HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-009-02 ~;<;1~:}"::_'<' c ,'-;' ",-'\<",'-' ,,-,,"-,",",-, "i'J);;'-_:,-' , "-, ;:'-"'>_.! '":_:J:..::;;'~1~~:f[:~<,:,, :'..' .. ." >;:~;:'1':;~?; ,;' -' - . ' '- - . , . ' ' .. .'PORT .." - - - . (J __ ';:; ,.,,,_J : ';- ;. <. -" """" "..' ~ ' .. '. '\' ,. : - -" -' . , ."," ',', ,~ .,: ~'k); 0> ,", :-' -; -', !-; .. ','''.;: .., ; ,I"' '_ ,_,.:,' - " -" , ' " - ,~ ", "", ~,'" 'i" ~_ ,-;:.:::"tr':.' _, :; ,~-'_<?1~;~~~ ' .. )~':.:~'~:~~~':'-~;-'''.: . -,\", __' " ' " .: ~:":;-,.,i;,_~t: -:?~ -, . , . .GENeRAl PURPOSEAND,~.l'AAT!ONCOMMrriEE MONDAy JUNE 3, 2002' RJIIIotutJon,uI1-;2f,).-():2- ~ oaPARTMEMT , ,,;;j " ,'....: .11*: SIlbjec:t: U$'N)f5:f\PPUCA'ftON&; . . , ,~OPTAXEs ,-,,',:,--"''': <'~,:X1i~::_:';;""--,:'" _'fAlI.#: a.polt#:.~,.(), .,""~~........ " ~"I,JWflI<,' I. - -', ~va' ',' " _ ,,_f':' - .", -", - . "*_iI:1lfJ8Rllatklns; ': -,' '- l' ;;,'tt 1. THAT Report FNo.oo9-02 be r_,~_ ' 2., THAT the~ listofapp~!.,"1lJ _11". ~or reftmdof taut's. tJe.~. . . , ',' -,-, -, '.--'-' .: '1/;,-. . ",.~;. ). . ,;';-, ' -.,.,.('," ',"-i:::',',,' .'. . ""iL /2"'~ c "-~"'~.<:~i~"'-~ ' DirectQ( of Finance . ': ." . 1f Chief AGministratiV. OffIiW ~,~~ ~ \. -i)l.; l .,~ ,. ,,/ , i REPORT NO;: FNO..o09"()2 PAGe 2 &A:CKGROUND Pursuant to Sections 441,442 and 443,ChapterM,45 ofthe Municipal ActR.S.O: 1990, a list of app1i~tions. for cancellation, red~l!lI'refund of taxes is p.resented to COmmittee for its review and approval. S~oh 442( 12) indicates that the Council$hajJbear and dispose of every application not later~fl the 30th day of April in theY~r~wif'lg the year in respect of which the application is made. The last day for maki~~tion for the previous year's tax reduction is the 28th day of February in ttIe'~ year. More specifically, under Section 441, the TlteaI~r shall recommend to Council that outstanding taxes be striCk.$n from the roll. To strike taxes from thill roll it must be by reason of a deci$ionunder Section 442 or 44& or Ofa decision of a judge of any court or that the taxes are uncollectible. An:;lpplication for a cancellation, reductiQnpr_nd may be ma~ for one of the follQWingrea$Ons: . CeaSed to be liable to be taxed atrab;)itwas; . real property becomes exempt; . razed by fire, demolition or otherwise; · damaged by fire, demolition or othe~~$UbstantiaIlY unusable) . removal of lilmobile unit; . · sickness or extreme poverty; . gross or mSf\ifest clerical error; and . · repairs/rillnov~QOS preventing norm.h~of period of 3 months. The 442 and the 443 process begins wMn ~~jCation is prepared by either the Regional ASSf!ssment Office or the T8J(Dept,~. The neighboumood asseSSQr will perform an on-site inspection of the property, "be 8$Sessor will verify the reason for the ~ication, the period of time, for which the.l'elief is claimed, and the amount and type Of assessment that is affected. The ~tionis then sent back to the Tax Departmentwhere the actual tax adjustmentiS.C$lcuIated and the taxpayer's account ;!ldjusted. \ The total amount Of taxes to be writt$n off.~~mber 2001, asshQwn in Attachment "A", totals $1 ,787.08. The total for the 2OQ1CEltendar year is $20,996.72. This total represents the Municipality's share only. f'or~rison the values of taxes written off uncJer Section 442 and 443 at December 31',2\)00 was $43.255.69 for the municipal portion only. 1:S02 j REPORT NO.: FND-009..o2 PAGE 3 Also included in this report as AltachmElllt"B"' ~Z002 write:-effs for January to May, totalling $6;520.67 for the municipal portion. ~oreflectedinthe Municipality's write-Off ~flt, but not included in this report are t~otions due to Assessment Review BoarditCmtariO MunicipalBoarcl and Court . ~s. These write-offs, because they ~.l)Y COLlrt deciSKm, are irreversible and final, and .aretherefore written off directlytP~l:JCCOIJnt and are not required to form part Of this report. This includes minutes of~ttfclr assessment appeals. At December 31, 2001, this account (7007.X~~lhad a balance of$317,495.43, which is greater than the. 2001 budget amount Of $9O.~.OO. . This is higher than 2000 due to the catch-up of 1998 to 2000 appeals bac~-~theARB for properties in the capped cJasses and significant 2001 appeals dueto./reassessment year. This alsoincllJdes the Municlpallty's share of post-cut:-eff cappingadiustments. These are signifICant and . if;l(:ludenElWconstruction tax adjustmentstl1at.... not permitted to be funded through the clawback mechanism. The comparative ~valuesat December 3f, 2000 for this account were a final balance of $272.251.27@f;ldaPu<tget value Of $90.000.00. Attachments: Attachment W - Write-Off Report Dec:ernb'r~1 Attachment."S" - Write-Off Report Ja~to"Y 2002 CORfi'O~QF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLAJi!lNGTON 40 tEMPERANCE STREET. BOWMANVfLLe.~MIO LtC 3A6T (905)6~-337'9 r {9()5)623>€l$O8 t ~03 ,.. .0 '0 .,- E" .- '" '" u 13'5. " c. 0< ., '" ., 0:: '0 ... s... 13 ~ 0 >.-"" '0 < - ., 'ii ~ '; oeo " E"" c. ~ ... 'C:~ ... CO CI) s::: "; u.. C)::::J CD ~:!: 0:: '" :; - u "'- 'u CI) ~ - GJ.! E ~ E !!l 0'0 <J.E - o o ('oj t: o a. II) a: II: o , II) - .;: 3: >< . ~3 '0" <0:: ., II '" """ o~ , ., ~~ o " o ., ~ ., lL ~ ., .0 E ::l Z "0 0:: * c <n <n " c '00 " ee"Eee!D ww~wwS -a~~taca(J.l .go.9.go~ Q) 'iii "C Q) .~ c% UOQlOO () () 'a.u () ~ <t:<C 13<(<(-5 a. ll. u D.. D.. Q) ::;::;0::;::;0: CT.IOOO>OO> 0>000)00) 0)000>00> ..-C\JC\J...-C\l OJ "' 2. co N '" a)eoj '" on ~t::.. .. c. 'u '2 ::l :; O)<OCO"C\Jo) I"- C\JC")(t)C\J c.j..fa:icri<cia:i ~ ~ C\J;'b ~ N ~ ., .0 E ::l Z N~Ki~gJ~ ~ ~ xxxxxx ~~~~~~ - " '" .!:! 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