HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-008-02 '.~" , .,,~:j;,~:i:~;: ':-; ,.;;'p""O':"RT" " .' .', -' , .,,", ".. '. ';, " ,,' , .,;~: <"-'.."/ ,.' '.' '.' .; ;" , .. '." Alitl'Mt& DlPARTMENT , .:. .-:;:;" Meeting: SPEaAL COUNCIL MEETiNG ~ . Date: ", , FRiDAY, APR1L12. 2002 . . /' mQ-0P8-0;a FIIe#:1/l?;' Roel_n'll: c.- 2'-"'-('):2- .$.-rt#: a,..: r ':' , .: . ., - . ; , ,"~..:i:':~:(:~;:'" . r . .~: 2I02CUIIREHT BWDGIT I , ",~." '--', '~';:: .,(,,,'.'IT. :' I' ~.. .'. . ~ ' . . ." , - Ili&'respeQCfuIy recommended to Councll.~: ,. '. . 1. THATReportFH0-008-02be~ . . 2. THAT CQundl.approve the 2002~6Idget ouUinedln the draft Current Bu. doc&,tment at a target~, '. % inereas$ln1overalllevy over the 200t levy.(elUlli.lsive of tax pGlicy)_~ in F~ and Attachment #t; . , 3. THAT the ~ln SectiOn aof_Q.....~ CUrrent BudgetQocument outtining Reserve and'~e8erve Fund cOH'IIi4Iti~!J,.. approved; , , -'.i 4. THAT th8 Region of Durham be ClearHJPCOifS. to be recovered ,ReP.Qrt FN~. Clarington . ',' " . . . . ,5. 1'HAT the external agencies ~..1hi& reportand identJted in Attachment #1, be advised of Council!. c.IecilUI:Jn flljllJ'IInQtheir grant requ1fW; ..~~- . . . -- . . 6. THAT 2002 $lifting changes be apptt:l',ij'. C*'A1I8chn:lent ~;and . .... . , '0';;-, w -..N.; ~ FNp-008-02 :_ CURRSNT BUOGET .' .....-...... ...-.-...,.... ...,....".. .. ....". .... Page 2 7. THAT ~;.appropriate By-Laws to ieV;}' _2002 tax requiremetlts for Municipal, . Regionel andEuucatiorl purposed b$~ to Council for raPPFOval, once fmal tax policy infon'nation is available. , Stlbmitted by: Narn;y r .y!o ,a.B.A., C.A. Director of Finance NMT/hjl R~we<tbY:~.; ~b ranklinWu Chief Adrnlnistrative Officer ...A~. 7 FND-OQB..o2 '. CURRENT BUDGET IItckground.aod Comments: 1.0 Overall 2002 Tax Levy 1.1 The 2002 Capital and Current ~::lIlttacbed to this R~ reflect ataxleyy impact Of ;3.55%. As identified in Attacllmerlt#1. interest "ve$1ue ftomPort GranbyReserve Fund and Provinelat~ revenue ~ factored in so as to mitigate the tax levy impact. No~signiflcant effo~have been expended to reduce the expenditul1t~itls evidencethatttje 3.55%faUS short ofthe Wget guideline of 2%. In.aneffort.tofurther reduce the! tax impact, municipahtaff have further red"*.l:luQgetary ElXpendltWeby an additional $127,160. thus reducing the impactfrOrtr3.55% to 2.84%. Su~mary of the further reduction is as follows (detei!s.-.tontained in AttaChl'\'l8nt #2): Page 3 COmmIJnity ServiceS Departqlent Emergency ServiceS Department Clerks Department Planning Services Department Fina~ Department Cprporate Services Department Engineering Services Department Operations Department TOTAL $ .4,010.00 13,500.00 2,100.00 :5,000.00 :3,300.00 416,200.00 ~,750.00 4!~.300.00 $124,160.00 It should be notec:tthet the 2.84% dQest'J(;)ttake into account -"y PQ88ible saving that may berealixed from the Iibrary~. 1.2 Au FeSlJlt,staff IsrecommendingtQ~an inCl"8aSf:) in the overallleyy of 2.86% over the 2001 levy of $17.9m.,This value incl~residential growth of approXimately 3.6%. The finalfIJX,..lNiII Oe c1etermined~ the PrQVinc:ia1 and Regional tax policy chanQEl$8rekrlown' The entire vaIue:fortheOPG intake assessments have not been includlilQ.jl'l-' growth ca~ and will be set aside pending the outcome Of the AR8~ and legal Pr<<f.!.dings. The current ratio of commercialllndustlilill tQ",.dential growth 1511% to 89%. 1.3 2oo2wesnota reaaaessment year. ~valuations are ~ed 0118 June 1999 valuation. date consistent -2001' The year 2003 wiD .I;)e a reassessment year to be based on June 2001. . 2.0 TaxRaleStabiIIPtIon 2.1 Clarington Is feeling the effects Of a hi$Jb1Jf'OWth municipality in that, there is a , great demand for new and improved seMc;esin orcIer to a<:e:ommocJate the . increased population. This year. __.,~ projects are lJej"g proposed that have required an increased draw on ~e and Reserve FuM balances. It is t;, J,~ FNQ-OOS-02 ,,__CURRENT SUOGET anticipated.thattheseiargeproj4lcts:~",,1gtogether is 8{\anomalY irlthe current year. However, there are. ....."".. Where sign~ attentiQfl will. be required in the future. For example, _,~ for both.optrations and fire departments are at a criticallevelano"wiltresult in a transfer ~ the tax base In future years to hind vehicle re~~nts. This ~be detailed hlrther in a $8Ctionbelow and inA~#2. . P.4 2.2 Historic8lly, Clarirlgton has drawn onu.."Rate StabilizationR~annuallY appro~y$800,ooo to $1.1 ~;Thls was In~sed tQ $1.3 mIlliOn in 2001 and ispropolMldtocontinl.le_..,..for 2002. This ineludes rnaintainlngsome contributiOns _"'.ReSIf'YeS and ~. Funds so as not to deplete the .hlnds. This is esP'JClially~,due to the larger than normal draw on Reservas and Reserve Fundsfor~. The Rate S~Reserve has sufficient fl.tnde toprovkfe ap~,three to four ye&tlSOfiistabllity to the tax base. After that. the impact will b6hliili,*,"trredentlrelyto the tfX base. 3;0 Tax Policy ~ 3.1 Tax Policy.Qhangeshave been ~et the Reglonallevelithat wll.lhavean Impact on theflnaUax rates. It is ~ ~the finallnfotrnation. will be. avail$ble bylttctend Of April in ooMr to....fineHax rates. A ~Iar impact to Ctarlngton r__ to the education~portionOf paymenJ-in-lieuproperties, such as Ont&rio Power Generetlon. A$;Il'.....of the propos.-. to redtlce the Large Industrial Tax rete, as well astbe,~Hy rnandatediAKiuctionin the industriet educetionrate. CtaringtonWilli~ a loss in ~nue of approximately $50,000 in 2002 andwll~to aeereduotions in this revenue over thenexUive years. 4.0 Priority~ 4,1 Attachment#1 summarizes the maJor~on the 2002 ~. Budget. The sulJllTlllry~ the effecton~$8l"Vices, new~, capital tax levy impact and external agencie$. 4.2 The impact of the transit opera~is""hGJIightecl.on~' #1. It is advisable that for 2003, the tax room at-upper tier.for transit purposes .be transferred to the lower tier. Thia~.tlOm8 security and control over the funds~. If the funding was~, there wouIdlile a significal'lt ImpactupoothEitaxpayers OfCiarlr)gtonlnfuture years. 4.3 The Comm\.toity ReInvestment Fvndlnl..anIiGipeted to be th. same as the prior year at $116.000. This has beenused.tQoff8et the tax 1evyin1Pact to laxpayer$. 4.4 The IT~ Community Counci m."""-lId$40,ooo ~ tijs year to support their efforts. Due to the timing Oftha ~nt Of theN site location, $25.000 has been Included for thel~~ CouncIl With the balance J'~, J Ff'I{)..()Q8-02 '....CUftRENT...UDGET redireCted foI' 2002 tow... CQ8t8A1i!~"~.;to.finailobbytngeffortto lOcate the facility In clarlngton involvif\g __:1l~~1f.1 'I tf;evelingto ~. Page 5 5.0 Enhanced ServIce UtveIs Significantl8l'Vlce level ~.....,.~ into the levy impaet This inCIudesi~Clf.~fire di~, a newmapr rElCl'e$tion faelllty and a notable incrllll!Ujnta)t$UppOl't for_ned land aCQl.lisliQnsin the short term. The,_~and~~idiontaX levy inlf*l~ a 2.67% ~in_w.lth a further 1% ifj1pact in 2003. 6.0 S-.... New staff pn:lpOaed for 2002 is amolt'.JeQU'ltpl'imarily~ of the following new po$Itions: . 6.1 Planner This new position is required to ~...t.he ~ wortd9ad.in delltpt$d SUbdivision approval authority. ~*,~l1al.~. a$~.todly fuel storagtl, ITERand Port Granby Iowlll...,__ctive ~ sit& .and propertyac;qUisition and related ~ De8pite~~growth ~iJf:tJ\e Jaet deeade, the Qepartm8l'lt,.s able to handle the workload withhQ ...,_,..staff overthls period. ~ cost of this new position will be ~y ofhIet~funding from the Federal Govemment relating to the Port Granby..project. 6.2 Fin..... eo.ordInator This new position is required to ""Director of Finanee to allocate ~intheareas Of inveatn~A"riIk~mentand~ In addition. this Financiaf ~:..ICt.requiredto..... analysis Of complex. fmaneial matters suehas_ ~,deveJopmentdlerges polley, fire mastef' plarl and WOLIId assist in euec8"iQn_nln9 in the ~l In order to notsignific:anUy impactthe"'~. half the c:Q8t of this position would be def4med to 2003. 6;3 Qtherstaffing ehanges incIude.~_current ~:positions Of the Buyer and the Marketing Asslstantln~~ S~Qepa~nt to full timeunionemployees. The.. aontract~heve beeniniiplac:e for one and t\No~respectiveIy. The WOrldoade"'~ted.~ the$e positions s/lOUld.be made permanenl .' 6.4 PleaseseeAttaehment #3 for detailsClf:'-ptQpOsed ehanges.. "',~' J...' -' FNQ,.008.02 :1102 CURRENT BUDGET Page 6 .,....."..,. 7.0 Orono ...........tmprovemem..... Finance has not received directionfn:lmlbe Ofono BlA regarding their levy request. Tn..saffie value as 2001"~incorporated buHilny changes can be made priof'to the rate By-Law beinQ~ by Coun<:ill!$t the end Of April. 8.0 Reserves end Reeerve Fund ~ Consi$tent With .pastpractlce, liI88 m.._rofhousekeeping, !lqme Reserve Funds arerecomm~ for closing to ~.~ 8S the projects ~ complete or the funds are more ,ppropriateIy ~.,. . Also additlonal~rve Funds are established ~h the budget .~,,". A1lprpposed changes' are inck.Kled on the.Reserve Fund $Ummary on~~~,theOraft Current~. 9.0 Ex..... ...... The external agencies, inciuding~,Ubnlry, Visual Mla Centre, !'tte., are listed on Attachment #1 for Councll:tQ.1X)It.ider their ~st on an individual basis. 10.0 Looking Ahead There are certain known impac:ts.fOr 2003 Budget vealS such .liIs staffing and operationaleX$)8nS8$ for the new. "Utl~18I facility in South iGourtice. new library,a~ municipal offk:esP8."YoI8ge setIIement, retum of OMERS contribution, pkJs several commilt$ddef..rral expenditUressudh as fire communication. . At this time, it a".,.. 2003 vriN be a very ~lIenging yesr from a buclget$ry perspective unlessnew~ofrevenue arefQund. 11.0 Conclu$lon Other municipelities in the Region.of~. liI8 well as 1he Region itself. are antiCipating an.iqcrease ranging fJom4;~to~)'8%as_.. being faced with similar issues. This situation is ~throughout the Province. Surveys are currentlybeingl.lndertaken Of GTA~itiesand a copy.~ be circulated to Council. upon.rec;elpt. Attachments: Attaclm1ent#1 -Majorlmpacts Attachment #2 - 0$taibJ of Further RecluclIona. Attachment #3 - SWfing Changes ~OFTHE.MUNlCIP-.rrvOF CLARlNGT.ON 40TEMPefWICE sTMa, BOWMANVIlLE. ~L fC 3A6 T (9O$~$19F(905)6.23-06(l8 -' ATTACHMENT #1 3-Apr.Q2 TAX LEVY IMPACT BREAKOOWN BY MAJOR ITEMS FURTHER REDUCTIONS 2002 EXPENDITURES-ExiSting Services 1 CUPE Negotiations and Salary Changes 2 Benefitlncreas9(EHT,OMERS,CPP,el,LTD,WSIBj 31ncreaseinpartlimeflrefighlers 4 Namal Budgetary Increases 5 Impact of Previously committed positions 6 Proposed New Positions 7 Increase in fleet overhead repairs and maim. S Bowmanville Heritage Study 9 Corporate Printing 10 Fleet Reserve Fund Contribution 11 MuniCipal Capital WorXs RlF Contribution 12 Building Services Transfer to RIF 13 Debt Retirement Transfer to R1F 14 Fire Reet RtF 15 Engineerinn Fleet RIF SUBTOTAL 1.578,884 EXPEND1TURE$-NEW ISSUES 16 Centralized Fire Dis""lch 100,000 SUBTOTAL 100,000 CAPiTAL IMPACT 171ncreasedTaxsu to Capital -, 98,723 (40,000) EXTERNAL AGENCIES 18 CommunilyCara (7,500 to 10,000) 2%guideliJ'lll 150 19 Firehouse Youth (30,000.. no change) 20 Beech Centre (10,000 to 8,000) (2.000) 21 Newcastle TtM'fl HaW (20,000 1011,500) (8.500) 22 Visual Arts Centre (50,000 10 52,000) 2%guldehne 1,000 23 LIbrary (1,359,550to 1,479,229) -, 119,679 24 Bcmmanvils Mnu:;eum (73,000 to 75,300) 2%guideine 1,460 25 Clarke MUS800l 76484 1075,000) (1,484 SUBTOTAL 110,305 TRANSIT INITIATIVES 26 Imroduction of Transit loop to Bowmanville iH' " 27 Transit Capital ReQuirements ~,f)"', iC" 2a Handi Transil (100,000 10105,000) .-, ~ -,,' I 29 Handi Transil Van (replacement) '" 30 Transfer to transit reserve fund 31 Transitfunds~'~~fOurham , 1 il~ ').'1,,:(.', SUBTOTAL REVENUES 32 Tax room from transit funds supporting Handi-Transit (100.000) 33 ReWction in Zoning Clearance Fees and Tax Cert. 50.000 34 Loss of Garbage admin Fee 77,950 35 Reductioo in Investment Income 75,000 36 Recluctloo in Animal Ucenses 20,000 37 Reduction in Tourist Info 50uveniers 1a,ooo 38 Assessment Growth (625,000) 39 ProvWlciaI Offences Acl Revenue (165,000) 40 Reduction in Contingency (100,000) 41 ReductiOn in con1rtbu1iOn to iodIecon dev rlf (40,000) 42 Port GrarlbyInleresl (350,000) 43 lncrsase in Supplementary tax revenue (1(25,000) 44 Reallocation of Can tax I for enaineerina deaion 165,000 SUBTOTAL 1,249,050 TOTAL 124,160 ncreaSe-NoIe3 540,000 540,000 REMAINING SHORTFALL 98,862 {25,Z9a Tax % mpaCl of shortfall Total Tax increase 0.55% -0.14% Nolel IncludesS75,ooororphese-;nofseI'Yk:eIeWI$rl;lr'-main~b(ary NcIte2 NtrtIncllJded. Fur1ll5re1allogtoOPGappeal NoIeJ l%lnClll8ll8OY$r~Rl~nt$pr>rnarUynew$l:Or\liC8lorliRldi$palch llIIdil\Cl'88ll8deonl<lbuIiOll$lorlandacqo5ilionlllldtoltlll8MlfulldlitOilddl8$$l\fu<9funding5horllall$ Nole4 Inc:orporilie51l1)C levy/8qUn.ment lorl......isIlingll and equipment lor nswmainllbrary ATTACHMENT #2 Details of Reductions to bring down the tax levy impact from 3.55 to 2.86 (exclusive of Library impact) $' De artment Account No. Reduction 7202-103 200.00 7202-203 1,300.00 Engineering Services 7202-205 250.00 7202-232 2,000.00 7202-248 1,000.00 7203-101 1,500.00 7203-103 300.00 Operations 7203-127 1,000.00 7203-201 2,000.00 7203-232 500.00 C ita! 7203-261 40,000.00 7102-01-129 1,000.00 7102-08-070 500.00 Emergency/Fire 7102-011-070 500.00 7102-12-233 2,500.00 7102-2/3/4/5-070 5,000.00 Ca ita! 4,000.00 7004-1-203 700.00 7004-1-233 5,000.00 7004-1-247 5,000.00 Corporate Services 7004-2-101 5,000.00 7008-203 1,000.00 7009-405 25,000.00 7710-233 1,500.00 7710-236 3,000.00 Planning 7700-101 7702-205 7702-203 7702-232 7702-505 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 ... 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I 6.e 'in a ""' a~oo,,",~ "'0 ~ ~~ ~ ~~E;s; eo;~:;E"'O u~11.l5~~ ..s~z~.....;iE - ~ " D S ....-; ~ j; o 00 ~ 'S "'s z." < c 0:1 "0 >:, " 0.. 00 " " 'E c ~i g fr fro o U ATTACHMENT #3 is o M .... o "" o o o M .... ,; .2 .:!l " oS ~ 0 ... 0 .. 0 0 0 '" ... 0 0 or) = 0 00 =: .0 .". '" '" .., N '" '" <> '" '" <> .... ~ ... .. Cl. 0 = 0 - "l ~ '" ... - .. N ... '" = =: t: Z 1:: Ol Cl. 0 Cl. ~ ... = ... '" ~ - .;: " N .. '" ~ .... , I c Ol .... Z r.1 " @l =: ~ .. ... c .... "Ol C <> ... .- s ~~ <> =~ .... =: e ..0 ~O , ....,g ~'" '" it 00 ....'" g:;j! 0- .... ,,'" ....:;;1 z .... Z'" r.1 ~ ~ . OJ "'.<J ~ 8:::: " N '~ ~ i3.5 _ 1l 8 5 ~ ~ 0 " ~ = '" en to;! 0_ z ~ ,g ..o......g c ~ ... 8<Scati = ~ ~ ] .~ E ,; = ... '" Ol o 4) .=:1 ~ S ~ '" u 321=:& o~ ~ ] ~ 8 i-g \1) ~ s 8 8.S ~'''~'g~e o i-Ei ~ ~ ~ t) u 0 0 0 .Er::!ZU~"'d "8 :::: "'I:::: ... $ c ,~ 8 .!L .S ~.., ;:;~ ~ .;; ....~ <E. Ol ~ g ~ 0.. OJ 0 '>: Cl. '" > ~ c ;:; ....l e '8 ~ is ~ .~ ~ 0 .. .. .... il' 0'" ~ U