HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-3-81 Memorandum TO: Chairman & Members of the Finance & Administration Committee FROM: K1aas Degroot, C.G.A. , Treasurer DATE: January 2, 1981 SUBJECT: Interest on Overdue Taxes Item: TR-3-81 Recamlendat ion: "ThAt the Finance & Administration Committee recommend the following actions: 1. That the request of the Town of Lincoln not be endorsed. 2. That this Council request the Ontario Legislature to enact legislation allowing Municipalities to set the rates of interest to be charged on overdue taxes." "That this recommendation be circulated to all Municipalities in the Province of Ontario with a population of over 5,000 and they be requested to forward their support of this resolution to both the Honourable Tom Wells, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario." Report: I share the concerns expressed by the Council of the Town of Lincoln in their letter dated December 18th, 1980, however I do not beleive that the resolution of this problem lies in asking the Legislature of Ontario to amend the Municipal Act to set a different rate of interest to be charged. This action has been followed in the passed, and the Province has from time to time changed the interest rate, however in doing this we must wait for the Province to react to Municipal concerns when jnXRct the Municipality must deal with those as they become a reality. The only limitation I would suggest in the legislation is that the Municipalities be required to have a period during which they must advertise the change in rate, the period to be no longer than three months prior to the implementation of any new interest rate. 4 'RAVN(N:IRA(X.N ►gnu December 18th, 1980 .TO: The Councils of Local Municipalities, Province of Ontario RE: Interest on Overdue Taxes The Council of this Municipality is concerned about interest rates on temporary borrowings which now exceed the maximum interest rates which can be charged on .tax arrears. Section 553 of The Municipal Act presently sets a maximum interest charge of 1�4% per month on tax arrears which translates into,simple interest' of 15% per annum. During the past year, borrowing rates have varied spasmodically between 1234% to 17�% for Municipal borrowings. At the point of writing this letter the rate is 17% and there are indications that the rate will escalate in the future. If the rate remains at its present level, and more so if it increases from this level, Municipalities will be borrowing at rates that bxceed those charged on tax arrears. It will be cheaper for people to let their taxes fall into arrears rather than obtain financing from lending institutions. This will adversely affect the financial position of local Municipalities and will be especially unfair to those taxpayers who will be directly subsidizing the sector of the community which does not pay its property taxes. The Council of this Municipality is requesting that the Legislature immediately amend the Municipal Act to permit a charge of 1 3/4y per month on tax arrears. This is the minimum action which should be taken by the Legislature at this time. Because of wildly fluctuating rates with apparently no sensible ceilings some action should be taken by the Provincial Government to develop some system whereby Municipal Governments can establish interest charges on tax arrears that relate to prevailing borrowing costs in the economy. To this end, the answer may be in completely removing any limitation in the Act which would allow Councils to set rates that are realistic in the light of borrowing costs. This letter is being addressed to local Municipalities with populations of over 5,000 in the Province. R E t~.' �/ Itw.1-a Q DEC .,� i9 8U Municipal offices 206 King Street West �' Pow c /L- PO Box 1030 _ - 5 �`._ _ 0 ,. :.l. :;�52r` �U N OF NEWCASTLE BeamsviUe Ontario �' O/�� T® /i A° /�`�u 0 1! (L __. . . . . 563'8205 LOR 1 BO t CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE µSO FA��S.� ", .. OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK 40 TEMPERANCE STREET TELEPHONE 623-3379 � BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 February 12, 1981 TO THE COUNCILS OF ALL 'MUNICIPALITIES IN ONTARIO WITH POPULATIONS OF OVER 5,000 RE: INTEREST ON OVERDUE TAXES The Council of the Town of Newcastle, at the meeting held on February 9, 1981, adopted the following resolution: "THAT the kequut o4 the Town o4 L%ncotn Aetati,ve to inteAmt on overdue taxes, not be endow ed; THAT this Counc 't Aequest the Ontario Leg"tatuAe to enact t egi6 t f i:o n at towing municipatit i a to ,set the Aates o4 inteAest to be cka ged on ovetcdue taxes; and THAT th is Aezotuti,on be ci tcu eccted to att munici..pa it i.ez in the PAovince o4 Onta io with a poputat on o4 oven 5, 000 and they be Requested to 4oAwand thew. zuppotct o4 this Amotuti.on to both the Honounabte Thom" L. WeMJ. Min steA o4 InteAgoveAnmentat A44a-i" and the Association o4 Municipatiti.es o� Ontario". Yours very truly, Gertrude E. Gray Deputy Clerk c.c. Association of Municipalities of Ontario.