HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-15-80 IT-it,.,1 80 His W r iip the Mayor and %-ffbeers of Cbmcil MCM A. ilex , Town Manager U a d y 1 , 1930 a PBWlution -121- 11 at it brecoumnded to Wuncil tluat they agprove of the ktiabwamw and Occupancy By-law and the ammdrients in TWart P- refer it to the Tom Manager for advice on adninistration". Tb a(,bAnister a Maintemmos and Occupancy ByA resea,rdied the provisions of The Planning, Act, wbieb gives authority to the Cloxporation to pass such a by-law and we finch that the Amicipality would be mlidred t® appoint a "Property t ds C mitt consisting of not f r than t hree menters, as the cil considers advisable and who shall hold office for such term and on such conditions y be pre- scribed in the by-law. e Act a&A states that a r o cil or employee of t Municipality or of a local thereof is t eligibbe to be a mWber of the tt . 'The passage of this tWe of by-law also s the Municipality to appoint a "Property to d Oi i r" to enforce the pro- visions of the by-1 aw. In reviewing the enfo nt ui nt oft by-lair vm p .t d budget for the enfo " nt of the by-law for six nth Property Standards Officer - Salary $10,000.()0 Denefits 1,600 Part-time secretarial s Tf for officer d comittee 3 Office supplies d postage 500.00 Remuneration to Property Staadards Cbmittee 1,500.00 16, revenue Less iv the issuance of Certificates of Oamliance, 500.00 $16,100.m a a o c e - m would we respectfully remrWMId to O"'Imcil as tkiere im not sufficient mi in 1080 Budget that-this matter be refexTed to the 1081 I