HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-62-80 �rt TO: Chairman and Mendxor o1' the C:c,►rununi Ly Services Connittee FIB°.1: A. C. Gui ler 'I ow r i1 an,,4;or T. A.Fanning,' Di rector of Community Services DATE: October 31st , 1980 SUBJECT: Newcastle Fitness Centre Budget- for 'Ihree Weeks or Docoiibor As the ccA»pletion of the Newcastle fitness Centre is scheduled for mid Decanber, staff have prepared the attached budget for Council's approval as it %tPas not possible to deal with this matter at the Community Services meeting of October 27th, 1980. To open and operate such a facility we have determined it will be necessary to hire the following staff: I . One Program/Aquatic Supervisor 2. '1\V0 Lalxnu'crs Cannun i ty Services The job descriptions for these positions have boon prepared by the Director of 0cnuuni ty Solvicos after very lengthy cxm.,Iil LaLion with other Municipalities. It is our intention LIM Lhe "I'rogiim and Aquatic Supor•v.i;xrr" will carry out the duties as ;IM fiat in the job description for the Newcastle Fi Lness C'clntre and will also assist with the operation of nw) outdw facilities during tho sADIIWI' s�;rscnr. Once staff had prepared the job description wid had agreed upon the contents, M, job (A'aluat ion sytii.c11) as approved by Munci I for Office, 'Technical, Supervisory and Nlwl gonent Posi Lions was applied, mml it was determined bxrsed on the approved 1980 salary surge Lhe applicable salary for the position v�t) rl d be .LS To l l ows: SIAM' RATE G 1MIII1S 12 DON'IIIS 24 MONTHS Level 5 $14,472. $15,324. $16,176. $17,027. 'llle hoLU'ly rate for the labourers- Community Services which is a Union Position are as set out in the outside union contract. The Labourer rate for this position is $7A0 per hour less 25 ixn° hour during the probationary period which is l'orLy (40) working days. The ,job description for Labourer- Community Services 11,us been adjusted in order to allow more flexibility within the GAnnuni t y So ry i cnis oixPra.tion wh i ch wi l l a I I(AV for, tic: Lra.ns for between arena and ixo inci l i t ies as may be recium•ecl win Limo to Lime by the facilities Mtur.L�;cr'. h -2- 9� 13ased uixxr l.he 1980 Salary Schechrl e and t1n ion Sca.l e file full time sta f t' cx)st for this 1'acil i Ly would be $� 5,682.00 ssrhwy plus $9,136.00 benefi is equal 1 i n[� $54 ,818.00. This mrxnun t does not include costs for• part time cashiers, li fefnrarcls and instructors and the,o items, will be included in the proposed budget for Dec(111l er. REMINUMATIM: 1) `That the Director of Community Services be authorized to advertise the position of Program/Aquatic Supervisor i_tmrcdiately. 2) `'hat the Director of Commmity Services be, authorized to post the advertisement for the position of two labourers Conmtinity Services immediately in order to have these persons on huurd prior to the contractor completing the project. CORPORATION OF 'fin., '1 CXyN OF N1s,..,A,S'1LT i'c:quires a PROGRMI AND AQUATIC SUI'I;1(�rISOIt Me Town of Ne�vc,lstle will be accepting; written applications for the Position of 1-11•0g;r'un and Aquati c Supervisor, wi t.hi n the Cmini y SeviDe-parown t. ces BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: 1 . R)ssess c>r cIL1111i fy for an Interim o►• Permanent 'Type "A or "B" Municipal Recreation Director's Certificate. BASIC ITS]IONS I1311,1'1'II,.S: l . 1)1'11111i11g' scheclul i 11g;, ('"7ordinat ion a.nd supervisi )g;• the aquatic prog 1"uns within Lha '1'cn r oI' Ncwcnstic. 2. Schedul ing;• a ncl supei•visi_on of sclu'>.5h c1n11•1.s 3. 1' iltain ,rood public relations 1. It11i111ain `pater c11(: nistry (]) iol) and all 1'eclui.red records 5. pool staff and dnlegaLc� duties SAI,ARY Sc,\1 j.;: $1,1 ,.172.00 Lo $17,027.(X) pel' annum S1-.ND APPI,I('A'TIC1'NS IT): Mr. T. A. Fanning, R.D.M.R. , Director of Ccxmrunity Services, 'Tile C.oi•lx ",'Lion of the Town of Newcastle, "10 Tcynlu,l•mwe SL►•ccL, L"VN1ANV1i,LE, (hrta:►•io I,IC 3AG. Ilu: 001W tATR N OF '11111: 'JOWN Of-' NEYMN IJ: r'equir'es a 1 MOUMER (70MtUN11T SENV I(F.1S (UNION 101-31'1'I ON) 'Phe T(-Avn of Newcast.Te will 1x.' accepLinL; appl icaLions 1'or the position of Labourer NO thin the Comnuni Ly Services I)eparlment. 13ASIC QUALIFICATIONS: � 1 . A lulowledge, of filtration and vefri f;era.Li on sysUms woul(I be an asset. 2. Bal~k, General NIainLencu►c:e ski is are rrcluired. BASIC RESIMVSIBITATUS: I. Building Maintenance Duties 2. (A►sLodklfl Duties (Foci I i Ly) :3. Care cnrd 1laintenance of Pool Filtration S,ystco" 4. Care and Mintenance of Arelia. Refri€,eration Syst(m 5. M-Ontctin Public ll(,Iations SAI,ARY ' A1,1,:: As p('1- T(AVH o f Newccts 1,l e (()I l ec t i vo Ag i-e(!mun t Vor Ou Ls i c le IVo rke►s NC(IT: This is ,► d(,partatrental ix).si tio►i the snuCes�,ftal candidate mrry he reclui ►•ed Lo work in mly area of Lhe Ccnu►c.ori Ly Services IhparMnt. SIM APPLICATIONS 10: Mr. T. A.Fanning R.D.M.R. , Director of Corrmunity Services, Tile CorlxrraL cm of the Tcnvn of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bownanville, Ontario HC 3AG. Corporation of the Town of Newcastle Department of Community Services Newcastle Fitness Centre Tentative Budget - For Three Weeks of December Salaries & Wages Operatoys (2) 2 , 400. Based on 7 . 40 per hour Benefits less AQ 600 . 3 ,000. Program Co-ordinator based on 14 , 000. per year 1 , 800. starts Nov . 15, 1980 Benefits 450. 2 ,250. `Picket Sellers 200 . Lifeguards 500 . OtiIities Light 900. heat 900 . Water 900. TO l ehho11 200. Administration tldvertising' 1 , 000. �iIlp p I i es 200. Insurance 300. Pool Supplies raterials & Supplies 500. Vending; Supplies Vending Hachines 750. Miscellaneous 600. 11 , 500. Revenue - P.1i scl . 11000. 10, 500.