HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-40-80 TIVI-40-30 TO: His Worship the Mayor and fibers of Council M: A. Ca Guiler, T(xvn ManageM ME: August 32nd, 1930 TECr: Ncwcastle Fitness Centwe Attached for your information are the Minutes of the Project Meeting held July 13th, 1980. i i% N AK rri tr i U R.R.No.3,BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO 579-8323 L 1 C 3K4 NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE, LIBERTY STREET NORTH, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. Minutes of Project Meeting # 7 held Wednesday July 13th, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. on site. In attendance: Mr. H. Whyte - Town of Newcastle Mr. M. Brown - Splash Mr. R. Whitefield - Totten Sims Hubicki Mr. J. Horton - Ford Mechanical Mr. B. Rohrer - Raycor Electric 'MMr^. T. G n (� it(s - n Co. Ltd.y Gerrit Cons �j dOpt I �}[ G I I i U d., A. EVIOUSf T 0 G � 1 Th niutes' of �'ro e � t` j I, I il, j t g ache to Y a�l tbo l 7 � �. 111,�� �I pr t', asl bein� eor e t '' eealyded, , I � � � ! B. G8 : AL Rlf AR s, j I I, I I i , i, I I i i CR W 't i fi 1 �: I � b � �, ed.� �th�t the. r I N � Rs e rti i c � I �I' I i i , I p 1 as b en issued � t 0�rner' 1 ,p i � i �b i it l 4 agreed that t�61a A gust bili would t�'� 'reviewed folio ing the pexi l;si . ee in A s 27th 1980). I I I , II �on xepart� � 4�1, ibe 'subm to l�y'� Mx`.; PI. Au '(Str {�)P. AU j chahic 11);' ill I' idan (elect' ilea )• I I II RA, YCpR/ j ! I d IIi' III j I. SALDAN � i III+, 3! R Smith ( i 8a 3ns1 Y rare requested to have a representative ' at the next site meeting. RS&,G C. SCHEDULES & PROGRESS: 1. Mr. T. Gerrits advised that the squash courts and corridor slab on grade will be poured on August 15th, 1980, the pool deck slab will be poured on August 18th or 19th, and the remainder of the main floor slab on grade will be poured approximately August 22nd, 1980. GERRTTS The precast T's are to be erected no later that August 25th, STANLEY 1980. Mr. R. Whitefiel.d is to provide details for the handicapped lift floor inserts next week, prior to pouring TSH the slab. (Cont'd. on page 2. ) I NEWCAST12 FITNESS CE 7111', LIBERTY STR'Et�NORTH, BOWMAIIVILLE, ONTARIO. Page 2. Minutes of Project Meeting 7 held Wednesday July 13th, 1980, at 9:30 A.M. on site. D. SHOP DRAWINGS & SAMPLES: ACTION 1. Shop drawings submitted for approval are as follows: a) Electrical-Fixture types S,A,B (submitted August 14th, 1980). RS&G b) Mechanical controls: Mr. R. Whitefield reported that Rybka, Smith & Ginsler will return these on August 14th, 1980. RS&G Gerrits Construction Company Limited are to forward a copy to Rayeor Electric for coordination of starters. GERRITS 2. Shop drawings to be submitted as soon as possible. a) Starters RAYCOR b) Resubmission of letter detail. RIVETT 3. Current status of samples. a) Caulking samples - Mr. R. Whitefield advised that the MBRIDE products proposed are acceptable however, Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited, also require a list of priming materials. Mr. R. Whitefield will advise of colour charts required for colour selections. TSH Mr. R. Whitefield emphasized that all joints are to be primed. lBRTDE b) List of paint materials - Mr. R. Whitefield advised VANRO that the products are satisfactory, a confirmation TSH will follow. c) Cedar siding (pool area) - Mr. R. Whitefield confirmed acceptance of the samplers. GERRI'.PS d) Samples of acoustic tile and suspension areto be submitted immmediately. MULTIWALL �) Samples of QT) resilient, wood flooring are to be BROOKS/ submitted immediately. MONTREAL f) Skimmer Facegrille - Mr. J. Horton advised that subsequent to the last site meeting, Ryb1m, Smith and Ginsler have requested a plastic grille, however suppliers given by Mr. Yates do not carry this item and a special assembly is required, which would be quite costly.TSH/ Mr. R. Whitefield agreed to review this matter with RS&G Rybka, Smith & Ginsler. (Cont'd. on page 3. ) NEWCASTLE FITNESSS CENTRE, LIBERTY STREET NORTH, BOWMANVILIX, ONTARIO. 6 Minutes of Project Meeting # 7 held Wednesday July 13th, 1980, at 9:30 A.L . on site. E. STATUS OF'CAANGE : ACTION 1. Proposal quotations to be submitted. a) Revised founding depth of footings. r GERR1TS 2. Proposal quotations with the Arch/Owner for approval: TSH a) Prop 0-1: Relocate 6" water line. Prop 3-8: Relocate incoming water service. Mr. R. Whitefield advised that a letter has been sent to Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited by Ryb1m, Smith and Ginsler. b) Prop 1-3: Provide isolating transformer: Mr. R. Whitefield advised that this work is to be performed at NCIP as it is a requirement of the Ministry of Health. RAYCOR c) Prop-2-4: Provide ventilation, additional vapour barrier OWNRi in cavity walls. Prop 4-5: Provide C.T. wall finish in pool area. OWNER Mr. R. Wbitefield advised that these proposals have been submitted to Council for acceptance, and a Site Instruction issued to proceed with the work. The Town of Newcastle is investigating the legal aspects of the matter prior to issuing a .Change Order. OWNIM d) Prop 5-5: Provide special paint finish in pool area. Mr. R. Whitefield advised to cancel this chmnge.GERRIT3 3. Forthcoming Contemplated Change Orders are as follows: a) ' Substitude alternate finish for glazed block in whirlpool and shower areas: Mr. J. Gerrits requested that this be expedited as ceramic tile materials may have to be imported;TSH/ work will commence in approximately 6 weeks. SPLASH F. SITEWORK: 1. Mr. R. Whitefield advised that Mr. G. Holmes of the Newcastle Northumberland Board of Education has requested that Gerrits Construction Company Limited clean the driveway. GERP ITS 2. Ford Mechanical are to arrange installation of grater and gas services for early September. FORD (Cont d. on page 4. ) i NEWCASTLE. FITNESS CIIIINIE, LIBERTY STREET NORTH, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO 1->age Minutes of Project Meeting 7 held Wednesday July 3.3tb, 1.980) at' 9:30 A.M. on site. G. STRUCTURAL WORK: ACTION 1. Mr. J. Gerrits reported that the support requirements for P. AU the hot water tanks are being reviewed by Mr. P. Au. 11. ARC UTWiTURAL WORK: 1, Mr. J. Horton and Mr. D. Rohrer advised that there are clear- ance problems in the lobby ceiling and stair 11 2 and request- ed to review the matter following the meeting (at that time Mr. R. Wbitefield confirmed that the lobby ceiling could be FORD/ lowered to 8►-0"; exposed piping is not permissible in 13AYCOR/ Stair #- 2). MULTIWALL I. MECHA11ICAL WORK: 1. Mr. J. Horton confirmed that the gas line will be run over the roof to the mecliamical room. FORD 2. Mr. J. Horton reported that the manufacturers of the hot vater tams are still on strike. J. EUXTRICAL WORIC: 1. Mr. R. Whitefield requested that Mr. 14. Brown provide a furniture layout for the General Office to coordinate locations of the mechanical equipment alarm panel and P.A. console. Mr. B. Rohrer advised that electrical rough in is proceeding for SPIASH these. 1 2. Mr. B. Rohri�r advised that Raycor Electric its still reviewing responsibility for control wiring. RAYCOR 3. Mr. B. Rohrer requested colour clarification for the multipurpose room pot lights. , TSH Meeting Adjourned. The next site meeting will be held at 9:30A.M. , August 27th, 1980) on site. If any of the contents Of this meeting report differ in any respect from your OiM recollection of-the Points discussed and decisions reached, please notify us prior to the next meeting. In the meantime) we will proceed in accordance with the understanding described herein. Did of Minutes. cc: file,. site, all present, action col., Mr. A. Guiler, Mr. J. Holliday.