HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-91-79 T.I-9 I-7 1) To : I'he (In irncan ;uad Momberrs of the finance and Adm1nistrntioil Committee A. C. Gui ler , Town Manager UATH: August 3th, 1979 Remo ition #F-110-71) Orr--nmantal Li ,,,htin - Bowm:unv_illc' At a recent meeting OF this Committee a question was raised on the responzibility for the payment or utility and maintenance charges For the Ornamental Street Lighting placed on King Street as a result of reconstruction and at that time 1 misunderstood the question thinking that reference was being made to ornamental. Christmas lighting. This matter was referred back For clarification and a letter was sent to the hoard of Management of the Business fmprovement Area request:Q.', clarificati_on ,and on July 3rd the attached letter was received from the Board, At the present time the energy charges are beilng billed to the Bnsinpss Improvement Area on a flat rate and rho P.H .C. advises that they have not received a request_ from the Town to carry out repairs and maintenance to the new fixtures. Based on information supplied by Mr. Watson Manager of the Bowmanville P. U. C. the energy cost for each light at this present rates would be ; 1 . 26. This would result in a cost of 32 lights x 1 .26 x 7.2 = ;483 .84 per annum. Mr.Wn tson also advises that the cost of repairs and maintenance would be billed on a t imp and material basis and Council would have to request the P. U.C. to carry out ;;uch uuainten,uac.e. Recommendation: I_. That the energy charges for the Ornamental Lighting on King Street be area rated to the Bowmanville Street Lighting area. 2. That the Bowmanville Public Utilities be requested to carry out repairs and maintenance to the Ornamental Street: Lighting on n time and material basis and these costs be area rated to the Bowmanville Street Lighting area ,