HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-35-75 M E M 0RANDUM __ No. 35 TO: Ivan M. Hobbs, Chairman of Public Works Committee FROM: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works Department SUBJZCT: Centralization of Public Works DATE: October 22, 1975 The above subject has been discussed briefly in the past 10 months. On March 27, 1975, the Co- ordinating Committee of the Road Needs Study reviewed the report on Equipment Housing. At that time it was learned that 8 additional bays were needed to meet todays needs. It was also noted that the 1975 Capital fore- cast included $90,000 for a Works Department Building and a further $40,000 for Works Depart- ment Buildings (Salt Storage) being a total of $130 000. Action taken on this information was Resolution #R.N.-11-75 which stated that "this Committee approve of the construction of a ten bay garage, at an estimated cost of $500,000.00 to replace at least one existing facility. Con- struction to take place during the year 1976-78". Many decisions have to be made prior to any action such as a geographic location, land ac- quisition, etc. All this could and likely will take 12 months to complete. If so where would that put us? My calculations are bctober 1976, which is an example of how time slips away. However, there is another possibility that should be considered in lieu of total centralization. If the two existing buildings in Division 1 and 3 were expanded, everything then could be housed in those two buildings. In watching firstly the Courtice Plan and secondly the Bowmanville Plan, and supposing 5010 of the two plans do materialize, then this proposal could have merit. Some might think this is poor planning to suggest phasing out the building in Bowmanville, but I would say that it never was the most desirous place to be located in the first place. 0 . . . 2 . . . . 2 The building is situated in a very low area and almost impossible to improve, let alone expand. Also, in the future I am concerned about access to Hwy. 401, possibly updating of the Base Line which means that shortly traffic in that area could double leaving access to the Works Yard and that is not too appealing. In considering this, another improvement and ben- efit to the Works Department would be a reduction in the supervisory staff. This would be done by operating the Works Department in two divisions instead of the now existing three. There are many more areas whereby improvements can be made under this proposal which I will not go into at this time. In conglusion, I wish to stress the importance of this matter. One must also appreciate the fact that a major decision is to be made providing we make one. I, therefore recommend that everyone work to- gether in making a decision and not each one in his own direction? as has happened in some cases in the past. I wi11 be glad to sit down with Coun- cil or a Committee of Council and start planning for this soon. J. Dunham.