HomeMy WebLinkAboutOPD-011-02 ~ ~ ~. , <l!. t CWJl1gron REPORT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: June 17, 2002 File#: <Df r;//J -01 Sf -o?-- By-Law #: Report #: OPD-011-02 Subject: Courtice Memorial Park Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to the following: 1. THAT Report OPD-011-02 be received; 2. THAT the funds for the Municipality's contribution for 2002 of approximately $900.00 be derived from account 7007-00000-0252, Unclassified Administration Taxes Written Off. 3. THAT both Church Organizations be advised of Council's decision. Submitted by: Reviewed bO ,,-d......(...sL.::;~ Fred 'ck J. Horvath, B.A., R.D.M.R., R.R.FA Franklin Wu, M.C.I.P. Director of Operations Chief Administrative Officer 8'J 1 REPORT NO.: OPD-011-02 PAGE 2 1.0 BACKGROUND In 1950 the family of Kenneth Eugene and Gerda Courtice transfer the deed to a parcel of land, Attachment One, in the Township of Darlington to the Ebenezer Congregation of the United Church of Canada and the Courtice Congregation of the United Church of Canada. The deed appointed the said trustees to actually operate, control, regulate and govern activities, which may be carried on the said grounds. In 1956 the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle entered into an agreement, Attachment Two, with the Trustees of the two congregations that the playing fields located on the above mentioned parcel, located on Courtice Road South and known as the "South Courtice Park" shall be made available for the recreational use provided that all terms and conditions have been met. The Municipality agreed at their expense to undertake a maintenance program and make all necessary improvements in order that it could be offered as a safe playing surfaces for recreational purpose. This agreement has been in effect since 1986 and the Municipality continues to enjoy the use of the park for soccer and softball. The authorized agents of the two churches have approached staff this year with regards to the property now being assessed property taxes as a result in the changes made by the Province. The churches will be facing a tax bill in the amount of $1800.00 in 2002 for this property. The churches do not utilize the property for any of their programming and was requesting consideration for the Municipality in offsetting the costs, since the Municipality is the only user. The property tax issue has caused the Municipality some concern in trying to deal with the legislative changes and not to impact our end user's as each case has different circumstances. It is recommended that the Municipality contribute 50% of the 2002 property taxes for the use of the fields for this season. The Municipality will recover a portion of this from users fees 8U2 , . REPORT NO.: OPD-011-02 PAGE 3 based on previous years. The Treasurer has reviewed the issue with staff and if council agrees to support staff's recommendation the funding could be taken from 7007-00000-0252, Unclassified Administration Taxes Written Off. Further discussion with the Church Trustees and the Municipality is required to resolve this beyond 2002. Attachments: Attachment 1 - Original Deed Attachment 2 - Maintenance Agreement, Municipality of Clarington CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 T (905) 263-2292 F (905) 263-4433 euS " ...... ..... ATTACHMENT NO,: 1 REPORT NO.: OPO-o11.02 / .... .Il-D-:! "1,_ 0..-. 1.. P.,.o ..... ""'- IU-~ With 0..-, III ~ U~~~ ._.N_..... II~VIo:tar\JoSI~ ~~.I.QI.JID),I 1Chts ~ndrnturr made (in duplicate) the eIghth day of Sept.ember. one thousand nine hundred and rifty. 3In i)ul'lluanr! ollb! ~borl .form. 01 ~onb'ro",!li Illtl. JlttlDtrn j'.Z.N:.j~H ::UG~'jE CCt'RTICE. or the Tcwnshi'p of ikJrllr.gton, in the Count~. 0 r DurhQI\'l.. .:-'~rl;:'Jr. hflrelntl.ttcr c~lled tho ~qg -und- of the FIRST PART il ~ 'i "IC'I'U'" '\;" C'~U"Dt'E Gl:'''''C'l;' 'lI' '~".''''~ ........ 'C~ p'C,-..".,.,. ! .' .l~\..J _. ~...",u;, I _'-.. _ 4" Al~H~1 jlJi.L.......... _ ... ~'I (;"::(;;1.. ~'CVNJ, ,J..:J.T.;;:n :;t;.iH.&..i. ~-. '1'C':"; "i:R..G.Y I LEOPOLD J. ,"',"~'1C' ':'.'Rt:.';'R~ '"''''H^l~ t." "-.~......,v "OU"TIC~ -l1 of ' ~....\.-......... _. .1_ _.c... J~J."', '-'_""'" l\ \.\.......... .. _,.... I the ':.owr.$nip ot ~rliocton, in the l,;ounty or Durham, I ':'rustees of the '::::benezer Coneracation of the United Church of t1unedB, nnd i CL'J{~;;::C: ?Z::::C'UIWI :i.US...;:.:u. Df'CDZ, Z::Ji,'~q:) ',I,'~tmURTO::, . .u...s..:A:..E:-t !iOY I GiC'FcGA ~n.;::H. CL''J;.:::~C':': Heel-lN, C;lJJil.~;;;) 2iJ1.':'C-:; I E,i..;{;t'l lL.:::ffiO;,; and ilj),,)H ~::i~;:;HY, ull of thfl 'l'own~h1p of L't!rlluston. in the County of Jurho:::,. Trll~tees of t.he CourtiCl:> Concreeation ot the Unl tAd Church of Carla dQ, hereinafter colled the GRA::'::'';:.:::,s -.ulal- C:;2J,:. COl,;HTIC~1 wifl) Mitnrssttb thot in con.iderntion of II il i of the SECOND PART I I I ~dd Crqlltor, !. of the TlUllD PART "Qlut:bl€ considerst.lon uDd. , of the ether th~ SUr:l. of Ona...,...........Dollan!oClawfulmoneyorCan..\da.nowpaid b~' the said Grnntee s to the s.1id Grantor . the receipt whereof is hereby by him acknowledged, he the oaid Grnntor mo tJ~ranl unto the said Grantee s in fee simple. Illll anb ~innttlar th at CHtain parcel or tract or land and premises ::.:'~: situate.lyingandbe:ing in the To.,'/nshlp at wrlincton, in the County of Jurhee, and being c0~rosed of pert a~ the eouth quarter of Lot :;u=:,ber Twe:-,ty-eii~~,t in the Second Ccncessic:l of the said Township, ::;ore ;:ortlcl.lbrl~: described os follows: ;';Cl.:.:=:c:;a~ ~t a pai:-.t 1:1 the westerlY lirlit of said lot number ~'wc:.~~y-ej[:iltl W:ll2:,e the ~8id. polnt is ~nter~ected by the northerly li~l t :>f the scuth-fj'J:.lrter of said Lot Kumter 'I'wenty-eisht j 'I'i::.::J.~C': ;;;,.:.~':=Rl.Y olO!~[ the Jlortherly limit of the south quarter of said lot tur~ber Twenty-cirht, in a straicht line perallel to the dU4 ~ i r i- I ~ !I i I ,- - -2- southerly 11mi~ ot the said lot. rorty rods to e pointi 'IllEJiCE SOiJ'IllERLY perallel to the westerly lin:lt of the seid lot. a dist~nce of three hundred teet to a stake plcLted; or the sold lot, distant three hundred feet mee~ured southerly thereon froc the place or bee1on1ne: 'nr:::!c:: l:C!1':'i~Y alone the westerly liI:lit of the seid lot, three hundred feet to t~e ~laoe ot beginning. - -. .....i :" :". .." . . .' duS -t i "'jl T_r,':_.,' '-':', f I l I ! \ 1 1 ....". ".. .~ . - , . . 1:0 babt anb tD tolb unto the said Grantee s the lr heirs and assigns to and for them and thdr scle a:ld only use fOrE-vel'. ~ubjut ntbtrtbtltSl to the reservations. limitations. provisos and conditions expreSSl'd in the original grant thereof from the Crown. ~;D SU5J:C: to the further restriction that 60~ ot thp memoerB of ollj' Coe.d ttce oppcir.ted by the CrDntees to actually orere.te, co:-.trol, r.::t;ulate una govern ectlvitle:3 which may be carried on or~ the !Juld lsncs, shell cOCf\ist o! mer.:.'t:eU 1n good stendioe ot e:lti~er H.e :reeuy.ex CongI'c(:etlo11 or the United Church or Canade or the Courtlc~ Congregation 01' the \ln1 ted Church or Canada. [ ~ !i t I i \ I i \ . ~ . I I I , , I \ I I I I '. I I. " .. ltbt wid Grantor (abtnanls with the soid Gl1lntl'C s l!:bal he ha. lhe r4\hL to COll\'C)' the said lands to the said Gnmtt'C 5 notwith!\Umding any act of the &lid Grantor. m.nb tho'lt the wid Gr::.mtet:: s !'.hall hn\'c quiet posst.'9Sion of the snid lands. rree rrom all incumbrances. ~nb the said Gruntor €o'ol'nanlB with the snid Gnmtcl' 5 that he will l':<l,('utc lIuch rurt her ltSSUnml't& or the said lands ns mny br requisite. ~nb the ..iel Grnl\lor (obtnant s with the ",lei Grol\tel' s lhllt he 1m. done no acllo incumber the said lands. ~nb the s;lld Grantor I:\dr:Ul'tl to the 6.1i<1 Grnntcc s ~U his dnims upon the said lands. iw~D the Bald Cerde Courtlce J wife of the seid Grantor. here'by burs ber dower in the sald lends. \ 3\n _itnt~~ .~tttot the said parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals, 6ignrb,6tattb anb Jltlibtrtb l!',: THE Pll~Ey.:CE OF ,I~" i {.cJ-J' .. ." ;--.., . ' ..' I_I J ..... L~JV. '-'.' . . :r./ - ~i:' .", ' I- t: " ~ , I i , , ..-...-J',- . .'-_..,--,..' .._.- .-- du6 'I ~~::., .......- ~,..-"'.. ..-.1"",,,,,- )...,_1- --.....,,- ~..,,-' .......... n.lo._.......,. ""_1>7'" 1'*"'10&....-- "",...",any- ..11...""'1_ ".......1":""..'" ~l..,...r... by.u ~,'t~wcI'" ,,"'U>;rb,ll>o__ ~....-- ...",..~~- .:...lIt!<r.JllloaL comITY 01 ONTARIO .. _'!"') ....FFlDAVIT AS TO MARRIAGE ~";."'TUS " ~ l.'1'ml\il THE !lJ:{;ISTIlY I<C' ANt' \.AND 'M'I1...E:! ACT To Wit: ~ I. l(EN"ETH EUGENE COt'RTICE in the within instrument named nUlkt onth BOO sny: THAT at tht lime of the rlt'Cution llnd deliver)' by me of the within Instrument 1 was lm:lrri~l. l....iiIIoas. 1IInidr_l. and of the full DEt of twenty-one ~Dra"""'" THAT at the time or eJ:t(utlon Dnd deliver)' by me of the within instrument I WlS \q:ally lnaml-d to_.,.._,...~.f.,~PA...G.o.t,.~~J~,~,.."... ."....."...-....... ...... .."t the penon joining I.hercin ns ffi)' ",;re to bar her dO"''tr l\nd Willi of the full ase of twtnty-one yun... 4'+th'F...o(k."'.....e1.\btI..~,.. .11'" .OiU~.eL.~ ,,'illow..-w.~ l..waa,aplly ..-",.," w_.........bozoloa r>>~~~.JlI:od.h~..a.o.!..Jbc.~d~Q- ~\'OR~bt:::~ City j1~ t, ~ intbt Ccuntv of ontario / thlal fl.th daYO'/S Ptemb~r . II SO I ^ .4-Ft'IDAVlT UNDER LA!"-'DS TJlANSFER 1AX ACT 1n the M.uer or The Land. Trander T.J. "Ilt. Pro,'intt (I( Ontario jl' COtlNTY or tht Oh'TA'lIIO .._ in U~ io ''''It: l(ENNETH EUGENE CCURTlCE TOlfn:!lt.lp at tle.rl1r.e;ton Ccunt.y of nurham. mnke Ollth and IIY: ",....'""""".....'..... o.;,,'~..:. ,~~ tI-..u:.oold k"""'_ .l""'.wl>c>-~ ~-, 1. lld!1~..........".~..............Tbe~..Gr..IUl.t.Qr............. DIIn'K'd In l~ wilhln (or anroodl tnrIIIcI'. ,. t blln. ptnonal1o.1'ID"'~ of tlle facb ~ted In lhllaMcb:'rit. b _ ~1~:U'\IIrAl'Dll\llltoltht~lncuhud thio..-.!ur of any ptIlWl1.)'Ol"~t) IrKluded intht conaIde'atlort. (II) "'tonirt J>>.Id In cub..... ........... ,.... .. ........... 1.......1...00"....... ,.) Proputy 1~ ill uchanre: Equity value .......... ............... l........JilL......... """""""" .',,__ ,_ ' "'___ ._,___J~Jk (t) Stcurlllea tnnSI'UT'eIi tn tM wl\lt or... ..... .......... ,. .. ,..........JUL........ (I) B,alaDceI 01 ulatini tnt\lI'1I'tnrteeIo.-itb Inttnll o_ina It da~ or tnJW./"cr... .. l..........~J~. (I) Morue.~b'~l,lDder~~..... .....l......._JUL......... (j) Utna. annuidet Ind maloWllW'l' chVIl:S wwblch tnJWIer 1& Illbjed........... ...... I... ... RIL . TotIlconaklcntklll........ ........."......i.oo... 4. 11 ~lioo Sa nominal. ia tho: uuater fot natural1c'ft and afIrctkmL. .................m.............. $.. If 10. wbat b the nJatJoMhlp ~ Grantol aM Gl'&llted...... ..... . ...................................... 8.. OthtI'~and~tions.U~.................................... ....~..... ...~..........m............................. ...c.9.nY.!':s.anc.e....:to....Tr.us.te._e.s_r.or....c.~m:nJ..l,."l1.ts.J:J.rJJ,c~_e.::l.........~_._..................-. ......................~..................... ....._..h..................-.-....... . $'~'(lfl.s bdon nx at tM C i t Y or OShS:l'I11 in the county Clr O!'.tar:o h 11,11 8th cla,of eptember III 50 1 -1{uwNfl- ~ ~ ^ """""' bU/ v .. ..... ~~ . . ~....., ~, , COt'llTY I I. ~~'W'Mr-~"1t'lV~~~ DOROTHY JEAN GIFFORD, Qt' "Wtbt" UCIty 1)( O:'!h6WIl inUle ONTA~IO \ Cnunt;y of Ontarjo ~WJT, .' Stenographer IT\IIk~o.1lthllnd-=:l~': f. TIlAT I '/lll:l IWloQlully ~t :rm,! did ~ Ill., t.;thll'l ur lOnn..JI'll InRlruft)Cont Ilnd II dupJir;Ht lhtnoo( duly aimed, _led iUlIll n:l'('IIto:d br KEllNETH 'WG~NE COuRTICE and CERDA COtJRTICE - -~. two of t~ pntln 0...10. THAT I~ KlklllllUUlltfl'llllnd dupllcule 1o't'ft UMIted by ~.aId pari Ie:!!ll the C j t.y OS",.I\wa 1. nlAT I bow the Rid put lea '~i'nrAT1.m',"""""''''''''_'OI''''''''h.''_I''''''du,"",,: ' ~. /1'" . .sw,O IlN bdON:: me. &1 "\he' C f t-v ot 1 _ I .01 o'h."~nt."~~,../kunt'1 .~ J ............ . .' '. "thli 8th / .da)'oe:;.pt"tn~r. .n. .., /'1. /" ... ,... .....(\.1'50. .' /. A Comm "'-..... OF . '-.....Tt) WIT, " , ~. -l," TIlAT I nlI pt"nOM"~~nt IInd did ~ thtll'lthln Ofannr:ln'd rn.tfUlnMt and II dllplk~tt' lilt'lUltdulr 1Iined.1aIftf - .'oonll'('UlC'd br '~ of 01 ~... 'rnaln:cothanCIflY: ,. '!'hItlhec.ldltllln1lUe1ltllllrldup'tiC:HtWfft'lf'l'U1 ort.htpllrtl~l1ll'r<<o. .,tho -thelll.kip'rt " , 3. nIATlknow~Illidp;ut_ 4. THAT r am llUb.crib1nc''flitntos. to tMtUkllll!ltrunJt.ntand dupl1allt. SWORN~1l;lfltlht ~"" 01 ohio A,D. II ~ l do, 01 ^ C\>Il'oIll"'",,,, hI.ln, Mndndt. fll':~ ~ ' bJ8 01 ., . -, ~.I!' :;) 2 i" l::H L 2. ~ ~ ';'.' ~ " tl , t:~\':1. ~'. . ' . ~., .. .~.. :;. .... I',<-;Jt ,,, :,'{g'.:, .. - , .~. r B tI Il I C4!;i l1w &Iw ,~~tbUa in'ltumrbt it d.iJy t'f1It'rit:' Ud R~rtd ill the 'Regi,li)- Q~o.r t:he Rtaiwrr [h'woa of the West RKli,Q -.f the ~ of Durlwa .. Book ..........."fo< th.,7~.\".L..,,::....,... . ~....t..~..."........al........___ ...J' ..... ...""f...."'~... ..clod.~....,..... .r the , ff 11.. day or lU1L......."AD., 19~!_. :Jo, NUIO~r -<IL ...,l,.8..... ~<iI.....~............... ~ ,.'S- ......MY...."'"'_, ; " \..,"i<:....... ,'>. '" ".31."~ " " 'Do'ed SEPTEMR~ 1950 r , KE'/NETH ETTOENE C0URTTCE l':;~ :';., ~: I -To,... ~. :TRUS~F.S OF': TREEBENEZER' CONOREO -;' ~T!O!.l OP THE UNrT~D CHURCH 01'..> " ~ANADA ana. , ',,,,, :.' ! !llU~~EES OP TIlE ;COURTTCE CONOREo. I ~JON OF' THE UNITED CHlTRCH OF ,CAN I Adc1rn8: ._.~:.. :;;;,.... . .;.' .; ,"/ ".:.. 'f,:';-;;",-, '-'\'-;': ~f.i ",.' f~. ~.' , "/-:( ":.; iBrtb OfrIllRb ". '~~i ~ -ti SITUATE I ~ t' I - .... ,,~ ., U""tnoOl><' LllDlltcl. IU \'k1orII lit.. nw..10 ~i I , , , " , .J ~~;~ , .~ r::i:. '~1 . :1 , " " ., " CONANT. ANNie .......11I1"'... .,., O'~AWA, ONTA"ta , '. '.} (j 'J ; " " J <4-2001 THU 08:00 AM RIVETT WHITBY FAX NO. 905 I ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: OPD-411-42 f,8r'el~Mlt'I\t mado in triplicate this day of 1986 ,I I. 1 W I. I. N: COURT ICE UHITED CHURCH AHD EBENlZER UHITED CIWRCH ~~----------~-- h(!roinaft(ll" called lithe Church" OF THE FIRST PART - AHO - TIlE CORPORA1l0N OF TilE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE horeinafter ca 11 the "Town of Newcas len OF THE SECOND PART ~mUU.A5 in the! interest of provld1ng recreational playing fields to the '.I~,>i(hlniS of the Courti!.:C! area of tn:! lown of Newcastle. the parties herclo "'I ~.h La ('nter into tho following agreement: ~ll.)w witnosscth ttlat in consideration of the premises and o~her good and \la.1ul1tl1e cuns1derllt1onl the parties hereto ISgrO!! as follo~: I. Till. CIIUKCH .grees that the playing fields located on Courtice Road South and known as the"South Courtice Park" shall be made aVlilable fOr public r~(rc~tionijl usel provided onlYI (01 thlt the lands shall not be used on Sund.y; and Oll that local teams shall be given preferential consideration in the booking of the lands for teaN sports. ,. lilt ruWN .t its e.pense agrees to undertake I mli ntenance program and make (111 nec:essary 1mpl'ovements La the "South CQurt1c(! Pukll conS1st.ent with the provision or ufe p1aying surfaces for recreational purposes. J, 11l( tOWN agre.s to supply all of the equipmont neeessary to P<lrmlt tho said Idlld$ to be us.ed for recreational SpOtts activ1t1C!s provtded only that the cql.llpm~nt shall ,'ema;n the prop~rty of the:! Town. 4. lHl rOWN agrees to indemntfy and save harmless the Church for any claim i!lri 11119 out of tile! use of the lands referred to as tho "South Courtice Parkll wIlen suell claim Is related to tho use of tho lands for an activity organized ann outhor1zed by the Town. ~- /", / /' ~ I 'Ihc Parties her"eta agree! that all bookings for the use of the park and park fllCilitlos shall Dl' controlled by tho Town~ ../'/ ../2 81ll , . AY-24-2001 THU 06:01 AM RIVETT WHITBY FAX NO. 905 688 4433 P. 03 U. Tile Par~;(!s hereto agree that thts agreelilent shall remain in force for a period of t.JIrCC! (3) years from the date of execution and from year to year tllerc~ft1;'r. but may be terminated by eithor party on sh. (6) months notfcQ to the othOl' party to thi s agreemont. IHI' AGREEr'IENT 1$ eXECUTED ON BEHALF OF TIlE COURTlCE UNITED CHURCII AND EBENEZER u~n IUJ CHURCII by their clllthol"'ized agents, this day of 1986 RUSS OECOE, COURlICE UNITED CIIURCH "SA. ~A./~ ~A'" PltllLC ~., EBENEZER UNITED CIIURCH GLJ;fJJ ,:j( KI!t.J. 1111S AGREEMENT IS r.XECUIED ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF TIlE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE undor the 'HI of the Municipal Caq>oratlon and the hand, of Its officers duly 'Iuall ffotl, thl, day of 1986 MAYOR CLERK . .' .". ..." 811 a4-200l THU 08:00 AM RIVETT WHITBY , FAX NO. 905 I ATTACHMENT NO.: 2 REPORT NO.: OPD-011-02 '. r'~l"e,'m~llt made in triplicate thiS day of 1986 iI, L or W L L N: COURTlCE UNITED CHURCH AND EBENEZER UNITED CHURCH ----'-'" ~~._-----..-----,.-_.' hereinaftrr called "the Church" OF HIE F [R$T PART - AND - n~ CORPgRATION_ OF TIlE roWN OF NEWCASTLE hereinafter call th(! "Town of Hewcas1e" OF THE SECONU PART :llllKl^~, in tile interest of providing recreational playing fields to the ",",;ctnnt. of the CourticQ area of th~ 10wn of Newcastle. the parties hereLo ~15h to ~Iltcr into the following agreement: ~DW w1tncsleth that in consideration of the premises and other good and vllu~ble cunsideration, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. THf. CIiUKCH agrees thot the playing fields located on Courtice Road South and known as the"South Courtic! Park" shall he made avai1able for publ ic rDtrcational use, provided only: (0) that the lands shall not be used on Sunday; and (tl) that local teams shall be given preferential consideration in the booKing of the lands for team sports. G. Illl TOWN at its expense agrees to undertake a maintenance program and make i11'1 necessary improvements Lo the "South Courtlce Park" consistent wi th the I"'OV; s;on 0 f safe playing sut'faccs for recreational purposes. J. 'rilf. IO,IN ogrecs to supply all of the equipment necessary to permit the said I,\rlds to be used for recreational sports activities provided only that the cqulpmcnt shall t'emain the property of the fawn. ,1. 'IHf, ,OWN agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Church for any claim "riSing out of t)le use of the lands referred to as the "South Courtice Park" when SUCII claim is related to the use of the lands for an activity organized ano au thol-i zed by the Town, ~l, fhe Parties hcr'eto agree that 0111 bookings for the use of the park and park .Y-~4-2001 THU 08:01 AM RIVETT WHITBY FAX NO. 905 668 4433 P. 03 6, The Parties hereto agree that thIs agreement shall remain in force for a period of t1lrrr, (3) years from the date of execution and from year to year t11orcaftur, illlt may be terminated by eithor party on six (6) months notice to the othol' party to this a~reemQnt_ lHI~ AGREEMENT IS lXECUTEO ON BEHALF OF THE COURTICE UNITED CHURCH AND EBENEZER lI'n I<u CHURCH by Lheir authorized agents, this day of 1986 RUSS DECOE. COURTlCE UN ITEP CI1URCH _.!i-fl. L~U-- 4lA'f"i'ICI(Lf -&ft.., EOENEZER UNITED CIIURCH (,t"rJd ,:/( J/~,I). 11115 AGREEHENT IS r.XECUIED ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE under the sNl of tllO Municipal Corporation and the hands of its officers duly 'IU,I]ificd, this day of 1986 MAVOR CLERK