HomeMy WebLinkAboutCLD-49-02 ., j C!iJ!illgron REPORT CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: NOVEMBER 18, 2002 Report #: CLD-49-02 - 011l- Cj)d- -0 cJ.- File #: 11i3. Y By-law #: Subject: IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW PARKING ENFORCEMENT EQUIPMENT RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report CLD-49-02 be received for information. Submitted by: J'~w~ Reviewed by: Franklin Wu, Chief Administrative Officer PLB*LC*ct CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 F 905-623-6506 1101 ~ REPORT NO.: CLD-49-02.doc PAGE 2 of2 BACKGROUND This year the Municipal Law Enforcement Division acquired new computer software to track parking tickets, This past week staff took delivery of the new hardware for use on the street. The Parking Enforcement Officers have each been issued handheld units which will electronically print out a ticket for each violation. The new tickets are different from the hand written ones the public are used to and this may cause some initial confusion, Staff have prepared an advertisement in the press to advise the public of the new look of the ticket. The traditional handwritten tickets will continue to be used by the other ticketing agencies outside of the Parking Enforcement Officers. A sample of the new ticket and the traditional one are attached for information. Attachment 1 TRADITIONAL PARKING INFRACTION TICKET 2 NEW PARKING INFRACTION TICKET 1102 , , ATTACHMENT 1 ,- CERTIFICATE OF PARKING INFRACTION ~ REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM ONTARIO COURT OF JUSTICE No. 50147 PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT DATE OF INFRACTION; YEAR 001. MONTH Ii PlATE NO. tt8c.- / LOCATION 40 7c ~ VI" (IF UNPlATEO) IT IS ALlEGED TliAT ON THE INFRACTION DA'TE SHOWN. TlI' OWNER OF THE VEHICLE UPON WHICH WPS DISPlAYED THE NUMBER PlA'TE DR VEHICLE IDENTIRCATIDN NUMBER DESCRIBED ABOVE COMMlffiD THE PARKING INFRACTION MARKED X BelOW CONlRARY TO THE BY-LAW. I believe from my personal knowledge and certify that the parking infraction described below was committed and that r served a Parking Infraction Notice on the owner of the vehicle identified herein by affixing it to the vehicle in a conspicuous place at the time of the alleged infraction. ,/ecJ( Signature of Issui Provo Off nees Officer Officer No. Being the OwnerlOccupant of private property noted above, I hereby authorize the tagging and/or towing of the vehicle described above which is parked without consent. Signature of private property Owner/Occupant ! PARKING INFRACTION X EARLY SET PAYMENT FINE 1 PARKED. STOPPED. OR STANDING IN DESIGNATED DISABLED 2, PERSONS PARKING SPACE WITHOUT VALID PERMIT. $201),00 $300.00 3 PARKED AT EXFIRED METER. S 10,00 $ 15,00 4. PARKED IN PROHIBITED AREA ')(" $ 15,01) $ 23,01) 5,' PARKED ON/OVER ANY BOULEVARD S 15.00 $ 23,01) 6, i PARKEO LONGER THAN 3 HOURS $ 15,01) $ 23.00 7,iPARKED WITHIN 3 METRES OF FIRE HYDRANT S 15,00 $ 23,00 8,1 PARKED ON PRIVATE PROFERTY WITHOUT OWNER'S CONSENT $ 15,00 $ 23.00 9.1 PARKED ON ROADWAY BETWEEN 3 AM, AND 5 AM. $ 15,00 S 23,00 10,IFARKED WITH RIGHT WHEELS MORE THAN 15 em FROM CURB $ 15,01) $ 23,00 1!IPARKED WITHIN 1M OF DRIVEWAY $ 15.00 $ 23,00 12,IsTOPPED IN PROHIBITED AREA S 20,00 $ 30,00 13, STOPPED ON SIDEWALK/FOOTPATH $ 20,00 $ 30,00 14,i STOPPED SO AS TO INTERFERE WITH TRAFFIC/SNOW CLEARING $ 15.00 $ 23,00 15, PARKED IN FIRE ROUTE i $ 30,00 $ 45,00 1103 HRS. ',. , ~ t ~ f ~ :( r. "j ~ ~ ~ I I REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM ONTARIO COURT OF JUSTICE I DATE 12/11/2002 CERTIFICATE OF PARKING INFRACTION C1aL . .-,11JgtDn TICKET -# 0000076 TIME 10:22 . - . ABCD123 EXPIRY DATt; 03/2003 PROVINCE ON PLATE NUMBER LCCATlm;; 30 AlffVYmJ CRfS ,,' INFBAC1'ION ' Early Payment $15.00 Se t Fin e $23 . 00 double parked NOTES: - . WARNING IT IS ALLEGED TH;.:T ON THE lNFRA.cTION DATE SHOWN, THI: OWNER OF THE VEH1CLE UPON WH1CH V-If\S DiSPLAYED THE NUMBER PLP.TE 08 VEHICLE iDENTIFICATION NUMBER DESCRIBED ABOVE COMMITTED THE PARKING INFRACTION DESC.RIBED ABOVE CO!\TRARY TO THE BY-LAW. I believe from my personal knowledge anc certify" Ina! the parking infraction described abo'~," was ;::ommitted and tr;al i served a Parking Infraction Notice or the owner 01 the vehicle identified herein by affixing it lathe vehicleir. a conspIcuous place althe lirre of the ,,:Ie;:;edinfract:on. PEOl S'CiN,,:ii:if:;TiSi SU)'UG Pi'O\'INCI.A.LOF"ENCES OFFu,n OFF;CERNO. - SIGN"TURE OF PR'V,<"E PRO"ERTY OW>-.IER'QCCUPANT .. S[;E REVERSE SIDE FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS" 1 0 4 . IMPORTANT NOTICE - PLEASE READ CAREFULLY You must choose one of the fOllowN1g options If you do not pay the Early Payment amount shown within 7 days, or the Set Fine amount shown within 15 days, or if you do not complete Notice of Intention to Appear in Court within 15 days at the location noted in Option 2, or if you do not appear for your trial you will be deemed not to dispute this charge and a conviction may be entered against you. Upon conviction you will be required to pay the Set Fine plus court costs. An administrative fee is payable If the fine g08S into default. The information may be provided to a credit bureau if the appropriate amount is not received within the prescribed time. If you choose the Voluntary Payment option, sign where indicated. DEFENDANT'S OPTIONS - CHOOSE ONLY ONE OPTION 1 VOLUNTARY PAYMENT Note carefully the time allowed for payment when choosing one of the follOWing. Write the number of this Parking Infraction Notice on the front of your cheque or money order made payable to: "THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON" o I do not wish to dispute the charge and I enclose the amount of the Early Payment as indicated on the front of this Notice. (Must be received within 7 consecutive days of the date of Issue.) o I do not wish to dispute the charge and I enclose the amount of the Set Fine as Indicated on the front of this Notice. (Must be received within 15 consecutive days of the date of issue.) SIGNATURE THE PAYMENT APPLICABLE MAY BE DEUVERED OR MAILED TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C3A6 PAYMENT BY CASH, CHEQUE OR DEBIT ONLY TRIAL OPTION - DO NOT MAIL OPTION 2 tf you wish to dispute this Parking Infraction Notice, you must, within 15 days of the Issuance of this Notice, COfltact the Municipality's Law Enforcement Division during regular office hours as shown below to schedule a First Attendance Meeting. MUNICIPAL LAW ENFORCEMENT DMSION 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BPWMANVlLLE, ONTARIO 905-623-3379 EXT. 239 HOURS OF OPERATION: Office hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. except Statutory and Civil Holidays. Arst Attendance Hearings are held between the hours of 2:20 p.m. and 3:40 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays only and must be booked in advance. NOTICE - ONTARIO MOTORISTS FAILURE TO PAY THE FINE IMPOSED UPON CONVICTION WILL RESULT IN AN ORDER THAT YOUR ONTARIO VEHICLE PERMIT NOT BE RENEWED AND THAT NO NEW PERMIT BE ISSUED TO YOU UNTIL THE FINE AND ALL COURT COSTS AND FEES HAVE BEEN PAID. 1 05