HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-46-80 'IM-46-80 TO: The Chairman and Members of the Finance and Administration Committee FPM: A. C. Guiler, Town Manager DATE: October 2nd, 1980 SUBJECT: Newcastle Arena - Baldwin Street Please find attached a letter that I received fnmm the Newcastle Arena Management Board with regard to the property on the west side of Baldwin Street which they would like the Municipality to turn into a parking lot for the arena. It would be staff's recommendation to have this matter brought forward during Budget discussions for 1981. Tom. a j R t r t K r •�p 1 _ _ X56- 5 A 0%t �'=lit, Jxq �. '�4 gay#y6-_gyp ,i 4 I,h2agement d Dearu ' uld/.li.. to a l ceipt �� ��a I�f�ter dated September .H �Cf i -F : -t t I h,ave fonnx I ° letter ee t the...I d- dais tibn tt ko their comiej th a ti , t s mtter to brought -fo jw :c�, d,,,jrjyjp a udget cif sctssi6hs:for. 1961' trust you will find in order and if I can of c n7, please C-b �O t- hesitate 1,o ccmtact me s ym i rA.` C. Guiler,. A.M.C.'Ii'� Zmn fir, September 26,1980. RECEIVSD The Town of Newcastle, Mr.A.Guiler., Town Manager., j 40 Temperance St, , Bowmanville,Ontario,, Dear Mr.Guiler; The Newcastle Arena Management Board has been informed of the Towns decision regarding the property on the west side of Baldwin Street in the matter of a Parking Lot® This Board would ask your consideration in Budgeting in 1981 to create this property into a Parking Lot . The Newcastle Memorial Arena could certainly use the additional facility. We would appreciate your assistance in this matter and trust we will hear from you at the earliest possible. Yours truly, LHope, Chairman, Newcastle Arena Management Board MEMORAND�UI 4 TO: A.C. Guiler, Town Manager: FROM: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. SUBJECT: Resolution # F-169-80. DATE: July 4, 1980. Further to your enquiry dated June 27, 1980, this is to ad- vise you that the property situated on the west side of Baldwin Street, in the Village of Newcastle, is currently in the ownership of East Woodbridge Developments Limited. I trust the foregoing will be of assistance to you. M E M O R A N D U M TO: A.C. Guiler, Town Manager. FROM: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. SUBJ'E'CT:" PARKING - Baldwin Street, Newcastle. DATE: August 5, 1980. I understand you requested Mr. Ferguson to provide information on the clean-up of the area opposite the Newcastle Arena, together with cost estimates for the creators of a parking lot. Attached herewith is Mr. Ferguson's report, which I trust will be of interest to you. e r I. M E M O R A N D U M TO: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works. FROM: J. Ferguson, C.E.T. , Deputy. SUBJECT: PARKING - Baldwin Street. Village of Newcastle. DATE: August 1, 1980. I received a memorandum from Mr. A.C. Guiler requesting that the following items be reviewed and cost estimates be provided. 1- The clean-up of the. area opposite the Arena on Baldwin Street in the Village of Newcastle. 2. The construction of a Parking Lot in the area of the Arena. Item 1. Removal of Building Salvage & Fill Material. On July 23, 1980, a site inspection was carried out in order to determine the amount and type of material requiring removal from the area. It was found that earth fill is, mainly, on the surface but the exact nature of materials below same is unknown. There has been a considerable amount of builders' debris dumped (broken con- crete, etc.) and it would appear that much of- this came from the Arena. On July 28, 1980, I met with Mr. J.A. Tedford, Supervisor of Planning for the Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, and I herewith attach his letter and comments regarding the removal of the fill material. Cost Estimate: Loader (3 yard capacity) 4 days @ $300 1day $1,200. 00 3 Tandem Trucks 4 days @ $25. truck/day $2,400. 00 TOTAL ESTIMATE: $3,600. 00 It should be mentioned that a dump site for the fill material would have to be found but, undoubtedly, this could be undertaken by the Contractor doing the work. / 2 . . . - 2 - - Item 2. Parking Lot Sketches are attached detailing three proposals for the parking lot, the details of which are as follows: Alternative 1 . It is shown, that parking stalls could be provided within the limits of Baldwin Street; they are at 90 degree angles to the right-of- way and are of standard size in order to accommodate vehicles in a pr6pe,r manner. A total of 18 parking spaces would be provided: Cost Estimate: Excavation 200 c.y. material @ $3 1yd. 600. 00 Granular Material "A" 9" depth. 350 tons @ $10 3,500. 00 (St. Mary's Crushed) Grading. Lump sum 500. 00 Total Estimated Cost: $ 4,100. 00 Alternative 2- This proposal shows that parking could be provided within the limits of Baldwin Street. The difference between Alternatives 2 & 1 (above) is that the stalls are angled at 60 degrees to the right-of-way. A total of 18 parking spaces would be provided. Cost Estimate: As for Alternative No. 1. - $4,100. 00 plus $300. 00 (see below) . Comment: The advantage of this proposal is that the cars would be egressing onto the travelled portion of the road abutting the parking lot, rather than crossing the street, as required in Alternative No. 1 . To make Alternative No. 2. function efficiently, barriers should be placed to advise drivers of the parking arrangements. ThL estimated cost of the barriers is $300. 00. Alternative 3. This proposes that the parking lot be built on the Baldwin Street right-of-way, and on lands privately owned by East Woodbridge Developments Limited. 3 . . . 3 - Alternative 3, continued. . . An access road would be required at the north limit of the parking area to provide an aisle with parking on either side of same. A barrier would be necessary, along Baldwin Street, to ensure correct parking by drivers. Tile total number of parking spaces which could be provided is 32 and, if desired, more stalls could be accommodated along Baldwin Street, parallel to this proposal. Cost Estimate: Excavation: 500 c.y. @ $3 1yd. $ 1,500. 00 Granular Material "A" 9" depth. 1000 tons @ $8 8,000. 00 Grading 500. 00 Barriers 450. 00 Total Estimated Cost $ 10,450. 00 Comment: In view of the prospect of land acquisition, maintenance, grading, dust control and snow clearing, it is felt that very careful consideration should be given prior to the adoption of Alternative No. 3. It should also be noted that several items were not included in any of the foregoing cost estimates: (a) Asphalting. (b) Lighting. (c) Dust Control. (d) Seeding/sodding of any graded areas. (e.g. channel at the north end). (e) Erosion protection. I trust the above will be of interest and assistance to you. r ' - ' L REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY 416-885-6087 ss QUEEN STREET, P.O. BOX 328. ` PORT HOPE, OwrAn0 L1A oW4 1980.0 7.28 - ^ — -. Mr, J. Ferguson Town of Nm*cosi|c Municipal Building Hampton` Ontario ` Dear Sir: Re' Removal of Fill Vi11a f Newcastle Ar-ena As indicated in our meeting of July 28, 1980, the Conservation Auth- ority would recommend the removal of the fill at this location rather than having levelled off into the stream valley. The small drainage ditch to the north could be filled in provided that the fill does not extend beyond the existing stream hank and that suit- able measures are undertaken to reduce any potential erosion resulting from the placement of fill . If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office' Yours truly, ° James A. Ted d Supervisor of planning - JAT/ml � ' ` -~ 102-80 MEMORANDUM TO: J. Ferguson, Deputy to Director of Public Works FROM: A. Guiler, Town Manager DATE: July 21, 1930 SUBJECT: Baldwin Street — Village of Newcastle As discuss with you on Friday, I would request that you prepare a cost estimate of cleaning up the area where the contractor, who built the new arena and private citizens have dumped debris on Town owned property and private property owned by East Woodbridge Developments Ltd. I would also .request you to give us an estimate on what it would cost to develope this area into a parking lot to be used by the Newcastle Arena. JUL 22 1980 TOW N OF �,'Ewr:._ :T -E 1 tar 7k% W1,14 U-4- C .mac° 61.E -'°� �°�° �-' r _ ,� .-- ,. �- ;.. �'� ic% G�9 Tl...�- �.�- � � - � � �� c.. , � : � I a � � �, U � - � e --�- --� �� ���.� ��dm� I I � � �ei � �\ � `� , . i �`� �. ��� � ,� � , � � � ��,. � � � , _.__ � � � � �- � � � � �. � �, � � � h �, � � e � � c I � � � I i � � i � i � �__— z_ � � � a � e `����� � � �'`=<<� r . _ ,