Meeting: General Purpose and Administration Committee File # L) �-
Date: April 3, 1995 Res. #���� " � i -ct�
Report #: CD-14-95 File #: By-law #
RecommendlViois respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and
Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:
1. THAT Report CD-14-95 be received for information.
At its regular meeting on March 27 , 1995, Council instructed staff to
prepare a report on its enforcement activities involving John Rice and
his property located at 151 Wellington Street, Bowmanville. On March
21, 1995, Mr. Rice was convicted in Provincial Court for a contravention
of the Municipal Zoning By-law 84-63 .
A complaint was filed with the By-law Enforcement Division on May 11,
1992 concerning the property located at 151 Wellington Street,
Bowmanville. Among other things, it was alleged that the lot was being
used as a leased parking lot. The owner of this property was John
Powell Rice.
A check with the Municipality's Planning Department confirmed the
property to be zoned "Holding Urban Residential Exception ( (H)R4-8) " ,
therefore the use of the land is restricted to "existing residential
uses and conservation, forestry and uses exclusive of livestock
operation" , as per Section 3. 9 of the Municipality's Comprehensive
Zoning By-law 84-63 as amended. In addition, legal non-conforming uses,
which existed on the date of the passing of the original restrictive By-
law and have continued as such are permitted on the property (reference
Sec . 3 .5 (a) ) .
In order to establish a lawful non-conforming use it would have to have
been a permitted use on the land pursuant to the previous Zoning By-law;
in this case the Town of Bowmanville By-law #1587 . The use would have
had to continue uninterrupted through to the present time.
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The former Town of Bowmanville By-law #1587 designated the property in
question as Residential. This designation did not permit the use of the
land for a parking lot. A parking lot operation was restricted to
Commercial and Industrial zones. When the current Zoning By-law 84-63
was enacted it did not substantially change the permitted uses on the
Staff first inspected the property in May of 1992 . At that time a sign
was posted facing onto Scugog Street indicating parking at $20 .00 per
month and listed two telephone numbers . Another sign on the same
location advised that unauthorized vehicles would be tagged and towed at
the owner's expense. A letter was sent by registered mail to Mr. Rice
advising him of the situation and contravention.
Mr. Rice subsequently attended the By-law Enforcement office, spoke to
staff and accompanied them to the site. All matters involving the
property were addressed at that time. Mr. Rice did take some action to
correct various matters and bring the property into compliance with the
By-laws . The one matter not corrected was the removal of the signs
which indicated that the land was still being used as a parking lot.
In March 1994, staff received complaints that the property was once
again being used as a "leased parking lot" . An inspection revealed the
above noted signs had not been removed, as well, several vehicles and
buses were observed parked on the lot. A second letter was sent to Mr.
Rice requiring him to cease the use forthwith. Subsequent to this
letter, the sign depicting leased parking was removed and the parking
lot apparently ceased to operate.
In September 1994 staff received a third complaint on the property.
Once again it appeared that the lot was being leased for the parking of
school buses . A third letter was sent to Mr. Rice advising him once
again that the vehicles could not be parked there. He was instructed to
remove the vehicles by October 3, 1994 and was cautioned that the site
would be monitored after this date and should the use remain or
reappear, further action would be initiated pursuant to the provisions
of the By-law.
On November 21, 22, 23 and 25 the site was inspected and on each of
these occasions there were at least two full size yellow Trentway-Wager
school buses on site. As a result, charges were initiated pursuant to
the By-law.
A First Appearance was set for January 17, 1995 . At that time Mr. Rice
failed to appear and the matter was adjourned to March 21, 1995 for
trial. On several occasions Mr. Rice contacted staff and members of
Council in an attempt to resolve the matter. Mr. Rice was advised that
he would have to prove to the court that he had a lawful non-conforming
Mr. Rice presented staff with documentation purporting to be a lease
agreement with the School Board to park buses on the lot. On February
24, 1995 a letter was sent to Mr. Rice advising him that it continued to
be staff 's position that the use of the property as a parking lot was a
violation of the provisions of the Municipality's Zoning By-law. He was
also informed that this matter had been adjourned by a Justice of the
Peace to March 21, 1995 for trial and that if he failed to attend on
that date the matter would proceed without him.
In February Mr. Rice attended at the By-law Enforcement office and spoke
to staff concerning the matter. Staff advised him again that he had to
prove a lawful non-conforming use. Mr. . Rice advised that he had
retained a solicitor and was preparing affidavits to prove that his
operations were legal. When these arrived, they were reviewed by staff
and found to be insufficient to establish a lawful non-conforming use
that would permit the property to be used for a parking lot.
On March 21, Mr. Rice attended Court for his trial. Mr. Rice chose to
appear without the benefit of legal counsel. At the conclusion of the
trial the Justice of the Peace convicted Mr. Rice of the offence and
imposed a fine.
Mr. Rice was given six months to pay the fine. His Worship did not
issue a Prohibition Order which could have prohibited the use of Mr.
Rice's property contrary to the Zoning By-law.
Respectfully submitted Reviewed by
Patti Barri , A.M.C.T. W. H. Stockwell
To Clerk ° Chief Administrative Officer