HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-61-80 Report #2 Tin-61-80 TO: The Mayor and Members of Council FROM: A. C. Guiler, Town Manager DATE: November 12th, 1980 SUBJECT: Newcastle Fitness Centre Subject to a verbal poll taken of Council on November 4th, 1980, Change Order #8 was approved by a majority of Council and was executed by the Town of Newcastle. However, to formalize this matter we would request that a resolution be passed approving the attached report. NOV TM-59-80 TO: His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council FROM: A. C.Guiler, Town Manager DATE: October 30th, 1980 SUBJECT: Newcastle Fitness Centre At the meeting of the Newcastle Fitness Centre Building Committee held on October 6th, 1980 the request for authorization of Change Order #8 for an additional amount for supply and installation of Ceramic Tile for the walls of the whirlpool enclosure was referred back to Totten,Sims, Hubicici as there was a question raised to credits allowed for glazed blocks for the total project. The attached letter from Totten, Sims, Hubicici dated October 29th, 1980 explained the method of credit aPplied for the difference between glazed blocks and ceramic tile as requested by Committee. RECOMMENDATION: That Council authorize the Mayor and Clerk to execute Change Order #8 in the amount of $1,302.00 for the installation of ceramic tile for walls of whirlpool enclosure and this amount be charged to the contingency allowance. "For information of Council we are attaching a breakdown of the Contingency Allowance to-date which includes Change Order #8" CAL 10HEN BSt ,PEng ❑ R E B A .P Eng ,I M HUBI UBICKI B B A S� P Eng R L AKDOVE R M S, P Enq PC EBI_RLLL B A S, .P Eng CONSULTANTS totter s' s hulaidd associates knifed 1500 B , ONTARIO,STREET, L1N 2C3 i� WHITBY, ONTARIO,(416)668 9363 i vovw�riville, Ontario L.1 C 3A6 Attention: Mr. A. C. (;uiler, A.M.C.T. , C.M.C. Town Manager Re: Newcastle Fi mess Centre ! TSH #22-4018 DrN r Si rs: In response io your letter of October 71h, 19110, we advise tbat the rp,as ns for the change fr"m glazed block to cokmic, file are the n: - e ns, out•ljned in 4 our report to the Conmi LLee in August, 1980, for Chhnge OrKr No. 4 . At 10L t !Ko the i0101 credit for all the gla, od Mork tim w. s Lo he un d in the Vnaaldinp in Ihn P,ount of $16, 549, 00 way nDpl iwd hint 111,E _ 0 ra tpst fur the ceramic the work in the pool Nrea, ' theref"re its is not rctlectpd in the (-o:,L of Ilw u,rr,mic file York for the whirlpool walls. At' this time we are evaluating only the cost to supply rand' npply The material on Lhe walls of the whirlpool . Using the cost of the tile work for the pool area as a basis for coitar i s"n we tabulate the cost as follows: Pool Area Walls. Whirlpool Wills Sq. Ft. covered 2100 200 , Cost $15,460. 00 $1 ,302. 00 Cost per Sq. Ft. $ 7. 36 $ 6.51 As cK be seen from the Table, the cost of the ceramic file work to the whirl- pool wall is $6.51 per sq. ft. compared to $7. 36 per sq. ft. for the pool area wall. There is a difference of $0. 85 per sq. ft. This difference is due to the fact that the ceramic tile work to the pool area walls includes graphics and spacial colours. The ceramic file cork for The whirlpool galls is one coloaar with some special rutting around beams and corners. The cost of $6. 51 per sq, ft, is a reasonable cost and we would recommend acceptrance of Change Order No. R. We trust that this information will allow the Committee to make a decision on this matter and we await your further instructions. Yours vary truly, Y�l' Ray 111P ield, BuildiHg Croup i hh'/dh c4 c. 11r. 1`i. 1). Brown, Ch.l i rril�,n, Spl a:; 1 11,1 i Id i vi " Corimi t t ee %.onange uraer totters aims lwbicki associates limited WHAW In61 679.7631 wwm-161e i ee4-9]63 C06000—(.16)_372-2171 K INGSTON_(613).369-3m] KA014O a-(705)665-599] TO Gerrits Construction Company Limited Project Town of Newcastle Fitness R. R. 113 Centre Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K4 Project No. 22-4018 Date September 23, 1980 Attention: Mr. J. Gerrits, P. Eng. Change Order No. 8 FOR Project Manager Refer to CCOiRl No. 6 Ceramic tile to walls of whirlpool enclosure in Room 11108. 1. Install ceramic tile to walls of whirlpool enclosure in Room 11108 as described in C.C.O. No. 6, attached. 2. Refer to Gerrits Construction Co. Limited' s Proposal No. 12, attached. i 1 You are hereby instructed, subject to the provisions of your contract to make the above changes for the sum of $ 1,302.00 to be X38768XWMeducted from the amount of the Contingency Fundy xka amxxu%xBam1c Authorized: I . 0 ,, !' r ) Ray Whitefield Date September 23, 1980 Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited Date_ Owner - Acknowledgement: Receipt of this change is hereby acknowledged and the terms thereof agreed to. Contractor Title Date Signed Copies to: Gerrits Construction Co. Limited (1) Town of Newcastle (1) Page L of L Totten Sims Hubicki (1) € Copy to: Splash Building Committee CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BUILDING DEPARTMENT TELEPHONE 263-2231 — HAMPTON, ONTARIO, LOB 1JO September 17, 1980 7"G T A Totten Sims Eubicki Associates Limited Consultants 1500 llo-bldns Street 1,=Yp Ontario MIT 2C3 Attention: 12r. Ray Wl-dtefield Decor Si--L Re: Town of Newcastle Fitness Centre In reference to the contractor's supplier of glazed block, General Concrete Limited, and Councilosolution C-030-1099 regarding liability for additional costs, 1,2r. A. Guiler, Town 11=- .-Zer advises the costs will be paid out of the contingency fund. YOU= trulyo H. G. 'light, Chief Building Official. c.c. 11r. A. Guiler Contemplated Change Order totten aims hubicki associates limited roea+ro_.Wel �Jaa]1 i WHITTY_1.161,ee�-fsel COWURO—4161.37T•TITi KINGSTON_16131.309•S7W 104111A"_f 7031 Mf•SWT TO Gerrits Construction Limited Project Town of Newcastle Fitness R. R. #3 Centre Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3K4 Project No. 22-4018 Date August 25, 1980 Attention: Mr. J. Gerrits, P. Eng. C.C.O. No. 6 Project Manager The following items are proposed changes to the Contract. Submit quotations for changes to the Contract Value and/or to the Project Schedule in . the form of an itemized breakdown, and within 5 calendar days of the date hereon. Itemized breakdowns shall be in sufficient detail to allow for the proper evaluation of the cost of the work. No extension of time to the schedule will be allowed unless so stated in the quotation. Material and work- manship are to be as described in the Contract Documents. Should these changes vary the contract price or schedule, no work is to be done until costs have been submitted and a signed change order issued. Should these changes not vary the contract price or schedule, then, this notice of change is authorization to proceed with the change in the work. 1. Title Ceramic tile to walls of whirlpool enclosure in Room 108. 2. Description Supply and install in lieu of grazed block ceramic tiles to walls of whirlpool enclosure. Tile size shall be 1100 and colour shall be 2220. Tile shall be Gail Architectural Ceramics as manufactured by Gail Inter- national Ceramic Co. Cost shall include all premiums for special tiles and colours. Installation shall be in accordance with Contract Specifi- cations Section 9F, detail No. 100-3. Provide required control joints in accordance with good engineering practice. 3 a j Signed To�Sims Hubicki Associates Limited Copies to : Town of Newcastle, Mr. H. Wight (1) Splash Building Committee, Mr. M. Brown (1) Gerrits Construction, Mr. J. Gerrits (3) Page 1 of 1 GENERAL CONTRACTORS A R.R. 3, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 31<4 L: 728-8972 TOTTIE,11, ASSOCI.,ITE3 Ll?,',jTC:) Proposal Wh"by, 00al-11 C/O .... ............ TO ...................................................................................... ARCHITECT OWNER ..............15QQ..AQT Agq -5tr-P'Pt..................................... ...... .Whitby? Ontario. LIN 2C3 ........... .......I...................................................... ................. ................................................................. Attention: Mr. R. Wbitefield RE: Newcastle,Fi..t.n..e ss. Cen..tre. ................................... PROJECT Ge-tlernen: We hereby propose to execute the work as described in the reference listed for the Extra/Credit to our Contract Price as noted below: PROPOSALNo. ...........1.P...................................................... EXTRA ...............................................13Q2.,.00......... ....... . ARCHITECTS REFERENCE ....P9 9.1_I5................................ CREDIT ............................................................................. DATE ISSUED .4ember 16th,...�9. . ...................... .........I............ CONTRACT No. ....... . ................................................... OUR WORK ...................... ......:7......................................... SUBCONSTRACTORS WORK ..Qx.......124Q.,00.................... OVERHEAD ............ ..................I...........I.............................. OVERHEAD .... ......................................62.,.QQ................... 5% Fr. ...........................................:7...... ............ ..................... FEE .............. .......................................................... SUB TOTAL* .......... .................. ......I.......................... SUB TOTAL ............................eX.......13Qa,.QQ.. ................ Provide ceramic tile finish to walls of whirlpool enclosure. SUB TOTAL* ................................ ........7:............................ TOTAL ............. ..... .... ..... ...eX.......l3Q2..1.0.0. ........... A Signed copy of this proposal shall be our authorization to proceed with this work. This proposal is valid until .....gurtber notice .......................................................................... GERRITS,CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LIMITED APPROVED & ACCEPTED -- .� // - --. ...... ..... ...... .......................................... ............ ...... . . ..... J. Ger its, Eng. OWNER of ARCHITECT JG/a.r ROM MR11 ff Iff CDR I-IMIR 50 RALEIGH AVENUE - SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO Telephone 266-4561 September 5/1980. + 4. Gerrits Construction Ltd. , RaR-#3 , Bovrmanville, Ontario. L1C 3KY Attention: Mr. J.Gerrits . Re : Newcastle Fitness Centre - C.C.0. #6 dated Aug.25/$0 Our Job;y 836. Gentlemen, Please be advised that the extra to our contract as per the above noted change notice is as follows . Paterial --------- ,*798. 00 Labour ----------- 412. 00 Total - $1, 240- 00 Should any further question arise please contact writer. Yours very truly, Brooks Marble nd Tile Company Limited. r , i Jim Pearsall. j Chief Estimator. 6' JP/at 4 i i r, iWN,OERSt Toronto Construction Assoc4tlon. Terrazzo Tile ✓6 Marble Association of Canada. Terrazzo Tile L Marble Guild of Ontario. Resilient flooring Constructors Association. 1 (, L T011IN HS, .PEny R I ','I M, B A S, P Fnq .I M I-I(MICKI k A';, I P f nq R L V-NIND OVI R N1 P I nq 0�CI ' _ PC EBERLEE BAS,.,PEny (` CONSULTANTS e' 1500 HOPKINS STREET. LIN 2C3 t®tten slms hubicki associates limited WHITBY, ONTARIO,(416)668 9363 October 28th, 1980. Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Attention: Mr. H. Wight Re: Newcastle Fitness Centre TSH No. 22-4018 Dear Sir: Attached, three (3) copies of Change Order No. 9 for your acceptance. ti Please sign all copies and return them to our office for distribution. The expenditure for cost of this work from the Contingency Allowance has been accepted by Council Resolution #C-80-1313. A copy of the Town's letter of October 24th, 1980 is attached. The following is the status of various allowances at the time of issuance of Change Order- No. 9. Continency Allowance Change Order No. Extra Credit Balance -- 40,000.00 No. 1 Change in Cant System 2,000.00 No. 2 Change in Squash Court Manufacturer 2,000.00 No, 3 Rerouting of watermain (Il=ire line) 12,320. 68 i No. 4 Installation of Ceramic Tile to wall of pool area 7,567, 35 No. 5 Isolating transformer on line side of jack for underwater speakers 166. 95 No. 6 Provision of vapour barrier to cavity walls of pool area 3,179. 95 No. 7 Chang: routing of incom:ng 100 mm cold water service 1,664.4+ ! No. 8 Ceramic tile to walls of whirlpool enclosure in Zoom if108 1 ,302.00 No. 9 Suspended lighting fixtures in Rooms 202 , 207 & 209 2,326.80 16,x'00. 71 Furnishing Allowance Chap 2e Order. No . Extra Credit Balance �0,X100.00 a 2 _ Graphics Allowance ,✓�6') Change Order No. Extra Credit Balance -- - - 6,000.00 4 j Balance of Allowances $62,800.71 i Yours very truly, � 1 Ray Whitefield, Building Group RW/dh c.c. Mr. J. Gerrits, Gerrits Construction Mr. M. D. Brown, Chairman, Splash Building Committee- -�w i 1 1 1 } 1 S totten sims hubicld associates limited