HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-39-96 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE File# , D05.GE v Date: JULY 2, 1996 Res. #Gz By-Law# Report#: CD-3 9::_9 6 File#: Subject: CONTROL AND MANAGEMENT OF HUNTING ACTIVITIES AT THE KENDAL CROWN LAND MANAGEMENT PROPERTY Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT Report CD-39-96 be received; and 2 . THAT a copy of Report CD-39-96 be forwarded to J.K. Barker, District Manager, Maple District Office, Ministry of Natural Resources, Glenn Price, Area Supervisor, Durham Area, Ministry of Natural Resources, Norm Monaghan, Clarington Game Commission, Norm Jong, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and Eric Atkins for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: At the Council meeting held on May 27, 1996, correspondence was received from J.K. Baker, District Manager, Maple District Office, Ministry of Natural Resources requesting comments on a report which had been prepared to address concerns involving conflicts between hunting activities and other land uses at or adjacent to the Kendal Crown Land Management Property. In order to address the concerns of residents, a public meeting was held on June 15, 1996 at the Loyal Orange Lodge in Kendal . Present at the meeting were members of the Clarington Game Commission, Norm Jong, Chairman, Zone "E" , Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Glenn Price, Ministry of Natural Resources, the moderator, Andrew Davies, approximately twelve hunters and three area residents . Municipal staff attended this meeting to observe the proceedings . Minutes of the Clarington Game Commission meeting held on May 26, 1996 (which contain eight recommendations for improvement to the area) were reviewed and discussion ensued on each item. A copy of these minutes is attached hereto as Attachment No. 1 . It was generally agreed that the recommendations, once implemented, would help in relieving some of the concerns . The APAPER1-E 613 -I P-D WRECYCLED PAPER Report CD-39-96 - 2 - July 2, 1996 recommendations are being distributed to area residents to ensure they are aware of them. They are also being given a cellular telephone number to enable them to contact an individual who will be present at the property in the event that the rules are not being adhered to by the hunters . The Commission advised that Grand Valley Conservation Area, Conastoga Conservation Area and Scugog Island are once again allowing pheasant hunts, therefore the number of hunters at Kendal should decrease. In speaking with Norm Monaghan, Chairperson, Clarington Game Commission, staff have been informed that another meeting is being held with the Ministry of Natural Resources in order to arrive at a final set of rules for the property and to decide on the appointment of an individual to regulate the gate . Once this meeting has taken place, minutes will be forwarded to the Municipality. Some confusion has arisen as to the actual number of days hunting is allowed on the Kendal property. Norm Monaghan has advised that turkey hunting is allowed for a period of 14 days in the spring; pheasant, grouse, woodcock hunting and bow-hunting for deer is allowed from the last weekend in September until December 15, excluding Sundays; rabbit hunting runs from the last weekend in September until February 14, however, there are very few rabbit remaining in the Municipality; and shot-gun hunting for deer is allowed for a period of 3 to 5 days in November. The hours of hunting have been limited to 8 : 00 a.m. to 5 : 00 p.m. Although there was not a large number of residents in attendance, it was felt that the meeting was a very positive step in addressing the concerns which have been raised. The Game Commission and the Ministry of Natural Resources is continuing to monitor the situation and will keep the Municipality apprised of further actions . Respectfully submitted Reviewed by Batt ' L. Ba ie, A.M. C.T W.H. Stockwell Cl Chief Administrative Officer 614 I i Report CD-39-96 - 3 - July 2 1996 Concerned parties to be advised of Council' s decision: J. K. Barker N. Jong District Manager c/o 15 Westmore Street Maple District Office Courtice, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources L1E 2H8 P.O. Box 7400 10401 Dufferin Street E. Atkins Maple, Ontario R.R. # 1 L6A 1S9 Kendal, Ontario j LOA 1EO G.W. Price Area Supervisor, Durham Area Ministry of Natural Resources Maple District Office P.O. Box 7400 10401 Dufferin Street Maple, Ontario L6A 1S9 N. Monaghan 15 Westmore Street Courtice, Ontario LlE 2H8 I i I I 615 I Attachment No. 1 CLARINGTON GAME COMMISION MAY 26 1996 COMMISION MEETING MINUTES:: START TIME----------------7.00 P.M. LOCATION--------------------15 WESTMORE ST. COURTICE ONT. ATTENDANCE---------------NORM MONAGHAN-------------CHAIRPERSON GERALD DUVALL----------------SEC/TREAS. MIKE SPRAGUE------------------DIRECTOR DARRIL HINETT--------------------DIRECTOR JIM KAPTEYN----------------------DIRECTOR NORM JONG------------------------ONTARIO FEDERATION OF ANGLERS AND HUNTERS ZONE"E" CHAIRMAN TED STACY-------------------------RESIDENT HUNTER STEVE DELYAY-------------------RESIDENT HUNTER DISTRIBUTED MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES" REPORT FROM GLEN PRICE DATED APRIL 301996 , RECIEVED MAY 17 1996. GAVE 1 HOUR FOR OPEN DISCUSSION AS MOST PEOPLE ATTENDING HAD NOT SEEN THIS REPORT. MEETING CALLED BACK TO ORDER STARTING WITH ITEM#1 NUMBER OF HUNTERS ON PROPERTY: M.N.R. SUGGEST'S ABOUT 20 HUNTER'S COMMISION SUGGESTS ABOUT 30 HUNTER'S---THIS BEING ABOUT 50% OF SUGGESTED NUMBERS ON KEY DAYS OF HUNT[OPENING DAY--FIRST& SECOND SATURDAY-- THANKSGIVING MONDAY--DAY AFTER"KAWARTHA SPRINGER CLUB"DOG TRIAL]. ITEM#2 MEANS OF CONTROLLING HUNTER NUMBERS: l ti THE COMMISSION WOULD HAVE A PERSON ON THE PROPERTY TO COLLECT A USERS FEE OF $5.00 PER 4 HOUR HUNTING PERIOD HE WILL ISSUE A NUMBERED IDENTIFACATION BADGE THAT WILL HAVE TO BE TURNED BACK IN AT THE END OF THE HUNTING PERIOD . THE"OUTDOORS CARD" WOULD BE HELD BY THE GATE PERSON THUS GUARANTEEIN�k,tTHE RETURN OF THE ID. BADGE. IF LOST A SERVICE CHARGE OF $25.00 AND PROPE4ID. WOULD BE REQUIRED TO GET BACK YOUR"OUTDOOR CARD" THUS STOPPING ANYBODY FROM BEING OVERLY CARLESS. HUNTING PERIODS WILL BE-----MONDAY TO SATURDAY 8.00 A.M------12 NOON 1.00 P.M------5.00 P.M. SHARP NO EVENING HUNTING TOWNSHIP FEE FOR LICENSE---------$50.00 616 THE BIRD LIMIT SHOULD REMAIN AT 3 BIRDS --AS THE REST OF ONTARIO-- AGAIN THERE WILL BE MORE BIRDS PUT OUT ON THE PROPERTY WITH WEEKDAYS GETTING A LARGER SHARE THAN THEY HAVE IN THE PAST. HIGHER PRICE ON BIRDS AND INCREASED NUMBERS OF BIRDS IS WHY THE INCREASE IN THE LICENSE. THE USER FEE WILL BE USED TO PAY FOR THE GATE PERSON THAT WILL BE MONITERING THE NEW RULES &WATCHING FOR ANYBODY TRESPASSING-. ITEM#3 BLAZE ORANGE : BLAZE ORANGE---MADATORY--NQ EXCUSES---RED NOT ACCEPTABLE. MINIMUM--- HAT&VEST--VEST TO BE 90% BLAZE ORANGE--- ITEM#4 SHOT SIZE: 6 OR SMALLER RECOMMENDED----LARGER THAN#6 NOT ALLOWED. ITEM#5 HUNTER IDENTIFACATION: A 4"TO 5" DIAMETER NUMBERED BADGE IN CONTRASTING COLOURS TO BE WORN ON HAT. ITEM#6 GROUP SIZES: THE COMMISION IS RECOMENDING NO MORE THAN THREE HUNTERS IN A GROUP OR 2 HUNTERS AND A DOG HANDLER OVER 1 DOG. ITEM#6 SIGNAGE IN POND AREA: M.N.R. SHOULD POST THE FENCED AREA---NO DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS---AROUND THE PONDS AND PARKING AREA---AGREED UPON MANY YEARS AGO BY M.N.R. BUT NOT DONE. ITEM#7 SECURITY: THE COMMISSION WILL HAVE SOMBODY BESIDES GATE PERSON ON KEY DAYS HOPEFULLY M.N.R. CAN BE AROUND AT KEY TIMES AS WELL.. r ITEM#8 BUFFER ZONES: THESE HAVE TO BE ESTABLISHED AND POSTED BY A 2X2 STAKE PAINTED YELLOW AND BLAZE ORANGE WITH APPOPRIATE SIGNAGE CLOSE TO E.AITKIN'S& MR. DOWNE'S PROPERTY . THIS WILL COST PRIME HUNTING AREA BUT IT IS BETTER THAN LOSING A HUNTING AREA.. ITEM#9 617 PUBLIC MEETING: A MEETING BETWEEN THE COMMISION AND INTERESTED PARTIES AT A LOCAL HALL TO BE ARRANGED NEWS PAPERS AND TOWN 1-0 BE INFORMED. THE ORANGE HALL IN KENDAL WAS RETAINED FOR JUNE 151996 AT 2.00P.M.. A MEDIATOR FROM THE LOCAL POLITICAL SCENE WILL BE ARRANGED. ITEM#8 NEW AREA--- SPRINGER CLUB AND OTHER DOG TRAINING GROUPS OPEN TO DISCUSSION FOR NEW AREAS SUGGESTED BY"GANARASKA FOREST AUTHORITY' PLEASE CONTACT--NORM MONAGHAN- WITH ALL THESE NEW REVISION'S--- I AND THE COMMISION HOPE THAT WE CAN CONTINUE TO HAVE A GOOD WORKING RELATIONSHIP WITH THE TOWN OF "CLARINGTON",MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES" AND THE LOCAL LANDOWNERS MEETING AJOURNED 9.30 PM MAY 26 199 L NOR /MONAGHAN CHAIRMAN CLARINGTON GAME COMMISSION w 618