HomeMy WebLinkAboutCD-6-95 ADDENDUM UNFINISHED BUSINESS THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON REPORT Meeting: ile # 0� GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: Res. #(�,(a�l' MARCH 6, 1995 # ADDENDUM TO S Y'Lair Depart#:_®CH,_.6_g5._. File #: i Subject: APPLICATIONS FOR DESIGNATED PROPERTY GRANTS Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1 . THAT the Addendum to Report CD-6-95 be received; 2 . THAT Report CD-6-95 be received; 3 . THAT the 10% administrative fee received from the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation be waived for this submission of grant applications, thereby making $13 , 728 available to the designated property owners; 4 . THAT the following Designated Property Grants be approved: a) $3 , 000 for John Brudek, owner of the Daniel Hogarth House; b) $3 , 000 for Enfield United Church; c) $3 , 000 for Glen Millson, owner of the Eber Millson House; and d) $1, 952 . 75 for St . George' s Church; 5 . THAT the funds required be taken from the Miscellaneous Clearing Account #1003-00015-0000 ; and 6 . THAT John Brudek, Donna Griffin, Treasurer, Enfield United Church Women, Glen Millson, John Wynn, Church Warden, St . George' s Church, the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee and the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation, Heritage Branch, be advised of Council' s decision. Continued . . . . . /2 ; ' nus is rertmo av necvaeu rnren Addendum to Report CD-6-95 - 2 - March 6 , 1995 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: On February 13 , 1995, Council referred Report CD-6-95 back to staff for clarification of the 10o administrative fee for the processing of heritage designated property grants . In July 1994 , the Municipality applied to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Recreation for a grant in the amount of $15, 000 for restorations to five designated properties . In a letter dated August 26, 1994, the Ministry advised that the grant amount requested (including 10% administrative fee) was $16, 500 . The grant awarded was noted as being $13, 728 (see Attachment A) . The correspondence does not indicate, however, it was determined through conversation with the Ministry that this figure includes the 10% administrative fee. It should be noted that the administrative fee is an amount that the Ministry pays to the Municipality for processing the applications . Because the letter did not specifically indicate that the administrative fee was included in the $13, 728, there was some confusion in the amount of the grant available to the property owners . The Local Architectural Advisory Committee (L.A. C.A. C. ) have been working with the property owners on the premise that the entire amount is available, when, in fact, the Municipality was proceeding on the assumption that $12 , 480 was available to L.A.C.A. C. ($13, 728 - $1, 248 administrative fee) . The Ministry has been contacted and have advised that in order to assist the L.A.C.A.C. s, some municipalities have forfeited the administrative fee, thereby allowing more funds to be made available to the property owners . In light of the above information, it is recommended that the Municipality waiver the loo administrative fee in this instance and that the four property grants be approved. Since the writing of Report CD-6-95, the invoice for the Eber Millson House has been submitted. The total amount of the work completed is $3 , 905 . 50, much lower than originally quoted. The grant amount requested is, therefore, $1, 952 . 75, not $3 , 000 as stated in Report CD-6-95 . Respect-f lly submitted Review by /Pat L. B rie, A.M. C.T. W. H. Stockwell 1,Clerk - Chief Administrative Officer PLB/ms 1 X33 Addendum to Report CD-6-95 - 3 - March 6, 1995 Interested parties to be advised of Council' s decision: Mr. J. Brudek Mr. G. Millson Solina Road 1840 Concession 7 R.R. #1 R.R. #1 Hampton, Ontario Enniskillen, Ontario LOB 1JO LOB 1JO Ms . D.M. Griffin, Treasurer Mr. J.A. Wynn Enfield U.C.W. Church Warden 1645 9th Concession 250 Mill Street South R.R. #2 Newcastle, Ontario Blackstock, Ontario L1B 1L9 LOB 1BO Diana Grandfield, Chairman Ministry of Culture and Local Architectural Conservation Communications Advisory Committee Heritage Branch 631 Mill Street 77 Bloor Street West Newcastle, Ontario 2nd Floor LIB 1L9 Toronto, Ontario M7A 2R9 1234 ATTACHMENT A 7 7 SEP l Y , Minister Ministry of Ministere de la +' �r i i u ,)�In �o r C,1';eta" MuuStrer 77 Bloor Street West 77. rue Btoor ouest Culture, Tourism Culture, du Tourisme Toronto.Ontario Toronto(Ontario) and Recreation et des Loisirs M7A 2R9 M7A 2R9 TeL:(416)325-6200 Tel, :t416)325-6200 August 26 , 1994 Fax:(416)325-6195 Telec. :0161 325-6195 Her Worship Diane Hamre Mayor Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mayor Hamre: Re: File Number HER-94-121-010 Preserving Ontario' s Architecture Program I am pleased to confirm the award of a grant of $13 , 728 for Designated Property Grant (DPG) projects approved by your municipality in 1994 . A cheque will be mailed within the next few weeks . Your municipality' s quick response and co-operation with ministry staff was most welcome. Following the changes to program administration, the ministry was able to improve the level. of funding for individual projects compared to last year. The general terms and conditions of the grant are contained in the agreement which your municipality signed upon joining the program. Municipal staff and LACAC members involved with the administration of the DPG program should also note the important information contained in the attachment to this letter. Finally, I would like to thank you for your participation in the Designated Property Grant program. We at the ministry especially value the efforts made by your municipality to preserve Ontario' s architectural heritage. Yours truly, Anne Swarbrick / ).. Minister Y- �,, x cc: Mr . Gordon Mills, MPP ) Durham East Ms . Patti Barrie, Clerk Municipality of Clarington 1235 ` ' Devised A?TACUMGN], TO MlUl"ST[K' 3 LETTER Date; August 26, 1994 File Number: 8CR-94-I21-010 Appl icant: Municipality of Clarington Program: Preserving Ontario' s Architecture (POA) Designated Property Grant Award ( 1994/95) I,Z3T OF ELIGIBLE PROJECTS : 1840 Conc. 7 B. B. I , «gPbe Eber Millsoo Bouoe» ` Daniel Bogarth Bouse/ Enfield United Church Women;/ Newcastle. Community Hall; 3t. George's Church. GRANT AMOUNT REQUESTED ( includes l0%) : $16 , 500 GRANT AWARDED: S13 , 728 SPECIAL CONDITIONS : Subject to compliance with DPG guidelines, municipalities 'may at their discretion : - permit a reduction or change in the scope of work of any project, to take account of the ministry's reduced grant award so long as the owners contribution to the eligible cost remains at 50% or more. - reassign any remaining funds following completion of a ~ project to new or other 1994 projects, eVb'- t to completion of projects within the deadline set by the ministry. The ministry should be notified immediately about the delay or cancellation Of projects and substitution of new projects. / DEADLINE FOR COMPLETION: | The deadline for completion of 1994 DPG projects and submission of post project reports (e.g. Claim Forms & 6 8 photographs) is June 30, 1995. ' If you have any questions please contact Ms . Tamara Anoon-Cactwzight (416) 314 -7I33 in the Cultural Programs Branch of the Ministry. ` ^ . 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