HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-82-2 i� . CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET ( BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3,79 REPORT TO THE HYDRO LIAISON COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON JULY 22, 1982 TR-82-2 SUBJECT: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE RECREATION MASTER PLAN RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the Committee review the submission for $ 1647.52, representing 25%'of costs incurred to June 30, 1982 re: The Town of Newcastle Recreation Master Plan and that said costs be reimbursed. BREAKDOWN Costs re: Recreation Master Plan to June 30, 1982 McLaren Plan Search $ 6590.08 (invoice attached) Respectfully submitted, Kathry Campbell ,C.A. , B. Comm. Treasurer KAC/rd 06 07 82 Encl . `17 MacLaren Plansearch MacLAREN PLANSEARCH INC. THE PLANNING AND DIVISION Town of Newcastle 320 ADELAIDE ST EETSSOUTH, LONDONOONTARIO, CANADA N5Z 31_2 Dept. Of Community Services TELEPHONE: 15191 686-5711 -CABLE: JAYMAC 40 Temperance Street BOWANVILLE, Ontario I L1C 3A6 DATE: June 8, 1982 f YOUR REFERENCE No. OUR PROJECT No. 33908 INVOICE No. ML-123 ACCOUNTS DUE WHEN RENDERED To Third Account for planning services in connection with work completed on the Culture and Recreation Master Plan. Payroll costs for April 15 to May 12, 1982 as per attached statement - $1,394. 61 Payroll costs - $1,394.61 plus 100 per cent T$2,789.22 , Actual out-of-pocket expenses as per attached statement 382.12 Amount of Account $3,171.34 o D i M 1 1 1982 Total Labour Costs to May 12, 1982 $6, 025. 80 Expenses 564. 28 $6,590. 08 -7(e) MacLaren Labour Charges Proj . 3390 Name Hours Worked Hourly Rate Amount M. Desmarais 2 9. 31 4.66 G. Blazak 32 12. 72 44.52 P. Cosburn 41 10.26 420 .66 W. Hamilton 52 8.55 47 .03 S. Rockel 372 14.80 555. 00 B. Rosser 22 10.50 26 .25 1,098.12 Plus payroll overhead @ 270 296.49 $1,394. 61 Expenses Printing In-house 7 .40 Bell Canada Long distance calls 26 .94 Watts Line Long distance calls 13.91 Tilden Rent-a-Car For F. Galloway 46. 12 P. Cosburn 1027 km. @ 19�/km. 195.13 Accommodations & Meals 56 .14 S . Rockel Long distance calls 36 .48 $ 382.12 Lavalin IV adaren Plansearch y(b) MacLAREN PLANSEARCH INC. THE PLANNING AND RESEARCH DIVISION OFLAVALIN 320 ADELAIDE STREET SOUTH, LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA N5Z 31_2 TELEPHONE: 1519)686-5711 -CABLE:JAYMAC Town of Newcastle Dept. of Community Services DATE: May 12, 1982 40 Temperance Street BOWANVILLE, Ontario YOUR REFERENCE No. L1C 3A6 OUR PROJECT No. 33908 INVOICE No. ML-114 ACCOUNTS DUE WHEN RENDERED To Second Account for planning services in connection with work completed on the Culture and Recreation Master Plan. Payroll costs for March 18 to April 14, 1982 as per attached statement - $790.11 Payroll costs - $790.11 plus 100 per cent $1,580. 22 Actual out-of-pocket expenses as per attached statement 75. 91 Amount of this Account $1,656.13 PLEASE RETURN THIS OPY OF INVOICE W N YOUR PAYMENT TFi;�NK YOU 4 ' 18 702 ---------- Total Labour Costs to April 14, 1982 $3,236.58 Expenses 182.16 $3,418.74 Lwalin I Madaren Labour Charges Proj . 3390E Name Hours Worked Hourly Rate Amount M. Desmarais h 9. 31 4.66 M. Cummins 3-1� 9 .14 31.99 G. Blazak 9k 12. 72 120. 84 P. Cosburn 26k 10.26 271. 89 W. Hamilton 1 8.55 8.55 S. Rockel 1 14. 80 14. 80 B. Rosser 7:-� 10.50 78.75 Y. Usher 33� 8.94 31. 29 P. Johnson lk 8.02 12.03 L. Grimshaw 1 7.33 7.33 F. Galloway 2 20.00 40.00 622.13 Plus payroll overhead @ 27% 167.98 $790.11 • Expenses P. Cosburn 289 km. @ 19�/km. 54.91 Word Processing In-house 15 .00 Printing In-house 6 .00 $ 75 .91 0 aria 1 i n Mac wren Plansearch MecLAREN PLA.NSEARCH INC- THE PLANNING AND RESEARCH DIVISION OF I-AVALIN 320 ADELAIDE STREET SOUTH, LONDON, ONTARIO. CANADA N5Z 3L2 TELEPHONE: (519)SW5711 -CABLE: JAYMAC Town of Newcastle Dept. of Community Services D 40 Temperance Street ATE: April 12, 1982 BOWANVILLE, Ontario LlC 3A6 YOUR REFERENCE No. OUR PROJECT NICL 33908 1-T j INVOICE No. ACCOUNTS DUE WHEN RENDERED • To First Account for planning services in connection with work completed on the Culture and Recreation Master Plan. Payroll costs for February 18 to March 17, 1982 as per attached statement - $828.18 Payroll costs - $828.18 plus 100 per cent $1,656 .36 Actual out-of-pocket expenses as per attached statement 106.25 Amount of this Account $1,762 .61 19 � : ,. �ygz3 3 3 4 '7(,02 02'l 7 x9 Lmalin 70 MaCLaren Labour Charges Proj . 33908 Name Hours Worked Hourly Rate Amount M. Cummins G. Blazak 9 .14 4.57 P. Cosburn 12 .72 6 .36 F. Galloway 43 10 .26 441.18 10 20.00 200 .00 Plus payroll overhead @ 27$ 652.11 176.07 $828.18 Expenses P. Cosburn 359 km. @ 19�/km. F. Galloway Gas 68.21 Meals 13.40 Printing In-house 11.18 13 .46 $106 .25 -- t i LavAlin Town of Newcastle Culture Masterflan Dear Residents of the Town of Newcastle: The Town of Newcastle and the independent consulting firm of MacLaren Plansearch Inc. is now in the process of preparing a Culture and Recreation Master Plan. The purpose of this Plan is to provide an organized strategy for the future development and operation of cultural and recreation programs and facilities for the residents of the Town and associated areas. The success of the Master Plan is almost entirely dependent upon participation by the public via a number of channels designed to canvas your opinions, needs, and ideas about cultural and recreation activities and interests. The attached question- naire offers an opportunity for the expression of your•views and your cultural and recreation activity patterns. Please take fifteen minutes of your time to read each question carefully and to record the requested information on behalf of your entire household. You may write your name on the questionnaire or answer anonomously. All responses will be held in strict confidence. The survey is being distributed by the Bowmanville Figure Skating Club. Please have the completed questionnaire available for retrieval by the same group on Wednesday, 30 June 1982. If you will not be home on this date please leave the completed questionnaire in your mailbox so that it may be easily retrieved in your absence. Additional copies of the questionnaire are also available at the following locations: Newcastle Village Library Hampton Municipal Offices Newcastle Fitness Centre Zion S.P. Station Hampton Gardens Beckers Milk Store in Courtice Bowmanville Community Services Department Mom's Kitchen in Orono Newtonville Corner Store You may also leave your completed questionnaire at any of the above locations if you find it convenient. s Your co—operation is greatly appreciated. Yours very truly, MacAAREN PLANS:EARCH INC. qe,�� Gary Blazak Project Manager TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TYRONE I SO LI NA 5 I ' � 9 KENDAL I HAMPTO ZION >D 1 I . 4 g ORONO COURT ICE t ' t 35 BOWMANVILLE t NEWTONVILLE I 401 f ( NEWCASTLE VILLAGE 1 p LAKE ONTARIO °� 6 _ TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CULTURE AND RECREATION MASTER PLAN NOTES: (1) THE QUESTIONNAIRE SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY A RESPONSIBLE ADULT. PLEASE READ ALL THE QUESTIONS CAREFULLY. YOU MAY USE THE BACK OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE IF MORE SPACE IS REQUIRED. (2) USE THE FOLLOWING DEFINITIONS'FOR "CULTURE" AND "RECREATION" AS A BACKGROUND REFERENCE WHEN COMPLETING THE QUESTIONNAIRE. a) CULTURAL ACTIVITIES: are defined as any activity associated with the pursuit of intellectual develop- ment or improvement and may include par- ticipation, education or enjoyment of theatre, art, films, literature, music and natural or historical interpretation. b) RECREATION ACTIVITIES: are defined as any activities or pastimes related to the pursuit of entertainment or amusement normally associated with physical activities, sports and games or enjoyment of the outdoors. -----------------------------------------------=---------------------------- 1. Check the phrase below which most accurately describes the way the cul- tural and recreational activities available in the Town of Newcastle meet the needs of members of your household. (Please check one answer for each column below) : COLUMN• A - CULTURAL NEEDS COLUMN B - RECREATIONAL NEEDS a) All needs met a) All reeds met b) Nearly all needs met b) Nearly all needs met C) Most needs met c) Most needs met d) �_ Few needs met d) Few needs met e) No needs met e) No needs met 2. What is your opinion of the overall quality of culture and recreation and leisure opportunities availabl in the Town of Newcastle? (Please check one answer for each column below) : COLUMN A -- QUALITY OF CULTURE COLUMN B - QUALITY OF RECREATION a) Excellent a) Excellent b) Good b) •.f Good C) Fair c) Fair d) Poor d) Poor e) Very Poor e) Very poor 3. Check the phrase below which most accurately describes your opinion of e the adequacy of existing cultural and recreation facilities (i.e. parks, hails, pools, arenas) in the Town of Newcastle. a) Excellent i b) t l Good c) Fair d) Poor �- e) Very Poor 2 - 4. Please list, in order of importance, any new cultural or recreational programs, parks or facilities in which members of your household would participate or use if they were made available in the Town of Newcastle. 5. a) Would you be in favour of an increase in the local property tax base to support the dev. lopment of any of your suggestions in Question 4? Yes No IF YES, THEN PLEASE COMPLETE PART B BELOW: b) Check the appropriate property tax increase you would be prepared to pay: i) $25 or less per year ii) $50 or less per year iii) $100 or less per year iv) more than $100 per year 6. Check the appropriate category below which you feel describes the proportion of costs that users of local cultural and recreation facilities and programs should contribute through their registration and user fees for the maintenance and operation of these facilities and programs. i) 0% (Town of Newcastle to fully subsidize all leisure services) ii) less than 5% of all costs iii) 6-20% of all costs iv) 21-50% of all costs V) 51-99% of all costs vi) 100% of all costs 7. Check the appropriate percentage for each mode of transportation used by your household to travel to a destination for the pursuit of cul- tural and recreational activities in the Town of Newcastle over the course of one year. Auto ! Bus Walking Bicycle Other (please specify) _! 0 - 25% 26 - 50% 51 - 75% 76 - 100% 'V/ 6 f tl +u - 3 - 8. What changes or trends do you see emerging in the cultural and recreational activities pursued by members of your household in the next 10 years? 9. Describe any general or particular concerns you have about culture, recrea- tion and leisure services (or lack thereof) in the Town of Newcastle. 10. Fill in the number of persons in each age group living in your household and the appropriate sex, etc. Fill in Number of Each Sex Male Female Full-time Occupation 0-5 years 6-12 years 13-18 years 1 Z—Z :_777,j r� 19-25 years 26-35 years 36-45 years l i % fir Z-1 �Qh �? —77,' x ecti.�au 46-59 years 60+ 11. List any clubs, organizations, associations, etc. in the Town of New- castle to which members of the household belong and actively participate . _ J i >> / t //�j e PLEASE COMPLETE THE OTB ER SIDE OF THIS PAGE 4 _ J 12. Check the activities below in which members of your household participated during the last twelve months. The map printed on the back of the first page of the questionnaire has been included to help you determine whether activities were pursued IN THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE or, OUTSIDE THE T014N OF NEWCASTLE. You may check either column (in or out) or both for any activity. Also, please write in the location where these activities were pursued, whether it was in, or outside the Town of Newcastle. a, � N N � N N 3 U O C 3 nO p N Y Z C N C — U N O COLUMN B -v z N c v ca COLUMN AC :3 4- D O d O C T I V I T o o r- C/) � ACTIVITY .-+ o O �— cn J Softball (Minor) Attending Annually Scheduled Fair or Other softball (Adult) Special Event Baseball (Minor) Attending a Spectator _ Baseball (Adult) ' Sport, i.e.: Baseball, V!! � Slo-Pitch (Minor) Horseracinq Attending Live Theatre Slo-Pitch (Adult) or Concert Soccer (Minor) Visiting a Museum Soccer (Adult) Visiting an Art Gallery Ice Hockey (Minor) Visiting a Developed �' '`—�"`�• Ice Hockey (Adult) Historic Site or Display tom' Ringette Visiting Nature Displays V 1,� a�" — / - 6e11 Hockey Visiting a Zoo/Botanical V ,,,,1,, Garden Curling Using a Public Library if Lacrosse Attending Movies V Basketball Theatre Group Volltyball Recreational Driving Football Recreational walkinq w! Rugger Recreational Bicycling of Bfoomball )% _ Recreational Trail Biking Tennis V Recreational Motorcycling Badminton i Recreational Flying `Racquetball/Squash/ Handball Picnicking 'Track and Field Hiking Roller Skating V Camping --- i� Skateboarding Canoeing Archery Motor Boating Horsebac� Riding Sailing Dressa e Board Sailing - Hunter/Jumper 3 Day Eventing Skin/Scuba Diving _ Patin Mater Skiing �- Wester nJR e creational. Hunting Agricultural Activities/4K Fishing Gymnastics Recreational Swimminq V I Jogging Competitive Swimming IFitness Classes or Program Swimming Lessons Strength Sports/ Recreational Ice Skating weight Lifting Figure Skating t Martial Arts Speed Skating Dancing Toboganning and Sledding ,part Clubs Snowmobiling — Card Parties Downhill Snow skiing DnotographY Cross Country Skiing Art/Craft/Sewing Classes f Snowshoeinq Imstr„mental Music/Lessons c Playgrounds jr�cir s/SiilCIng nuffletcard — �S ICrurcn Acti.it_�_ i�� lawn 6cwling ,— urowries I or Guides Bowling _ ( Other (please list) GoTfinq f _ 1 of Mini a;are Golf Pleast Complete Column 8 PLEASE COM?L 'F `'T- IMM SIDE HIS PAGE.