HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-68-81 MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman and Members of the Finance and Administration Committee FROM: Kathryn Campbell , C.A. , B.Com. , Treasurer DATE: September 9, 1981 - September 29th, 1981 meeting SUBJECT: Mileage Rates for Non-Union Staff ITEM: TR-68-81 RECOMMENDATION That a res6lution be passed to re-imburse the non-union employees at the same ratesper mile (28.5 effective January 1, 1981 and 31.5¢ effective January 1, 1982) as those given to the union employees in the collective agreement which is effective for 1981 and 1982. REPORT It is only equitable that all staff members be re-imbursed for the mileage travelled on behalf of the Corporation at the same rate. The collective agreement has been ratified for two months and it is now appropriate to adjust the mileage rate for those non-union members. Attached are the expense report forms which are to be submitted by staff members to support their various expenses. The memorandum outlining the procedures to be followed in completing either of the expense reports is provided for your information. az K. Campbell . DB81-ML-1 JV MEMORANDUM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS FROM: Kathryn Campbell , C.A. , B.Cou. , Treasurer DATE: September 9, 1981 SUBJECT: Filing of Expense Reports The Treasury Department has re-designed the expense report forms to provide separate forms for those employees and' members of Council who are travelling on behalf of the Municipality on an irregular basis. A separate form is provided for those employees who are travelling in personal vehicles on a day-to-day basis. Expense Report Forrn #1 would be used by those employees and elected officials who have occasion to travel for• the Municipality and -incur such expenses as transportation, meals, accommodation, etc. It is layed out in such a manner that you can identify the individual cost associated with each of those expenditure oreas and also dive an explanation for the expenditure. In the case of meals, accommodation, parking, and any other expenses which might be incurred, receipts should he submitted to support those particular expenses. The report itself is laid out in a columnar fashion, giving the claimant room to provide the dates involved. The IIt',"t. column is to indicate the number of Mi1eS travelled if a per,.onai vehicle is used. Column two is for any meal expenses. Column three is for accommodation. Column four is for parking. Column five is for other expenses which might be incurred. Column six is the explanation in which individuals would indicate where they had gone and four, what reason, hriefly, of course. For the period that the particular report covers , each column would be totalled and then the total of columns two to five would be added together. The mileage calculation would be done, and the total of those two items would equal the amount payable on the report. The claimant would sign and date the expense report and it would then be approved by the Department Head concernr,ci. - 2 - Expense Report Form #2 is strictly a tr,iv(�1 expense report and it would be used primarily by employees in the Public Works Department, Planning Department, and Community Services Department. This report is also set out in a columnar fashion indicating the date when the travelling was done, the destinations, if identifiable, and the number of miles involved. I would presume this would be a monthly report, as those employees regularly are travelling throughout the Municipality and outside of its bounds. Travel destinations outside the Municipality should definitely be identified on this particular report. The bottom of the report provides for a forlriat for the calculations of the mileage costs which should be prepared prior to its submission to Treasury for payment. The claimant would sign and date this report, as would the Department Head , indicating his approval . i,6 . K. Campbell . • R� �u�rt. form 1 �"��� NA1111; 1�I;I'i'. I�I.11IU1) Lnv��su�� 198 'M 198 Col. 1 Col. 2 COI . 3 Col.. I Col. 5 DATE .`tli l es/1111 Meals - Ilot(,1 11:11-k i I Other EXPI ANATION r i i i TOTAL M i l(,S/1Ql7 COST OF MILEAGE Miles/km x (/Niles/km = `� 0`1111 ?LNSE (Total 2+3+4+5) (Attach Receipts) TOTAL THIS P=P�T I hereby certify the above statement of expenses to he correct. Signature of Claimant Dale apartment IIead Apprc .':,. D i 1.c" 16,1mr-1, I or m 2 V t 10 w N i N I W (, A I I I TRAVEL_ E-XI'f N d NAME PFf'ARTMENT PERIOD COVERED 1911; TO 198 PURPOSE OF TRAVEL DESTINATIONS DATE (If Identif-iaf le) # MILESMY TOTALS COST OF MILEAGE _ #Miles/km x C/Miles/km = I hereby certify the above statement of my expense,, to he correct. Claimant Signature Date Department Head Approval Date