HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-50-80 TM-50-80 `ICJ: Itis Worship the Mayor and Members of Comcil FROM: A. C. Guiler, Town Meager DATE: October 17th, 1980 SUBJECT: Newcastle Fitness Centre Attached for your infoniation are the Minutes of the Project Meeting held October 8th, 1980. nisiis Construction c,�iv, R.R.No.3,80WMANVILLE,ONTARIO 1 b 5718323 L1C3K4 �! �,� 1 Wi?41';'A TPiR CE1,> 9E) POWI4'1VVIT,1.E, OWPARTO, Minutes of Project Meeting # t0 he}ld. Wednesday October 8th, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. on site. Tn atte ndance: Mn M. Brown -- Splash Mr. R. Whitefield - Totten Sims Hub:iW. Mr. J. Gerrits - Gerrits Construction Company Limited_ Mr. T. Gerrits - Gerrits Construction Company Limited. A. tlzwl EG O,, P�FVTOU> MUPING: ACTTGN I . The minutes of Project Heating # 9 wore accepted by all those present; as being correctly recorded. 1 . IT. q. 5>hitefteld advised that the September progress co rk lFi cate will bra i'n tv arded. to the Owner October 10th, 1910.Wli V. Vr. J. nerrit3 advised that inspection reports are to be FORD submitted by Ford Pech ;nica,l, Raycor Electric (Saldan) and RAYCOR/SAGDAN f', Au ( rincal.) , P. AU 3. With rarerence to furnishings, the following items were pointed out to Mr. V. Brown: a) Owner to obtain prices for furnishings. O'rliViP b) Pool equipment provided by Gerrits is described in Section 11 of the Specifications. GERRITS c) P.A. system to be provided by Rayeor Electric as per Section 16E of the specifications (excludes receiver, cassette deck). RAYCO11 (1) Mr. R. tJhitvf field agreed to provide suggestions for a coma amorati.ve. plaque. TSH e) Mr. R. Whitefield advised that a contemplated change order will be i.s€sue.d for a logo, TSH 1I. Mr. R. I-,hitefieid reported that Mr. G. Holmes will be on site on October 9th, 1990, with a representative of the N..InIntry of Health to review the school's asbestos problem and its effect on the Fitness Centre. TSH j. Mr, R. Whitefi.eld requested that Mr, D. Trotter attend the next site meeting, RS°G (Cont'd.. on pace'- 2. ) NEWCAf3TLII FTTUESS CENTRE, LTI),PRTY STRT?E,' N0RTII, BOWHANVILLR, 01V`('ABIO. Page P. Mintues of Project Meeting; 10 held Wednesday October 8th, 1980) at 9:30 A.M. orl site. Cl. ACTION 1. Mr. J. Gerrits reported -that a revised finish Schedule has been issued Indicating work to be substantially complete by December 5th, 1980) and deficiencies completed by December 19, 1990. Sitework is to be completed by November 7th, 1980. T>. ';f O') DRAWT11(-',S &t SAJff'Lt;>; 1. Current status of samples. a) Criulkinr -- meetinu arranged with Tremco Manufacturer. and McBride after site meeting; (at that time Tremco advised that, primers not required for their caulking). b) Accost,tic the and suspension d samples to be submitted. MtILTIWALL c) Qti airy tile, ceramic - prout samples to be prepared early nextweek. BRCO�'S d) Iter,L'Lient - sampIcs approved by Mr. R. WhItef loll, ,letter TSHI oI' confirmation to be :gent. DUGUID E. ^TATUS OF CHANGES: : 1. Proposal quot,ationt; to be submitted. a.) Revised founding, depth of footings. GERRITS Propos a).. (luotations with the Arch iter,t/Owller for approval: OWNER a) Prop 0-•1.: Relocate 6" water line. 0117DITD b) Drop 3-8: Relocate incoming; water service. OWNER c) Prop 1-3: Provide isolating transformer. OWNER d) Prop P-4: Provide ventilation and additional vapour OWNER barrier in cavity walls. e) Prop 4-5: Provide C.T. wall finish in Pool Area. OWNER Mr. M. Brown reported that the above Change Orders will be presented to Council for signature within the next few days. f) trop 0-11: Provide additional fire dampers. TSH g) Prop 6-12: Provide C.T. finish -to walls of whirlpool enclosure: Mr. M. Frown advised that the cost appears excessive and requested a further breakdown. BROOKS 3. forthcoming contemplated change orders are as follows: a) Provision of "Splash" logo. TSH (Corit'd. on pag o 3, ) idPi7CAS'PLV? 1�'TTPt}?';� C,T,'i�`S`I�R, L 1 PT;MTY STT'i Ivf 'NORTJT, B1Y-1t NVTLLF;, 0P"ARTO. Minutes of l'ro,ject Meeting 10 held Wednesday October 8th, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. on site. F. SITINORK: ACTTON 1. Mr. J. Cerri.ts reported that the condition of the existing sidewalks and curbs along the west side of the Fitness Centre Is very poor; Cerrito Construction Company Limited are replacing areas damaged by construction worts. Mr. J. Gerr:its requested to review other areas with Mr. R. Whitefield following the meeting (at that time Gerrits agreed to replace entire sidewalk up to intersection with the school's main entrance walk. The sidewalk in to be 2 metres wide, and thickened along the drive- way to act as a curb. Also, the asphalt walk extending south from the concrete sidewalk Is to separated from the existing curbs by an expansion Joint). GElIRITS) r.. "TRTPTTIRAL WORK: 110 comments. H. 11ft�;HT7'IC;':CiTFAI I10PK; 1. 'His following items were noted as .regpiring rectification. a) floor slaba aW pool rinb to be cleaneq prior to applying finishes. BROOKS' b) Masonry work to be (!leaned. TRENT r;) Asplrilt itnd ntone to be removed from roof drains, caps POLLARD secured. FORD 2. Mr. R. 6lhitef'ield reported that the following instructions were given to Mr. J. Plersa.11 of Brooks Marble & Tile prior to the meeting. BROOKS a) Long dimension of tile for pool walls, deck, and Pool Area walls to rUn Parallel to the long dimension of the coping. b) Lonl; (11mc:nolon of tile for pool slab to run parallel to the short dimension of the pool_. c) Corners of pool deck to be mitred. at 45 degree to in- terGection of corner of pool. d) Colour of grout shall in most cases match the colour of Ile tile. e) Control joints for walls, deck, slab to be in alignment. f) Brooks are to inve6tigate the availability of return ed(f,es for ,jamb and corner conditions. g,) Brooks are to check on the possibility of sand blasting and t3lazing naimbe.rn in tho coping tile. Tf such is not available, mo3a I c tiles to match the colour of adjacent floor tiles may be used.. (Cone'd. on page R•,,ICASTLE FI'PNI'!S,) CERPRE, T,TBT,',RTY S'rBEET NORTH, DOWMAN'VIF,LE, ONTATUO, Page 4. Minutes of Project Meeting 10 held Wednesday October 8th, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. on site. I. MECHANICAL WORK: ACTION No Comment. J. ETBCIIIRICAL WORK: 1. Mr. J. Gerrits noted that the voltage for the whirlpool pymp must be 115/230 volts, single phase. RAYCOR Meeting Adjourned. The next site meeting will be held on Wednesday October 22nd, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. on site. If any of the contents of this meeting report differ in any respect from your own recollection of the points diac"ssed and decisions reached, please notify us prior to the next meeting. In the meantime, we will proceed in accordance with the understanding deocribed herein. End of Minutes. Dist'n: all present, nQtion col. , Mr. A. Guiller, Mr. A Holliday, Mr. 1.1. 1-1hyte.