HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-19-82 LE �o r _s-7-1 v— 7(h� CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE £v 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 3, 1982. TR-19-82 SUBJECT: RATING BYLAW FOR ALL 1982 TAXATION PURPOSES RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1 . That this report be received; and 2. That the attached bylaw to provide for the levying of taxes for street light services through the general tax rate within the Corporation of The Town of Newcastle be approved and forwarded to Council ; and 3. That the attached bylaw to adopt the 1982 estimates for all purposes and to strike the rates of taxation for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle for 1982 be approved and forwarded to Council . BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Recommendation #2 is put forward to bring all three urban areas, being the former Police Village of Orono, the former Village of Newcastle and the former Town of Bowmanville, under one street light taxation rate. As these areas are now all serviced by the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission it seems appropriate that all areas should pay the same mill rate for street light services. These services are provided by the joint utility and the Town now serves only as a collection agency through the tax rate. The use of a single mill rate alloWs- s the utility to consider more major projects in an arealwhile keeping the impact on individual ratepayers in a given area to an acceptable level . This result is achieved because of the larger assessment base used for the mill rate calculation. -7 - 2 - Recommendation #3 with regard to the rating bylaw puts all the 1982 estimates into effect through the adoption of the bylaw. Since the adoption of the General Municipal portion of the budget was made, the Region of Durham has levied an amount of $2,969,500 on the Town of Newcastle and the Northumberland Newcastle Board of Education has levied $3,647,695 for elementary school purposes and $3,332,304 for secondary school purposes. The Peterborough Vict- oria Northumberland Newcastle Separate School Board has not approved its 1982 estimates at the writing of this reportbut should do so by April 30, 1982. That additional information will be supplied to the Committee on Monday, May 3, 1982 to be incorporated into the rating bylaw. A summary of the 1982 budget summary excluding the Separate School levy and the calculations of all mill rates are attached for the information of the committee. Respectfully submitted, Kathryn A. Campbell , C.A. , B. Com. , Treasurer s k Z ? KAC/slg 26 04 82 Corporation of the Town of Newcastle By-Law 82- Q, � Being a By-Law to provide for the levying of taxes for street light services through the general tax rate within the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS, the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission is comprised of the former Orono Hydro Electric Commission, former Newcastle Public Utilities Commission and the former Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission'; and WHEREAS, the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle presently levies individual tax rates for street light services in each area; and WHEREAS, the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it expedient to discontinue the area rating of street light services; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:- That, all properties within the Town of Newcastle shall be taxed for street light services, save and except, those properties outside the present service area limits of the former Town of Bowmanville, the former Village of Newcastle and the former Police Village of Orono. (see Schedule X, appended) By-Law read a first and second time this 1044day of May, 1982. By-Law read a third and finally passed this)0+i day of May, 1982. Garnet R. Rickard Mayor seal David W. Oakes Town Clerk Corporation of the Town of Newcastle By-Law 82- 61 Being a By-Law to provide for the levying of taxes for street light services through the general tax rate within the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS, the Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission is comprised of the former Orono Hydro Electric Commission, former Newcastle Public Utilities Commission and the former Bowmanville Public Utilities Commission; and WHEREAS, the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle presently levies individual tax rates for street light services in each area; and WHEREAS, the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it expedient to discontinue the area rating of street light services; NOW THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, ENACTS AS FOLLOWS:- That, all properties within the Town of Newcastle shall be taxed for street light services, save and except, those properties outside the present service area limits of the former Town of Bowmanville, the former Village of Newcastle and the former Police Village of Orono. (see Schedule X, appended) By-Law read a first and second time this lOthiay of May, 1982. By-Law read a third and finally passed this lOtrday of May, 1982. Garnet R. Richard Mayor seal David W. Oakes Town Clerk l u° Corporation of the Town of Newcastle By-Law Number 82-62 BEING A BY-LAW TO ADOPT THE ESTIMATES OF ALL SUMS REQUIRED DURING THE YEAR FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES AND TO STRIKE THE RATES OF TAXATION FOR MUNICIPAL PURPOSES FOR THE YEAR 1982. WHEREAS, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle has , in accordance with the Municipal Act, considered the estimates of the Municipality and it is necessary that the following sums be raised by means of taxation for the year 1982. General Purposes 8,765,201 Area and Special Rates 557,962 Regional Purposes 2,969,500 Elementary School 3,647,695 Separate School 236,032 Secondary School 3,332,304 AND WHEREAS, the Assessment Roll made in 1970 and upon which the 1982 taxes are to be levied is the latest returned assessment roll , which roll is still subject'to revision by the Court of Revision; AND WHEREAS, the amount of Assessment entitled to benefit hereinafter to be referred to as Residential and Farm, and the amount of Assessment not entitled to benefit from unconditional grants in accordance with Chap. 302,, Sec. 58 and 164 of the Municipal Act hereinafter referred to as Commercial and Business, is as follows : Residential Commercial Total and Farm and Business Elementary School 28,791,632 7,824,217 36,615,849 Separate School 12,410,430 153,181 2,563,611 Secondary School 31,202,062 7,977,398 39,179,460 Provided that the rate levied for the purpose of, (a) Garbage collection and (b) Garbage Disposal , shall be levied on the taxable assessment of the area to which they apply. . . . ./2 i By-Law Number 82-62 THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. That the estimated expenditures required during the year 1982 totalling 19,508,694 less the estimated revenue totalling 5,880,564 leaving a net amount of 13,628,130 to be adopted and the following amounts be levied therefore in the manner as set out hereunder: General Purposes 3,591,583 Area and Special Rates 433,491 Regional Purposes 2,559,628 Elementary School 3,557,066 Separate School 236,499 Secondary School 3,249,863 2. There shall be levied and collected upon the assessable land, buildings, and businesses within the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, the following rates for this year 1982: Public School Supporters Residential Commercial General Municipal 88.49 104.11 Regional 63.06 74.19 Elementary 93.62 110.14 Secondary 80.07 94.20 . . . ./3 By-Law Number 82- 62 2. Separate School Supporters Residential Commercial General Municipal 88.49 94.20 Regional 63.06 74.19 Elementary 91.29 107.40 Secondary 80.07 94.20 Area and Special Rates Street Lights Orono, Newcastle, Bowmanville 5.36 6.31 Hampton 10.51 12.36 Enniskillen 9.19 10.81 Newtonville 10.97 12.90 Kendal 12.55 14.76 Orono Estates 5.89 6.93 Darlington Industrial Park 8.32 9.79 Solina Industrial Park 2.85 3.35 Ashton Subdivision 23.87 28.08 Garbage Collection Bowmanville 14.97 17.61 Orono 12.34 14.52 Garbage Disposal Bowmanville 4.23 4.98 Business Improvement Orono - 153.92 Newcastle - 20. 17 Bowmanville - 204.00 3. All taxes , including local improvement assessments , shall be deemed to have been imposed and become due and payable. on the 1st day of January 1982 but may be paid in four installments of which installments , two will be to receive interim taxes levied under authority of By-Law 74-23, amended by By-Law 80 - 145. . . . ./4 II! - 4 - By-Law NumL 82- 62 4. The remaining taxes including local improvement assessments , after deduction of taxes levied prior to the adoption of these estimates may be paid in two installments on the 30th day of July 1982 and the 30th day of September 1982. 5. There shall be imposed a penalty for non-payment of taxes on the due date of any installment thereof, the amount of 1,% of the amount due and unpaid on the first day of each calendar month thereafter in which default continues, .but after the end of the year in which the taxes are levied, under authority of By-Law 82-3. 6. The Tax Collector is hereby authorized to mail or cause to be mailed the notice of taxes due to the address of the residence or place of business of the person to whom notice is required to be given. 7. All 1982 taxes shall be paid during the calendar year of 1982 at any branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in the Regional Municipality of Durham and Town of Port Hope only. All prior years taxes shall be paid into the office of the Treasurer. 8. The Tax Collector and Treasurer are hereby empowered to accept part payment from time to time on account of any taxes due. 9. This by-law shall come into force and effect upon the date of the final reading thereof. READ A FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 10th DAY OF May 1982. G.B. Rickard Mayor SEAL D. W. Oakes Clerk i PURPOSE MUNICIPAL REGION ELEMENTARY SECONDARY SEPARATE BIA STREET LIGHTS GARBAGE LANDOWNERS TOTAL BENEFITING (Surplus) Deficit (200,000) 2116 (6785) (7611 ) 467 322 _ (40,362) 14,231 (237,622) Expenditures G.G. 1 ,390,745 1 ,390,745 P.P.& P. 787,960 787,960 P.W. 3,740,010 147,875 3,887,885 Environment 581 ,060 270,925 20,782 872,767 Health Services 78,625 78,625 Recreation (includes capital 1 ,929,326 deficit) 1 ,929,326 Planning 257,475 40,500 34,473 332,448 Levies 2,969,500 3,647,695 3,332,304 236,032 10,185,531 Water & Sewer 43,407 43,407 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 8,765,201 2,969,500 3,647,695 3,332,304 236,032 40,500 147,875 270,925 98,662 19,508,694 REVENUES Taxation 3,591 ,583 2,559,628 3,557,066 3,249,863 236,499 40,822 107,513 285,156 13,628,13`'0 Other Taxation 422,783 61 ,803 83,844 74,830 98,662 741 ,92P Grants 2,508,910 350,185 2,859,09 5 Other 1 ,017,370 1 ,017,370 Contributions 1 ,024,555 1 ,024,55 5 TOTAL REVENUE 8,565,201 2,971 ,616 3,640,910 3,324,693 236,499 40,822 107,513 285,156 98,662 '. 19,271 ,07? (Surplus) Deficit 0 0 0 0 0 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1982 MILL RATES PURPOSE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS 1982 1981 1982 1981 General Municipal 88.49 81 .54 104.11 97.42 Region of Durham 63.06 56.49 74.19 66.46 Secondary 80.07 72.78 94.20 85.62 Elementary Public 93.62 82.81 110.14 97.42 Elementary Separate 91.29 81 .54 107,40 95.93 TOTAL BASE RATE Public School 325.24 293.62 382.64 345.43 Sepatate School 322.91 293.82 379.90 345.68 Bowmanville Garbage Regional Services 4.23 * 4.98 Municipal Services 14.97 * 17.61 Orono Garbage 12.34 * 14.52 Street Lights Orono, Newcastle Bowmanville 5.36 * 6.31 Hampton 10.51 8.26 12.36 9.72 Enniskillen 9.19 7.35 10.81 8.65 Newtonville 10.97 7.55 12.90 8.89 Orono Estates 5.89 4.74 6.93 5.58 Darlington Industrial 8.32 7.05 9.79 8.30 Solina Industrial 2.85 2.47 3.35 2.90 Kendal 12.55 7.64 14.76 8.99 Ashton Subdivision 23.87 20.43 28.08 24.04 Business Improvement Areas Orono --- --- 135.59 153.92 Newcastle - --- 50.51 20.17 Bowmanville --- --- 204.03 204.00 * A single rate for street light services rather than separate urban service rates for the three areas has now been used, therefore the mill rates are not comparative from 1981 to 1982. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised General Municipal 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ (200000) + Levy 3791583 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 3591583 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 31202062 x 85% = 26521753 100% Com/Ind/Bus 7977398 7977398 Assessment for Calculation 34499151 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised (A) 3591583 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. x 1000 = (B) x 1000 = 104.11 Mill Rate 34499151 Com Mill Rate x 85% = 104.11 x 85 = 88.49 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 31202062 x 88.49 = 2761071 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 7977398 x104.11 = 830527 Amount to be Raised $ 3591598 (C) A A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Region 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ 2116 + Levy 2969500 - Bell Canada (55792) - G I L (6011) - Special Grants (189300) Apportionment (160885) Density Amount to be Raised $ 2559628 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 31202062 x 85% = 26521753 100% Com/Ind/Bus 7977398 = 7977398 Assessment for Calculation 34499151 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 (A) 2559628 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. = (B) 34499151 x 1000 = 74.19 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% 74.19 = 74.19 x 85 ° 63.06 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 63.06x 31202062 = 1967602 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 74.19x 7977398 = 591843 Amount to be Raised $ 2559445 (C) A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Secondary 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ (7611) + Levy 3332304 - Bell Canada (70391) - G I L (4439) - Special Grants - Amount to be Raised $ 3249863 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 31202062 x 85% = 26521753 100% Com/Ind/Bus 7977398 Assessment for Calculation 34499151 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 1000(A) 3249863 94.20 Bus, m Ass. for cal 'n. = (B) 34499151 x = Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 94.20 x 85 °% = 80.07 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 80.07 x 31202062 = 2498349 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 94.20 x 7977398 = 751471 Amount to be Raised $ 3249820 (C) A A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Elementary Public 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ (6785) + Levy 3647695 - Bell Canada (78867) - G I L (4977) - Special Grants - Amount to be Raised $3557066 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 28791632 x 85% = 24472887 100% Com/Ind/Bus 7824217 = 7824217 Assessment for Calculation 32297104 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 (A) 3557066 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. = (B) 32297104 x 1000 = 110.14 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 110.14 x 85 % = 93.62 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 93.62 x 28791632 2695473 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 110.14 x 7824217 861759 Amount to be Raised $ 3557232 (C) A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Elementary Separate School 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ 467 + Levy 241 ,007 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $241 ,474 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 2410430 x 85% = 2048866 100% Com/Ind/Bus 153181 153181 Assessment for Calculation 2202047 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 = (A) 241 ,474 x 1000 = 109.66 Bus/Com Ass. for cal n. (B) 2202047 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 109.66 x 85 93.21 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 93.21 x 2410430 = 224,676 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 109.66 x 153181 = 16,798 Amount to be Raised $241 ,474 (C) A * C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Regional Charges Amount to be Raised Bowmanville Garbage 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ + Levy 60000 - Bell Canada - GIL - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 60000 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 10175635 x 85% = 8649290 100% Com/.Ind/Bus 3405196 3405196 Assessment for Calculation 12054486 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 (A) 60000 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. = (B) x 1000 = 4.98 12054486 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 4.98 x 85 ��� = 4.23 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 10175635 x 4.23 = 43043 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 3405196 x 4.98 = 16958 Amount to be Raised $ 60001 (C) A -A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Municipal Charges Amount to be Raised Bowmanville Garbage 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ 15346 + Levy 196925 Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 212271 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 10175635 x 85% = 8649290 100% Com/Ind/Bus 3405196 3405196 Assessment for Calculation 12054486 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 = (A) 212271 x 1000 17.61 Bus/Com Ass. for cal n. (B) 12054486 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 17.61 x 85%, = 14.97 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 10175637 x 14.97 = 152329 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 3405196 x 17.61 = 59966 Amount to be Raised $ 212295 (C) A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised , Orono Garbage 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ (1115) + Levy 14000 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 12885 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 828516 x 85% = 704239 100% Com/Ind/Bus 182894 182894 Assessment for Calculation 887133 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 (A) 12885 Bus, m Ass. for cal 'n. = (B) x 1000 = 14.52 887133 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 14.52 x 85'/'o = 12.34 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 828516 x 12.34 = 10224 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 182894 x 14.52 = 2656 Amount to be Raised $ 12880 (C) A A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Street Lights Amount to be Raised Newcastle, Orono, Bowmanville 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ (40933) + Levy 134600 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 93667 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 12600931 x 85% = 10710791 100% Com/Ind/Bus 4142866 4142866 Assessment for Calculation 14853657 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 (A) 93667 6.31 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. = (B) 14853657 x 1000 = Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 6.31 x 85°fo = 5.36 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 12600931 x 5.36 = 67541 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 4142866 x 6.31 = 26142 Amount to be Raised $ 93683 (C A -A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Hampton Street Lights 1982 Mill Rate Calculi )n (Surplus) Deficit $ 208 + Levy 5900 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 6108 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 566785 x 85% = 481767 100% Com/Ind/Bus 9450+2845 12295 Assessment for Calculation 494062 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 (A) 6108 x 1000 = 12.36 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. = (B) 494062 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 12.36 x 85°% = 10.51 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 566785x 10.51 = 5957 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 12295 x 12.36 = 152 Amount to be Raised $ 6109 (C) A -A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Enniskillen Street Lights 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ (39) + Levy 1050 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 1011 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 101240 x 85% = 86054 100% Com/Ind/Bus 5760+1730 7490 Assessment for Calculation 93544 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 (A) 1011 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. = (B) 93544 x 1000 = 10.81 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 10.81 x 85° = 9.19 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 101240x 9.19 = 930 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 7490 x 10.81 = 81 Amount to be Raised $ lnil (C) A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Newtonville Street Lights 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ 214 + Levy 2550 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 2764 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 234150 x 85% 199028 100% Com/Ind/Bus 12660 + 2635 15295 Assessment for Calculation 214323 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised (A) 2764 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. x 1000 = (B) x 1000 = 12.90 214323 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 12.90 x 85�/b = 10.97 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 234159 x 10.97 = 2569 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 15295 x 12.90 = 197 Amount to be Raised $ 2766 (C, A A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Orono Estates Street Lights 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ 43 + Levy 1100 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 1143 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 193910 x 85% = 164824 100% Com/Ind/Bus Assessment for Calculation 164824 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 x 1000 =(A) 1143 6.93 Bus/Com Ass. for caI 'n. = (B) 164824 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 6.93 x 85°(• = 5.89 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 193910 x 5.89 = 1142 Bus / Com, x Mill Rate = x = _ Amount to be Raised $ 1142 (C) A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Darlin ton Industrial Street Lights 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ 10 + Levy 600 Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 610 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 50461 x 85% = 42892 100% Com/Ind/Bus 12140 + 7280 19420 Assessment for Calculation 62312 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised 9,79 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. x 1000 (A)= (B) 10 x 1000 = 62311 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 9.79 x 85 010 = 8.32 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 50461 x 8.32 = 420 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 19420 x 9.79 = 190 Amount to be Raised $ 610 (C) A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Solina Industrial Street Lights 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ (18) + Levy 206 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 4250 x 85% = 3612 100% Com/Ind/Bus 28460 + 10800 + 2650 = 50750 Assessment for Calculation 54362 (B Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised (A) 182 3.35 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. x 1000 = x 1000(B) =54362 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 3.35 x 85 °oa = 2.85 Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 4250x 2.85 = 12 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 50750x 3.35 = 170 Amount to be Raised $ 182 (C) A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Kendal Street Lights 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ 77 + Levy 1275 - Bell Canada - GIL - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 1352 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 101390 x 85% = 86182 100% Com/Ind/Bus 4180 + 1250 5430 Assessment for Calculation 91612 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised (A) 1352 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. x 1000 = 1000(B) x = 14.76 91612 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 14_7h x 85°�� = 12 Res 11 Ri Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 101390 x 12.55 1272 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 5430 x 14.76 = 80 Amount to be Raised $ 1352 (C) A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Ashton Subdivision 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ 76 + Levy 600 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 676 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. 27168+1150 x 85% = 24070 100% Com/Ind/Bus - Assessment for Calculation 24070 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 x 1000 = 28 (A) 676 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. = (B) 24070 .08 Mil- ate Com Mill Rate x 85% = 28.08 x 85'(o = 23.87 Res 11 Ri Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = 28318 x 23.87= 676 Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = - x 28.08= - Amount to be Raised $ 676 (C) A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Orono BIA 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ 322 + Levy 3000 - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 3322 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. x 85% _ 100% Com/Ind/Bus 24500 Assessment for Calculation 24500 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised Ass. for cal 'n. x 1000 A= �B� —�3322 0— x 1000 = 135.59 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = x 85 = Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = x = Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 24500 x 135.59= 3322 Amount to be Raised $ 3322 (C) A A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised BIA Newcastle 1982 Mill Rate Calcul<. "o n (Surplus) Deficit $ 2500 + Levy - Bell Canada - G I L - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 2500 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. x 85% _ - 100% Com/Ind/Bus 49500 Assessment for Calculation 49500 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised (A) 2500 50.51 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. x 1000 = (B) 49500 x 1000 = Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = x 85 = Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = x = Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 50.51x 49500 = 2500 Amount to be Raised $ 2500 (C) A C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Bowmanville BIA 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ - + Levy 35000 - Bell Canada - GIL - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 35000 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. x 85% _ 100% Com/Ind/Bus 171543 171543 Assessment for Calculation 171543 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised (A) 35000 x 1000 = 204.03 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. x 1000 = (B) 171543 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = x 85 = Rey ill F Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = x = Bus / Com, x Mill Rate = 171543 x 204.03= 35000 Amount to be Raised $ 35000 (C) A -jk C TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Amount to be Raised Bowmanville BIA 1982 Mill Rate Calculation (Surplus) Deficit $ - + Levy 35000 - Bell Canada - GIL - Special Grants Amount to be Raised $ 35000 (A) Assessment for Taxation 85% Res. x 85% _ 100% Com/Ind/Bus 171543 171543 Assessment for Calculation 171543 (B) Mill Rate Calculation Amt. to be raised x 1000 (A) 35000 Bus/Com Ass. for cal 'n. = (B) 171543 x 1000 = 204.03 Mill Rate Com Mill Rate x 85% = x 85 = Res Mill Rate Proof of the Calculation Res. Ass. x Mill Rate = x = Bus / Com. x Mill Rate = 171543 x 204.03= 35000 Amount to be Raised $ 35000 (C) A A C