HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-47-80 °IM-47--80 TO: All Members of Council FROM: A. C. Guiler, Town Manager DATE: October 3rd, 1980 SUI3J XCT: Newcastle fitness Centre Attached for your information are the minutes of the Project Meetilig held September 24th, 1980. �v Ge rdts Construction R.R.No.3,DOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO IN 579-8323 L1C3K4 W6� 1\ VC +6 NIWCA�T ,c I 1TI`T,;; CENTRE L313PTY S`I'REE P NOR'I9I, BOWMANVILLT,', 0PITA1110. Pfi.inutos of Pro,jeet Meeting 9 held Wednesday, September 24th, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. on site. In attendance.. RV. J. Holliday - Town of Newcastle Mr. H. Whyte - Town of Newcastle Mr. M. Brown - Splash Mr. R. Wh:ifefield - Totten Sims Hubicki Mr. I). Trotter - Rybka, Smith & Ginsler Mr. B. Rohrer - Raycor Electric Mr. J. Morton - Ford Mechanical Mr. T. Gerrits - Gerrits Construction Co. Ltd. Mr. J. Gerrits - Gerrits Construction Co. Ltd. A. I4TNIT1"IPS Ob' I'RIIVIOU; btL,I;TTiIG; AC`I'ION 1, The minutes of Project Meeting 8 were accepted by all those present as being correctly recorded with the following re vi.,ions. a) Date of Project Meeting //- 8 was August 27th, 1980. B. GENERAL RI,,P4ARIC 0; 1. Mr. J. Gerrits requested that Mr. D. Trotter review the mcchani.cal and electrical progress billings following the meeting. Mr. Ii. Whyte confirmed that progress billings be RSG sent directly to Mr. A. Guiler by,Totten. Sim's Hubicki. TSH 2. Raycor are -to obtain inspection reports from their con- SALDAN sultana. Mr. J. Gerrits advised that a final inspection report will. be forthcoming from P. Au for the structural P. AU work. 3. Mr. J. Gerrits confirmed that a purchase order has been issued. for the whirlpool chair lift. Mr. 14. Brown advised that Splash has requested Mr. Fanning (Director o:f Community Services) to determine what furnishings equipment are needed. SPLASH 4. Mr. M. Brown requested that Totten Sims Hubicki investigate Whether the asbestos problem in the school will have any effect in the opening; of The Fitness Centre. TSH (font'd.. on pag 2. ) t y's NI ICAS.�'IJ? �'I�I'I11 S�; Cr)N`JIRE, Lr.BEIRI» j"B,'E.r. TIORI.Mj) 1301J4AANTLL1�r yONTARTO. Page 2. Minutes of Project Meeting 9 held Wednesday, September 24th, 1980; at 9;30 A.M. on site. . C. ;CIPIDUL1;"') & PROGRESS; ACTION 1. Mr. J: Gerrits reported that two days ( September 9th, 10th, 1980 ) were lost clue to an illegal picket line on the sate. 2. Mr. J. Cerrits advised that the finish schedule will be issued prior to the next meeting. Ford Mechanical are to prepare a GERRITS/ rough draft for their work. FORD 3. Mr. J. Gerrits advised that ceramic the work is to commence BROOKS on September 29th, 1980; painting is to commence this week. VANRO 17. SHOP DRAWTPIGS Fa SAMPU,'S; 1. Shop drawings to be submitted as soon as possible. a) Starters - Mr. B. Rohrer advised that they will be sub- mitted within a couple of days; delivery is three weeks RAYCOR after approval. 2. Current status of samples; a) Caulking - Mr. R. Whit�efield bas 'requested a site meeting with the manufacturer to review primers and site conditions. Mr. J. Gerrits advised that the additional colour samples will be on site later this week. Caulking is to commence MCBRIDE on September 29th, 1980. b) Paint - Mr. R. Whitefield advised -that all information has now been received. c) Acoustic tile and suspension - samples to be submitted. MMTIWALL d) Quarry tile, ceramic - Mr. J. Gerrits advised that mortar colour samples will be prepared on site. . BROOKS e) Wood flooring - sample approved by Mr. R. Whitefield. MONTREAL f) Resilient - samples to be submitted. DUGUID g) Skimmer Facegrille - sample submitted by Mr. J. Horton at site meeting approved,by all present. FORD (Cont d. on page 3. ) I C DMVICASTLE, F'rg. E�' 'NS CENT 3 LT-PERTY STREET NOWN, DOWAWTUE, ON111010. Mirl-ixf-,es of Project Meeting 9 held Wednesday, September 24th, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. on site. E'. STATUS 07 1 CIIANXIMS: ACTION 1. Propoca.]. qi,iotations to be submitted. LO Re-vised founding depth of footings. GEU ITS 2. Proposal quotations with the Arch owner for approval. 00 Prop 0-1. Relocate 6" water line - Change Order issued to Owner. OWNT,23 b) Prof 3-8 Relocate Jjicorfiin(,, water service .- Change Order :issued to Owner OWNER c) Prop 1-3 Provide isolating transformer - Change Order Issued to Owner OWNM a) Prop 2-4 Provide ventilation and additional vapour barrier in cavity walls. PrOP 4-5 Prove C.T. wall finish in pool area B. Mlitefield reported that the Owner's solicitor has recoixnended these be paid. OWNER e) Prop 0-11: Provide additional fire dampers - Mr. R. Whitefield advised that a letter has been forwarded to Rybka, Smith & Ginsler concerning this claim, thus far verbal response has bean negative. It was noted that the additional dampers are required as a result of fire separations required by the Department of Tabour, which were not Indicated on -the tender'1911 drawings• RSG f) Prop 6-12: Provide C.T. finish to walls of whirlpool enclosure. TSIT F. SITEWORK: 1. Mr. T. Go' its reported that exterior services are no* being installed. C. 17PRIrMTRAT, Vlo�Rj, •P. Au is to perforin a final inspection and report. P AU (Cont d. or) page 4. PTM-7CASTLE FITNESS CENTRE, Nk. LIBERTY ST13EJ]T NORTH, JI%VANVILLEI, ONTARIO. Page It. Minutes of Project Meeting- 9 held Wednesday, September 24th, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. on site. H. ARCHITECTURAL' WORK: ACTION 1. MrI. R. Whitefield advised that all surfaces must be 'clewi- VANRO priqr^ to application of tile -and paint finishes. BROOKS 2. Mr. R. Whitefield noted the following items listed In his letter of September 23, 1980, are to be rectified a) clean masonry TRENT b) seal ends of wood GKRRITS c� grout masonry joints within building TRENT d remove asphalt and stone from roof drains, secure cap POLLARD/FORD 1. WrTIANTCAL WORK: 1. Mr. J. Horton advised that Ford Mechanical will. perform all low voltage control wiring. FORD J. EJTT,`fR1CAL WORK: 1. Mr. R. Whitefield. advised that the Multi Purpose Room lights maybe white as the fixtures are already on site. RAYCOR 2. Mr. D. Trotter advised that the exhaust fans for the change rooms should be interlocked with the supply air. RAYCOR Meeting Adjourned. The next site meeting will be held on Wednesday,.' October 8th., 1980, at 9:30 A.M. on site. If any of the contents of this meeting report differ in any respect from your own recollection of the points discussed and decisions reached, please notify us prior to the next meeting. In the meantime, we will proceed in accordance with the understanding described herein. End of Minute.s. Dist1n: all'present, action col. , Mr. A. Guiler, Rybka, Smith & Ginsler; Attention: Mr. 14. Yates., file, site.