HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-96-81 60 Report to the Chairman and Members of the General Purpose and Administration Committee meeting held November 23, 1981. Report Number: TR-96-81 (addedum to TR-86-81 attached) Subject: Orono Arena Financing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended that the recommendation under report TR-86-81 be approved. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background and Comment: After queries by members of Council , report TR-86-81 has been amended to reflect the proper public sector funding. An analysis of the capital receipts for this project dating back to 1978 was made. It revealed that $100,000.00 had been reflected in our accounts as grant monies rather than public sector funding. This has now been corrected. As a further comment, we note for the information of the Committee that $7,000.00 has recently been received from the Durham Agricultural Society, one half of their outstanding pledge. Respectfully submitted, al- Kathry(JA. Campbell , C.A. B.Com. , Treasurer. 17 11 81 LB81-CP-1c 61V 1.i I h(, CII:I i i.uia n ,111(1 M( nib(,I,.; o f I h(� I.a l IItI and A(Imin ir;1 ,•a ( i ()it Nl(,(�1 in,,; 1t(, Id NOv(�mI)(,1- 9, 1981 . Report No. TR-86-81 Subjec L : Orono Fi nanc i rng ----------------------------------------------------------- Recommendation : It is respectfully recommended that : r(,por L he 2 . That the Treasurer be authorized to charge the Park Reserve Fund with ,$ 12 , 536 . 00 which is Lhe balance of the `T'own ' s commit- ment to the Orono Arena Capital Project . -------------------------------------------------------------•- Background and Comment : Subsequent to the receipt of a payment from the Orono Arena Fundraising Committee in October of this ,year, we have again reviewed the status of this capital account . Our review indicates the following with regard to actual dollars spent or retie i ved with i-egard to this capital project . To Date Outstanding Project cost 828 , 660 - Project revenue Grants 517 , 416 $ - Town of Newcastle 30, 049 12 , 536 Fundraising 254, 668 14, 000 $ 802 , 133 $ 26, 536 Unfinanced $ 26 , 536 $ 26, 536 Due from the Parks Reserve Fund $ 12, 536 Durham Agricultural Society Pledge 14, 000 $ 26 , 536 . . . . /2 Our review has been unable to establish the date at which a resotuiion or council authorized the contribution from the barks lieserve fund. All funding information filed with the ministry and subsequently with council indicated a municipal funding level up to a maximum of $ 54 , 865. 00 and presently the 'Town has paid from reserve: funds $ 30 , 049 . 00. 1 1 i ;; hoped I Ila I I h i ;; b(� fn I l y by the end of 1981 . Respectful _1y submit- Led, Kathryn A . Campbell , C . A„ B.Com. , Treasurer . 30 10 81 LB80-CP-1c I V- (c) Report to the Chairman and Members of the General Purpose and Administration Meeting held November 9, 1981. Report No. TR-86-81 Subject : Orono Arena Financing ---------------------------------------------------------- Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended that : 1. This report be received; 2. That the Treasurer be authorized to charge the Park Reserve Fund with $ 12, 536. 00 which is the balance of the Townts commit- ment to the Orono Arena Capital Project, ----------------------------------------------------------- Background and Comment : Subsequent to the receipt of a payment from the Orono Arena Fundraising Committee in October of this year, we have again reviewed the status of this capital account . Our reyiew, indicates the following with regard to actual dollars spent or received with regard to this capital project . To Date Outstanding Project cost $ 8281669 $ Project revenue Grants $ 617) 416 $ Town of Newcastle 30, 049 12, 536 Fundraising 154, 668 14, 000 $ 802 ,133 $ 26, 536 Unfinanced .$ . 26.,.5,36 $ 26) 536 Due from the Parks Reserve Fund $ 12, 536 Durham Agricultural Society Pledge 14, 0,00 $ 26, 536 . . . . /2 � r (p �' v?CC) r 2 Our review has been unable to establish the date at which a resolution of council authorized the contribution from the Parks Reserve Fund. All funding information .filed with the ministry and subsequently, with council indicated a municipal funding level up to a maximum of $ 54, 865, 00 and presently the Town has paid from reserve funds $ 30, 049, 00. It is hoped that this project can be fully, funded by the end of 1981 . Respectfully submitted, ca:t pia=j 6 G_s�; `6a Kathryn A, Campbell , C.A, , B.Com. , Treasurer, 30 10 81 LB80-CP-1c