HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-37-82 60-6 7' W\S KHO\'IEDG(Mb CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE HELD JULY 26 , 1982 T R- 3 7-8 2 SUBJECT : BUDGET REVIEW TO JUNE 30 , 1982 RECOMMENDATION : It is respectfully recommended 1 . . That this report be received , and 2 . That the folIowing real Iocations of the 1982 budget be made : (A) That $2 ,000 from the Contingency Account be used for presentation supplies , receptions and tributes to accomodate the over expenditure ; and ( B ) The $500 be transferred from Police & Fire Bldg . - R .M . Supplies - Building 7023- 172-X-7 to Newcastle Fire Hall R.M . Supplies - Building 7102-172-2-7 ; and ( C ) That $2 ,900 be transferred from Animal Control R.M . Supplies - Building 7105-172-X-2 to Animal Control Wages - Permanent Full Time 7105-5-X-5 ; and ( D) That $5 ,000 be transferred from Bridge and Culverts - Various locations in the following manner ; Wages- Permanent-Full Time 7204-5-35-5 - $2 , 000 , Miscellaneous- Operating Supplies 7204- 169-35-7 - $1 ,000 , and Rental of Vehicles 7204-271-35-2 - $2 ,000 , to Pedwell ' s Culvert , Clarke , land Acquistion 7204-500-115-8 ; and ( E) That $19 ,000 be transferred from Sidewalk Maintenance 7204-5-345-3 to Salt Storage Structure 7212-261-150-6 ; and ( F ) That any overrun in maintenance costs of the Public Works Depots be accomodated from within the Public Works Administration budget ; and - 2 - TR-37-82 RECOMMENDATION : cont ' d . . . . . 2 . (G ) That the additional $100 ,000 required to provide funds for Winter Control for the 1982 fiscal year be provided in the following manner ; and (H ) That the Director of Public Works closely monitor the department ' s budget with the view to making such adjustments as might be required to offset the Winter Control budget from the following accounts : ( a ) Robinson Drew Road construction - reduce by $10 , 000 , 7205-5- 151-0 , ( b ) Design assignment for Scugog Street - cancel $20 , 000 project until 1983 , when both design and initial construction would take place , 7205-508-660-6 , ( c ) Reduce allocation for road construction unspecified locations by $40 , 000 , 7205-5-901-3 , (d ) Brushing and tree removal reduce by $20 , 000 , 7207-5-312-3 , and (e) Ditch maintenance reduce by $10 , 000 , 7207-5-313-1 . These funds would be transferred to the various Winter Control accounts under the 7210 function ; and ( I ) That $31 , 100 to meet the benefit costs be drawn from the following accounts : . . . . . 3 3 - TR-37-82 RECOMMENDATION : cont ' d . . . . 2 . ( I ) - cont ' d : . . . . Department Name Amount Account Number Mayor ' s Office W. C . B . $ 250 7002-058-x-O Administration Convention 555 7004-231-x-6 Advertising 195 7004-209-x-4 Clarks Dept. , Animal Control , By-Law Enforcement Conventions 760 7005-231-x-3 Miscellaneous 400 7005-299-x-2 Capital 900 7005-506-x-1 Treasury Salaries 800 7006-001-x-9 Office ' s Supplies 1 ,000 7006- 101-x-8 Conventions 600 7006-231-x-1 Advertising 1 , 000 7006-209-x-9 Miscellaneous 200 7006-299-x-0 Fire Department Volunteers Wages ( 350 Newc . -7102-016-3-6 ( 350 Orono-7102-016-3-6 ( 350 Cour . -7102-016-4-5 ( 350 Bow. -7102-016-5-4 Building Inspection Purchase of Services 1 , 200 7103-249-x-6 Planning Department Legal Fees 2 , 000 7702-242-x-2 Public Works Administration 11880) Various accounts Overhead 10 , 120) within Public Works Admin . & Overhead . Garbage Collection 1 ,600 no reallocation . Community Services Parks Mtnce . -Capital 5 ,000 7603-504-x-6 Orono Park & Pool - Capital , 600 7607-520-3-3 Bowmanville Arena - Wages 640 7606-005-1- 1 $31 , 100 . . . . . 4 4 - TR-37-82 2 . (J ) That fuel oil costs in all facilities be monitored by the Community Services Department and the anticipated over expenditures be accomodated within the building maintenance budgets ; and ( K) That snow removal contracts be closely monitored by the Public Works Department and that the over expenditures be accomodated within the building maintenance budgets ; and ( L ) That the remaining budget allocation for Contract Inspection( $11 ,000`� 7702-242-x-2 be transfered1to the Clerk ' s Department and to the Treasury Department i* salary accounts to provide funds for �addi ti onal F staffing ., BACKGROUND AND COMMENT : It is appropriate at this time to make Committee and Council aware of the areas of concern in the 1982 budget performance to June 30 , 1982 . Council has been provided with a summarized report of revenue and expenditure by function to June 30 , 1982 . To that end , the staff have reviewed each revenue and expenditure budget area noting only the areas of concern and where funds might be drawn from in order to meet those concerns . Budget areas to which no reference have been made are considered by staff to be operating within the constraints and guidelines of the 1982 budget . The General Government expendituresare presently shown as 45% unexpended , but since transfers to reserves are $135 ,000 beyond budget levels , due to Council resolutions , this percentage has been understated by 10%. This expenditure area should be in the 5 - TR-37-82 50% range as of June 30th as its costs are comprised mainly of salaries , building maintenance and administration supplies . The following comments are made on various accounts within this expense classification : Mayor Travel expenses and conventions are nearing the 30 percent unexpended level and should be monitored closely. These costs may be offset by the expenses of office account which is 97 percent unexpended . Administrator Salary expense$ is ahead of budget due to the necessity of replacing the secretary with a temporary employee , while the full - time employee is on sick leave . This account may be very close to budget by year end as the temporary employee ' s rate is somewhat lower than that of the full -time employee . Unclassified Administration Presentation supplies , receptions and tributes are all under a single budget of $5 , 000 and are 11 percent overexpended at this time . This results from the purchase of pins and crests which remain in inventory , at this time. Write-off of Bad Debts All write-offs to date have been accommodated within the provision for bad debts . If further write-offs are made regarding arena insurance coverage , etc . , this account may be overexpended by $5 ,000 or $7 ,000 . . . . . . 6 "< 50 6 - TR-37-82 Transfers to Reserves The overexpenditure in this account results from resolutions approved in Council subsequent to budget approval for the Tyrone Community Centre and the Baseline Community Centre . These funds have been provided out of reserves . Protection to Person and Property which comprises the functions of the Fire Department , By-Law Enforcement , Building Inspection and Animal Control is 61% unexpended at June 30 , 1982 . This percentage results mainly from the fact some projects have not been undertaken as yet ( purchase of vehicles , building repairs and lower Volunteer Firemen wage costs to date . ) The following comments are made on various account, with that expenditure classification : Fire Department - Newcastle Repair and maintenance to the building are 3 percent over budget at this time due to additonal costs to repair the roof and floor of the firehall . The replacement of the doors is still to be accomplished . This budget overrun can be accommodated within the repairs budget for the Bowmanville Hall as these projects are expected to come in under the budget. Animal Control The salary account overrun due to the lack of budget allowance for the call out time which totals $2 , 700 to date ,can be drawn from the building maintenace account. The necessary repairs to that facility are estimated to cost $600. Measures have been taken to ensure unnecessary emergency calls are not made and the Clerk has sought the assistance of the Durham Regional Police in this matter. . . 0 . . 7 7 - TR-37-82 Animal Control - cont ' d. . . Livestock claims presently stand at 49 percent unexpended and may exceed the budget if claims continue at this pace . This is an uncontrollable expense . Transportation Services is 65 percent unexpended at June 30 , 1982 , with the principal reason being the number of Public Works construction projects which were not undertaken until July. This expense classification also includes Parking Enforcement and Street Lighting , neither of which , are cause for concern at this time . The following comments and options are presented here regarding the Public Works budget and the accounts which may result in expenditures , over the budget amounts : Bridges and Culverts The additional costs , ( $5 ,000) from Pedwell ' s culvert expropriation be drawn from Bridges and Culverts , Various Locations . Road Maintenance ( loosetop ) Dust Control This program is almost complete for 1982 and should not result in an overexpenditure . Salt Storage Structure - Orono Works Depot This project has been commenced with an estimated cost of $98 ,000 which is $19 ,000 more than budgetted , and $15 ,000 more than the estimate made in early June . The increased costs result from asphalt costs ( 25 percent higher than estimated) and additional costs for site preparation . Cost breakdown : Site preparation (Town ) 10 ,000 Asphalt pad ( contractor) 13 ,000 Salt Structure ( contractor) 75 ,000 $98 , 000 As this is a non-subsidizable item , the additional $19 ,000 should be drawn from the sidewalk maintenance account ( also non- subsidizable ) . . . . . 8 9 - TR-37-82 Building Maintenance This account for the Works Depots is only 31 percent unexpended at this time and this anticipated budget overrun should be drawn from the Public Works Administration and Overhead accounts . Winter Control The budget of $400 ,000 has been exceeded by $15 ,000 at this time and results from the unusually harsh winter and the change in charges for equipment rentals from key-on-time to door-to-door time. There will be a requirement for a further allocation of $85 , 000 to meet expenses for the remainder fo the year, resulting in a $100 ,000 over expenditure . The Director of Public Works offers the following three alternatives in order to accommodate the budget overrun : ( i ) Closely monitor the monthly printouts to ensure that the entire subsidizable portion of the Works Budget is within the limits prescribed by M . T. C . , thereby maximizing 50% dollars . Cutbacks in areas where flexibility exists can make up for the over expend- iture for snow removal . ( ii ) Allocate additional funds , at 100 percent cost to the Town , to the Works Department Budget , to cover the shortfall resulting from extra costs for snow removal . ( iii ) Cancel , or reduce , items such as : ( a ) Robinson/Drew Road reconstruction - reduce by $10 ,000 . ( b ) Design assignment for Scugog Street - cancel for $20 ,000 until 1983 . ( c ) Allocation for road reconstruction at unspecified locations - reduce by $40 ,000. (d ) Brushing & Tree Removal - reduce by $20 , 000. (e ) Ditch Maintenance - reduce by $10 , 000. . o . . 10 - 10 - TR-37-82 Winter Control - cont ' d . . . . Cancellation or reduction of projects , as listed on page 9 , would yeild a saving of $100 ,000 , for the subsidizable portion of the Works Department Budget. Of the foregoing , it is not recommended that alternative ( iii ) be adopted as , if savings result in other areas of the Budget , or winter storms are not experienced until late-December , the Town will be scrambling at the eleventh hour to find projects on which to make expenditures and meet the full M . T. C. Subsidy Allocation . Alternative ( ii) is not recommended as there are probably not enough funds available in other areas of the Town ' s Budget to make up the $100 ,000 required. Alternative ( i ) and ( iii ) in combination are recomended as it is felt that reductions in several areas can be made by closely monitoring subsidizable spending prior to year-end . For instance , if winter occurs early , the amount spent on brushing and tree removal will be reduced due to insufficient time for this activity. Conversely , if winter does not occur until late-December, the brushing and tree removal activity can be accelerated. Culture and Recreation is 54 percent unexpended and appears to be on target regarding the majority of its programs . Some revenue areas appear to be performing better than anticipated and may exceed their budgets by year end . The only program requiring comment at this time is the Skating Carnival which was both over expended and under in its revenue generation . . . . . . 11 TR-37-82 This net impact on the budget is $1,300 overbudget but this can be offset by the revenue of, the softball program which is $1,100 over budget. General Comments There are some budget areas which require adjustments, which have an effect throughout the entire budget and these items are set out here for your review. Employee Benefits: Employee benefits have been under budgetted due to :-rate changes imposed by other levels of government and through a calculation error within the budget itself. The total cost of $31 ,100 to cover Canada Pension, Unemployment Insurance, O.H. I.P. and life insurance benefits has been accomodated from within the various departmental budgets by cutting out some discretionary expenditures such as conventions, capital purchases, advertising, etc. Fuel Oil : These costs have been projected to the year end and show a possible over expenditure of $1,800. If the winter comes early this esitmate may well be below the actual over expenditure. The present situation has been brought on by the longer and colder winter season. Staff will be monitoring the cooling and heating of the buildings in order to control the fuel oil usage. . . . . .12 12 - 1982 BUDGET REVIEW �J Expense Area of Concern - Fuel Oil Costs 115% of 1981 1982 Actual Actual Expenses - Estimated (Over)/Under Location Budget to June Oct to Dec. Year End Budget Town Hall 5,500 3,864 2,308 6,172 (672) Hampton Hall 3,000 1,669 1,224 2,893 107 Orono Bldgs. 4,000 3,256 1,452 4,708 (708) Police & Fire 7,200 5,634 1,914 7,548 (348) Bell Bldg. 1,200 742 227 969 231 Fire Halls - Newcastle 3,100 2,149 1,501 3,650 (550) - Orono 2,000 1,404 1,059 2,463 (463) - Courtice 3,000 2,042 1,023 3,065 (65) Animal Control 1,400 751 402 1,153 247 Cemeteries 300 225 242 467 (167) Park Facilities 2,000 1,002 389 1,391 609 Arenas - Bowmanville 10,800 4,121 2,626 6,747) 2,053 (seem low, adjustment + 2,000) made) - Darlington 9,600 8,796 4,093 12,889 (3,288) - Memorial Park/Pool 950 - 543 543 407 - Fitness Centre 20,000 13,532 5,650 19,182 818 Estimated over budget position (1,789) I I I - 13 - TR-37-82 Snow Removal This service has been the subject of numerous discussions at committee and presently is over expended. The awarding of the contract for the 1982-83 season and the winter season we experience prior to the year end will determine the extent to which this account will be over expended. Staff have closely monitored this contract in the past and will continue to do so. . . . . . 14 - 14 - SNOW REMOVAL Budget Actual Town Hall 900 736 ) Orono Bldgs. 700 635 ) Snow Removal Police & Fire Bldg. 1100 1399 Contracts Bell Bldg. 700 500 ) Fire Dept. Newcastle 250 221 ) Separate Contracts Courtice 350 570 ) 4000 4060 This budget is overexpended by Mat this time. This situation is also reflected in the snow removal budget of Public Works Department and results from our past winter's weather. i - 15 - TR-37-82 Staffing The final area to be commented upon in this report is that of additional staffing within two departments. These positions have not been included in the 1982 budget although they were the subject of substantial discussion during the 1982 budget process. The departments requesting additional staffing are the Treasury and Clerk's Departments. Both positions requested are that of clerk-typists, to assist in the paper flow of the corporation. The Treasury Department is in the position of having a centralized purchasing system coming on stream with insufficient clerical support staff. In addition, the department itself, requires additional clerical assistance for typing and filing, etc. This need has arisen, principally, as a result of Committee' s and Council 's decision to update the corporation's purchasing system. The clerical staff added to the department in 1981 has helped to ease the workload within the Treasury Department and has provided some of the required manpower to replace absent and/or vactioning staff. That clerical position is not available to assist in the purchasing function as her duties are now split amongst payroll , accounts payable, tax receipting, filing and general typing functions. In order to accomodate the clerical needs of the purchasing function, the Treasurer's secretary has taken on the daily clerical and typing work; with the Planning Department providing word processing services to put the by-law and procedures in place. Although this arrangement can be accomodated in most instances during the summer months, when the 1983 budget process and the year end procedures are commenced the time available for the purchasing functions clerical workload will be much diminished. The Clerk's Department has a requirement for clerical assistance particularly to cover such functions as filing, extra typing, photocopying and agenda compilation. This need has arisen because the high school has indicated that there has been a increased demand for the co-op students from the business community. Therefore, at this time, there is no student who can be assigned to the Town to fulfil these functions. . . . . . 16 i 5ct> - 16 - / TR-37-82 The cost to fund the clerk-typist's position from September to December 1982 is estimated at $4,800 per position. These funds could be drawn from the Contract Inspection Fees which were provided for additional staffing in Building Inspections and will not be required. In conclusion, the staff feel the budget performance is within reasonable levels and that the recommended amendments will allow the Corporation to remain within budget. allocations with minimal lowering of service levels. Respectfully submitted, Kathryn A. Campbell , C.A. , B.Com. , Treasurer. ! :9 f R82-BP-1 19 07 82 i