HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-13-80 V-13-80 'O: His Worship the Mayor and Umbers of Couacil I?tlTIE: May 13, 1980 SUBJECT: Town of Nettle Fitness metre Ai ached for your information is a. copy of the Minutes of the project mc-�eting held on Vlednesda7, May 7th, lWO. g� l RE ED Gerfits 0 MAY 1- 1980 R.R.No.3,BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO 579-8323 L1 C 3K4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, FITNESS CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. Minutes of Project Meeting # 1 held Wednesday, May 7th, 1980 at 9:30 A.M. on site. In attendance: Mr. H. White - Town of Newcastle. Mr. M. Brown - Chairman, Splash Bldg. Committee Mr. R. Whitefield- Totten Sims Hubicki Assc. Ltd. Mr. M. Turner - Ford Mechanical Air. J. Horton - Ford Mechanical Mr. M. Wilson - Ford Mechanical Mr. T. Gerrits - Gerrits Construction Co. Ltd. Mr. J. Gerrits - Gerrits Construction Co. Ltd. Absent (but invited)Rep-resentative - Raycor Electric. A. MINUTES OF PRDIIOUS MEETING: ACTION The minutes of the Preconstruction Meeting held April Uth, 1980 were accepted by all those present as being correctly recorded. B. GENERAL REMARKS: 1. R. Whitefield reported that Mr. J. McIlroy of the Town of Newcastle has advised that Wellington Street could be used as an alternate access, but the road would have to be maintained and/or repaired by Gerrits Construction. J. Gerrits reported that an agreement has been reached with the Newcastle-Northumberland School Board that the fill from the site can be disposed of, to the south east portion of the school property; this would alleviate a consider ble portion of the construction traffic from the access roads. Due to the costa of constructing a temporary access :road to Wellington Street,Gerrits Construction prefer to use the existing school entrance and will co- ordinate traffic with the school. Gerrits R. Whitefield recommended that Gerrits Construction take a photo- graphic survey and report on the existing condition of the school_ 1. access road and sent to Totten Sims Hubicki. J. Gerrits noted that photographs have already been taken. Gerrits 2. J. Gerrits reported that the existing telephone service apparently runs parallel to the entrance sidewalk and through the middle of the squash court. Bell Telephone have reported that the telephone cable is encased in a 2" PUC duct, approximately 36" deep, and feel that the line can remain in its present location provided that the construction can be worked around it. All present agreed that the line could remain in its present Location subject to the above. J. Horton noted that the telephone line must be located as the water and gas lines will cross it. Raycor (font'd. on page 2) uerrits Construction Co. Ledo R.R.No.3,BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO 579-8323 L1 C 3K4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNT OF NEWCASTLE, FITNESS CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. Page 2. Minutes of Project Meeting # 1 held Wednesday, May 7th, 1980 at 9:30 A.M. on site. B;' GENERAL REMARKS: (Cont'd. ) ACTION 3. R. Whitefield confirmed that the finishing hardware supply is Totten Sims being tendered, with a closing date of May 12th, 1980. Hubicki 4. R. Whitefield confirmed that the soil bearing strengths will be inspected by J.T. Donald, all other testing and inspection services will be performed by Construction Control. Ltd. R. Whitefield advised Totten that he notified Construction Control of their appointment and will Sims notify J.T. Donald as well. Hubicki 5. R. Whitefield confirmed.. receipt of the April. 30th, 1980 progress Totten. Sims application and breakdown, and has no comments on it. Hubicki. W. Turner agreed to submit Ford's proposed billing breakdown as soon as possible. Ford J. Gerrits advised that a cash flow chart will be submitted with Gerrits/Ford the May billing, and requested ;Ford, and Raycor to indicate cash flow for their work, based on the project schedule. Raycor. 6. J. Gerrits reported that the liability insurance has been recently Totten Rims submitted; all bonds and insurance are now submitted, Hubicki C. SCHEDULES & PROGRESSt 1. J. Gerrits reported that the rough draft of the project schedule is completed, final copies will be distributed early next week, Foundation work will commence. on May 12th, 1980; building enclosure is anticipated by August 30th, 1980, and the target completion date is scheduled for November 30th, 1980. Gerrits 2. J. Gerrits reported that the structural drawings have been reviewed by Totten Sims Hubicki with some minor ebangesclarifications re- quested. R. Whitefield confirmed that a copy of the final drawing is to be submitted to Totten Sims Hubicki. Gerrits J. Gerrits reported that the mechanical and electrical drawings were Rybka sent to Rybka Smith & Ginsler on May 5th, 1980 for approval Smith Ginsler 3. H. Whyte confirmed that the building permit should be issued within Town one or two days. J. Gerrits noted that the Department of Labour have reviewed the drawings and made several remarks, which have been out- Totten Sim lined in a letter to Totten Sims Hubicki. Hubicki J. Gerrits advised that the final drawings will be submitted to the Ministry of Health and the Fire Marshall upon approval of the meet- Gerrits apical and electrical drawings by Rybka Smith & Ginsler. R.S.&G (Cont'd. on page 3) uerffls Constructo'on Co. Ltd© R.R.No.3,BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO 579-8323 L1 C 3K4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, FITNESS CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. Page 4. Minutes of Project Meeting # 1 held Wednesday, MAY 7th, 1980 at 9:30 A.M. on site. E. STATUS OF CHANGES: (Cont'd, ) ACTION 3. Forthcoming changes are as follows: a) R. Whitefield advised that alternate wall finishes to the glazed block will be requested due to the possibility that General Concrete may not be able to provide the glazed block as a result of their receivership status. T-S-H F. SITEWORK: no comments. G. STRUCTURAL WORK: 1. J. Gerrits noted that the design of the mechanical room floor is -to be checked with regard to the loads from two hot water storage Stanley tanks (if not already considered) P. Au. 2: W. Turner requested two copies of the final structural drawings. Gerrits 3., W. Varner requested that a site meeting be ax-ranged with Stanley Structures to review locations of openings for mechan±cal services Ford in the precast units. J. Gerrits agreed to arrange a meeting within Stanley the next week. Gerrits H. ARCHITECTURAL WORK: 1. R. Whitefield requested M. Brown to organize those people who will be involved in approval of colour schemes proposed by Totten Sims Hubicki. Splash 2. J. Gerrits reported that the ceramic-quarry the work will be per- formed by Brooks Marble & Tile. I. MECHANICAL WORK: 1. Ford Mechanical noted that the existing storm drain does not appear to be located as indicated on the site plan and Inquired if further drawings were available. (following the meeting, the location was con- firmed by digging test holes) Ford. (Cont'd. on page 5. ) Marro �� �� Uon Co. Ltd® R.R.No.3,BOWMANVILLE,ON7ARIO 579-8323 L1C 3K4 THE CORPORATION OIL THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, FI'T'NESS CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. 1 Page 5. 14inutes of Project Meeting # 1 held Wednesday, May 7th, 1980 at 9:30 A.M. on site. I. MECHANICAL WORK: (Cont Id. ) ACTION 2. J. Horton advised that not all mechanical equipment to be installed in the Mechanical Room can be installed throur=h the louvre openings, and querried whether the roof over the mechanical room could be in- stalled separately from the remainder of the roof, J. Gerrits res- ponded that this would entail extra costs, however there will be a lag of approximately three weeks between installation of the floor and roof, and the large mechanical equipment could be installed during this period. Ford 3. J. Gerrits querried whether ford intended to submit detailed layout of the mechanical and filter rooms. M. 'Turner felt that a meeting with Raycor Electric to co-ordinate the equipment, starter and panel Ford/ location Mould suffice. Raycor 4. M. Turner noted that the vacation period is rapidly approaching and will result in delays to equipment delivery, and urged that shop R-S & G/ drawings be processed as quickly as possible. T-S-H 5. M. Turner requested clarification of the handicapped water closets. R. Whitefield advised that the larger toilet stall units are handi- capped units. Ford J. ELECTRICAL WORK: 1. J. Gerrits reported that Raycor have advised that Mr. G. Reynolds of Rybka Smith & Ginsler .requested the lighting in the pool area to be 347 V low voltage switched lighting, which requij�es 4 wires. R. T-S-H/ Whitefieldd agreed to discuss this with Rybka Smith & Ginsl.er. R-S & G. Meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be held at 9:30 A.M. Wednesday, May 21st, 1980 on site, If any of the contents of this meeting report differ in any respect from your own recollection of the points discussed and decisions reached, please notify us prior to the next meeting. In the meantime, we will proceed in accordance with the understanding described herein. End of Minutes. cc: dist'n: all present, P.Au, action column, Raycor, A.Guiler,G.Holmes, file, site. R.R.No.3,BOWMANVILLE,ONTARIO 579-8323 L1 C 3K4 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE, FITNESS CENTRE, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO. Page 3. Minutes of Project Meeting 1 held, Wednesday, May 7th, 1980 at 9:30 A.M. on site. (Cont'd. ) D. SHOP DRAWINGS & SAMPLES: ACTION 1. Shop drawings submitted for approval. are as follows. a) Hollow metal doors and frames T-S-H b) Washroom accessories T-S-H c) Mechanical- approximately 95% s amitted. INT. Turner requested that these be returned as soon as possible. R-S & G. d) Lockers - R. Whitefield advised that the drawings have been reviewed but colour selections are not yet made. T-S-H 2. Shop drawings to be submitted as soon as possible. a) Reinforcing steel- walls and pool.: J. Gerrits noted that these Ennis- should be received today and will be for- Paiken warded to P.Au and reviewed by him by May 12th,1980. J. Gerrits added that the rebar Pat Au. shop drawings for the footings have been reviewed by P. Au and the steel is in prod- uction and will be delivered to site on May 9th, 1980. R. Ilbitefield requested a record Gerrits copy of the shop drawings. b) Electrical shop drawings - Raycor have advised that these are in process. Raycor 3. Gerrits Construction submitted paint colour samples to Totten Sims Hubicki. T-S-H E. STATUS OF CHANGES: 1. R. Whitefield reported that H. Whyte will. authorize change orders on Owner behalf of the Town of Newcastle. 2. R. Whitefield advised that three change order:; have been issued as follows: C.O. l: Substitute cant system. C.O. # 2: Change Squash Court manufacturer. C.O. 3: Change window manufacturer: J. Gerrits requested to review this change with R. Whitefield as the change has not yet T-S-H/ been finalized. Gerrits (Cont'd. on page 4)