HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-38-80 lAl-38-80 '117: The Mayor and Me»irers of Council. T'lWO: J. Dunham, Director of Public Works 0 A.C. Gui lei , T(Avn iv mi rgf,r FATE: August 7th, 1980 c.� �J SUBJECT: Mill_ Street - Ih mpton On June 11th, 1980 staff submitted a recommendation regarding the closing of Mill Street by by-law until a permanent solution to the replacement of the structure can lx� considered as a project in conjunction with the Conservation Authority. These recommendations were approved by Resolution #C-80-869 on June 16th , 1980, Members of Council have reduest.ed staff to consider the possibility of making temporary repairs to allow for light vehicular traffic and pedestrian traffics until such time as a project is approved by C.L.O.C.A. and the Town for Mill Street. It' Council is of' the opinion that they swish to pursue the possibility 01' temporary repai rs to i.he Mi 1 1 Street, Structure we feel that Corurci I would have to approve the following actions: 1 . That a struct in,a.l appraisal be carried out and in d i scLi5a;i on w i th Mr. Windover of Totten, Sims, flubicici Ix, ca;l incite:, I.he (.Osl. to he nppix)ximately M ,20.00. In this appraisal iI' there are deficiencies they will be spelled out as well as how the repairs should be made and �1 cost estlmak'. jr (bunci l wishes to carry out this course of action ,funds Wild have to Ix, a I l oca(nd by resolution from one or two accourr t.s: ( 1 ) Contingency P1nid or (2) Reserve Fled - Sale of Roads for Capital Expenditures In conclusion it is sta f t''s opinion that any funds exlx-_nded on the structure on Mi I I Street, in lhunpton should be expended as part of the Town 's portion :is henoH Ling municipality to the ultimate solution. J. Dunh,-un A. C. Guiler