HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-5-80 TM-5-80 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning and Development Committee FROM: D. N. Smith, Director of Planning A. C. Guiler, Town Manager DATE: January 15th, 1980 SUBJECT: Development Strategy and Growth Management Program In September Council approved the recommendations contained in Staff Report U.1-101-79 and the submissions received from the five firms were forwarded to Ontario Hydro for their review. On October 2nd, 1979 we received a letter from J. McCredie regarding the submissions and after meetings with Hydro in November, staff prepared an addendum to the Preliminary Terms of Reference and submitted them to Hydro on December 10th, 1979 for their approval. Hydro considered the addendum to the Preliminary Terms of Reference and advised that with the minor revisions as set out in their letter of January 10th, 1980 that they concur with the terms of reference and ask that we proceed with the implementation of the Growth Management Study. In reviewing the comments made in paragraph two of Mr. McCredie's letter dated October 2nd, 1979 staff agree that the firms of Currie, Coopers and Lybrand and Clayton Research Associates have the better understanding of the intent of our requirements and we would respectfully recormlend to Committee as follows: Recommendations: 1. That we proceed with the Development Strategy and Growth Management Study t 2. That the firms of Currie, Coopers and Lybrand and Clayton Research Associates be requested to submit a revised proposal based on the revised terms of reference for Council's and Hydro's consideration. 3. That Staff and representatives from Hydro be authorized to review the revised proposals and � =1 recommend to Council the acceptance of a consultant ' r" �< < < K' to carry out this study. t 4. That a technical review committee be appointed to co-ordinate this study on behalf of Council and report through the Hydro Liaison Committee to Council; and that such a Committee be composed as follows: Director of Planning, Director of Public Works, Treasurer, Town Manager and two representatives appointed by Hydro. Respectfu y submitted, Correspondence attached for information: Staff Report TM-101-79 Ont. Hydro correspondence Oct 2/79 A. ui r D. N. Smith it it " Dec 17/79 it " Jan 10/80 PRELIMTNARY TERMS Ol REFERENCE Financial Anal s and 1) ']'own of Ne�,-icnsl-le The Town of NowcasLlu is presently in the process of MAN', long term land use dOvulOPmOnL poli-cius and a phyWcal development structure for the urban and rural areas wLt-hLn Us borders. A major considurNt- ion in the process wi-11. he the Wancial ImplLcationm of Future ""W" En the Town, 100 Pal lVsis and Development will, therefore, have two primary components! 1. The development OF a rusi.denVaL lot levy structure for different resldvntLat unit typos , hasvd on the identification of the costs and reverse';; created by Chu various type:; of residential, industrial and commercial land uses within the Town . The develupmen(- of .1 rcsid(!nt ill lot lovy is to include a formula for the periodic updating of lot development chargos by the: municipali-ty to correspond wAh changes En cost . 2. llj, dove v of a strategy for devviopmcut identifying the costs Of future development wLthLu various localf-Aus, VIM & the Town . lop dove lopmcK snnWgy will recognize e xi-stiny, land use policies and wLLL provide the munic[paIlLy with a basis ! or ' " awing futolo dpVcI0pHWnI proponAlp , V, The strategy is to allow the Munki-PNIfty to compare the costs Of development. within WfurouL localities within the Town and is to allow the municipality to periodLuAly updow tha PSHMNLod costs of dovelopmont aSSUCiaLud with each lo •Mtv. InLare stud ff rns Nro invi led to suhmi L PropoKA4 for Lho Financial .Ana ymis and jhwqhq arnica V sqqqv,,y for the T"wn of NPWIst-le . Submission should include N proposed m0th,d,j,,, For We study, cost. estimates and schuduHng PSUMNLas and an outline of related work expo rluncp . Addl-Lional informAt ion is available From the Town of Newcastle . [0HSU|JlNC [LK}B -- _-__- l. ClayLoo Dr^,ardh |.t.i. 2 . Corry ` Cooper, |.yhr,oJ [t.J . ]. Cif[olx 'ox\ /i . |\,ccr I'm nmr'( 5 . yc1cc uuLodhovsc Ltd, 6. Proctnc, KcJ[,ru UJ. � — � / ` } ` \ \ TM-101-79 TO: His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council FROM: A. C. Guiler, Town Manager DATE: September 7th, 1979 SUBJECT: Development Strategy and Growth Management Program Resolution #PD-320-79 July 5th, 1979 "THAT the Terms of Reference for Financial Analysis and Development Strategy, contained in report P-116-79 be endorsed and it be recommended to Council that they authorize a proposal call from the consulting firms listed below: 1. Clayton Research Limited 2. Curry Cooper Lybrand Limited 3. Giffels and Associates Limited 4. Peter Barnard and Associates Limited 5. Price Waterhouse Limited 6. Proctor Redfern Limited Resolution SIC-857-79 July 16th, 1979 "THAT the Planning and Development Committee Chairman's Report of Meeting held in July 5th, 1979 be adopted except for items 1, 2, 7, 12(1) and 12 (4) In accordance with the above approvals the Town forwarded the Terms of Reference for the Development Strategy and Growth Management Program to those consultants listed in resolution #PD-320-79 with a return date of August 31st, 1979. The Planning and Development Committee were advised that the proposals had been received and by Resolution #PD-412-79 were referred to Council- for opening. Recommendations: 1. That the proposals be received and opened by Council. 2. That copies of the proposals be circulated to Council, Staff and the Project Manager of the Darlington Generating Station as this study is to be financed in accordance with Section 7(C) and 12 of the Hydro Agreement. 3. That a meeting be arranged within two weeks to interview the consultants with representation of Hydro present. �. 4 C)� 700 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 1979 10 02 FILE: NK38 11800 P i Mr. A. Guiler Town Manager 40 Temperance Street BOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Guiler: Growth Management Study Newcastle/Hydro Agreement Consultants' Submissions The five submissions forwarded to us September 11, 1979 have now been examined and the following observations are made to provide you with our thoughts on them: 1) We have no adverse comment on any of the five companies. 2) The submissions from Currie, Coopers and Lybrand and Clayton Research Associates speak to a wider range of studies of growth areas than do the other submissions, indicating to us that they have achieved a better understanding of the range and scope of the study's intent. 3) While the establishment of a lot levy as part of a Financial Analysis is a prime need for the development of a growth strategy, we feel that the terms of reference to the selected consultant should specify a broadened area of study to cover the intent of the "Agreement" , to include those subjects listed in the I.B.I. report to the Town of Newcastle, pages 9 and 10 of the Town of Newcastle/Darlington Generating Station, Impact Monitoring Program report. 4) The final terms of reference to your selected consultant should include a listing of those impacts spoken to in the Newcastle/Hydro Agreement. It is our proposal to you that the visibility of such impacts in the growth study, be established in the best manner possible to serve as base data for measurements, under the Agreement. r r. N z J =( s) .i MR. A. GUILER 1979 10 02 We will be pleased to consult further on your selection of a candidate for the proposed Growth Management Study. I feel that in particular, it is in our mutual interest that an understanding of the scope of the work to be performed is adequately defined. It is of importance that responsibility and an understanding of the scope of payments to be made are also delineated. Yours truly, J. MCCREDIE Project Manager Darlington GS PIUJAMHIAI!.Y TF:P.MS OF 1,J:U •RENCE Financial A sJs t t "Is t '11be Town of NewcasLlu Is presently in the process of defining long term land use development policies and a physical development. structure for the urban and rural aren • within its borders. A m;i.Jor cou�; I.dcrakon I n the pr(wuss A I I he the financl-al- implications of future development in the Town. The "-Financial -A y—Sis----1-1-]-—A_v-e--L op—me.—n-t---.S--Q-r-ak;Ey" w I I I therefore, have two primary -- components : 1 Thi! (1--ve Lopmen t: of a redden in I lot: levy structure. for different- residential unit types , based on the identMeation of the costs and revenues created by Chu vArinus types or residential , industrial and cnmmerckl land uses WON Chu Awn. The development of a residential Lot levy A to Include a Cormuta for the periodic updating of lot development: charges by the municipality to correspond with changes in cost. 2. The development of a strategy for development identifying the cust-s of future development within various localities within the Town. The development strategy will recognize existing land use pul-icies and will provide the municipatiry with a basis for rMewing future development proposals. _ 2 _ The strategy is to allow the municipality to compare the costs of development within different localities within the Town and is to allow the municipality to puriodicry ly update the estimated costs of development associated with each locality. Interested firms are inviLed to submit hropo.;als for Lhe Financial Anr.iSsis and Development Strategy for the Town of Newcastle . Submission Anu id include a proposed mo thodnl ogy for the study, cost: estimates and scheduling ustimat_es and an outline of related work experience. tlddLkonal. .iniormaLion is available from the Town of Newcastle. 700 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 Mr. A.C. Guiler, A.M.C.T. , C.M.C. Town Manager Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street AOWMANVILLE, Ontario L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Guiler: December 17, 1979 File: NK38 11800 T2 Darlington GS 'A' Development Strategy and Growth Management Program - Town of Newcastle Thank you for your letter of December 10, 1979 forwarding the latest draft of the "Addendum to Preliminary Terms of Reference, Financial Analysis and Development Strategy - Town of Newcastle" for our approval.. Due to vacations scheduled in the next two weeks by staff directly involved, it will be early in the New Year before we can let you have our comments or approval. Yours truly, J. McCredie Project Manager Darlington GS HynP0 700 University Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 Jig 1980 01 10 File: NK38 11800 P Mr. A.C. Guiler, Town Manager, The Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. L1C 3A6 Dear Mr. Guiler: Town of Newcastle Preparation & Management Of A Development Strategy And Growth Management Program The Addendum to the Preliminary Terms of Reference, as submitted by you December 10, 1979, has been examined. Minor revisions have been made as follows: Page 1,Paragraph (a) added - "and permanent" added - "associated with Ontario Hydro Darlington GS" Page 2, added - "the Municipal finance and the Community Planning Section" A re-draft of your submission is attached. We now concur that the terms of reference, with these mentioned changes, are satisfactory and ask that you proceed with the implementation of the Growth Management Study. Yours truly, J. McCREDIE Project Manager D�irl.ington GS Att ADDENDUM TO PRELIMINARY RMS OP REFERENCE / s Financial Analysis and Development Strategy - Town of Newcastle The Town of Newcastle has received five proposals for the Financial Analysis and Development Strategy Study and has reviewed those in conjunction with Ontario Hydro. The Town now invites two consulting firms to submit revised proposals on the basis of expanded terms of reference, prepared in keeping with the existing Newcastle/ Hydro Agreements. The Financial Analysis and Development Strategy Study will identify: (a) the cost of advancing community facilities and providing community services required to success- fully integrate temporary and permanent workers associated with Ontario Hydro Darlington GS into communities w.i.t}h.in the ']'own of Newcastle. (b) the costs associated with advancing the construction of facilities necessary to accomodate the increase in population due to the construction and operation of the Darlington Generating Station and of carrying the incremental changes in cost due to a population decline associated with the emigration of construction workers from the Town of Newcastle. " (1) It is expected that the community facilities and social services to be advanced will he based on reasonable standards for the provision of such facilities. (1) Agreement Between Ontario hydro and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. March 22, 1977. J 2 The study will allow the Town to negotiate specific agreements with Hydro in respect of the costs of advancing the provision of such facilities. Reference to Section 7 of the Agreement between Ontario Hydro and the Corporation of the Town oC Newcastle, March 22. , 1979 will be necessary. The Financial Analysis and Development Strategy Study will form the basis for the Municipal Finance and the Community Planning Section of the Community Impact Monitoring Program established under the Darlington Generating Station Supplementary Agrement Number 4. Reference to that agreement and the Town of Newcastle Darlington Generating Station Tmpact Monitoring Program Report (I.I3.7 . Group, 1978) will also be necessary. The expanded terms of reference are envisaged as being complimentary to the second component of the Financial Analysis and Development Strategy as outlined in the Preliminary Terms of Reference. Resubmissions should include an expanded methodology for the study, cost and scheduling estimates. Additional information and background studies are available from the Town of Newcastle.