Refer- ence (see attached) . The Conservation Authority is recommending additions and revisions to the Terms of Reference and this is causing concern in that the proposals will increase the cost of the Study by $15,000. 00. The major item of concern to the Authority is the quality of water. On June 13, 1979, Mr. Guiler, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Patchell (Totten Sims Hubicki & Associates Limited) and I met to discuss the pro- posed revisions to the Terms of Reference. The Conservation Authority expressed the opinion that the aspects of water quality impairment, siltation and sedimentation are of great importance and should be included in the subject Study. It is our opinion that if the above aspects are to be included this part of the Study should be funded by Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority; however the Authority disagrees stating that the Municipality should have some concerns relevant to the effect development may contribute to existing creeks, and the possible impact on water quality. Mr. Campbell, by telephone, has advised Mr. Guiler that the Town may make application to Central Lake Ontario Conservation Auth- ority for funding assistance regarding the additions to the Study (i.e. $15,000. 00). If an application were to be approved the Town would received 55% of that amount, namely $8, 250. 00. Conclusion: In view of the foregoing Staff now require a decision of Council regarding additional funding, prior to the subject Study being initiated. The Cost Estimate (obtained in January, 1978, and reconfirmed in April, 1979), being in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the Study, was $28,500. 00; however, should the proposals of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority be incorporated, the cost to the Town of Newcastle of the Courtice Storm Water Management Study, would be $36,750. 00 Director of Public Works. �AKt O U 4(� �.1�.;:�'a CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSEERVATION AUTHORITY 1650 DUNDAS SIREEl' EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO, UN 2K8 (416)579-0411 REV-NO, L--3-5 may 17, 1979• Mr. Jack Dunham, Director of Public Works , - Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, FR ECEIv E, �� Department of Public Works , Municipal Building, l.'A t Hactpton, Ontario, O?7U LOB 1JO Dear Sir: TO"qj OE NE.WC Sukdect _ Storm Water Management Study, Courtice Area We have reviewed a copy of the proposal submitted to the Town of Newcastle by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited for the proposed Storm Water Management Study of the proposed Courtice Development area , and submit the following comments for your review and consideration. The majority of those areas of concern to the Authority, as expressed in our original input to the study' s terms of reference will be adequately studied, according to this proposal . It is essential that the impacts of development and associated storm sewerage works be determined and evaluated in terms of the total unconfined acquifer associated with the Lake Iroquois glacio)acustrine beach and shoreline, and that the hydrological (surficial ) ane hydraulic investigations involving quantity (and rates , etc. ) include the entire creek systems within the analysis area. We believe that the "Study Area" as described on Page 2 covers such areas . We recommend the following ,told i l i ons or revisions to the proposal : 1 . The aspects of water quality impairment and siltation and sedimentation warrant greater aLl-ention.. In that a substantial proportion of pollu- tants from development areas is carried with sediment or in suspension through the storm sewer , stem, the proposal should indicate that specific analyses of water quality controls are to be made. The quality control analysis could be made, ill part , in conjunction with studies asselsslnq UN 111V "I+ l l"rl%rWIPHl KH .rnrl nl lldl loo ( "HLI01 Inch lllc5 , CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY �� Mr. Jack Dunham - 2 - May 17, 1979 ,i 2. Given the natural and aesthetic character of the Farewell Creek valley system, the proposal should document the benefit and necessity of attempting to alleviate potential downstream problems on-site or immediately off-site, Study objective 3 , set out on Page 3, can be. interpreted as implying that downstream remedial works are already viewed as the major means of minimizing impact. 3. Clarification of the nwins of determining the impacts of possible drawdown of groundwater levels , or fluctuations in groundwater levels is required. The proposal indicates , on page 7, that the sub-surface investigation will attennt to es,t�abl isle. a relationship between ground water- level variations and impacts or vegetation. A more definite statement and more detailed breakdown of the Proposed methodology and components of the groundwater analysis A warrranLed. 4. The proposal does not address the passibility that a,opropri ate measures are not available to adequately minimize impacts , given the nature, extent and severity of impac.i.s as ra result of development in certain areas. Should development of highly sensitive portions of the Court ice development area not be deemed environmentally acceptable based on impact assessment , the Proposal should indicate that the non-development areas within the current envelope will be deline<atcd . 5. Those agencies and/or representatives to sit on the Technical Review Committee should be identified. 6. Further to items 3 and 4 on page 12 , it may be prudent to have the study include recommendations on cost apportionments , at least for the major recommended schemes that are external to specific development sites. We trust that the foregoing comments are of assistance to your review of the study proposal . Yours very truly, �) l Robert W. Me.sservey , Conservation Sc rcrvi ;or . RWM/klt cc Mr , Don Smith, Director of Planning, Town of Newcastle No. 147 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Director' s Report to Public Works Committee. Item: Referral from Council. Date: April 19, 1979. Subject: COURTICE Storm Water Management Study. Background: A Storm Water Management Study for Courtice was proposed, by other authorities, in 1.977. From November 1977 to January 1978 Terms of Reference and Cost Estimates were prepared, and at that time the Central. Lake Ontario Conservation Authority indicated concurrence with same. -Report: The Terms of Reference for the Study were proposed as follows:- I• To review all existing relative studies, reports and avaj_lable data, including but not limited�to:- i) ]lousing and secondary planning studies (1975) prepared for the Town by a consulting group. Storm Drainage Report (1976) by G.M. Sernas & Associates Limited. Hydrological and Hydraulic Impact Study of the Courtice Heights Development on. the Downstream Creeks (1977) by a consulting group. iv) Bird and Hzle Consultants report for Alliance EXUrban Developments. V) Gartner Lee Associates' Report in reference to Sensitive Areas Study and Mapping Projects. vi) Paul Thiel Associates' Report: "A New Approach to Engineering and Planning for Land Developments". I /2. . . No. 147. t Courtice Storm Water Management Stud. contd. . . vii) Project Planning Associates' Report on the "Maintenance and Liability Aspects, Meadowvale West Lake, Mississauga". viii) Published reports and data on ground water, well records, surficial hydrology, soils, geology, topography, vegetation, climatology. The main Objectives of the Study, which are outlined in the Terms of Reference, are:- II. That the Consultants work would encompass the following:-- i) The identification and assessment of the problems related to storm water/surface runoff drainage, within the Courtice envelope. Assessment of groundwater hydrology characteristics of the Study area and determine the effects of groundwater extractions from the acquifer as a result of the proposed development on the natural recharge and discharge processes within the area. The development of alternative storm water management plans for the proposed Courtice development, to alleviate the drainage problems, including remedial measured for the minimization of their impacts on the downstream areas. iv) The recommendation of a single Storm Water Management Plan. V) The preparation of a pre-engineering report on the recommended alternative Storm Water Manage- ment Plan. The Cost Estimated, as submitted in January, 1978, for the subject Study, was $28,500. 00 (Twenty- Eight Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars). COMMENT: 1. The proposed Terms of Reference were acceptable to the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority in January of 1978 but would, at this time, need to be reconfirmed. ;r 2. The Cost Estimate of January, 1978 (see above) , hna been confirmed by the Consultantsi on April POf 190), iiiid wIlt romnin tit $28,500. 00 No. 147. Courtice Storm Water Management Study. contd. . . Recommendation: THAT, conditional upon the Terms of Reference being re-confirmed by the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, the Storm Water Management Study for Courtice be initiated, to be completed by January, 1980. 4 JD:vh i