HomeMy WebLinkAboutTM-9-79 ~ / TM-9-79 10- The Chairman and Nem6nca of the Planning and Development Committee FDC04: A. C. Culler, Town Manager D&ID; January l7th. 1979 SUBJECT: Council Resolution #C-79-56 In accordance with the above Council resolution requesting that I.B.I. attend the next Planning and Development Committee Meeting on January 22nJ, 1979, I have been in contact with Mr, Phil Levine of I,8.I, and they advised that they will not be able to attend due to prior commitments. Buwevcc` they will prepare a report and be available to attend the Planning and Development Meeting in Pe6ruury. I would also like to advise that l have been eyeoklog with @r. John McCce6ie, Yzojaor Manager Darlington G.S. and he has advised that they would like to come to the Committee Meeting in February to review the Darlington G.S. Project with the Committee. If the Committee is 1u | agreement with this so8Qratiuo, we will have to notify Mr. 0oCro6le ! prior to the uu8 of the omudh. ALao Hr. McCredie suggests that if � any Member has u particular question they would like answered that we should notify him as noun an possible. | / / \ 1 \ ' ' � �