HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-014-02 ,~::'~W',\"",.,..., , /,,' "__\,~ 'i --';,: " --J~ ~;/ii' AE' 'PORT "- -' ":;: ,,' ">",", : ":<:,.. '. ,i.::;: ,',,:: :: .. '':~ ; ~ t~, ", ..~ ";':. , . ','!' I .' , - . , . ~"., , ,,; .: -- -, ,-;--", :" - :" -,;::-' FINMCE.DiPAR.......T ~ Date: .. . ' . GENERAL PURPOSEANOAWlItilltSTRATION ~ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,.. Re.I~ ttlbffh ~0:J.. Meeting: R.po,U': Fti~1~,.o2 Ffte #;, 'l By..... ,: ., $l(bject: MUNJOtPAL~_rlB"ES ~ *2002 , ,~ ',. ~!: L L.~ Reoommendatkms: It is respeGlfUlly ~ the GeneraJ ~i'.and AdmiQi~'\!tlYeCommitlee ' recommend toCouooit the fOllowing: ' ' ' c." . 1. THAT ReportFND-014.Q2 berecetl.l!Id_infomlation. ,j...:,,~',~;t.~~ t~' .. , . ," , " ",', , __.., ~II .'_by.cJ~-"~ . ~ M. ; . B.BA, C.A.<',' FranklinW.u.. Dlfector Of Finance " . ChiefAdmmist~Offreer ~~ NMTlhjl :~~ J'tJ!' :~',:!'20i" '~ ',,--,;""\ ':k\;~~~i,::" ,c '>;'- " ./ REPORT NO.: FND..o14-02 PAGE 2 BACKGROUND 1.0 On December 10, 2001, the ProvinCEl~nced the formal requirements for Year 2 (2001) of the Municipal P~Measures Program (MPMP). 1.1 The requirttd measures have been fifedWiththe Ministry Of Municipal Affairs and Housing and are included as Sc~\.lIe ".A". 1.2 Theprpvindehas mandated thaUn.~$Ures be published. for taxpayers'by SePtember 30; 2002. The informatiorl~ be posted on the Municipality's website. 1.3 The provincial objectives Of the MPMP!i~ to enhance accountability to taxpayers, increase taxpayer awa~.~ !>hare best practices between municipalities. New measures were '~for.2001. As well as some measures from last year have been refined. . FUTURE ,MEASURES 2.0 Indirect costs are those that are 1l9l~!>arily directly incllJded in the costs of theqepartment providing direct se~itothe public, such as Human Resources, Information Technology; 815. well as corporateco!>ts such as Council, CAO. Clerks, et(:. To ensure that ~ costs lilre comparable betw$ell municipalitie$.a common methodol_fOrtheallocationOfthese costs is necessary. 2.1 . A modeHorallocating indirect costs '.~'~ .approved. Its. use was optional for 2001 buliS required for 2002. CI~has adopted the model for 2001 and this is reflected in our measures as~d. We will further enhance;thiSln futureyelilFS. CONCLUSION 3.0 It is recommended that the Munlcipal.~ce Measures Program results for 2002 be received for information. . . . Schedule "A" ....Performance Measures, c~1!tPNOF THE; MUNJqlPALJTY OF Cl.ARJHGTON 40 TEMPERANCEsmEET. BOWMANVII.L1S,ootNtlO L 1 C3A6 T (900)623-~7!l F (900)$23-0608 . 1308 , . Schedule "A" PERFORMANCE MEASURES DESCRIPTION OF MEASURE 2001 2000 Portion of operating costs spent on general 9.47% 10.66% government administration Operating costs for fire services per $1000 of $0.90 $1.02 assessment Operating costs for paved roads per lane $509.15 N/A kilometre Operating costs for unpaved roads per lane $1,585.24 N/A kilometre Operating costs for winter control per lane $736.54 $612.83 kilometre Operating costs for solid waste collection per $13.68 $12.10 tonne Percentage of paved lane kIn rated as good to 81.66% N/A very good Percentage of winter event responses that meet 100% 92.59% or exceeded maintenance standards Garbage collection complaints per 1000 0.46 N/A households Percentage of new development units within 98.22% N/A settlement areas Designated agricultural land in Official Plan 100% 100% preserved * N/ A means not applicable, as these measures were not required for 2000 1309