HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-76-82 N`50�KNOWIE[IGE Akp I I) V / CG/ CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LiC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING HELD DECEMBER 13, 1982 TR-76-82 SUBJECT: LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . That this report be received, and 2. That the recommendation as per the attached list of applications for cancellations, reduction or refund of taxes be approved. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Pursuant to the Municipal Act R.S.O. 1980 Chapter 302, Section 496 As Enacted by Bill 206, 1981; a list of cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes is hereby presented to Committee for review and approval . Respectfully submitted, Kathryn A. Campbell , C.A. ,B.Comm. , elTreasurer CB/gf R81-TC-5F 23 11 82 Io: The Council of the LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES Batch No..l?...�........ Page...l... Town of Newcastle (The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970 Chapter 284, Section 636a As Enacted by Bill Notification Date..December 1: 1982......... 206, 1971) Brief Explanation: Effective January lst,_ 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Review Court shall hear Prepared By...6:,Bryden ................... and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of March in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971. Last day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. Clain Roll Number IPerson(s) Taxes, Applicant i Locati.on,Description,( Amt. of Tax Assessment School iReason Claimed by Applicant ':o. land Mailing Address Type of Business Recommended Support Treasurers Report and i I Recommendations _ Bus. !Realty .Res. Years 1 010 ! 050 ; 05949 ! 0002 Camalite Glass 1R.R. # 2, Bowmanville 633.12 Out of Business 010 ! 050 23800 .: '0000 ! Konarowski, S.M. 149 Riverside Dr., N. 85.34. Double Assessment 3 010 050 23800 i ;0001 Konarowski, S.M. 49 Riverside Dr.,. N. 169.40 ( : Out of Business 4 010 060 03200 '0001 Heath, B. R.R. # 6, Bowmanville 54.99 i I Part Bldgs Demolished 5 0I0 060 03200 j 10000 Heath, B. R.R. # 6, Bowmanville 27.66: Commercial to Residential 5 020 040 09800 j820210008 ; Dykstra Deli jKing St. W. 276.04 Business-Sold-New Assess 7 020 040 09900 0005 Dykstra Deli King St. W. 251.32 ( Business-Sold-New Assess 3 020 050 03700 0000 Barrett C & L R.R. # 5, Bowmanville 57.01! i Garage Demolished a 020 070 094 18202 0001 1 Burton-Plantasis 12 King St. 637.88 i Out of Business-New Assess 3 020 1 090 080 1820210008 Gattie Chas 117 Temperance 251.98 i Out of Business 10 020 1 090 1 095 I !0001 Balson, E. 165 King St. E. 1285.26 jOut of Business 11 020 090 109 820210002 , Boots, J. 125 King St. E. 35.02 I IOut of Business 12 020 090 109 0000 Spencer, R. 125 King St. E. 13.55 (Commercial to Residential 13 C20 100 108 10000 Schwarz Bros. 1C1, Lot 11 & 12 362.39 Bldgs. Demolished 14 020 i 120 00001 010000 lBarmond Bldrs. King St. E. 53.25 Commercial to Residential I 13 C20 120 0001 I 0110000 Barmond Bldrs. :King St. E. i 10.61 Commercial to Residential To: The Council of the LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES Batch No--- 11........... Page.?..... Tom- of Newcastle 1982 (The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970 Chapter 284, Section 636a As Enacted by Bill Notification Date December 1, 206, 1971) B. Bryden Brr-zf E-=lanation: Effective January 1st, 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Review Court shall hear Prepared By.............. ........... and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of March in the year following , the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971. Last day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. Cil=m Roll Number Person(s) Taxes, Applicant I Location,Description, Amt. of Tax Assessment isc hool Reason Claimed by applicant No. and Mailing Address Type of Business Recommended Support Treasurers Report and i Recommendations 1 _ Bus. Re altX iRes. Years i6 -20 120 0001 01 0025 Photo King King St. E. 324.13 i Out of Business 17! ]2 0 120 0001 01 0000 ' Barmond Bldrs. :King St. E. 1 35.40 Commercial to Residential '_81 :20 120 0001 01 '0026 Photo King IKing St. E. 23.22 Out of Business 19 :20 120 0001 I 01 0000 Barmond Bldrs. King St. E. Commercial to Residential i 20i :20 120 192 00 10001 Groth A. 124 Baseline Road E. 1253.90 1 Out of Business-New Assess I 21 :20 120 199 12 10005 Courtice Steel Ltd. 1161 Baseline Rd. E. 1289.10 Change of Location in Bldg. 22 220 ! 120 199 12 10000 Vanhoof & Smith 161 Baseline Rd. E. I 72.421 Commercial to Residential I Bldg. 23 220 120 199 12 ;0006 ( Courtice Steel Ltd. 1161 Baseline Rd. E. 44.73 Parking-Chg. of Location in 24 X20 120 199 12 .000 Van Hoof & Smith 1161 Baseline Rd. E. 2.63 I (Commercial to Residential ' i I 25 020 120 207 00 10001 1Can. Rubber Dlrs. 1 ;1768.11 'New Assess 26 :20 120 207 00 0002 Can. Rubber Dlrs. ! 673.80 New Assess 27 :20 130 79 j 00 10000 ; Easton D. R.R. 7 2, Newcastle 1 123.46 ;RE: Fire Damage 28 30 ; 010 094 00 0000 Jones Chas. C1, Lot 8 1 43.36 I ldg. Demolished i 29 30 020 321 00 0000 Van Hamburg A. C4, Lot 28 I 243.17 Bldg. Demolished-Fire i .0 .30 030 321 00 0001 Van Hamburg A. C4, Lot 28 72.71 Business Assess Decrease i L� 'o: The Council of the LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATION, REDUCTION OR REFUND OF TAXES Batch No...l? .......... Page..3.... Town of Newcastle December 1 1982 (The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970 Chapter 284, Section 636a As Enacted by Bill Notification Date............,....... 206, 1971) B. Bryden 3rief Explanation: Effective January 1st, 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Review Court shall hear Prepared By.............. ........... and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of March in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971. Last day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. Claim Roll Number Person(s) Taxes, Applicant Location,Description, Amt. of Tax Assessment School Reason Claimed by Applicant and Mailing Address Type of Business Recommended Support Treasurers Report and Recommendations Bus. IRealty es. Years 31 j 030 060 021 00 0000 Morris D.G. C7, Lot 25 764.81 Sold to Min.Transport Grant 32 1 030 070 027 00 0000 Rutherford, R.J. C7, Lot 21 234.17 Bldg. Demolished 33 I 030 070 077 00 0001 Koukoudis G & C C8, Lot 24 292.72 34 030 1110 1005 00 10001 Waggoner, W.R. 27 King St. E. 192.28 Double Assess 35 030 ( 110 1013 00 0001 Newcastle Antiques 153 King St. E. 45.32 1 Out of Business I 36 030 110 013 00 0000 Hay, Albert 153 King St, E. 24.25 Commercial to Residential 37 030 1130 1, 166 00 0000 Laroc q ue, J.D. George St. W. 29.701 Assessment Error 38 : 030 1130 1118 00 0000 Bandstra, J. IKing St. 221.771 Bldg. Demolished i i i I