HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-013-02 ....11_: .,' - ',- " .,., - FI~CJ DEP'AfIITMSNT Report#: . ~~~ . MONGAY, SEPTEMBER 23..," . .' .' Y' ,'~:'.,'", . TIOW COMMITTEE . R~,/OfJ(f-~-o~ By-law #. .Date: \.$~ OttTARlO1RANSl'f RB_MoGRAM - .,'.,. . .' :r, ;<,;'i,~'?, ';,",_ ,.',' .Rec0mm8~ , . '.. . . . ~', . . /tis respeel.fully recommended the GeneNU~~.o",'and AclmiDietratiYe Committee" , recommen<:l to Coimcil the following: " . ;~, 1, THAT~port FNO.o13-:021>es8CJtt~1IJt. 2. TH,l\f Couneil authorize the Agrallment. With ttte Ontario the ~tofthe Ontario 3. THAT CQUIlGil authorize Ministry fOrms forihe ontario 1\ . ....,Glerk to sign the Letter Of :T~ion(l4.ttechmel"tli#1), pet , aI pl'Ogli8Ql; 'compIet$ aRd:st$mit the required program; and , 4. THAT the-Miniatry of Tr~~~ri)te8dviaed of Co\pJGiYs.decision. '~'.'":, - '; <f",;;.;-",:'~, ,',',',";',,>"", O"',i",'. -,.'-",>,:'~ ~; ,; ; , , /, ,:.:._~i,~~fJC.>C:"" ,.,--",. ;';\>~BWedbY/) ~~~ . .SA, c.jf5.'.", . Frank.lln Wu Chief Administrative Off"lCElr NMTllG1h~ ....... "''' ~.l~ " "~' > I ,-,',' ~', :. '~" ,-,," ~' - i I , I' _;- ! " PAGE 2 , ", \~, _ftQRT. ..wi ..-_4..02 ~'" ",~,~.,,~:~~<t., . .' .... ,'.w' , .' . , . " ~.' . '",,,,.' " ..~!.eUNO . , . .;.:~ , I The Ontario 'Pr$m ier announced. on ~. '. JIt..~1 ,200=1., new cproViAcia1tran&it investment pian of which the Ontef:io TraMtUt...fJal; . ram i$ a ke.y component. The program COVelS eonventional tra~_ .,.sialited t it services. ,"- ";'.,-'. 'I , - . . . '-"~,- " :. The program will provide LIp to onettlipilefttJt 'Jets,of tI1eireplaeementor major ,refurbishment ofmul'licipal transit vehk::ki$. : . i TheMt.l~ of Clarington has been . '4i;~ys'somribution under the Ontario T . TfIilft$it ServiQes. The program funding' . , Tnmsit veblcIe that was approved in the $77 ,000. .. , i ':$25,$40 i(total ~r 5 years). as the ~rogram.for Specialized ~ th~ replat:ementOf th& HaAdl . ~S$ wltha.'budget value of . , . " . ,; c,",.:', ! TheMu-.1ltr of Clarington's 2002 ~.~inQ~n is~; 12ft The 2002 funding allOcation repre:sents one fifth of the p~~bOilItion tp the t4unicipa1ity. ..' i . ".- m June 2002. the Municipality of Cl~ ", from the MMtryof Transportation ,tI1e~ and Requifements for ~ ' . ,'0 Tra~slt Rtmew8t Program. .T~al'e several reQLlirements that are . ~trfs guidelines and the -~irements are8Ulm1afizad as foIlowa;. 1. .capital U)Sts must 000Uf. oj and-December 31; 2002 ~tobeeligibtefor'. ",. '. rwJs. , 2. A muniGipelity.recejving ~~mu~ ensure. that aft funds . received are useQ only to tl'IW1iciP/il share otthe cOst Of the Mplaeement or major . .of trarnlit vehieles. 3. The MI.l/lleipality must ~'Jt;:tC,Qwlcil ~I~n for staff to eor.l.~ and submit the nElCElSSSfy . . . request hAymenUmmthe Province Uf1der It OntarIO Transit ' ._.....r e. ". ...._H~. ?) 4. the Municipality enters _ , A1laChment #1 and the '.' . between the mvniclpallty. 5.' ReneweUtmds are,!<ept_. eamed,JIDd must be. used' vehicles ot'lller.. Of any . \iehielf;lS. . .:=nt with the Minister per . . .' ..' .Ii binding agreement rer otQnslt vehiele&. ,..rvejaccoum,ineluding aU int$rest pa~nts for eligible tl'aM1t r,efu~hmentoosts of transit ,.,,', ' .r- . ." ..j~ni .. > ',:'"fff;"" ~:~'~ ,';',;,,:, : }k,: > " J;:,;;;)~:L .-' "C,'~ " . _3,;~;~-,~~;;~t~' ';~; ,',' ,,'~ - ,. R&PO<<TNO~tfNCN1:.Jw82 PAGE 3 ,'...~." ~ :~.;!;;. " '. .,:,','c'?,,' . " ~ .:J~~:;,,. "'" " , 9. Amunfcipalitymust~ .' ,approv, . att::m.tM.. Miflistry b: any --....~.Of . ";"'of" '.' . for .....themu-i..,;.....llt'"has ......_. o~u,.. 'a.. ...' ......._..'1 received provinclat flUbsiI:Ij,_' ", .~I funds. i . " "0'.)--' ,,',.. i 10. The Ministry will prov'td&.:.atJ~'J*rdate, theicommunication requirements and guidellnes. The ~ requif:ts ~Il include ,~te' I ~MioR...............8 eh _......._ V1Sua '......... '. ._.,..~_ v . $. .. ' I 11. Am~1ity receiving relI'-:~ ~m~ separate records and documentation rel"tQ:_,~ fli'Ods. reeeived b:e minimum of ~ (3) years aftertlJe fiNiI~.m oJ accounts. CONeLUSlON' :. ,- " ' -">,,',' :; -' . . in order totake advantage ofthefundiAg,."fQr'$p~ trans.it services, it is , ~ecommended tbattherequirementsof_~T~ R~IProgram be <:Ompiled with. , ',.... . . :~,f R&PORTKO~: ,.~~ , <~:'r~,~~~'c~;.;j~- P-AGE4 " J,''-',<.''u, ,",. .' " , . .~tkt 'JM_OfA~ '~.i::/;~;1~;J;',\::,,;, - . ':,,<~,:~,,'; "7,-,:~~:~;,,",~,,.,..:. ".~~; '~~'I~'" ',,"-<>:,!,,/-- interested Patties: . MiAJstly of T~on . tMlr-Regiomll"franslt Office .,~ Floor, BtMldiflg~C '12(')1 Wifsen Avenue' . Downsvelw, Ofltario M3M.1J8 - ,> . . ~ ~ . , ". ' -, , - .'-;" . . . 'lOTEMt>~E~i,BOWMAtML~_t::~~M:::~~~~ ;'t;jJ~;A . <:h~~<<_~~' . . CJ!l!ilJgtDn Attachment #1 September 16,2002 Ministry of Transportation Inter-Regional Transit Office 3rd Floor, Building C 1201 Wilson Avenue Downsview, Ontario M3M 118 Attention: Legal Clerk Re: Letter of Agreement between Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of Ontario, represented by the Minister of Transportation (the "Ministry") and the Municipality ofClarington (the "Municipality") Related to Renewal Funds to be provided by the Ministry to the Municipality under the OTRP (this "Letter of Agreement") This Letter of Agreement is in response to the Municipality's request to the Ministry for financial assistance under the OTRP with regard to the purchase of transit vehicles. In consideration ofthe mutual covenants and agreements contained in this Letter of Agreement and the Guidelines and Requirements - Ontario Transit Renewal Program 2002 (the "Guidelines and Requirements") which have been reviewed and are understood by the Municipality and are hereby incorporated by reference and other good and valuable consideration (the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged), the Ministry and the Municipality covenant and agree as follows: 1. In recognition of the Municipality's need to replace ageing transit vehicles and the Municipality having entered into a binding agreement with a manufacturer for the purchase of such vehicles (the "Agreement"), the Ministry agrees to provide renewal funds to the Municipality in the amount of$5,128 (over 5 years = $25,640), in accordance with and subject to the terms set out in this Letter of Agreement and the Guidelines and Requirements. 2. The Municipality agrees that is shall provide a copy of the Agreement to the Ministry prior to the payment of any renewal funds by the Ministry under this Letter of Agreement and that the terms of the Agreement must comply with the requirements under the Guidelines and Requirements. '.The Municipality agrees that the renewal funds are to be deposited in a capital reserve account by the Municipality and are to be used only in accordance with .the Guidelines and Requirements. 13G5 COR P 0 RAT ION OF THE M U N I C I PAL I T Y 0 F C LA RING T 0 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-33 . .' 4. The Municipality understands and agrees that the renewal funds represent the full extent of the Ministry's and Province's financial contribution towards the major refurbishment and replacement of transit vehicles and that no additional funds will be provided by either the Ministry or the Province for such purposes to the Municipality for the year 2002. I have read and understand the terms ofthis Letter of Agreement, as set out above, and by signing below I am signifying the Municipality's consent to be bound by these terms. CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON Mayor John Mutton Patti Barrie, Clerk Date 1306