HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-57-79 PI-5 7,79 TO: His woubu.p the Mayan and Membe)us oU Councit FROM: A. C. GuUeA, Town Manager DATE: May loth, 1979 SUr1FCT: Lc.ttm Acce.i.ved atom "Cc(VIada Fmp.eoyment C""tAe. 6oA StudenU" FAom .time to time the Counc t Aeee,ivn nequn is to have bai,tne)o eAec,ted on King StAeet, rowmanvite him toA to the Aequat in the attached ZetteA and up until the Aebu,itd i.ng o6 King StAeet, the Pub P c e U.t i 2 tai ens Camm,i�s� i a n were putting up the banner . Since con,6tAucti.on woAk began they have di,sconti.nued tltiiz pAacttice. To give Counci.e some inzight into the Pubtic U- ZUt-i u Commi�'sion''s dee'Lion we w4ote to �4A. (Va-tson Aequutting cec(&i6 .catiovi o� thei. �tecoon,i.ng (JoA di,scontcYiu,i.ng thebt pnac ice o�j enecti.ng banneo and this tetteA iz attached bon youA in6o�vnat on. Tn t, ght o( the Pubti.c Ut c e -ti ens Commi6,sion deci�ston to d i6conti.nue the pnacti.ce o6 enecting banneAs we wooed Aecommend " 6o OWs: 1 . ) That the Aeque-6t o6 the Canada Fmptoyment CentAe �)m Stclde.nis to meet a b(aii,iot. on K,irlg St)teet be. denied. 2. ) That Council support the decision o� the Pub.e i.e Ut-i Zi ti:es Comnws.s.i.on and discontinue the practice o� eAecti.ng bannem oven the Man StAeet in Bomiianvitle. l r� 4 •\1 ( 1 d