HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-65-80 TM--65-80 TO: His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council FROM: A. C. Guiles, `lawn Manager DATE: December 8th, 1980 SUBJECT: Resolution #CS-163-80 "THAT Report AIM-56-80 relative to Insurance for Volunteer firman in their own vehicles responding to a fire call be received for information and the section of the Town's insurance policy covering this matter be quoted to Council." In response to the request in Resolution #CS-163-80 we have attached -the section of the liability insurance policy which implements the provisions of lay-Law ##80-111 which was passed by Council on Septenber 22nd, 1980. Recamendation: Receive for information. I i i i ii C'orl>orat.ion of the T(mn of Newcastle f;y-Iatw IM-111 A by-law to assume the liability of Members of Council , Officers, lihiployees, and Volunteers for (lambs arising out of the use of their attkvlobiles while on Municipal husinc;ss. 1VI EREAS members of Council, officer:;, person,; (ynployed by the Tower of Newcastle, rind persons volunteering Lo tiss i st in Municipal act i v i L i es are sometimes called upon by the Tower of Newcastle to use a motor vehicle with- in the scope of their duties; AND WHEUAS these persons may not have any insurance coverage, or such insurance coverage as they may have may not cover a liability imlxosed by Law upon them resulting from bodily injury to or death of any parson or damage to property arising directly from the use or operaLion of any automobile not owned in whole or in part by or licenced in the name or the Town or Newcastle, of where the in:-;urouce coverage of the (rliployee, Volunteer, or mcrr>l:>or of Council which does in fact cover the said liability imposed by law for bodily injury to or death of any person or damage Lo pr•opefty, may not: he adedua Le ill amount to meet. any judgcm(�n L nga i nsL the,-;e per—sons; 'TIlhlf MIn--, be it enacted that the 'Town or Newcastle tt~ssrutxe the liability imposed by l aw ulx)n each and every one o r i t.s III(Illhers o r Counc.i 1 , ernpl oye(;s, (W vol till t,('(', for IHX11 1 i ill"1), to or deal h of any person or d;till;tl.,e Lo pnjxwLy ,wising directly from the use or operatiotr by such persons acting within their scope of duties with the 'Power of Newcastle, where Lhe automobile is not owned in whole or in part; by or 1icenced in the name of the Town of Newcastle. IIROVIDI,D that the 'Town or Newcastle assumption of l iabi li ty as set out, above in all circumstances is applicable only where: (a) the member of the Council, officer, employee or volunteer does not have insurance for the above said liabil..ity; or (b) the said liability set out herein is not covered by insurance which they have in Vivo; or (c) there is an (xcess of a jlidgcyruonL over Hie alnount covered by their personal i nsIlrmic.e with respect. to the said liability,, in which case the 'town of Newcastle shall he responsible only for Lite excess of the judgement provided always that the 'Town of Newcastle liability shall in no event exceed $3,000,000. for damages for any one occurrence or accident, or series of occurrences or , i den Ls resu I t,i ng (,0111 one c;tuse. WIM) n first., se(xmul and third time, and finally passed this - 22nd day of —_SCTt_CIlIh0r . r --- -- ----= --- -- M,Lyo r SEAI, r1(t• XN77IAGUl)AL ►,►All►1,1'►'Y ENI IUsFA.,w. (oe altochrornl only to It Nnn'r,"ncd h-cy S 1',1', No, (i) lu cow'idc,; lion of n p,cu,iun, of $ :!'M•00 it h, uu,l , lo'',I ,nnl n} n, III 1 rac In.ii ;i (c) of the In,ntinf; A{'n ruuv,t of tl,r polo}• to "UT li,s (udo,sc nu'ut is ti, ,c,.i I n, folloYt:,: (c) For any liability y,tu,nrcl by wry person insowd by Ihiti policy Y'oionl:oily un,Lv any co),I,n,t or ul;,r(•{{r,ul utl,,r Uou) tlwsc sl.,tcd below; 1)alc(s) of conhnct(c) Noncc(%) of olln c cunl,•ulin}; pn,ly or po,lic% Sr pLumbpr 5, 1980 Councl I lol s, (If I it in I:;, Employees and Volunteers of tbc' In::nrud by a Resolution pertninin)', only to Ibc' Ilnbillty rlr &Q, out. of I IW u;;r' or of,pr,lt ion of their out c,mob i los un I he hll!; Ines of I Ill. [1)"Ilrefl. 1•:xccpt as otlu'rN%isc provided ill thu cndorscnmvnt, all limit~, t,'nns, concliGoIlN, plmi.,ionti,d,finitiowi ,n,'l rx<ln.inos of 0m policy 0Lall ba%r (cell force and dice(. Attic)wd to and fonnIg hart of 1'oifc•y to, 15 98 ph of 'I'bc, Cur)r,,ntop Conipany of Mall) Ati-ric;) k..Ilyd to CORPOPIAT ION M., '1'111! 'l't)WN OF NEUCAS'I I I lin c od,wt Im III shill III. c(fccli%c f,cnn SFIT'I'EMI"FRI `i i 1) ' I:',(II n in, Sl:nc,l:ud'i'Im,•. if1 g w -" NNA"M IN ONTO T 017 , n