HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-27-75 (I V) Reort N LQjL_.ZZ P PJBL,�` ;3,HC)3L . A.ij..Itce.rit to this school on Ontario 0"treet, a pedes- I tri.4.i cross-wallk exists , supposedly used by school child- ")rl 'clon6"'Y I Novem:1,er 10, 19759 during the hours of 8: 30 A.1 . to 9:00 A.M. , I was appallled as to the common pn.-ictise Being used to cross the street to get to school. �tr'ldren are crossing this street anywhere and everywhere. Tlle motorist has no chance at ail not knowing where to stop. If they stop for the cross-walk where they should stop , the children cross behind the vehicle or in some cases a considerable distance in front of the vehicle. Also, in some cases, cars will stop directly under the cross-walk sign and discharge children. Again the on coming motorist is completely confused. After what I have witnessed here, the following are my recommendationst (1) That this cross-walk be enforced with a school patrol. (2 ) That this cross-walk be removed entirely. Again, I say signs and markings alone are not recomm- ended, unless someone enforces them constantly. Therefore, I favour recommendation number one. J. Dunham, Director Public Works Department.