HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-106-79 TM-10€i 79 TO: His Worship the Mayor and Members of Council FROM: A. C. Guiler, Tom Manager DATE: September 27th, 1979 SUBJECT: Resolution C-1215-79, September 10th, 1979 "THAT the Town Manager bring before Council for perusual the terms and conditions under which Totten, Sims, Hubicki are retained and the total amount of dollars paid by the Town since the execution of this agreement." As requested in resolution #C-1215-79 staff have prepared a statement showing the total dollar amounts paid to Totten, Sims , Hubicki for the years 1978 and 1979 by project. We are also attaching a letter received from Mr. R. Sims requesting an appointment be made with Council to review the services provided by Totten, Sims, Hubteki. T143-77 i TO: Public Works Committee PROM: A. Culler, Town Manager s RATE: November. 15, 1977 SUBJECT: Resolution #W--411-77 Engineering Services" r Gentlemen: As requested by Committee, 1 have reviewed the Proposal for Engineerinn Sercies as submitted by Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited and In my opinion, it is a fair proposal, The Company provides many Engineering and Technical Services which will complement our present staff without the necessity of having to expand the Public Works Department Or create a full Engineering Department which, M the present time, the Municipality does not require and cannot afford. 1 would respectfully recommend to the Public Works Committee that the recommendation as contained in the Director of Public Works ):report #94, dated November 1, 1977, be accepted and that it be forwarded to Council for final approval at their next. meeting. I j NOV l G 1977 , , � � ~� �'«�® • ? � © � <� < � � � � �\ (� � � . \) TO NN OF HE CASTE PROPOSAL FOR CqI ERIC! SERVICES \; /CZAR[/, 1977 J� : � : : 2! � \ d: Ell CONSU mw/ � \S{2282§§�S /Ohl/\§ aSSOG§A2aS \��#ed Qj G L W HEN H 4, P big R E SWS B AS"P Ry J M tMMQJ A A R"P ",q R L WI NDOVE R M Sc,P F nq PC E BE H L E E B A Sc,P E ng CONSULTANTS 1500 HQPVINS SIREET LIN 201 W1 il I BY ONTARIO,14 16)668 93 October 5th, 1977 Mr. J. Dunham Director of Public Works Town of Newcastle Municipal Offices HAMPTON, Ontario Dear Sir: In accordance with your recent instructions, I am enclosing six copies of a proposal to provide continuing Professional ongineering and technical services to the Town of Newcastle. As noted, in the introduction, the primary reason for re-submission of the proposal in to clarify the fee basis that is utilized for differing categories of work. Although reference is made to the provision of planning services and the availability of required staff this should by considered only. Ps nn optior, It is our understanding; that suitable existing arrangements have been made for planning services and, therefore, acceptance of the proposal would not include that category. You informed me, during our conversation, that the proposal would be processed initially through the Public Works Committee. If elaboration or wxplanation is necessary I would be pleased to meet with representatives of the Committee, Council or staff at any convenient Lime. We appreciate the privilege of serving Newcastle during the past three years and previously certain of the former munLcipnlitics. A conscientious effort has been made to render that service in the most eccnomical and efficient manner and a similar effort will cuatinUe to apply in the future. I trust that you will consider the updated PVOPOSal Lo be s"LisfacLory, Yours very truly, <` /� Z R. R. Sims, P. Eng, R H'S r� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES INDEX PAGE NOS. INTRODUCTION 1 THE COMPANY SERVICES AND RELATED EXPERIENCE 2 oil THE STAFF g COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES ]1 L+j;li CONCLUSION 14 ), 1.; „x r r ii — - - - --- J 111E TOWN 01= NEWCASTLE 1 PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SLUICES INTRODUCTION :`. The following proposal is submitted primarily for the purpose of clarifying a relationship between the municipal .f.ty of the 'Gown of Ncwcastle and Totten t�1 Sims llubicki Associates Limited which was originally established by resolution Fu 4 of Council in 1.974. Prior to creation of the Towm of Newcastle, as a member municipality of the °t Region of Durham on January 1st, 1974, Totten Sims had provided continuing engineering services to three of the former municipal organizations -- Darlington .,, and Clarice Townships and the Police Village of Orono. After formation of the new Town of Newcastle a draft proposal. for continuing engineering services was submitted for consideration of the Public Works Committee and Council. The ';•`rl .;.49 present need for clarification arose from the fact that although Council passed a resolution appointing T.S,H, as consultants for routine work it did not :. distinguish between the -rate, or basis, of fees applicable to various classes Of service. Illustrations of the preferential and normal minimum fee basis are contained in the section of the proposal dealing with "Compensation for Services". �r T((L COMPANY The firm was established in 1962 with a basic objective of providing a range of municipal engineering services. We believe that acceptance of the firm's services by many munici.paliti:es has been, in part, due to the fact that the majority of the senior members hi.d extensive prior experience as employees of Municipalities. That background complements the purely professional and technical aspects of many assignments because knowledge of municipal administration and # procedures is often a consideration oC almost equal importance to experience _ in design and planning. We have maintained that ohjecti-ve and a large majority y of all Company activities are still <ct,Lited to municipal requirements. `t`,j t THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 2 PROPOSAL. FOR ENGMEERING SERVICLS ;£~ THE caMPArly (Cont' d) 'jj The gradual expansion of the firm's capabilities to cover such fields as planning, building design, mechanical and electrical engineering, conservation A_ ;.,"IV and recreation, etc. , resulted not from any particular desire for growth but rather because of the changing nature of municipal assignments. There was, and still is, a trend to require a wider range of capabilities in the t municipal field. ;;,•.4 SERVICES AND RELATED EXPERIENCE A, Adnun.i6thC(t .on and Management T.t is comparatively easy to visualize typical. public works projects and describe the engineering service that is required for implementation and ;. ..; ors` execution. We believe, however, that the importance of abilities related to municipal administration and management is frequently underestimated. We . �- presently provide service to several other municipalities which is similar to that anticipated in the Town of Newcastle. Experience has shown a knowledge of municipal procedures to be very beneficial in achieving efficiency of operation. The following are a few illustrations of work that might be- performed under this general. category: rr 1. Srec ae By-Latin and Agnee.mert s dormally by-laws and agreements would be prepared by your Clerk with a solicitor's assistance when required. But there are infrequent and unusual situations which require special consideration - e.g. , developing the terms of ya subdivision agreement, preparation of schedule for local improvement by-laws, pp Navigable Waters advertisements, Ontario Municipal. Board reports, etc. � jp? 2. Pub.Uc Woaks Bttdget,� Assistance can be provided and experience is available with respect to the iy preparation of both annual and long range programmes i ' I t II THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 3 � PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES i SERVICES AND RELATED EXPERIENCE (Cont'd) ly � :I 3. Speci,,-� Mutuc ipaT_ Studiu j The firm has undertaken many municipal studies which are more closely allied II Lo municipal management than to engineering -- e.g. road programming studies, j public works organization, municipal amalgamation and financial feasibility i r.epgrts. 4. Speciat Pko j ecQ Vrom time to time short term intergovernmental programmes are introduced for a variety of reasons: - to stimulate the economy of a particular area, to meet some special need, to alleviate unemployment. One of the problems often encountered by a municipality concerns unfamiliarity with procedures thereby resulting in delay and a lost, or partially lost, opportunity. The firm has assisted municipalities in developing special programmes so that a maximum advantage con be achieved. Typical illustrations are found in 1 programmes under the recent Provincial Incentive Plan, the earlier Municipal Works Assistance Programe, the C.M.H.C. pollution control financial assistance policy and Ministry of Transportation and Communications connecting link projects. + 5. Ot(in In the section of this proposal concerning compensation reference is made to other- types of service that would, upon request, be provided, e.g. general i advice and attendance at Council. and Committee Meetings. i i 13. 006166iowt and Techmicaf- j '. I ' Although in actual practice, the services that may be required for a specific project are inter-related, it is customary to describe them separately. An uncomplicated rural road project- may, for example, only require ditching and gravelling With a minimum amount of engineering or surveying provided. Conversely, � i I i THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 4'. PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVTCES ^� i SERVICES AND RELATED EXPERIENCE (C V'd 1 within an urban area a road reconstruction often involves a large number of public facilities. As a result, the urban project could require knowledge and experience in such fields as street design, parking regulations and "layout, relocation of utility services: - water, sewer, gas, hydro, telephone - z sidewalks, street lighting and signaliznti.on. The engineering and planning services which are available and that can be 4 readily provided are summarized according to the following general categories: 1, Roads, St)t.ee_tS «rid T)Lan S pwt tatio i1 ii pre-engineering surveys, design, soils investigation and reports, property j plans, layout for construction, supervision and inspection, contract documents if required and contract administration (progress reports, payment certificates, etc.) traffic analysis and reports, and allied works such as signalization, drainage and sidewalks. 2, Ej2v,vt.onme►1 to t Engineen ng Studies, design, supervision of construction and advice in operating pollution control and water treatment plants. Systems for both establishment and extension of water supply and sewage collection including experience in all specialized components - elevated tanks, reservoirs, pumping stations -- as well as cost estimates, financing and rate schedule reports. Solid waste disposal schemes have been developed for several communities. It is recognized that the major responsibility for sewerage and water systems now rests with the Regional Municipality of Durham. However, the needs of the individual municipality most be co-ordinated and integrated with Regional proposals and therefore a background of experience in environmental projects is necessary at the local level. THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 5. '4;' PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES SERVICES AND RELATED EXPERIENCE (Co),itd) In addition to the foregoing services which are comparatively common, we have Undertaken several special assignments for pro-treatment of toxic industrial wastes so that discharge would be acceptable to the municipal systems. DA.aiitag e .7orks are part of a larger comprehensive scheme. . Our drainage Often drainage � ge . experience has covered a wide range of projects - for example: (a) Layout of simple ditch grades. (b) Projects covered by Provincial drainage acts. (c) Reports and implementation of storm drainage systems for Urban areas . Cd) A major tunnel project for storm drainage. (e) Flood control programmes for Conservation authorities. 4. Bu.U_ding Pico jects A comparatively large number of building projects have been completed for municipalities varying from road department buildings, to fire halls, municipal administration buildings and recreational facilities (community halls, swimming pools, senior citizens' accommodation, etc .) . In more routine day to day activity, where the firm has served as inunicip'il engineers, the work has involved checking structural drawings for special buildings such as apartments, structural analysis of existing buildings such as arenas, renovation of existing facilities, i.e. , architectural, mechanical, electrical and structural. A registered Architect serves as head of the building design group. 5. Pt.ayi nin Preparation of official plans for long range development or re-development (urban renewal) outlining the goals and objectives of the municipality, Restricted Area (Zoning) By-laws, Subdivision and part-lot Control By-laws, THE TOWN OF NE(I]CASTLE 7, PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES SERVICES AND RELATY EXPER7ENCE (Con- 'dl. 8, EngEneeUng Suavoying Survey crews are normally required for the majority of engineering projects. But in a continuing type of service it has been found that the provision of a survey crew for a few hours or days is of significant assistance to the public works operation of a municipality. There is a wide cross section of 1;A illustrations available to demonstrate the nature of service that could be required; checking a basement elevation for a sanitary sewer lateral, providing grades for the Works Department to place a culvert, locating or tracking underground services to avoid damage during construction, setting a ditch profile for drainage in flat terrain. These illustrations relate to the ordinary operations of a municipality. While large projects may command more public interest, the routine ones are In the majority and efficient execution is the backbone of a sound public works operation. 9. Teliting and Inspection For work and materials associated with normal projects, inspection and testing services are available. There are few situations where outside specialized assistance is necessary but if required, can be provided - for example, we axe not equipped to provide X-ray testing of steel for structures and would retain a qualified firm. In the majority of instances the inspection service and testing required can be provided directly, The Company as a laboratory equipment for ouch testing as road materials (asphalt and granular) , concrete curing and compression machines, gradation analysis, etc. 10, MUniC_iJ_-"a'P_ MAW and RePOW5 In many of the categories previously noted, advance or feasibility reports We been undertaken prior to decisions initiating a project. Such reports would examine the demand for service, justification for the required expenditure, actions necessary for implementation and financial arrangements. THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 8. PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SEOVTCE,S SERVICES ANO RELATED EXPERIENCE (Cont'd) There is another category of studies, in which the firm has extensive experience, that may broadly he classified as municipal management reports. Included are: Roads Needs Studies for several Counties and numerous local municipalities, Currently' the firm is engaged in several studies for Townships, Towns, Counties and Regions, 01 Urban Programming Studies - We were selected as one of two firms in ii the Province to undertake a pilot study embracing programming, priorities and financing for all public works under the Jurisdiction of a municipality - e. g. , roads, sewOrs, water system, storm drainage System and utilities. A second such study was completed for the Town of Whitby. (c). Other - Staff of the firm have participated in the preparation of municipal amalgamation and annexation studies. We were also engaged as a member of the consortium for the comprehensive Oshawa and Area j Planning and Development Study. A principal of the firm served for one and one half years as Executive Director of the Study. Planning - The planning branch of the Company includes, at present, a staff of seven. Currently, assignments are in process for several rural and urban municipalities throughout Ontario, cs THE STAFF Totten Sims Hubicki Associates Limited has available staff with the necessary experience and skills to fulfill all the anticipated engineering requirements Of the Town of Newcastle. Each main area of the Company's activity, as described T THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 9. PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES THE STAVV Tont'd) under "Services and Related Experience" is the responsibility of a Director, Senior Engineer or Senior Planner. When required, the services of any Company member will be provided . Related to the normal and very probably a large majority of the Town' s requirements, we would propose assignment of responsibility in accordance with the nature of Council's specific requirements to: M)(,, R. E, Sim, B.A. Se. , P. Eng. , Wastpal The undersigned is responsible for general management and co-ordination of the Company's activities. In addition to that responsibility, direct project tiSv involvement will be provided as required. Much of his project work has been related to municipal management and special municipal studies. D. R. BOU.Ajie Swat SAPe&ViA0;L ZVI Mr. Bourne has had 20 years experience In the fields of municipal engineering and construction. He joined T.S.H. , at the time of it' s founding, in 1962 with, major responsibilities related to road and drainage design, engineering surveys and construction supervision involving a broad range of projects. Mr. Bourne has first hand familiarity with the Town of Newcastle through supervision of many local projects. It is proposed that he would be directly responsible for supervising and co-ordinating normal services required by the Town - similar to the relationship now enjoyed, Mn. R. L. (VbzdoveA, M.Sc. , P. EY1.9. , Mr. Andover is the Director of our Engineering Group responsible for carrying out functional and feasibility studies, in addition to design and construction THE i-OwN OF NCWCASTU- 10. PROPOSAL I-OR ENGINEERTNG SERVICES TUE ST,AVV (C0j1.t,'(11 of roads and bridges. Mr. Windover has been responsible for a number of major assignments (highway and bridge) completed by our firm. WL. P. C. -bVttee, B.A. Sc. , P. Eng. PA.iic,ipat Mr. Eborlee is the Company Director. responsible for the Firm' s environmental. - and sanitary engineering department, which encompasse s water Supply, sewage Lreatment, waste disposal and related plant operations, etc. Mr. E e rl cc was the firm' s study principal for the Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study sewerage component and the urban programming studies for the Towns of Port Hope and Whitby. Wt.. R. J. PatcheU, B.A. Sc. , P. Evig. , kmoc, ate. ti -)oiisible for work involved ve Engineering which atchell i r s esl in I)evelopment aiiiii and implem _ipalities. rj embraces reivew of subdivisoin pl, ng entation for munic for.1- -1 -or to entering atchell has been with the firm tell years. Prior private Mr. . P, practice he was a Director of I la)-fIe construction company. JAJL. J. .lot M, IvIRAYC, Dipt. A>Lch. Mr. Jones joined T.S.H. -1 1977 as the head of the Firm' s Building Department, in after ten years in private practice in Canada. Much of his work has been for uni The. staff: and particularly in colulecLioll with institutional facilities- t- ,aff in his department includes mechanical, electrical and stri -ic tural engineers, together with several technical personnel. He is a member of the Royal Architectural institute of Canada and the Royal Institute of British Architects. Tec_hn,.cat Sta66 The- appropriate technical field and office staff is available as required. It is proposed that local technical staff would be utilized, if possible, for work of a simplified nature it, order to provide efficient and convenient service. A substantial number of the firm' s employees are resident in the Region of Durham. pl:0)(.1 ill 1,1 Y of jj t ii Vf co Nowc ii fj I I in ( vurwi of redue('d �110(l(lijilg of personnel. ovorhead 'and i.-oiuic THE TOWN Or NEWCASTLE PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES COMPENSATIUN FOR SERVICES We do not consider it possible to set forth a precise basis for Payment of every category of service, However, because the anticipated service will be of a continuing nature, and thereby contribute to stability of our own staff requirements, compensation under the conditions noted below is lower than would be the case for single assignments. But conversely, it is proper to assume that to the Company would continue to be* responsible for the provision of engineering services so long as the overall relationship in satisfactory to Council, we feel it would be unfair if the majority of service were provided on a lower rate schedule and a more Profitable special assignment was awarded to another firm, .The over-riding principle must be one which results in the most economical arrangement for the municipality and is in general although not necessarily on every Project profitable for the firm and produces mutual satisfaction. The following summary outlines the various types of service L MOWN, and the Suggested basis for compensation: that we foresee as Attendance at Counsle MectiKy 601 Genskal Advice The responsible director Of an operation, or his assistant, will attend Council meetings upon request for the Purpose Of being available to provide advice and We would consider this to be an overhead service without charge to the Town for the time of the person attending. A reasonable basis respecting the number of such meetings, could be established as mutually satisfactory. 2. Attendance at QKQ6 Rc,&'�ted tO SpeciaE Pltoject� The following would seem to be Possible situations that might arise: Percentage fee Projects - The minimum Percentage fee of the Association of Professional Engineers would include this service and there would be no additional time charge for attendance. THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 12. PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES UK'& (b) Day - Labour (Municipal Force) Projects The charges for time related to this category would be as noted under. Staff Charges. 3, W46 Chaagem It is anticipated that the routine and continuing requirements of the municipality would often be related to minor and moderately sized projects executed either with the municipality's forces, or by small contacts. The corresponding engineering and technical staff might consist of one or more persons for such duration as required by the work. In this general category we foresee some or all of the following illustrations: (�i) Surveys and plans for extension of public services - storm drains, 7. ditching, sidewalks, construction layouts, etc. (b) Plans, profile and layout for road and street projects to fulfill the requirements of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (formerly the Department of Highways) , e.g. - Town road improvements executed under small contracts or utilizing municipal forces. CpJ Localized investigation of special problems - e.g, drainage and culverts, structural examination of bridges or municipal buildings, etc. (d). Examining, reporting and inspecting subdivision development on behalf of the municipality. (e) Checking special building plans as assistance to the Building Inspector. W Assistance in the preparation of special by-laws and agreements, e.g. traffic regulating, subdivision agreements, local improvement proposals, etc. (g) Waste disposal investigation and reports. (h) Assistance in the preparation of public works programmes. THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PROPOSAL FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES COMPENSATION FOR SERVICES. (Cont'd) We propose that charges for services as illustrated above would be based on the actual staff time required for particular assignments, the salaries and wages of the involved individuals, plus a percentage to provide for overhead costs and profit. We have proposed a percentage that would be reasonable, giving consideration to the proposed nature of the overall. assignment, in a separate letter. 4. Majoa Vaojectt5 Municipal projects, less frequently encountered, could include comparatively large or complex works involving lengthy advance negotiation, approvals and co-ordination. A major urban arturial strent reconstruction is an illustration of this category. For the provision of required engineering services, we propose that the minimum recommended fee schedule be used. However, it should be noted A that there are in fact t •e minimum bases that might be used. Firstly, the percentage fee and secondly, a cost plus arrangement. We would be prepared, upon request, to maintain dual records so that final billings for major projects could be submitted according to the method most advantageous to the Toi�Ai of Newcastle. Spedat Mojectls occasionally the municipality may enter into a jointly financed project for which the second party provides the basic terms of the agreement and the municipality is responsible for provision of engineering and execution of the work. Illustrations of this category are: Provincially funded studies Road connecting link projects H"li-1way-Roadway cro,'-'jng Improvements Development road designations Von VY All .: THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PROPOSAL FOR EN61NEERTNU SERVICES 14. ION FOR SERVICES MA Y) these cases we would be prepared ared to abide by the terms negotiated by the Town'and the other governmental agency. �ii 11 '� + 6, j DiZ bCIfLSL111 Y. v, I � i tS ^• v w I 1 i I �.I it !'i. . I ` I I � � tV 1 , ' D!13 �'1 r IU04t-' 'i0 �� 1 ,i (r 1. (111 yl I f i•' it �+ t £ p0 ICCt l e}{��el1u�C� 1nCl1Y'L"ed for "or a. L on behalf of them i alit tit�uld,l as ills ',tile yofma ' easel unic p Y b� charged at actual cost. Wo�1�.c ' b 1 Mileage charges + I �IliIili7ed throw 1, '' �� �;h+use of staff resident � ! � in the Itepion 1,'pc�n6�� 1 e � � so far as ' CONCLUSION chi We 171lCome the opportunity of continuing to serve the To tan of Newcastle and :�',';! ' txtl�lt `that this >ro osal will not only p y provide clarification but also an acceptable- basis for future service. Respectfully Submitted, + ;l ,� ',; i , --------- R. E. Sills, p. Eng> 1fi P;incipal ar R.ES/em l I' j' tti ' 1 I li r M E M O R A N D U M TO: A. C. Guiler, Town Manager FROM: K. DeGroot, C.G.A. , Treasurer DATE: September 26, 1979 SUBJECT: Resolution C-1215-79 Attached hereto please find the proposal from Totten, Sims, Hubicki, which was considered in November of 1977. Also attached are summaries by project of their billings for 1978 and 1979 to date. Att.