HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-5-95 ADDENDUM UNFINISHED BUSINESS THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# 2L l I-T IA Date: March 20, 1995 Res. # c�q� By-Law# Report#: Adc?ndum tfale Report C_D-5-95 Subject: PROPOSED PAWNBROKERS AND SECOND-HAND GOODS BY-LAWS Roc®rumen IVoni's respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT the Addendum to Report CD-5-95 be received for information; 2 . THAT Report CD-5-95 be lifted from the table; 3 . THAT the By-laws attached to Report CD-5-95 to license and govern pawnbrokers and second-hand goods shops be presented to Council for passage; and 4 . THAT the Bowmanville, Orono and Newcastle Business Improvement Areas and the Durham Regional Police Service be advised of Council's decision. REPORT: At its regular meeting on February 13, 1995, Council tabled Report CD-5-95 until such time as Inspector Adams of the Durham Regional Police Service could report back to the General Purpose and Administration Committee on: "the method the City of Oshawa uses in reporting suspected stolen property at their pawnshops and second-hand goods shops . " Section 11 of the proposed Pawnbrokers By-law required a person whose property had been lost or stolen to pay the Pawnbroker in order to retrieve their property. This section was added after discussions with the Police. On February 20, 1994, Inspector Adams sent a letter to the Municipality regarding this matter. The letter, a copy of which is attached, indicates that there is, in fact, no clear policy contained in any By-law regarding return of property taken as a result of a crime. In view of this letter staff have withdrawn section 11 from the proposed Pawnbroker's By-law. 2U } RECYCLED [cvc iE P16 B PRIRTED CN RECYCLED PAPER ADDENDUM TO REPORT CD-5-95 PAGE TWO Concern was also raised over the necessity of requiring the Pawnbrokers and dealers in second-hand goods to deliver a copy of their records to the Police each day. This is a mandated requirement of the Pawnbroker's Act and as such Municipal Council lacks the authority to supersede this requirement. Respectfully submitted, Reviewed by, Patti 4BarA�ie, A.M.C.T. W. H. Stockwel o Clerk Chief Administrative Officer PLB/LC/MH G 'J1 WW Durham Regional Police Service Qper�� T. McCagherty Chief of Police A. McMurray Deputy Chief PoicAng, J6 n�rj �st- Deputy Chief Administration L LU February 20 , 1995 Marie Knight Deputy Clerk Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 Re: File P17.P.O. Marie; There is no clear policy established through a by-law that addresses the seizure of property by the police from licensed pawn or second hand goods shops . The position of the Police Service has been that the victim of a crime should not become a victim twice. Property found in the possession of a pawn or second hand goods shop for which ownership can be clearly identified is seized by the police for return to -the lawful owner. The Dealer once informed that the property is stolen is then in a position of being in violation of the Criminal Code of Canada. The vested interest of the Dealer is recognized as recoverable through court ordered restitution should the person from whom the property was purchased be apprehended, charged and convicted of an offence in relation to that property. Sincerely yours, Opector J. Adams Officer in Charge 16 Division JA: sk 77 Centre St. North,Oshawa,Ont. LIG4137 Oshawa (905)579-1520 Toronto(416) 683-9100 Fa,/'19O5)43 053 DRP 32B REV 09193 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON X�7t�of3� d(�Atic�Ft�(4�X�l4�lMii( l ��irf�(XX REPORT Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File# 20 (- V Fp Date: February 6, 1995 Res. #�p►'t 'ul 9S By-Law# Report#: C_D-5-95 File#: Subject: PROPOSED PAWNBROKERS AND SECOND-HAND GOODS BY-LAWS Recommend?Voni's respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CD-5-95 be received; 2. THAT the By-laws attached to Report CD-5-95 to license and govern pawnbrokers and second-hand goods shops be presented to Council for passage; and 3. THAT the Bowmanville, Orono and Newcastle Business Improvement Areas and the Durham Regional Police be advised of the Committee's decision. BACKGROUND: At its regular meeting on December 12, 1994, Council approved Resolution # GPA-724-94, instructing Staff to investigate and prepare a report on the feasibility of enacting a By-law to regulate pawnbrokers. Staff have since researched similar By-laws in various municipalities. It should be noted that there have been several attempts in recent years to create a Second-Hand Goods By-law within the Municipality. The first attempt appears to have been made by the Planning Department in December 1974 . In 1981 the Durham Regional Police requested that staff recommend to Council the passage of a Second-Hand Goods By-law. There is no record of any action at that time. In 1986, a Report recommending a By-law was presented to Council and was tabled. In 1987 the matter was again raised and once more, tabled. Attempts to pass a Second-Hand Goods By- law were again made in 1988 and 1991. 1 L 'J 4 ° ° PAPER ® P.P,EA PECYC IE I 6 P.ME.-HECYGLEO FAIR REPORT NO. CD-5-95 PAGE TWO . Throughout this process the Durham Regional Police have remained in favour of these By-laws because they would greatly assist their officers in their investigations. The reporting requirements have helped to deter the trade in stolen material in those areas where a By-law is in effect. Staff have received copies of the By-laws from Oshawa, Whitby, Ajax and Burlington and have spoken to Licensing officers from Metro Toronto. The proposed By-laws are consistent with the general provisions of the By-laws from -these municipalities. PAWNBROKERS BY-LAW: Pawnbroker shops are regulated under the Pawnbrokers Act, R.S.O 19900 Chapter P. 6 . The Durham Regional Police have expressed great interest-. in seeing a Pawnbrokers By-law enacted within the Municipality. The Act requires strict conduct procedures for pawnbrokers in areas where a By- law is in effect; without the By-law the Pawnbrokers Act does not apply. The Pawnbrokers Act requires that the licensee give to the Municipality security, to the satisfaction of the Municipal Treasurer, in the amount of $2,000 for due observance of the provisions of the Act. The Pawnbroker's Book referred to in Section 12 of the By-law is to be of a format used by the other Municipalities within the Region and is supplied by the Durham Regional Police. An example of the Book is attached to this Report. The use of a standard book helps to ensure that all the required information is provided concerning the pawner and the pledge (the material taken in pawn) . Where a pledged item is found to have bben stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained, the rightful owner will have to compensate the pawnbroker for the amount of the pledge before the item can be returned. While it may appear unfair to require an owner to pay for the return of his own property, the Regional Police have found that the pawnbroker may quickly lose interest in reporting suspected stolen property to the Police if he knows that he will lose out in the end. The method outlined in the By-law has been used by the Metro Toronto Police for some time. Staff have been advised that this system is being considered by the City of Oshawa for inclusion in its By-law. 1 � 1 REPORT CD-5-95 PAGE THREE , A copy of the Pawnbroker's Act R.S.O. 1990, has been provided for Committee's information. SECOND-HAND GOODS BY-LAW: The issue of dealers in second-hand goods is a related problem. There is a concern that, like pledged items in a pawn shop, some may, in fact be stolen property. Staff have found that those municipalities which have a Pawnbrokers By-law also have a Second-Hand Goods By-law. The scope of this By-law is very broad encompassing second-hand goods shops, salvage yards and automobile wrecking yards. The exemptions listed in Section 5 are statutory and are drawn from the Municipal Act. The Second-Hand Dealers Book referred to in the By-law is the same book as is required for the Pawnbrokers By-law. Again' it should be noted that these books will be obtained from the Regional Police. RECOMMENDATIONS: The Regional Police have advised staff that the passage of a By-law to regulate pawnbrokers and second-hand goods shops will greatly assist them in dealing with stolen property and property obtained by other crimes. Staff therefore recommend that the Committee recommend the two attached By-laws to Council for passage. Respectfully submitted Reviewed by i 0 att* L. Ba rie, A.M.C.T. W. H. Stockwell erk Chief Administrative Officer PLB/LC 1 r 63 �l A CHAPTER P.6 CHAPITRE P.6 Pawnbrokers Act Loi sur le pret sur gages Definitions 1. In this Act, 1 Les d6finitions qui suivent s'appliquent a Definitions la prssente loi. "municipality" means a city, town, village or «boutique» S'entend notamment de tout lieu township; ("municipalitd") ou un pr6teur sur gages exploite son com- "pawnbroker" means a person who carries merce. («shop») on the business of taking by way of pawn «emprunteur» Personne qui donne un objet or pledge any article for the repayment of en gage a un pr6teur sur gages. («pawnen>) money lent thereon; ("pr6teur sur gages") «gage» Objet mis en gage chez un pr6teur "pawner" means a person who delivers an sur gages. («pledge») article for pawn to a pawnbroker; ("em- prunteur") «municipalitd» Cite, ville, village ou canton. («municipality») "pledge" means an article pawned with a pawnbroker; ("gage") «pr6teur sur gages» Personne qui exploite le commerce qui consiste a prendre en gage "shop" includes any place where the business des objets en garantie du remboursement of a pawnbroker is carried on. ("bou- de pr6ts sur ces objets. («pawnbroker») tique") R.S.O. 1980, c. 372, s. 1. L.R.0. 1980, chap. 372, art. 1. Licences 2.—(1) No person shall carry on the busi- 2 (1) Nul ne doit exploiter le commerce Permis ness of a pawnbroker without a licence d'un pr6teur sur gages a moins d'6tre titu- issued by the municipality in which the per- laire d'un permis d6livrd par la municipalit6 son carries on or proposes to carry on busi- dans laquelle it exploite son commerce ou ness or without renewing the licence annu- projette de 1'exploiter, ou A moins d'obtenir ally, but no licence shall be issued or chaque annse le renouvellement de son per- renewed unless under the authority of a by- mis. Aucun permis n'est ddlivrd ou renouveld law of the municipality. sauf en vertu d'un r6glement municipal de la municipalit6. Fee for (2) T ne sum of$60, or such other sum as (2) Il est vers6 A la municipalitd et affects Droits pour licence the council of the municipality may pre- a l'usage de la municipalitd la somme de 60$ pennisermis tion du scribe, shall be paid for every licence or ou la somme que le conseil de la municipalit6 renewal thereof to the municipality for the peut prescrire, pour chaque permis ou renou- use of the municipality. R.S.O. 1980, c. 372, vellement de permis. L.R.O. 1980, chap. s, 2, revised. 372, art. 2, revise. Application 3.—(1) No application for a licence or 3 (1) L'autorit6 comp6tente pour ddlivrer Demande de for renewal renewal of a licence to carry on the business le permis donne au demandeur Foccasion ment renouvelle- of a pawnbroker shall be refused until after d'6tre entendu avant de refuser une demande the applicant has been afforded a hearing by de permis ou de renouvellement de permis i the licence issuing authority. de pr6teur sur gages. Continuation (2) Where, within the time prescribed (2) Si le titulaire d'un permis de pr6teur Maintien en of licence pending therefor or, if no time is prescribed, prior to sur gages a demands le renouvellement de PeQsr du renewal the expiry of the licence, the holder of a son permis et qu'il a acquittd les droits pres- licence io carry on the business of a pawn- crits dans le dslai prescrit ou, si aucun ddlai broker has applied for renewal and paid the n'est prescrit, avant Pexpiration de son per- prescribed fee, the licence shall be deemed mis, le permis est r6put6 maintenu en to continue, vigueur, selon le cas (a) until the renewal is granted; or 1207 a) jusqu'a ce que le renouvellement soit accords; (b) until the application has been finally jusqu'A cc que Pautoritd comp6tente determined by the licence issuing pour ddlivrer le permis ait d6finitive- 1:942 Chap. P.6 PAWNBROKERS authority or, where there is an appeal ment statue sur la demande ou, si un eut titre inter et6 de la decision :?•, from the decision of the licence issuing appel p j authority, until the last day for launch- de 1'autorite, jusqu'A ce que soft expire ing an appeal or such later date as may le d6lai d'appel ou le d6lai suppl6men- be fixed by the body to whom the taire que peut accorder l'organisme appeal may be taken. R.S.O. 1980, qui a qualit6 pour entendre 1'appel. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 3. c. 372,s. 3. Licence to 4. No person shall, by virtue of one 4 Nul ne doit, en vertu d'un seul permis, sappique 3 cover ho y licence, carry on business as a pawnbroker in exploiter le commerce d'un pr6teur sur gages une seute p more than one shop. R.S.O. 1980, c. 372, dans plus d'une boutique. L.R.O. 1980,.boutique t- = s. 4. chap. 372, art. 4. :. .. Licence to 5. Where two or more persons carry on 5 Un seul permis suffit h deux personnes assoc idspour ; partners business as pawnbrokers in partnership in the ou plus qui, en tant qu'associ6s dans une same shop, only one licence is necessary. soci6t6 en nom collectif, exploitent le com- R.S.O. 1980,c. 372,s. 5. merce de pr6teurs sur gages dans la m6me boutique. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 5. Security 6. Every pawnbroker shall give to the 6 Tout pr6teur sur gages fournit A la Caut onne- municipality security to the satisfaction of the municipalit6 un cautionnement d'une valeur ment municipal treasurer in the sum of $2,000 for de 2 000$ sous la forme que le tr6sorier de la the due observance by the pawnbroker of municipalit6 estime satisfaisante, afin de this Act. R.S.O. 1980, c. 372, s. 6. garantir qu'il observera la pr6sente loi. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 6. a` d s e et a d nde� 7• A pawnbroker shall, 7 Tout pr6teur sur gages is oc droits,des of rights, (a) keep exhibited in large, legible charac- a) affiche en grands caractc?res lisibles son taux et des rates and ters on a sin over the front door of nom et les mots «Pr6teur sur gages)) frail charges g his, her or its shop, the pawnbroker's ou le mot «Pawnbroker» sur une name and the word "Pawnbroker" or enseigne au-dessus de la porte d'entr6e the words"Pr6teur sur gages"; and de sa boutique; (b) keep displayed conspicuously in the b) affiche ostensiblement dans sa'bouti- shop a notice in large, legible charac- que, de fagon a cc qu'il soit visible des ters so as to be visible to persons personnes qui mettent des objets en pawning articles or redeeming pledges, gage ou d6gagent des gages, un avis showing, 6crit en grands caracteres lisibles indiquant: (i) rights of redemption of pledges, (i) les droits de d6gagement des gages, (.,) rates of interest authorized by ( ) tt les taux d'int6r6ts autoris6s par la ft law to be taken by pawnbrokers e loi u euvent demander les for sums lent, and p ri que u r gages sur les sommes pr6t6es, (,..) les frais maximums autoris6s par ttt maximum charges authorized by (iii)) la pr6sente loi. L.R.-O. 1980, this Act. R.S.O. 1980, c. 372, chap. 372, art. 7. s. 7. 8 Un pr6teur sur gages ne doit pas, selon .�Ruestrictoa Restrictions g• A pawnbroker shall not, p° upon pawn- le cas: pr6teurs sur brokers gages (a) purchase any article or receive or take a) acheter un objet, ni recevoir ou pren- any article in pawn from any person dre en gage un objet d'une personne i lui semble titre soil ag6e de moins who appears to the pawnbroker to be qu under the age of eighteen years or to de dix-huit ans, soit sous 1'effet de 1'al- be under the influence of alcohol or cool ou de la drogue; drugs; (b) purchase or take in pawn a pawnticket b) acheter ni prendre en gage une recon- naissance qu'il a lui-m6me d6tivree ou ,issued by himself or herself or any other pawnbroker; qui a 6t6 delivr6e par un autre pr6teur sur gages; sur (c) carry on business as a pawnbroker on c) exploiter he r le 'un pr6teur saint, Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day gages le diman or any day appointed by proclamation le jour de Noel, les jours que le gou- J I _fl 944 Chap. P.6 PAWNBROKERS t " the book a note thereof, which shall be en prend note dans son registre. L'inscription deemed to constitute compliance with the de la note est r6put6e satisfaire aux exigences Y identification requirements of clause(1) (b). d'identification prdvues A Palin6a(1) b). Entries to be (3) The entries shall be numbered in the (3) Les inscriptions du registre sont dNumb tion „r ely book consecutively in the order in which the num6rot6es cons6cutivement dans l'ordre oil tions f articles are pawned. R.S.O. 1980, c. 372, les objets sont mis en gage. L.R.O. 1980, S. 9. chap. 372,art. 9. Pawnticket 10. At the time of taking an article in 10 Au moment de prendre i objet en sanccendu� shall give the pawner gage, le preteur sur gages donne A 1'emprun- pr6teur sur pawn, the pawnbroker teur une reconnaissance qui comprend: sages a pawnticket containing, (a) the pawnbroker's name and business a) le nom du preteur sur gages et son address; adresse d'affaires; l (b) the name of the pawner; b) le nom de 1'emprunteur; I 1 (c) the day, month and year in which the c) le jour, le mois et 1'ann6e oil le gage a I pledge was taken in pawn; 6t6 pris en gage; (d) the number of the entry of the pledge d) le num6ro de l'inscription se rappor- in the pawnbroker's book; tant au gage dans le registre du pre- teur sur gages; (e) a description of the pledge; e) une description du gage; { (f) the sum lent on the pledge; f) la somme pret6e sur le gage; (g) the rate of interest charged for the g) le taux d'intdrets demand6 sur le pret; sum lent; (h) the charge for the pawnticket;and h) les frais de reconnaissance; (i) the charge for storage, if any. R.S.O. i) les f r is d "e trepo372eart. il0en est. 1980,c. 372, s. 10. Where 11. Where a pawnbroker has reasonable 11 Si un preteur sur gages a des motifs e�cc da article to cause to suspect that an article offered to the raisonnables de croire qu'un objet qui lui est motifs de have been pawnbroker has been stolen or otherwise offert a 6t6 obtenu i116galement, notamment croire que to stolen unlawfully obtained, the pawnbroker shall par vol, ii en avertit sans d6lai un membre de 0 et ont 60 forthwith report the matter to a member of la police de la municipalit6 ofd it exploite son the police force of the municipality in which commerce. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 11. the pawnbroker carries on business. R.S.O. 1980, c. 372,s. 11. Liste alpha- Alphabetical 12. Every pawnbroker shall keep up to 12 Chaque preteur sur gages titiq u jour b6tique des list of date during each year a list, arranged alpha- chaque ann6e une liste alpha b6tique des emprunceurs ! pawners g y betically, of the names of the persons who noms des personnel qui ont mis des objets en have pawned articles with the pawnbroker, gage chez lui. Chaque liste est conserv6e and each such list shall be kept for not less pendant au moins un an apr8s la fin de 1'an- than one year after the end of the year dur- n6e au cours de laquelle elle a 6t6 dressde. ing which it was compiled. R.S.O. 1980, L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 12. c. 372,s. 12. Rapport qu — Daily report 13. (1) Every pawnbroker shall before 13 (1) Chaque preteur sur gages fait, tidien A la to police noon of every business day make a report avant 12 h chaque jour ouvrable, un rapport police either for the chief of police or for such other soit au chef de police ou a une autre per person as is designated by by-law of the sonne d6sign6e par un r6glement municipal council of the municipality. adopt6 par le conseil de la municipalit6. Contents (2) Such reports shall contain, in respect (2) Les rapports contiennent, a 1'6gard de ppou dt rt of every transaction made on the next pre- chaque operation effectu6e le jour ouvrable ceding business day, all the information precedent, tous les renseignements qui doi- d in the vent figurer au registre du preteur sur gages required under section 9 to be entere pawnbroker's book. aux termes de Particle 9. 3 Les ra orts peuvent titre faits sur des Formules Form (3) Such reports may be on forms to be ( ) PP furnished by the municipality or may be formules fournies par la municipalit6 ou ifs copies of the pawnbroker's book reproduced peuvent titre constituts de copies lisibles du by any means whatsoever so long as the copy registre ugeltuedu reneurue cgages, rL L.R.O. 1980r is legible. R.S.O. 1980, c. 372, s. 13. 9hap 372, art. 13� 6fj,7 I� • R PRtr SUR GAGES chap. P.6 945 Identification 14. Each pledge shall be identified by a 14 Chaque gage porte un num6ro.permet- Identification of pledge number that corresponds with the number of tant de ('identifier, correspondant au num6ro do gage } the pawnticket and the entry of the transac- de la reconnaissance et de 1'inscription de tion in the pawnbroker's book, and, when Pop6ration dans le registre du pr6teur sur the pledge is redeemed,the pawnbroker shall gages. Lorsque le gage est d6gag6, le pr6teur record the amount of interest taken and of sur gages inscrit le montant des int6r6ts j all other charges and shall keep the record pay6s et des autres frais, et conserve fins- I° for not less than one year after redemption. cription pendant au moins une ann6e apr6s le R.S,O. 1980,c. 372, s. 14. d6gagement. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. ' 14. Inspection 15. Every police officer shall at all.times 15 Chaque agent de police a en tout Inspection ice. by police par la police 3F be given access to and may inspect apawn- temps acc8s aux registres, aux documents et broker's books, papers and pledges; and aux gages du pr6teur sur gages et peut'les 1 when so engaged may have with him or her inspecter. Pour ce faire, it peut s'adjoindre such other persons as he or she considers toute autre personne qu'il juge utile. L.R.O. !I advisable. R.S.O. 1980,c. 372,s. 15, revised. 1980, chap. 372, art. 15, r,4vis6. Production 16. Except as hereinafter provided, a 16 Sauf disposition ult6rieure de la pr6- Production de , of ticket awnbroker is not bound to deliver a pledge sente loi le pr6teur sur gages n'est as tenu la reeonnais- p P g P � g g P sans until the pawnticket for it is produced and de remettre un gage tant que la reconnais- delivered to the pawnbroker. R.S.O. 1980, sane s'y rapportant n'est pas produite et ne c. 372, s. 16. lui est pas donn6e. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 16. Rights of of 17: The holder for the time being of a 17 Le d6tenteur d'une reconnaissance est Droit du d6tenteur de 1 ticket pawnticket shall, as between the pawner and pr6sum6, dans les rapports entre 1'emprun- la reconnais- i 'tip the pawnbroker, be presumed to be the per- teur et le pr6teur sur gages, la personne lance son entitled to redeem the pledge, and, sub- ayant le droit de d6gager le gage. Ainsi, sous E' ject to this Act, the pawnbroker shall accord- r6serve de la pr6sente loi, le pr6teur sur !� ingly, on payment of the sum lent, lawful gages remet, sur remboursement du pr6t, interest and charges, deliver the pledge to ainsi que des int6r6ts et frais 16galement exi- the person producing the pawnticket. R.S.O. gibles, le gage A la personne qui produit la 1980, c. 372,s. 17. reconnaissance. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. Pawnticket 18. Despite section 17, where a pawnbro- 18 Malgr6 I'article 17, lorsqu'un preteur I cessibilitn may be non. la transferable ker and a pawner agree that the pawnticket sur gages et un emprunteur conviennent naissance shall not be transferable and such condition qu'une reconnaissance est incessible et que is clearly shown upon the pawnticket, the cette condition est clairement indiquee sur la pawner only may redeem the pledge. R.S.O. reconnaissance, seul 1'emprunteur pout d6ga- 1980, c. 372, s. 18. ger le gage. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 18. Liability of 19.— (1) Where a pledge is destroyed or 19 (1) Si un gage est d6truit ou endom- Responsabi- pawnbroker lM du pr6- ' in case of damaged by or in consequence of fire, light- mag6 par un incendie, par la foudre, par une teur sur gages I fire ning or tempest or any additional peril temp8te ou par tout 6v6nement d6crit A en cas Win- . defined in a standard fire insurance addi- Pavenant de perils suppl6mentaires d'une cend;e tional perils supplemental contract, the police d'assurance-incendie type ou en con- i pawnbroker nevertheless is liable, on applica- s6quence de ceux-ci, le pr6teur sur gages est tion within the period during which the tenu de payer, sur demande pr6sent6e dans pledge would have been redeemable, to pay le d61ai ou le gage aurait pu 6tre d6gag6, la the value of the pledge after deducting the valeur du gage, deduction faite de la somme i sum lent, lawful interest and charges, such pr6t6e et des int6r6ts et frais 16galement exi- value to be the sum lent, lawful interest and gibles. La valeur du gage 6gale le montant ' charges and 25 per cent on the sum lent. obtenu par addition de la Somme pr6t6e, des int6r6ts et frais 16galement exigibies et de 25 Insurable pour cent de la somme pr6t6e. interest (2) A Intdr6t assu- rable est in the pledge to the extent of the value so r6t assurable sur le gage, 6gal A la valeur estimated. R.S.O. 1980,c. 372, s. 19. ainsi obtenue. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 19. I � Right emption 20. Where the sum lent upon a pledge is 20 Si la somme pr6t6e sur gage est d'au Droit de j where sum $15 or less, it may be redeemed at an time gage pe g g d6Qagement si Y y plus 15$, le a e ut 6tre d6 a 6 en tout r @t est I lent $15 or within one year after the day on which it was temps dans 1'ann6e qui suit la date ot1 1'objet d'au plus 15S less pawned by tendering to the pa pbroker the est mis en gage, sur pr6sentation au pr6teur pawnticket, the sum borrowed and the lawful sur gages de la reconnaissance, de la somme E Ei . i 946 Chap. P.6 'PAWNBROKERS interest and charges, and, if it is not so empr'untde ainsi que des interets et frais lega- ' redeemed, it becomes the pawnbroker's lement exigibles. Si le gage nest pas ainsi E absolute property. R.S.O. 1980,c.372,s. 20. degagts, le preteur sur gages en acquiert la pleine propriete. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 20. Idem,si to Idem,where 21.—(1) Where the sum lent upon a 21 (i) Si la Somme pret8e sur gage est ur pret est de sum lent is is more than $15 but not more than plus de 15$ mais d'au plus 30$, le preteur plus de 15$ more than pledge e pawnbroker y gages pe p p et d'au plus i $15 and not 30 the awnbroker may at an time after it sur ut, en tout temps un an a revs la I more than has been in pawn for at least one year send mise en gage, envoyer un avis A 1'emprun- 30$ to the pawner by first-class prepaid mail to teur, a 1'adresse qui figure au registre, par the address shown in the pawnbroker's book courrier affranchi de premiere classe, decri- to be the address of the pawner a notice vant 1'op6ration et enoncant qu'A moins que i identifying the transaction and stating that, le gage ne soit dtsgage dans les quinze jours I unless the.pledge is redeemed within the fif- suivant la mise A la poste de 1'avis, le preteur teen days next after the day of mailing the sur gages en acquiert la pleine propriete. I notice, it becomes the pawnbroker's absolute i property. Idem Idem (2) Any such pledge may be redeemed at (2) Un tel gage peut titre degage en tout any time within the fifteen days next after temps avant Pexpiration des quinze jours qui the day of mailing the notice by tendering to suivent la mise A la poste de 1'avis sur presen- t the pawnbroker the pawnticket, the sum bor- tation au preteur Sur gages de la reconnais- rowed and the lawful interest and charges, sance, de la somme empruntee ainsi que des and, if it is not so redeemed, it becomes the interets et frais legalement exigibles. Si le pawnbroker's absolute property. R.S.O. gage nest pas d8gag8 ainsi, le preteur Sur 1980,c. 372,s. 21. gages en acquiert la pleine propriete. L.R.O. 1980,chap. 372,art. 21. Idem,where 22.—.(1) Where the sum lent upon a 22 (1) Si la somme pretrse sur gage est Idem,est de sum lent is led a is more than $30, the pawnbroker de plus de 30$, le preteur sur gages peut, en plus de 30$: I more than P g p P gage avis Ste et dans I. . $30: notice may at any time after it has been in pawn for tout temps un an a res la mise en , les 1parnaux by mail and A 1'adresse le newspaper at least one year send to the pawner by first- envoyer un avisgA 1'em ru cotl�m�'er affranchi class prepaid mail to the address shown by qui figure au re itre, par the pawnbroker's book to be the address of de premiere classe, decrivant Poperation et the pawner a notice identifying the transac- enongant qu'A moins que le gage ne soit j nless the pledge is degage dans les quinze jours qui suivent la tion and stating that, u redeemed within the fifteen days next after mise A la poste de l'avis,un avis d8finitif sera the day of mailing the notice, a final notice publie dans un journal grande diffusion will be published in a newspaper having gen- dans la municipalite otl le preteur Sur gages eral circulation in the municipality in which exploite son commerce, decrivant 1'op8ration the pawnbroker carries on business identify- et enonrant qu'A moins que le gage ne soit ing the transaction and stating that, unless degage dans les quinze jours qui suivent la i date de publication de 1'avis, le preteur Sur the pledge is redeemed within the fifteen days next after the day of publication of the gages en acquiert la pleine propriete. notice, it becomes the pawnbroker's absolute i property. g g Idem i Idem (2) If the pledge is not redeemed within (2) Si le gage nest pas dears dans les the fifteen days next after the mailing of the quinze jours qui suivent la mise A la poste du j first notice mentioned in subsection (1), the premier avis mentionnrs au paragraphs par le pawnbroker may at any time thereafter give preteur sur gages peut en tout temps par la the final notice mentioned in that subsection. suite donner Pavis d8finitif mentionne A ce meme paragraphe. I 3 Un tel gage eut etre degage en tout Idem Idem (3) Any such pledge may be redeemed at ( ) g g p any time within the fifteen days next after temps avant 1'expiration des quinze jours qui the mailing of the first notice mentioned in suivent soit la miss A la poste du premier avis subsection (1) or within the fifteen days next enti nn6 u paavtsrd f ttf�mentionnetA de after the day of publication of the final notice p mentioned in that subsection, as the case meme paragraphe, selon le cas, sur presenta- i. may be, by tendering to the pawnt roker the tion au preteur Sur gages de la reconnais- i pawnticket, the sum borrowed and the lawful sance, de la somme empruntce ainsi que des j' interest and charges, and, if it is not so interets et frail legalement exigibles. Si le redeemed, it becomes the pawnbroker's gage aes en acquiert gagd ainsi,si, le stet ur sur absolute property. R.S.O. 1980,c. 372, s. 22. 8980, chap. 72, art. 22. 'Y i 1?Rtr SUR GAGES Chap. P.6 947 { a YChtailatIon 23.—(1) The one-year period mentioned 23 (1) La p6riode dun an mentionnee prioodde d'avis of&O AiYeu in sections 20, 21 and 22 commences on the aux articles 20, 21 et 22 commence le jour day following the day on which the pledge qui suit celui oA le gage est mis en gage et se 'r, was put in pawn and ends with the close of termine a I'heure de fermeture des bureaux '� business on the 365th day thereafter. le 3651 jour suivaitt. computation calwlation (2) The fifteen-day period mentioned in (2) La p6riode de quinze jours.mention- de la p6riode of y sections 21 and 22 commences on the day fol- nee aux articles 21 et 22 commence le jour de 15 Jours lowing the day on which the notice was qui suit celui oit l'avis est mis a la poste ou mailed or the final notice was published, as celui ou Pavis d6finitif est publi6, selon le the case may be, and ends with the close of cas, et se termine a 1'heure de fermeture des business on the fifteenth day thereafter. bureaux le quinzieme jour qui suit. Exception (3) When a period mentioned in subsec- (3) Si une p6riode mentionnee au paragra- Exception tion (1) or (2) ends on a day on which busi- phe (1) ou (2) se termine un jour non ouvra- ness is not carried on, the next business day ble, la p6riode est prorogee jusqu'au jour is included in the period. R.S.O. 1980, ouvrable suivant. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, c. 372, s. 23. art. 23. Affidavit as 24. As soon as a notice mentioned in sec- 24 Aussit6t qu'.un avis mentionn6 a 1'arti- nt less to notices tion 21 or 22 has been sent or published, the cle 21 ou 22 est envoy6 ou publie, le•pr6teur avis pawnbroker shall make or cause to be made sur gages souscrit ou fait souscrire un affida- an affidavit as to the sending or publication, vit concernant 1'envoi ou la publication de as the case may be, of the notice, and such 1'avis, selon le cas. Le pr6teur sur gages con- affidavit shall be kept by the pawnbroker for serve 1'affidavit pendant au moins detix ans. at least two years. R.S.O. 1980,c. 372,s. 24. L.R.O. 1980,chap. 372, art. 24. Cas o�le Where 25.—(1) If, during the period that a 25 (1) Si, durant la p6riode oit le gage gage nest pas pledge not is redeemable, the pawner tenders to peut titre degage, 1'emprunteur presente au remis sur given back pledge g e, pr6teur sur gages la reconnaissance, la Prfsentation upon tender the pawnbroker the pawnticket, the sum lent p g g des sommes of money and the lawful interest and charges and the somme pret6e ainsi que lee interets et frais dues owing pawnbroker neglects or refuses without rea- 16galement exigibles, et que le pr6teur sur sonable cause to deliver back the goods so gages refuse ou neglige sans motif raisonna- pawned, the pawner may make oath thereof ble de remettre 1'objet mis en gage, 1'em- before a justice of the peace, who shall sum- prunteur peut attester ces faits sous serment mon such person before him, and shall exam- devant un juge de paix qui assign la per- ine on oath the parties and their witnesses Bonne a comparaitre devant lui, et it inter- touching the matter, roge sous serment les parties et leurs temoins sur l'affaire. (2) If tender of the awnticket with the (2) Til est etabli que la reconnaissance, la ur.,,s,6_on Tender and p consequences sum lent and the lawful interest and charges Somme pretee ainsi que lee interets et frais yuence du of refusal is proved to have been made within such legalement exigibles ont etc presentee dans le re time, then, on payment by the pawner of the delai de degagement, le juge de paix total amount owed or, if the pawnbroker ordonne, Bur paiement du montant total dt3 refuses to accept such amount on tender par 1'emprunteur ou, si le pr6teur sur gages before the justice, the justice shall, by order, refuse d'accepter ce montant lorsqu'il est direct the pledge to be forthwith delivered to presente devant le juge de paix, que le gage the pawner or, if it is not so delivered, shall soit remis sans d6lai a 1'emprunteur ou, si direct the pawnbroker to make satisfaction cette remise n'est pas faite, que le pr6teur for the value thereof to be fixed by the jus- sur gages en rembourse la valeur que fixe le tice in accordance with section 19, and, if the juge de,paix conformement a Particle 19. Si pawnbroker neglects or refuses to deliver up le pr6teur sur gages neglige ou refuse de the pledge or to make satisfaction for the remettre le gage ou de rembourser la valeur value so fixed, the justice shall commit him ainsi fixee, le juge de paix le fait incarcerer or her to imprisonment for a period of not pour une periode d'au plus trois moil ou jus- more than three months or until he or she qu'a ce que le preteur sur gages remette le delivers up the pledge or makes satisfaction gage ou en rembourse la valeur. L.R.O. for the value so fixed. R.S.O. 1980, c. 372, 1980, chap. 372, art. 25. s. 25. Compensation Compensa- 26. If a person entitled and offering to 26 Si une personne qui a le droit de dega- on cas de den,fo! on redeem a pledge shows to the satisfaction of ger un gage et qui offre de to faire, convaine a6va geion of pledge a justice of the peace that the pledge has un juge de paix que le gage a perdu de la d become or has been rendered of less vaiue valeutdep tt aeela f meet de la it a 6t6 mis en ou than it was at the time of the pawning gage dl sur thereof by or through the default, neglect or de n le nueelibXr6 du pr6teur der une wilful misbehaviour of the pawnbroker, the gages, juge de p peut 948 Chap. P.6 PAWNBROKERS wi?t "justice may award a reasonable satisfaction ' somme raisorinable au propri6taire du gage to the owner of the pledge in respect of the relativement A la perte subie. La somme °L damage, and the amount awarded shall be accordde est d6duite du montant payable au deducted from the amount payable to the pr6teur sur gages ou est pay6e par ce der- - pawnbroker or shall be paid by the pawnbro- nier, selon le cas, conform6ment aux modali- ` ker, as the case requires, in such manner as t6s que peut ordonner le juge de paix. En cas the justice may direct, and in case of default de defaut, le pr6teur-sur gages est passible de the pawnbroker is liable to the punishment la peine pr6vue A Particle 25. L.R.O. 1980, mentioned in section 25. R.S.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 26. c. 372, s. 26. Lost pawn- 27.—(1) Any person claiming to be enti- 27 (1) Une personne qui pr6tend avoir le Reconnais- ' tickets sance perdue tled to redeem a pledge but not holding the droit de d6gager un gage, mais qui ne d6tient pawnticket may apply to the pawnbroker for pas de reconnaissance peut demander au a copy of the pawnticket and a printed form pr6teur sur gages une copie de la reconnais- of affidavit, which the pawnbroker shall sance ainsi qu'une formule imprimde d'affi- deliver to the person upon payment of the davit. Le pr6teur sur gages donne ces docu- charge therefor. ments A la personne sur paiement des frail pr6vus a cet dgard. Idem (2) If the claimant proves to the satisfac- (2) Si le r6clamant convainc un juge de Idem ' tion of a justice of the peace the right to paix qu'il a le droit de d6gager le gage et si, redeem the pledge and on or before the third au plus tard trois jours apr6s la date oil la day after the day on which the form of affi- formule d'affidavit lui est donn6e par le pr6- davit is delivered to the person by the pawn- teur sur gages, sans qu'il soft tenu compte broker, exclusive of days on which the pawn- des jours oa it est interdit A ce dernier d'ex- broker is prohibited from carrying on ploiter son commerce, le r6clamant remet au business, delivers back to the pawnbroker pr6teur sur gages !'affidavit dument fait sous the affidavit duly sworn and endorsed with a serment et muni d'un certificat du juge de certificate of the justice that such proof has paix attestant que le r6clamant a bien ce been made, the claimant has, as between the droit, celui-ci jouit, A !'dgard du pr6teur sur claimant and the pawnbroker, all the rights gages, de tous les droits et recours qu'il and remedies that the claimant would have aurait eus s'il avait produit la reconnaissance. had if the claimant had produced the pawn- ticket. Idem . (3) The pawnbroker is not bound to (3) Le pr6teur sur gages nest pas tenu de Idem deliver the pledge to any person until the remettre le gage A qui que ce soit avant 1'ex- expiration of such three days. piration des trois jours. Idem (4) The pawnbroker shall be indemnified (4) Le pr6teur sur gages qui agit confor- Idem for delivering the pledge, or otherwise acting moment A !'affidavit et au certificat et notam- in conformity with the affidavit and certifi- ment remet�le gage, est indemnis6 a cet cate, unless the pawnbroker has notice that 6gard a moins d'avoir connaissance du fait the affidavit is fraudulent or false in a mate- que !'affidavit est frauduleux ou faux en ce rial particular. R.S.O. 1980,c. 372, s. 27. qui concerne un d6tail substantiel. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 27. Maximum 28. In addition to the profit on the sum 28 En plus des int6r6ts l6galement exigi- mummaxi- charges lent, being interest thereon at not more than bles sur la somme pr&6e, le pr6teur sur the lawful rate, a pawnbroker is entitled to gages a le droit de percevoir les frail make the following charges: suivants 1. For a pawnticket, not more than 20 1. Un maximum de 20 cents pour une cents. reconnaissance. 2. For storage of a pledge, not more than 2. Un maximum de 10 cents par mois 10 cents per month per cubic foot or pour chaque pied cube ou partie de part thereof of storage space taken up pied cube d'espace d'entreposage by the pledge. occup6 par le gage. 3. For a copy of a pawnticket and printed 3. Un maximum de 20 cents pour une form of affidavit, not more than ,20 copie d'une reconnaissance et une for cents. R.S.O. 1980, c. 372, s. 28. mule imprim6e d'affidavit. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, art. 28. Infi action Offence sans excuse 29.--{1) Every person who without rea- 29 (1) La personne qui, rai- sonable excuse contravenes or fails to comply sonnable, contrevient ou omet de se confor- with this Act is guilty of an offence and on mer a la pr6sente loi est coupable d'une PRtr SUR GAGES chap. P.6 949 conviction is liable to a fine of not more than infraction et passible, sur declaration de cul- : $2,000. R.S.O. 1980, c. 372, s. 29 (1); 1989, pabilitd, dune amende d'au plus 2 000$. £. c. 72, s. 18,part, revised. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, par. 29 (1); 1989, SY' chap. 72,art. 18,en partie, rJvisd. Limitation (2) A proceeding to prosecute an offence (2) Une poursuite concernant une infrac- Prescription against this Act may be commenced within tion A la pr6sente loi se prescrit par douze twelve months next after the offence was mois a compter de la perpetration de l'infrac- committed. R.S.O. 1980,c. 372,s. 29 (2). tion. L.R.O. 1980, chap. 372, par. 29 (2). . S4 DURHAM REGIONAL POLICE SERVICE PAWN AND SECOND HAND SHOP RECORD E OF BUSINESS: � t n(11)Rf SS; PAY OUT POLICE USE TIME SELLER'S INNTIFICAIIC�N ITEM MAKE & MODEL SERIAL It AMOUNT CPIC CAU. �... WA Y1' Name: I. . Address: 2. MIN Plhona: I L.I,:,,I IW 11. a•.. PHOTO ID# a 7 II)113: W YY Name: I r Address: 2 MIN Phone: I1u1,:„1 N111, a 7 `4•, I PHOTO I �� ID#: MM YY Name: 1. Address: 2 i?zA M MIN Phone: I hole a[[ii.dl a. (PHOTO ID#: u'? I143. s tDM41IYY Name: _ I' ;i Address: 2. r R MIN Phone: — hole<,(Isildi 3 PHOTO :a ID#• II - �A�INd•YY Nome: ----__ ------------ I. I ;.;.'•:•' -- I- I Address: 2. FF MIN I Phone: huh ul(;il Ii. 3 �IPHO T.1 ID# TO u?: ID#3: CGjMM YY I Nome: t — Address: 2. c — -- --- --- ---....- --. ..- --' -- -- — ------- Fri MIN Phone: I r d,:„I Ito II i I w } PHOTO Ina II nl.' u�a3 'a :rO Rov 1NW �:,11''. I IWIIIIi.I COPY (Yu I UW) COPY WINK) f' Irmnunl �' 'AM 01 unn nulru An•v Y,a•.i aw Of Al r n r THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 95- being a By-law to provide for the licensing, regulating and governing of salvage shops, salvage yards, second-hand goods shops, and dealers in second-hand goods WHEREAS The Municipal Act R.S.O. , 1990, chapter M.45 section 233(1) authorizes the Council of a Municipality to pass a By-law licensing, regulating and governing salvage shops, salvage yards, second-hand goods shops and dealers in second-hand goods, and for revoking any such license; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington deems it appropriate to enact a By-law to license, regulate and govern such businesses; NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: 1. In this By-law: (a) "dealers in second-hand goods" includes persons who go from house to house or along highways for the purpose of collecting, purchasing or obtaining second-hand goods; (b) "salvage yard" includes an automobile wrecking yard or premises; (c) "second-hand goods" includes waste paper, rags, bones, bottles, bicycles, automobile tires, old metal and other scrap material and salvage; (d) "second-hand shop" means a shop, store or other place where second-hand goods are purchased, sold or exchanged; (e) "municipality" means the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; (f) "pawnbroker" means a person who carries on the business of taking by way of pawn or pledge any article for the repayment of money lent thereon. LICENSE REQUIREMENTS 2. (1) No person shall; (a) keep a shop, yard or other place, for the purchase, sale or exchange of second-hand goods; (b) carry on the business of a dealer in second-hand goods; or (c) operate a salvage shop or yard; within the Municipality without having first been issued a license to operate within the Municipality. (2) No license shall be renewed unless under the authority of this by-law. (3) The sum of $20.00 shall be paid for every license or renewal thereof to the Municipality. (4) All licenses issued under the authority of this By-law shall be valid for one calendar year only and shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year in which it was issued. -2- (5) The licensee shall ensure that, at all times, the currently valid license is displayed in a conspicuous place at the fixed place of business and shall, upon request of a peace officer, produce the license for inspection. Failure by a licensee to comply with this section shall constitute an offence. (6) No person shall, by virtue of one license carry on a business as specified in this By-law in more than one shop. (7) Where two or more persons carry on a business as specified in this By-law in partnership in the same shop, only one license is necessary. 3. Any license issued under this By-law shall be issued to authorize the licensee to deal in one class only of second-hand goods or in more than one class as may be specified in the license, and such licensee is not entitled to deal in any class of second-hand goods not covered in his license. 4. Where a licensee wishes to amend the classes of second-hand goods covered in his license, he shall have to pay the same fee as for a new license. EXEMPTIONS 5. Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary contained in this By-law, no license shall be required by; (a) persons whose primary business is in the sale of new goods or merchandise and who purchase, sell, exchange or deal in second-hand goods only to the extent of purchasing articles of value which are applied against the purchase price of new goods and subsequently reselling such articles traded; (b) persons engaged in any trade, calling, business or occupation for patriotic or charitable purposes; or (c) persons involved in the purchase, sale or exchange of articles or goods commonly known and recognized as valuable antiques and works of art, either in their original condition or as renovated, remodelled, repaired or remanufactured. PROCEDURE 6. An application for a license or renewal of a license shall be made at the office of the Clerk on the form prescribed and the Clerk may prescribe any information to be given therein and other necessary papers to be completed or submitted by the applicant in conjunction with his or her application. 7. Before issuance of a license or renewal of a license, the Clerk shall cause an investigation to be made by the Chief of Police as to the suitability or advisability of issuing or renewing the said license. 8. Where the application for a license or renewal of the license involves more than one person operating in partnership, the Clerk shall require all necessary investigations to be conducted of all partners. 9. No person shall enjoy a vested right in the continuance of a license and upon issuance, renewal, cancellation or suspension, a license shall remain the property of the Municipality. -3- 10. No person shall transfer or assign to another person, a license issued under the authority of this By-law. 11. No dealer in second-hand goods shall be licensed as, or operate in conjunction with, a pawnbroker. OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS 12. No person licensed under the authority of this By-law shall purchase, take in exchange or receive, any goods, article or thing from any person who appears to be; (a) under eighteen (18) years of age; or (b) under the influence of alcohol or other substance. 13. No person licensed under the authority of this By-law shall alter, repair, dispose of, or in any way part with any of the goods or articles purchased or taken in exchange until after the expiration of thirty clear days, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, from the date of purchase or exchange. Failure of any person to comply with this section shall constitute an offence. 14. During the days referred to in Section 13, the goods or articles so obtained shall remain on the premises in respect of which the license is issued, and shall be kept in a separate location from any previously purchased goods and shall be subject to inspection at any time during routine business hours by a Police Officer. The Officer may be accompanied by any persons as in his or her opinion may be necessary for the identification of goods reported or suspected of. having been stolen. 15. A peace officer or an official acting under his authority and instructions may, at all reasonable times and upon producing proper identification, enter and inspect any shop or other place in respect of which a license has been issued under this by-law; and no person shall refuse admission to such officer or person after or upon a demand being made. SECOND-HAND DEALER'S REGISTER 16. (1) Every person licensed under this by-law shall keep a record book known as a Second-Hand Dealer's Register, as supplied by the Durham Regional Police Department, and shall enter into that book, in an official language, in ink, in a clear and legible hand, the following information; (a) the date on which the goods or articles were purchased or taken in exchange; (b) the full name, address and a description of the person delivering the goods or articles sufficient to identify such person including sex, estimated age, height, weight, complexion and full particulars of identification if produced and, where the person who delivers the articles or goods states that he or she is the agent of its owner, the name, address and written confirmation of the owner; and (c) a description of the goods or articles reasonably sufficient to identify it, including any marks or serial numbers. (2) All entries shall be numbered consecutively in the order in which the goods or articles were acquired. 1 19 ( 1h -4- (3) No person shall alter, delete, mutilate or destroy any entry made in the record book, nor shall the licensee permit any entry to be altered, deleted, mutilated or destroyed. (4) The Second-Hand Dealer's Register shall be open to inspection by the police at all times during regular business hours, and may be removed at any time by the police for inspection, or for use in the Courts if necessary. The licensee or his agent shall not deny such access to the police. (5) The licensee shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the office of the Chief of Police, or his designate, not later than nine o'clock in the morning of every weekday a transcript of the purchases of the previous business day accurately copied from the Second-Hand Dealer's Register. SALVAGE YARDS 17. Every salvage yard licensed under this By-law shall be enclosed by a solid fence and no goods shall be placed outside of, or higher than such fence. 18. No licensee shall maintain a salvage yard closer than twenty 'meters from the street line or road allowance. PENALTY 19. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence. CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAWS 20. Where provisions of this By-law conflict with any other By-law or Statute, the By-law or Statute which contains the more restrictive provisions shall prevail. SEVERABILITY 21. Should any part of this.By-law be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of this By-law shall not be affected thereby, the intent of Council being that each provision of the By-law shall be determined to be separately valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. By-law read a first and second time this day of 1995 By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of 1995 MAYOR CLERK 1220 ` ' THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 95- being a By-law to License, Regulate and Govern Pawnbrokers within the Municipality WHEREAS tAe Pawnbrokers Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.6, provides a Municipality with the authority to pass By-laws to require for the licensing, regulating and governing of pawnbrokers within the Municipality; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington considers it desirable to pass a By-law to license and regulate pawnbrokers; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: DEFINITIONS 1. In this By-law: (a) "Act" means the Pawnbrokers Act, R.S.O. 1990 chapter P.6; (b) "dealers in second-hand goods" includes persons who go from house to house, or along highways, for the purpose of collecting, purchasing, or obtaining second-hand goods, and includes a person who does so, or the agent or servant of such person; (c) "Municipality" means the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; (d) "pawnbroker" means a person who carries on the business of taking by way of pawn or pledge any article for the repayment of money lent thereon; (e) "pawner" means a person who delivers an article for pawn to a pawnbroker; (f) "pledge" means an article pawned with a pawnbroker; (g) "shop" includes any place where the business of a pawnbroker is carried on. LICENSE REQUIREMENTS 2. (1) No person shall carry on the business of a pawnbroker within the Municipality without a license issued by the Municipality. (2) No license shall be renewed unless under the authority of this By-law. (3) The sum of $200.00 shall be paid for every license or renewal thereof to the Municipality. (4) All licenses issued under the authority of this By-law shall be valid for one calendar year only and shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year in which it was issued. (5) The licensee shall ensure that, at all times, the currently valid license is displayed in a conspicuous place at the fixed place of business and shall, upon request of a peace officer, produce the license for inspection. Failure by a licensee to comply with this section shall constitute an offence. r -2- (6) No person shall, by virtue of one license carry on business as a pawnbroker in more than one shop. (7) Where two or more persons carry on the business in partnership in the same shop, only one license is necessary. PROCEDURE 3. An application for a license or renewal of a license shall be made at the office of the Clerk on the form prescribed and the Clerk may prescribe any information including a criminal record check to be given therein and other necessary papers to be completed or submitted by the applicant in conjunction with his or her application. 4. Before issuance of a license or renewal of a license, the Clerk shall cause an investigation to be made by the Chief of Police as to the suitability or advisability of issuing or renewing the said license. 5. Where the application for a license or renewal of the license involves more than one person operating in partnership, the Clerk shall require all necessary investigations to be conducted of all partners. 6. Prior to the issuance of a license or the renewal thereof, the applicant shall give to the Municipality security to the satisfaction of the municipal treasurer, in the sum of $2,000.00, or other such sum as required by the Act, for the due observance, by the pawnbroker, of the provisions of the By-law and the Act. 7. No person shall transfer or assign to another person, a license issued under the authority of this By-law. 8. No person shall enjoy a vested right in the continuance of a license and upon issuance, renewal, cancellation or suspension, a license shall remain the property of the Municipality. 9. No pawnbroker shall be licensed as, or operate in conjunction with, a Dealer in Second Hand Goods. 10. The pawnbroker shall, at all times, in the routine course of business comply with all requirements as set out in the Act. 11. Where a pledge is found to have been stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained, the pawnbroker shall return the said pledge to the rightful owner once the owner has paid the pawnbroker the outstanding sum on the pledge minus any accumulated interest. 12. All information as required in the Act shall be recorded in a Pawnbroker's Book which will be supplied by the Durham Regional Police. The use of any book or filing system other than that provided by the Municipality shall constitute an offence. PENALTY 13. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence. } ) L L 2 3 _ CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAWS 14. Where provisions of this By-law conflict with any other By-law or statute, the By-law or statute which contains the more restrictive provisions shall prevail. SEVERABILITY 15. Should any part of this By-law be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of this By-law shall not be affected thereby, the intent of Council being that each provision of the By-law shall be determined to be separately valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. By-law read a first and second time this day of By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of MAYOR CLERK 12 2. .E THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 95- being a By-law to License, Regulate and Govern Pawnbrokers within the Municipality WHEREAS The Pawnbrokers Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.6, provides a Municipality with the authority to pass By-laws to require for the licensing, regulating and governing of pawnbrokers within the Municipality; AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington considers it desirable to pass a By-law to license and regulate pawnbrokers; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington enacts as follows: DEFINITIONS 1. In this By-law: (a) "Act" means the Pawnbrokers Act, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.6 or its successor; (b) "dealers in second-hand goods" includes persons who go from house to house, or along highways, for the purpose of collecting, purchasing, or obtaining second-hand goods, and includes a person who does so, or the agent or servant of such person; (c) "Municipality" means the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington; (d) "pawnbroker" means a person who carries on the business of taking by way of pawn or pledge any article for the repayment of money lent thereon; (e) "pawner" means a person who delivers an article for pawn to a pawnbroker; (f) "pledge" means an article pawned with a pawnbroker; (g) "shop" includes any place where the business of a pawnbroker is carried on. LICENSE REQUIREMENTS 2. (1) No person shall carry on the business of a pawnbroker within the Municipality without a license issued by the Municipality. (2) No license shall be renewed unless under the authority of this By-law. (3) The sum of $200.00 shall be paid for every license or renewal thereof to the Municipality. (4) All licenses issued under the authority of this By-law shall be valid for one calendar year only and shall expire on the 31st day of December of the year in which it was issued. 1224 2 - (5) The licensee shall ensure that, at all times, the currently valid license is displayed in a conspicuous place at the fixed place of business and shall, upon request of a peace officer, produce the license for inspection.Failure by a licensee to comply with this section shall constitute an offence. (6) No person shall, by virtue of one license carry on business as a pawnbroker in more than one shop. (7) Where two or more persons carry on the business in partnership in the same shop, only one license is necessary. PROCEDURE 3. An application for a license or renewal of a license shall be made at the office of the Clerk on the form prescribed and the Clerk may prescribe any information including a criminal record check to be given therein and other necessary papers to be completed or submitted by the applicant in conjunction with his or her application. 4. Before issuance of a license or renewal of a license, the Clerk shall cause an investigation to be made by the Chief of Police as to the suitability or advisability of issuing or renewing the said license. 5. Where the application for a license or renewal of the license involves more than one person operating in partnership, the Clerk shall require all necessary investigations to be conducted of all partners. 6. Prior to the issuance of a license or the renewal thereof, the applicant shall give to the Municipality security to the satisfaction of the municipal treasurer, in the stun of $2,000.00 or other such sum are required by the Act, for the due observance, by the pawnbroker, of the provisions of the By-law and the Act. 7. No person shall transfer or assign to another person, a license issued under the authority of this By-law. 8. No person shall enjoy a vested right in the continuance of a license and upon issuance, renewal, cancellation or suspension, a license shall remain the property of the Municipality. 9. No pawnbroker shall be licensed as, or operate in conjunction with, a Dealer in Second Hand Goods. 10. The pawnbroker shall, at all times, in the routine course of business, comply with all requirements set out in the Act. PAWNBROKER'S REGISTER 11. (1) Every person licensed under this By-law shall keep a record book known as a Pawnbroker's Register, as supplied by the Durham Region Police Department, and shall enter into that book, in an official language, in ink, in a clear and legible hand, the following information; (a) the date on which the goods or articles were purchased or taken in exchange; 1 � � 5 3 - (b) the full name, address and a description of the person delivering the goods or articles, sufficient to identify such person including sex, estimated age, height, weight, complexion and full particulars of identification if produced, and where the person who delivers the articles or goods states that he or she is the agent of its owner, the name, address and written confirmation of the owner; and (c) a description of the goods or articles reasonably sufficient to identify it, including any marks or serial numbers; (d) the sum lent on the pledge. (2) All entries shall be numbered consecutively in the order in which the goods or articles were acquired. (3) No person shall alter, delete, mutilate or destroy any entry made in the record book, nor shall the licensee permit any entry to be altered, deleted, mutilated or destroyed. (4) The Pawnbroker's.Register shall be open to inspection by the police at all times during regular business hours, and may be removed at any time by the police for inspection, or for use in the courts if necessary. The licensee or his agent shall not deny such access to the police. (5) The licensee shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the office of the Chief of Police, or his designate, not later than nine o'clock in the morning of every weekday a transcript of the purchases of the previous business day accurately copied from the Pawnbroker's Register. PAWN TICKET 12. At the time of taking an article in pawn, the pawnbroker shall give the pawner a pawn ticket containing: (a) the pawnbroker's name and business address; (b) the name of the pawner; (c) the day, month and year in which the pledge was taken in pawn; (d) the number of the entry of the pledge in the pawnbroker's book; (e) a description of the pledge; (f) the sum lent on the pledge; (g) the rate of interest charged for the sum lent; (h) the charge for the pawnticket; and (i) the charge for storage, if any. 4 - 13. Where a pawnbroker has reasonable cause to suspect that an article offered to the pawnbroker has been stolen or otherwise unlawfully obtained, the pawnbroker shall forthwith report the matter to the Durham Regional Police Service. PENALTY 14. Any person who contravenes any provision of this By-law is guilty of an offence. CONFLICT WITH OTHER LAWS 15. Where provisions of this By-law conflict with any other By-law or statute, the By-law or statute which contains the more restrictive provisions shall prevail. SEVERABILITY 16. Should any part of this By-law be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid in whole or in part, the validity of the other provisions of this By-law shall not be affected thereby, the intent of Council being that each provision of the By-law shall be determined to be separately valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. By-law read a first and second time this day of By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of MAYOR CLERK