HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-90-81 Report to the Chairman & Members of the General Purpose & Administration Committee meeting held November 9, 1981. Report Number: TR-90-81 Subject: List of applications for cancellation, Reduction or Refund of Taxes Recommendation: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That the recommendations as per the attached list of applications for cancellations, reduction or refund of taxes be approved. Background and Comment: Pursuant to The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970 Chapter 284, Section 636a As Enacted by Bill 206, 1971; a list of cancellation, reduction or refund of taxes is hereby presented to Committee for review and approval . Respectfully submitted, 14 r _ t ' f' . RCB/gf 02 11 81 R81-TC-5F 0 / C���FJl .7 l0y �7n,'CT7 ,[7[��` 0[ T! ntch No , . . ' . - . � . . . . . To- l|.e Council of the Town of Newcastle � \ (7hc Ac' K-S .0. 1970 Chapter 284 , Section 6]�, A', 17nactcJ 1)7 �lll Notification Daco. . . .'' . . . . . ' . . � . . . . 206, )?7l) � Drief E x t i2n L. Dlfc-_dvc January lsc, }97]` the Couocil cxther �han chc �u�casmen� ����cv Court nhall hear Prepared Dy' , . , . . , . `,� . . . . . , ' ' ^ . . . . , rc �nar following� ay o and dispose of ever' application nor later thnn �he �'car in rc�pccr of nhic6 �hc oypliuu�ion �s moJc purnoon� to Su�s�cdnn 7 of Section 636a of Lbc Municipal Act as enact-ed by Dill 206, 197) . T, t day f makinp uppIicution for the prvvinuo year's tax reduction in the 28th day of i'(,l,ronry in thr following year. �laim Roll Number Person(s) Applicant ��)f T,,-x ,'�ssessment School R(2�is o n C I a �:te d f) Ap p 1 Location I)esc rip Lion, land '1ailing Address Type of Business c oi;_ 1 2 66 80 0000 SL. Mary's Canent 1 2200 Yonge St, Assess ----------------' � 1 3 �0 � 0(� �r Lh K. B.R.� ��riIle_ _ ]�/ 53 D P _ �� � �� ���� � _ _- e�esC End Electric lid. 8.R.�3. f�mnmuilIe l5�.8� U y n MIiV_������y__-______ � ` . \ LIST OF APPLICATIOnS FOR CANCELLA70N PEW TTInN C " KEFt TAXES",,) 01 Batch ?Yo . . . . . . . . . . To: The Council of the Town of Newcastle (The Municipal Act 110 .0 . 1970 Chapter 28i , Secticp 636n As Enacted by Bill Notif ication Date. . 46 206, 1971 ) 1 Brief E lanation: Effective January 1st, 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Feview Court shall hear Prepared By. . . . . . . . . 4�4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . and dispose Of every application not later than the 31st day of March in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsect-lon 7 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971 . Labt day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of Tpbruary in the following year. -'t School Reason Claimed by Applicalt lerson(s) Taxes, Applic-nt Locaticn,Description, Amt . of Tax Assessment Klaim Roll Number uppor Report and and Mailing Address Type of 3usiness R e(c o Tmme n d e d LWport Treasurers Recommendations t es. Y ears Bus. Rea 1 vy Years AR Qq 1 5 238 00 0000 White's T.V. & Fence MKS, Bowmanville flel�i-� ()1d House I)Hwlished 41 00 0000 Bianco S. 47 Earl. Blvd.-S. ------22D-02 Out of B amine. llel,134.94 1 B P Jan. lIfy to 5 81 00 0001 Bo\mulville Golf Club Middle Rd. Bomnanvi -- 8 44 ------------- 7----- -i, 8 44 00 0001 BoN�muiville Golf Club Middle Rd. Bo\mvmville 25.26 -----TB P Building Do wlidhed -------------- 1 j Building, Dee)lished 8 44 00 000 Bo�%imulville Golf Club �Iiddle Rd. Bomranville 84.20 C P To: The Council of the 1,1 S'i OF APP1,1Ci'1*i ]Oi,:', ' O;), CI'I.',CFI,I OP 0-FUM) CAF TAXES Batch No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tov7n of Newcastle 1,,liunicipi] Act 1970 Chapter 2S/= , SocLion As Enacted by Bill Notification Dade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206, 1971 ) Brief F,2 g, nat_-j,,,. Effective Jan"ar'; If t, 1913, the Council rather than th,- .',�,scssmenl, Revie-,,- Court --hall hear Prepared By. . . . . . . . . and dispose of every application not later than the 311!,t of March in 'Iie year following the year in respect of Which the application is made pure _;ant to Subsection _/ of Section 636a of the 1,1unicipal. Act as enact(_­' by BM 2v6, 1971 . last (_!ay for nuking application for the previous year',; i-nx reclucrior, 4s "Ith day of February in the following year . Taxes, Applicant De A-L . of Tax Assessment School- Reason Clai-m!od 1)2� Applicant o. Roll Number Pe rsun(s) )caLion,I --�criPtioil,j -y - --- and Mailing Address, Type of Business Recommended upport T reasurers ReporL and, Re c 0 mme 11 del t i o n B Rea I t-, es. Years _7 R P Building Demolished 1 10 1 Heinrich. Kam 19 0 _t�M� _ ___ 1, t__� 1 1 -—-------- 10 RP anL 1� 362.22 to E rot Exqpp�, 192 00 0000 _qgs — 2eLL_H,,tI1_ 1�-ustees __L3GZ_da�111 1 11 15 00-- 0000 DeeleN7 D. 1",.PA. ::74, Bc­,�,,nan-vi I le Building E)ar<,-)Iidhed 11 261- 00 0000 C L 0 C A 1650 Dundas St, Whitbj7� 310.70 12 :36 00 OOOOAICE\7oN- T. C. 5,17 Stevenson 1W. �hawa 124.719�,! R P Buildime: Lkm-plishecl To. The Council of the 1,11c.1 Mi- APPIACA-C,n',,—, mp, RK' -,'[1()X T',"D M TUIS Bn't-c'n No . . . . . . . . . . . . P, Town of Newcastle (The 'clunici-pal Act, R.S .O 1970 Chapi-c- .-Mi , :S(-ct-lon 63();; As Enacted by Bill Notification Pite - - . . . . . . . 2 0 1�1'73, the Council rather than t',w Assessment Review Court shall hear Prepared By— — . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brief Explanation: Effective January Ist-, and dispose of every application not late) than the 31st day of Mjaicli in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made, n- 111"';uant to Subsection of Section 636a of the Mijnicipal Act as enacted by EJ 11, 206, 1971 . bast_ day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is he 28th day of February in the following year . 'U'lim Roll- Number Person(s) Taxes, Applicant i 1-ocaL icn,Descriptioll,11 Amt , of Tax Assessment chool Claimed bl; Ap'-Jlcant No. and 14ailin, Address Type of Busin(--ss Recon,mended Upport Trf-asurer; Report a t i o I 1'; Realt-v Res. Years Out of Bi-Lginess 00 _Pending j� 1 13 42 0001 Ferguson J. R.R, ! IT ?ton--+--7� al 1 13 42 1 00 000 Ferguson J. R.R.#1, Hairpton 14.25 CP Lo M) Conine-rcial to Vacant Gum-�erei, —------------ 1 13 166 00 0000 White IV.& S. R, R.--L 11,ml)ton 25.94 P, P Stied Demolished 13 i 191 00 0000 Brown G. & A, R.R.--L Hwupton 180.28 R P Building Demolished I Fire 1 13 222 00 0000 Rogers 'I'. A. R.R.=I , Bomiianvi Ile 106.56 R P Building -ve OF Rl-T-1-ND OF TAXES Batch Nn . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T o: The Council of the 1,15-1 C)F A!-:"J(,ATI('-�� 101� Town of Newcastle (Vie Munic'-'pal Act R.S .n , )970 Chapter Section ()3(),1 As Enacted by BI-11 Notification Hate .. . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . 206, 19-; -11 raef Explanation; Effective January ],!-,t, 1973, the CniMicil rather than the Assessment Review Cotirt, shall hear Prepared BY. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of March In the year following the year in respect of which the application Is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 636a of the 1-1unicipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971 . Last clay for making application for the previous year's -a-, reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. T Art , of Tax Assessment School Clai:-,�(,d by Applicant �Jaim Roll Number ierson(s) Taxes: , Applicant Locatien,Descriptionj and Mailing,, Address Type of Business Recommended SupporL T 'A�po-CL and Res . R(.,r c, ii d a iv n:; — Btls . lRealtv Years ---EC,C:11 U 1 15 230 00 0000t Littley J. Burketon 15 230 00 0001 Littler J. Burketon 1N Q.2;-- —-------------- 1 15 1 255 05 0000 Eddles-mne D. R,R.i'I- A,--incourt 7- 160 La RID- Ccinneir c i-ai-to A:ac-ant-Co-ij lxalci- 00 0000 Patenaude P, Enniskillen --2D-613—I - No Busine, s Here v 1 16 160 00 1 0001 1 Paten-aude R. Enniski I Ien 36.42 No� l I I �I i � l i � ` To: Thte Council of the LIST 01' Ai-PIA(CATIO ;S F()R !)U PLCTION E OF TAX �; Batch No . . . . . . PI . . . . . . . . Town of Newcastle (-I,(, rIt3nj ( ipi) Act P,.S ,n. 1970 Chapter 2814 , Soctien 630a As Fv,acted by Bill Notification Dote . . . . . . ... . . 206, 1971) L rief E)�planation: Effective January Ist, 19731, the Council rather than the Assessment Court shall 'hear Prepared By. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . and dispose of every app).JcatioTl not later than the Ilst day of March in the -(-'ar following the year in respect Of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 636a of the Ili a day J Or ),'I' F, ,�-inicipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971 . Last t ,, i n - in appl-1-catiOn for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. Maim Roll 'Number _jPerson(s) Taxes, Applicant Location,Description, Ai-�)t . of Tax Assessment School Reason Claimed by No. and Mail ing Address Type of Business Recorr,!.-,ended support Treasurers i'cport e-,-Id Recoriiyfiendations s, Rea l t:,�,� es Years .97 1,00 cLcL- to 2 4 3 011 Francis H. 12 Silver St, Bow 168 1�0 -00- Gjt of Business 2 4 31 86 0005: Passant B. 96 Waverly Rd, Bow. 1 265,4 B P tiIovod-to New 1-711-- Po t C- 22A-5 B P Moved to Nev,, 2 4 31 86 0006 Passwit B. 96 Wavei,j� Rcl. Bow. 103,66 �I Reclui(ee-cl Space Fc-, Businei---F� 2 4 146 1 00 0001 Stun J. Church Si.. B(-)Nv. B�P 2 i 4 146 Church St. Bow. 817.00 Reduced Space For Business u�) 0002 , One Stop Fabrics IJST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANGELLAT:P111*, REDUCTION K REFUND OF TAXES Batch No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pale . . ; . . . . TO: The Council of the Town of Newcastle (The Municipal Act R3 .0. 1970 Chapter 240, Section Wo As Enacted by Bill Notification Date. . . . 206, 1971) Brief Explanation: Effective January Ist, 1973, the Council rather than the Assesgment Er ,qew Court shall bear Prepared By. . . . . . . . . . . . . `A . . . and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of March in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsprtion 7 of Section 616a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971 . Last day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of Tchrunry in the followinv year , Klaim Roll Number Person(s) Taxes, Applicant Location,Descriptionj Amt . of Tax Assessment chool Reason Claimed by Applicar.'- hool __land Mailing Address Type of Business Reco=ended upport Treasurers Report and Recommendations Y hus. RealLv Les. Years 2 4 160 10 0000 Rice�j,_ (b n c e s s i o n S_t Bay- -7-258 8 7 31 Salvation W7 ------- 2 7 121 00 0000 Drai)er R S J. 2 40 00 0000 B ' ILQ - R R ­-2. Bomanvi1Le.______ ---------------__ 2 8 61 00 uQjQAhijdTeij's_PyxgqiD CENTRE 2 55 B P___r JA S I W- APPI,-I C,AT ME A I"(-,E - I p,- , 0;1 TAY-F5 Batch No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-',' The Council of the Town of 1'ewcastle (The Notification Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Act 1) 19 70 Chapter �ec t j nn 6' [,T)�icter by Bill 206, nril rather Lh�lri the Assessment Court shall. hear Prepared By. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1r�ef_��x lanation, Effective January 1st, 1(-,)73, Llie C, and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day o f Marcie in the year f o-1 1-ow f n F-, the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by F4,11 206, 1971 . a s ,t "'a:: for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. 'tJ a i m Roll Number !'e rsoii(s) Taxes, Applicant Location,Descriptior),' of Tax Assessment drool Reason Claimed by Applic,,3iiL and 1,1ailing Address Type of Business r,tsco;;�Pien-ed Support Treasurers Report -in(,' 0 Recommendatious u h k2a I Res. IYears 2 8 61 0 54 Chtymproi a- to�Ml. 72. 72 2 9 0001 Becker Milk Co. Toron-co--- ----B P OuL of Business-New Tenant 2 9 80 00 0008 Sparks Vacutu-n Kind B P Out of Business Street East B P Out of Business-New Tenai)L 2 9 101 1 00 0002 Clieff E. 103 King, Street Exs L 52. 36 B P Moved to King St. West 108 00 000i Familv Kin-- Street East 345. 5� I 2 9 Trust S t —- - ----------------- ------- - ----------------- --T-- F io': 01 TAXES Batch 'N(-) . . . . . . . . . . !',-I C, . 0,- A!' . . . . . . Tn� The Council of the Ton of Newcastle (The Municipal Act R.S.O. 1970 Chapter "ectin 636n As Enacted by Bill Notification Dn t C . . 206, 197111 Brief 1973, the Council rather than Assessment Court shall hear Prepared By. . . . . . - Ealii n a t i( i. Effective January 1st, - day of March in the year following i cation not later than the 31st and dispose of every application the year in respect of which Hie application is made p�;rsuanL - , i )s e t ion 7 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bi! -- 200, 1971 . Last day for making application for the previous year's tax r�-•duction is r1ie 28th d,I-y of Fc-hruary in the following year . -i,Description, .""Mt . of Tax Assessment chool Rf,I;,,,;on Claimed A�)pl I aim Roll Number Person(,-,) Taxes, Applicant Locotio, No. and Mailing Address '1',-pe of --usiness Recommended 'upport Trf-a,;ure- 1-'PorL nde o !Rea lt Res. Year.; Smith T. J. 54 Duke Street 21.20 2 1 78 B P., L-0ut--aLj3us Re: 006� 9 ' I I ! G-mine-i-cial to Vacant Co.,nnercial 2 121=1:1 01 0009 Barmo-I P-11,1- 60 za_� -C-D 2 12 1 01 (0010) Ba-rinond Builders 243 Kill Street Dst 12.04 CP to RP Coniiiercial to Vacant CcIllleercia 2 12 1 01- 0009 Normans Entertaiment Bowinanville Mall 1, 149.87 B P Out of r-wsiness 2 12 o- 01 0010 Nornians Entertainment nment Bowmanville hall 166.9 B P Parki-nOut of Business- -—----------- Y�111-1­ Or TAXES Batch No . . . . . . . . . 01' APPLICATIM' To: 'l-he COUT-icil Of tbe Town of Newcastle -i t e -ipal Act 1970 Chapter 21c - , )eCt_i-Tl 03r,,: A', EM,Ctled by Bill Notificati on M (The Munic, 206, 1971) Brief Explanation: Effective January 1st, ;973, the Council rather than t e As^ess-­ent_ Pv- view Court shall hear Prepared By. . . . . . . . . . . . . and dispose of every appUcation not later than the 31st day of March in the -,'e.-n following the year in respect of which the application is made Tp,_,rsuant to Subs .c ti on 1 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by I'i ' ' 206, 19 1_�_sr (1, for making application for the previous year's reduction -is 28th ("ay of -,biunry in the Roll Number Persons). Taxes, Applicant Locatio i'_-,DeScriPti onj Amt, ( f Tax Assessment School Reason Claimed b' AD )1 i c ri t ko. Maillrg Address Type of )usjness R ec o=,,e n d( J u p port Treasurers Report and I Re co rame n d t i 5 —Realty Ites. Years Location 2 12 55 00 0005 Peake Charles 110.1-9 B P -ved-to-E ---------------------- f Busi 2 199 20 000S Newmarch Mech. Ltd. 251 Simpson, Bov,-. 469.69 __1 B P Out o aj__n_e_s_,s _ 2 12 199 20 0009 Newnwch Alech. Ltd. 251 SiJIT:)son Bo�v 39.43 B P Out of Business 2 1 13 14 00 0001 M,-u-ple N. 186 Duke St. Boy,,-. 416.49 B P Out of Business- 01 0000 , Strij, Demolished 3 1 55 'J�T erda A. 422 Juliand Drive 11.60 H P Building Pa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F, Batch 1, Ll OF APPI,I�',AT I ON,) REDI I ON FVND TA X S To. The Council of the Town of Vewcastle t C 636ri AF, Enacted by Bill liotification Date. . . . . .(The �Junj ( -ipal Ac � ',t; .0. 1970 Chapter '('c 206 , 19 71 ) 7, - - -ict-' Court shall bear Prepared By. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. :jfective January 1st, 1973, the Council rather L 71,a i the Assessmf��nt Re�, and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of MIJI-ch in the year following the year in respect of t_.-hich the application is --ade pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971 . bast day foi- making, the 28th of, F,,_-bruary in the "applicat-11-o" For the previous year's, tax reduction is f ollowin, year Claimed Claim Roll T�umber t ersoll(s) Taxes, Location,Des riptil�nj Amt . of Tax Assessment chool Reason limed by Applicant "0. and Mail Type of Bus 'upport Treasurers Report and Mailing Addreps Business R C c c):-1,,ie n d a t i o i i Choo' assessment 'Uppor Rea I __L I tv Res. Years Assessment Error Now Cuabincld 3 1 56 20 E 000� 11j, 1 191.x. R P with 3-1-56-10 3 1 _185 00 000 Harness C. R.R.#1, Newtonville 33.95 R P Building J)cm-olished 3 2 r 01 0000 Parker R. Gen. Del. Bow. 3.97 I 1 R P Building Darolished -2).4 R P I 01-der Building Demolished oo 0000 Facca -A & t, P.R.t,2, Newcastle IT2.40 3 1 2 L ------------ 3 3 198 0,0 0000 Stephensui K.H. R.R.#I, (X-0110 R P Building Demolished � I � �l I "o: T he Council of the LIST OF APPLICATIONS FOR CANCELLATI Off; . F RDUCTI�X O} FUND OF TAXES Batch No . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . Page . . . a vn of Newcastle (The Municipal Act R.S ,O. 1970 Chapter 284 , Section 636a As Enacted by Bill Notification Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 206, 1971) brief Exp_lana.tion: Effective January 1st, 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Review Court shall hear Prepared By. . . . . . . . . . . . .� .. . . . . . . . . . and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of March in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 2.06, 1971 . Last day for making application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. 0aim Roll Number Person(s) Taxes, Applicant— Location,Description,l Amt . of Tax Assessment chool Reason Claimed by Applicant and Mailing Address Type of Business Recommended upport Treasurers Report and — Reco7menda t ions I i Bus . (Realty es . Years — — 3 7 44 00 10001,S Valle Hilton •r 2,698.0 Out of Business ., ;' R.R."1, Newtonville 94.20 R P I Building Partially Demolished 3 8 105 00 0000 Knowlton, E. -- !— — - . I I — f B P ! Florist Out of Business 3 9 166 ' 01 0004 Vanderstoop T. Nia St. , Orono _ 613.97 __- _ — I I I Newcastle I ; R P Out of Business 93.27 _ -- 3 11 7 00 0001 Beales D. — -- — I -- — - ---i— r - —�- - Assessed to B P Chit of Business® New Owner -- I 3� 11 01000 00 0003 Armstrong J. —T j 1.09 King St. Newcastle 54.90 ' LIST OF APPLJ(-.ATlO'I;S FOR CANC1,FIIld%_I iON RFJWCTJOIr OR RIFIFUi�D OF TAXES Batch No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pa FC . . . . . . . To The Council of the To-.-7n of Newcastle (The Municipal Act R.S .O. 1970 Chapter 7u,4, Section 636a As Enacted by Bill Notification Date — . .. . . . . . . . . . . 206, 197") _Brief r,_?T jn�tion: Effective January 1st, 1973, th,,� Council rather than the Assessment Review Court shall bear Prepared By. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and dispose of every application not: later than the 31st day of March in the year following the year in respect of which the application is made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971 . Last day for makfil'g application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. -—————------------------------ Qaim Roll Number Person(s) Taxes, Applicant Locaticn,Description, Amt . of Tax Assessment chool Reason Claimed by Applicant ort and Mailing Address T,,,Ype of Business Recoi,,iniended upport Treasurers Report and Recoinmendat ions Years Bus . Realty [Res . =Years 01000 00 27.7- CP to Commercial to Vacant Ccurriercial 3 109-K444fl�__Nei�� R P out of Business 1_06 100 0000 Carroll M. Mill St. Newcastle 118.54 1 King St . , Newcastle 95.46 B P Out of Business-New Tenant 12 90 00 0001 Vanha-\7erbeke E. CP to El Taxable to Exempt (Chtu,ch) Newcastle 12,808.57� __��_ 124 00 0000 Elmliurst Hotel Newcastle 3,245.02, Out of Business B P 3 ,1 m 13 124 1 00 00071., EILLrst Hotel The Council of the LIST 0" APPLICATIM--. CANCKLLATICI`; , REPVCTION OR 1*,-,J,v%,-t) n- TANS Batch No . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P,-i y-,c . . . . . . . TriT-m of NeT-castle (The Municipal Act R.S .O 1970 Chanter 28�- , SectJon 636a A�, Enacted by MIT - Notification Date . . . . . . . . .. 206, 1971) ;)2f_Explanation: Effective Januar:, Ist, 1973, the Council rather than the Assessment Re\,icw Court shall- hear Prepared By. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . and dispose of every application not later than the 31st day of March in the year following the year in respect of which the application Is -made pursuant to Subsection 7 of Section 636a of the Municipal Act as enacted by Bill 206, 1971 . Last day for Raking application for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in the following year. Rim Roll Number Terson(s) 'Taxes, Applican7- I Location,Description, Amt . of Tax Assessment School Reason Claimed by Applicant and Mailing Address Type of Business Recommended Support Treasurers I�eport and Recommendations Bus . Rea t", Res . Years 3 13 13800 1 0003 Brooks Grant Newcastle I i C,9. n of Dusiness—ReJ.O�atP d--- 1 3 13 138 00 f 000 Brooks Grant Newcastle 48.81 -P to Rig Coninere + 4