HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-63-80 TM-63-80 TO: Mayor and Members of Council FROM: A. C. Guiler, Town Manager DATE: November 20th, 1980 SUBJECT: Project Meeting - Newcastle Fitness Centre Please find attached for your information the Project Meeting Minutes for the Newcastle Fitness Centre of November 12th, 1980. A. C. Guiler. 4 uer,rits Construction Co. Ltdo R.R.No.3,BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO 579-£1323 L10 3K4 rM NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTREā€¢ LIBER'T'Y STREET NORTH, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. Minutes of Project Meeting # 12 held Wednesday November 12th, 1980 at 9:30 A.M. on site. In attendance: Mr. J. Holliday - Town of Newcastle Mr. M. Brown - Splash Mr. J. Jones - Totten Sims Ilubicki Mr. B. Rohrer - Raycor Electric Mr. J. Horton - Ford Mechanical Mr. T. Gerrits - Gerrits Construction Company Limited Mr. J. Gerrits - Gerrits Construction Company Limited A. MINUT'XS OF PREVIOUS MEETING: ACTION The minutes of Project Meeting # 11 were accepted by all those present an being correctly recorded. B. GENERAL REMARKS: 1. Mr. J. Gerrits advised that Mr. P. Au has performed the final structural inspection and has yet to issue his report. P.AU Ford Mechanical and Raycor Electric (Saldan) are to submit FORD their inspection reports immediately. SAU1" 2. Mr. M. Brown is to check status of the list of furnishings being prepared by the Town of Newcastle. Mr. J. Gerrits noted the urgency in ordering any items with a long delivery OWNER period as additional expenses would be encountered if Gerrits must co-ordinate the work after the completion of the project. 3. Mr. J. Gerrits requested that Ford Mechanical and Raycor Electric prepare their maintenance manuals prior to the next meeting, for submission at that time. Also, as built FORD drawings should be updated. ' RAYCOR 4, Mr. M. Brown advised that the Owner has appointed Mr. F. Payne to be responsible for the maintenance of the mechanical and electrical systems following takeover. Mr. J. Horton advised that Ford Mechanical would be ready to instruct Mr. Payne on OWNER the mechanical systems in 3 to 4 weeks. FORD 5. Mr. J. Gerrits advised that the November progress draw will be presented at the next meeting. (Coated. on page 2. ) NEWASTLE FITNESS CENTRE, LIBERTY STREET NORTH, BOWMANV I LLE, ONTARIO. Pa ge 2. Minutes of Project Feting # 12 held Wednesday November 12th, 1980 at 9:30 A.M. on site. C. SCHEDULES & PROGRESS: ACTION 1. Mr. J. Gerrits reported that work is approximately 2 to 21 weeks behind schedule as a result of delays in the ceramic quarry tile work. Gerrits Construction Company Limited will attempt to expedite Brooks Marble & Tile on this work. BROOKS 2. Mr. J. Gerrits reported that the asphalt paving work is being delayed due to failure of compaction tests in one area. Oshawa Paving is to perform additional compaction today and perform the paving immediately. OSHAWA PAVING 3. Mr. J. Horton advised that the mechanical work appears to be on schedule. 4. Mr. B. Rohrer advised that the electrical work is maintaining pace with other work. D. SHOP DRAWINGS & SAMPLES: 1. Acoustic tile and suspension - samples to be submitted immediately. MULTIWALL 2. Resilient - Totten Sims Hubicki are to issue a letter of approval. TSH E. STATUS OF CHANGES: 1. Proposal quotations to be submitted as soon as possible. a) Prop 0-13: Revised founding depth of footings. 7-14: Provide safe; Mr. J. Holliday suggested that Mr. M. Brown check with the Newcastle Public Utilities Commission who may have an extra safe. OWM 8-15: Provide logo. GERRITTS 2. Proposal quotations with the Consultant/Owner for approval. a) Oat: Relocate 6" water line. b) 3-8: Relocate incoming water service. C) 1-3: Provide isolating transformer. d) 6-12: Provide CT finish to walls of whirlpool enclosure. Mr. M. Brown advised that all of the above have been approved. e) Prop 0-11: Provide additional fire dampers (response being awaited from Rybka Smith & Ginsler). RS&G (Cont'd. on page 3. ) s NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE, LIBERTY STREET NORTH, BOWMANV ILLE, ONTARIO. Page 3. Minutes of Project Meeting # 12 held Wednesday November 12th, 1980 at 9:30 A.M. on site. E. STATUS OF CHANGES: (Contd. ) ACTION 3. Mr. J. Gerrits advised that budget costs are being prepared for items noted in Totten Sims Hubieki letter dated October 31, 1940. F. SITEWORK: 1. It wan noted that the asphalt walks are not acceptable due to the ponding and rough finishes. OSHAWA PAVING G. STRUCTURAL WORK: No comments. H. ARCHITECTURAL WORK: 1. Gerrits are to check Whether the roof deficiencies noted in the last minutes have been corrected (Following meeting, Mr. J. Gerrits noted that they have not). POLLARD FORD 2. Mr. J. Gerrits requested to review the locker layout following the meeting since there is insufficient room in the Women's Change Room to locate all of the lockers along the west wall. (Following the meeting, Mr. M. Brown agreed that one set of lockers i.e 3' wide panels, could be located along the south CANADIAN LOCKER wall, however a corner filler piece is required). 3. Mr. J. Jones advised that the ceiling paint in the G.P. room is to match the darker brown sample. VANRO 4. Mr. J. Gerrits reported that the paint selected for the corridor walls does not appear to meet the required flame spread rating. TSH I. MECHANICAL WORK: 1. Ford Mechanical are to co-ordinate the installation of fixtures with the tile and painting. 2. Mr. J. Horton advised that no further leakage has been seen on the RWL in the General Office. (Cont Id. on page 4. ) NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE, LIBERTY STREET NORTH) BOW14ANVILLEP ONTARIO. Minutes of Project Meeting # 12 held Wednesday November 12th, 1980 at 9:30 A.M. on site. Pa J. ELECTRICAL WORK: ACTION 1. Mr. M. Brown is to advise Totten Sims Hubicki of the requirements for vending machines. OWNER 2. Mr. M. Brown is to review the Owner's requirements for a telephone in the Pool Equipment Room, and the desirability of a pay phone in the lobby. Mr. B. Rohrer advised that he OWNER would require instructions for installation of conduit for these items. 3. Mr. B. Rohrer advised that the P.A. system and F.A. system installation has not yet commenced by Edwards. Raycor is to expedite. RAYCOR Meeting adjourned. The next site meeting will be held Wednesday November 26th 1980 at 9:30 A.M. on site. If any of the contents of this meeting report differ in any respect from your own recollection of the points discussed and decisions reached, please notify us prior to the next meeting. In the meantime, we will proceed in accordance with the understanding described herein. End of Minutes. bist'n: all present, action col. , Mr. A. Guiller, Mr. J. Holliday, Mr. H. Whyte.