HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-020-02 . GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE 6jJlf-IV-o;L . "" CJ. U L~~ Meeting: Date: April 29, 2002 REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Report #: COD-20-02 File # r(l'.oa By-law # j.!JO)... - 63 CL2002-3, CONCESSION STREET AND ELGIN STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND CHURCH STREET STORM SEWER REPLACEMENT, BOWMANVILLE Subject: Recommendations: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-20-02 be received; 2. THAT Ron Robinson Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $1,896,138.20 (including GST), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2002-3, be awarded the contract for the Concession Street and Elgin Street Reconstruction and Church Street Stonn Sewer Replacement, Bowmanville, Ontario as required by the Engineering Department; and 3. THAT funds required in the amount of $1,400,000.00 for Concession Street and Elgin Street be drawn from the Engineering Account # 7205-02009-0261; 4. THAT funds in the amount of $37,013.15 required for Church Street Storm Sewer Replacement be drawn from the unexpended 1999 Capital Budget for Church Street in the General Capital Reserve Account #2900-00017-0000; and 5. THAT the attached By-law marked Schedule "A" authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute the agree ent be approved. Submitted by: rie Marano, H.B.Sc., C.M.O. Director of Corporate Services AU~ A.S. Cannella, C.E.T., Director of Engineering Services. MM\LABIAC\km/hjl Reviewed by:6~- ~ Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer 1201 REPORT NO.: COD-20-o2 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND AND COMMENT Subsequent to Council approval of Report COD-010-02 requesting early budget approval, tenders were publicly advertised and invited for Concession Street and Elgin Street Reconstruction and Church Street Storm Sewer Replacement, Bowmanville, Ontario. Tender specifications were provided by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates as required by the Engineering Department. Tenders were advertised in the local papers, as well as the Daily Commercial News. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per Schedule "B" attached. The Municipality of Clarington's portion of the total project cost, including Project Administration, as detailed in the letter from Totten Sims Hubicki Associates, marked Schedule "C" is estimated at $1,437,013.10 and are within the total 2002 budget allocation of $1,550,000.00, and the carried over 1999 budget funds of $37,013.00. Included in the total tendered price is work to be completed on behalf of the Region of Durham for which they will be invoiced separately. Funds in the amount of $1,400,000.00 will be drawn from the 2002 Engineering Capital Budget Account #7205-02009-0261. Additional funds in the amount of $37,013.15 will be drawn from the unexpended 1999 Capital Budget for Church Street that are in Account #2900-00017-0000, General Capital Reserve. The low bidder has previously performed satisfactorily for the Municipality of Clarington in recent years. The Director of Finance has reviewed the funding requirements and concurs with the recommendation. Queries with respect to department needs, specifications, etc., should be referred to the Director of Engineering. After further review and analysis of the bids by Engineering, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Ron Robinson Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario, be recommended for the contract for Concession Street and Elgin Street Reconstruction and Church Street Storm Sewer Replacement, Bowmanville, Ontario. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T(905)623-3379 F (905)623-4169 1202 SCHEDULE "A" THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON BY-LAW 2002- Being a By-law to authorize a contract between the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington and Ron Robinson Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario, for Concession Street and Elgin Street Reconstruction and Church Street Storm Sewer Replacement, Bowmanville, Ontario THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington with the Corporation Seal, a contract between, Ron Robinson Limited, Bowmanville, Ontario and said Corporation; and 2. THAT the contract attached hereto as Schedule "A" form part of this By-law. By-law read a first and second time this day of ,2002. By-law read a third time and finally passed this day of ,2002. John Mutton, Mayor Patti L. Barrie, Municipal Clerk 1203 I Cl!J!mgton Municipality of Clarington BID SUMMARY - SCHEDULE "B" TENDER # CL2002-3 CONCESSION STREET & ELGIN STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND CHURCH STREET STORM SEWER REPLACEMENT, BOWMANVILLE BIDDER TOTAL BID AMOUNT Ron Robinson Ltd. $1,896,138.20 Bowmanville, ON Hard-Co Construction Ltd. " $1,957,824.54 Whitby, ON B.N. Fenton Construction Ltd. . $2,022,058.05 Courtice, ON Power Contracting 1997 Limited $2,063,083.37 Thornhill, ON Elirpa Construction & Materials . $2,069,457.51 Ltd. Pickering, ON Miwel Construction Limited $2,145,932.82 Stouffville, ON . Extension Error UQ4 AI.Io(-l~-U.:: rlo lU:'1.:l nn lull VVUVUl\.\I . Ci \';-." VH ,c:. ~,. Schedule "C" , " -I' " ,:. , eng'ine'ers architects planners ,10 )/'cJl".I' TOtton Sims Ilubicki Associ_tDS 613 Division Street. Cobourg, Om_rio. Canada K9A ~GG (9051312-2121 Fox: (9051372-3621 e-mail: cobourg@lsh.ca www.lsh.ca ".J ,:~"I"I.'."'."'_." April 11, 2002 M~. 1.011 Arm Birkett, CPP, AMCT l'urchn.'>ing Manager Corporation of the MUllicipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Strect l-lOWMANVILLIi, Ol1tario. l.1C 3A6 ",'''': Dellr Ms. Birkett: Contract. No. CL2002..J, Concession Street and Elgin Stroot Reconstruction and Church Street Stann Sewer Replacement, BowmanviDe ' Tenders for the abovc project were opened at the municipal offices on Monday, April 8, 2002, at 2:00:00 p.m. The bids received inclusive of GST are summarl7.ed as follows: Rc: .- Total Bid AmolDlt Bidder Ron Robh\~on u;mted, Bowmanvillo,"Ont. $1 896,138.20 _Par<!:!;.o coiiSinlclion Ud_,,,!'hitby:Ont. $1.957,824.54 . " n.N. Penton Con.~truction, Courlice, Ont. 52,022,058.05 + 'i;ower Contractllll!. 1997 Limited . 52,063,083.37 Elirpa COllStnlcLioo & Materials Ltd., Pickerln\!. Ont. $2 069,457.51 . . Miwcl Constmctlon Un1ited, Stouffvlllc, Ont. .. 52,145 932.82 + Bid amcnded - JhteJlSion Error TIle low biddcrs ~ublllillod tender has bean reviewed and is in order. Ron Robinson Umited reconslIuctoo Centre Street for the Municipality of ClaringlOll in 2001 and Trolls Road 111 1995. They performed 10 ~11 acceptable standard. In 200\ thcy completed a number of contracts f!lr the Region of Durlmm aru1 private developers. TIlCSC project~ wero similar in nature to the subject contract and rcfercnccs contacted indicarcd !heir performance was acccptllble. We, therefore, recommend acceptance of thclow bid on this Conlract. . A cosl npporlionment is attachod which sulll111llrizcs ~timatcd project costs based on the low bid. OvcralIlhe projccl is under budget. 1bc COllc~sioll Street and Elgin Street ponion of the project is esTimated to be approximately $150,000 under budget and the Church Slreet Storm Sewer replacement work Is estimated LO be on budgcl. 'nl<l Church SITcet Storm Sewer Rl,.-placcmcnt work noted above was added to the original tender as part of Addendum No. I to address deficient storm scwer on Church Street between Silver Street and Temperance Slreet which was discovered when servicing for the new Clarington Libral'Y was installed. lLOS nrl\-l"- UG. II\! IV." IUI ....... -----.. .. C I .~ Mllnicip.1Jily of Clllrington 'April 11, 2002 ( Schedule "C" DeJ1o~it cheque~ may be rclurncd to all contractors except the low and second low bidders. i , Should you require any further information, plcasel contact lbel urulersigned, I)cst rllgal'ds, Ron Alhright, P.J1.ng. Prujcct Engineer /)'7 f.~ IWr.1 \\st;rvl:1\jlo'OjI.'CI..\I'1 t0824\-prj.ad.If,\cIat l..,uJur rwpnrt.dJlC! pc: A.S. Cannella, Municipality of Claringlou W. Chandler, Municipality of Clarington lL06 TIH r--...: c:> --..... . Ccst Al=porJo:-:mer.t For LO'.v Bi,j su~mftied By Ron ROt:::n'SOfl Lin1led Cor.lra~ Cl2tiC2.3 Municipality of Clarlngton/Reglon of Durham Concession street and Elgin Streel Reconstruction end Church Slreot Storm Sewer Replacement ... '" " . ~ Ap1i II. 2002 T .8<'1. Pm]!;.:: '~2~!77 ! Descrlptlon Total Clarlnoton I Region of Ourham Comlll9nts . COn.....lo. T Chu h.' I I f d E1g' ,C -"'" Stre. an In S' S Sower Watar $treat .otm aWlr ,,_ ns Roplacomenl 1.""oonll\'umber 7205.Q20"-o2G1 29011-17.0000 Construcllon Ca.... Conlracl CU002-3 Sec~an 1 Raad ''\/orks 51.114.122-62 51.079.7C8.39 $34,414.23 Section 2 S.nlory SeweI$ $204,931.51 S20C,931.51 Se.."tlon 3 Walormain & A,;>urlenancos 5401,012.65 5401,012.65 Seelion8 Ge""Illllleme $52.025.00 $33,697.66 S6.168~ 512,129.00 PIllIlI\ed e.oood on Law Bid Sub.Tato' Construcllon $1.712,O!lI.78 51,113.409.05 $34.414.23 5211,129.85 5413.141.64 TSH Prol"'" Number 12.1011U 12.101163 12.a022 120-29021. Region lnvoiced for Design Cosls o:...:ry . Jdsa intl&td6$ademi~ dWgtSSorsh:p dtaWlllg....... Detailed IloIlg.. Approvololllld TINldorlloelmenls ~ fDrCaaMISlI sa..., au II Sl. we. Co:rpIeW (10 March 23. 2JI~2J SZl.1011.01 623.1011.01 LaIl.VearlMd Chlrgeclb~gOeslgn.Cap ,.. W.:na.- J.cowlr72D5-B1IJ:o.D2i) Esl1mated Conslrucllan AdmIn/strollon (TSIf 1/ 12.29177) 5185,000,00 5119,IIOO.C3 522,000.0li 543,100.80 Prorated Based 0., Lo\l/ Old Olher Cosls BolllWoc.llloo S20,OOO.OO 520.000.00 '. . $5.000.Ot . H)'Ilro RdocalioA $5,000.00 Duel for F~ UliUty $5.225.00 $5,225.00 Roc;oJmIIO.....III.............oaoloIlng Utility VerifiCllloo $6.012.55 $3,006.28 53.00627 """erglllOl>:llIIIItFOIand propDRd ""'lI'O""'" watermaln sona llcpon (lDae 12315, Jan. 31.2002) $4,850.00 54.65D.0lI "'A WllOll......'" ...., LlS.lpllllr.edlOrdscI WI wart< on COncos.on Sf. and 8&ln 5L ub-TolaI OlI1er Cosls $40.887.55 $37,B81.28 $0.01 $0.00 S3,005.21 Sub-Toliol Esll...!ed Prolacl Cools (excl. o..,lng.nel..) 51.294,295,34 $34,414.23 5233,129.85 $459.247.91 Net G.S.T. P'lII (..o!. conllngoncln, $80,632.62 $38.82B.B6 51,032.43 58,993.90 $13,777,44 _llngonelM llncludlng G.B. T.I $106,293.19 $88.875.80 . $1,51M1.41 $12,878.25 $24,1l74.61 Total Esllm.l.d Praj.ct Costa 52,188.013.15 51.4011.000.00 537,013.15 5253.000.00 5498,000.00 Budget Amounl 51,587.013.15 $1,550.000.00 $37,013.15 Estlmsled _gsl Surplusllle/1c1 $150,000.00 $150,000.00 $0.00 ~ J .? en o ::T CD a. c: m- e) . Nolo: Cost. Summarized for Concession Skeel, Elgin S1re0l and Chu,ch _Include 2002 e",endih.<es Only _ C,lAn........('-Il!n...~r"I.2tll\"_'I.I___...