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TO: His W oAz h ip the Mayo t and MembeAz o� Councit
FROM: CounciUot Ivan Hobbs
A. C. Guitot, Town Manage,
DATE: Augu t 27th, 1979
SUBJECT: Statement o� Poticiez 4oA Non-Union Emptoyees
Ruotuti.on - #C-953-79
„THAT CouncittoA Hobbs be appointed to wot k with
the Town ManageA to Aev,iew the bene� t package
4oA non-union sta�4 and Aepo tt back to Council
a3 soon ass pos�s.cbte."
A,s i"tAucted by Councit we have Aeviewed the exi6ti,ng bene� t package �otL
non-union empZoyees and would Ae�spect4uety Recommend the �ottow.ing change:
Add: Ea teA Monday e�4ecti.ve 1980
Thtis w,itt gave empto yee tmetve statutoAy hot i.days which iz
eon,si,stent with the ptoviz ions o4 the Union Contracts now in
Amend the s chedute to aUow 4o t t0Lee weeks vacation a�teA �ouA yeaAz
,instead o4 thAee weeks a4teA 4.ive yeah. Th z Witt bXing the vacation
,schedute into tine with the schedu es appnoved in the Union ContAac;ts.
COMPENSATION FOR OVERTIME (Page 1' and Sehedute "A")
Undm the existing pot icy a membeA o� sta4� may be gAanted time o��
4oA oveAt me on the apptovat o4 the Department Head with the concuAAence
o4 the Town ManageA, and wottks Fouman atce paid overtime at then AegutaA
houAt y Aate o� pay as appnoved by the Di&ectoA o4 Pubf-ic Wmks.
We �eeZ that th" " a 4a A ptact ce but the pot icy zhou2d be Ae-written
to put a Limit on the numbuL o4 days which wilt be gAanted to any given
empto yee undeA Section ( 1 ) o� Sehedu-e "A" o� the Pot icy.
We at6o 4eet that eettain emptoyee�s shoutd be paid compensation �oA oveAti.me
on the same basis " union emp.toyem and these pwttieutaA emptoyee�s ane
cheduted in Section (2) o4 Schedut e "A".
A4teA a eaAe4ue examination o� the exi.6ting pAov" ions o� one and one-hat4
dayts accumutation we noted that once an empto yee had used up their 6 i ck
,leave theRe w" no pAoteeti,on 4ot a Zong teAm di ab,itity and it wa3 ouA
4ee.Ung that some pAoteet%on zhoutd be o�4vLed.
To a�4oAd betteA pAotecti.on to out non-union emptoyee we aAe Aecommend.ing
that a Aedueti.on be made in the sick .leave aeeumutati,on pAOV,�z.iov/s to one
day pen month instead o� one and one-haL4 days peA month and that we
,i.mptement a Long TeAm D,i�sabitity Han which wilt gave emptoyees 700 o�
eaAning s to a maximum o4 $2,000.00 mo nthL y to age 65 and that thin wilt
become a taxabte benefit to the employee. The .bong teAm dtisabitity plan
and the Aedueed sick leave enedi t ptan would a4�oted better disabitity
ptoteetion to our emptoyea .
In the shotrt teAm the munici.pat ty w.itt be AequiRed to pay �oA the
benefit on a yeah to yeaR basin instead o% paying �oA the cost at the
time o4 AetiAement oA Aesignat,i.on o4 an emp.to yee.
By o�4eAing thi6 amended ptc.ogtcam the cost w,ift be no more than the
existing sick leave etced-it plan now in e�sect.
We aAe Aeeommending that e�4eet%ve SeptembeA 1,st, 1979 that we ,i.mptement
a dental plan as was approved 4oA the union stay and that the CoRpoAati,on
pay 75% o A the premium. (PAemium �m Union zta�� is as 4ot towts:
50% to be paid by ConpoAati..on e4�eeti.ve SeptembeA 16t, 1979 and 75% e46ecti,ve
1u2y 1,st, 1980) .
We also noted in ouA Review o� the Statement o� PoZicia �oA non-union
emptoyees that on Page 2 o4 the pone,(, that a job ctassi ieation and
,satwLy sca u were to be atabtahed. 14 Coune i,.Q iz not in a position
to adopt a fob ct&szi .canon and satvLy scata we would Aeeommend that
this section be Removed hum the Poticy Statement.
Recommendation: We wooed jtapect4u.Pty Aeeommend that the Statement o�
Poticie3 �oA Non-Union Empeoyee�s be adopted by Council by By-Law.