HomeMy WebLinkAboutFND-007-02 {'~. ,~ REPO' '. 'R'T' .....,..' "C - .;' ,,' ','-', '~DSP~ ' {j , . , ' " -. , . , " . - - - .:1lI1M11l9: .' SPECtAL COUNCIL MEEmfG. . '':;''i",-,\- Si!- =;Rll12' ;:';'cEi~r . ,., ~".< Rti'lIJ~ #: C-2 \ ~,-c '"2..-- '., Date. " ,:,,', ,", ".', , ,. i' , '..-. i.."_.;_",_,,, '," s,....j;iI: ~ "1 :~.~-)~: l',:- :11 .' .~ _2-cAPrrALBUOGIT'M"t"'Y&ARF~T , .," l.(.~-)J, ."",'-. . ~' .- .__~m111~IId.M: , ',: ' , -,' . "It-is.flll8p8ctfull)l ~nQed to COJ.UlC/l,tt1..__: . ' --. .,.- . 1. THAT~FHD.oo7-02ber~Qd;. . - -, 2. THAT the 2002 Capital Budget,. _1lil_,ar,Hn the attached ooCltment amNn this report be approved; . 3. THAT AttacbmElnt #1 to this repOrt; ~ thefinancinglof ~ drawaon . thecReseflt8S.~ Reserve Ft.mf:i$..1iif..ed; . ; - ' , . . - ", . .4.' T;HAT the Four YearForecast"~U~in~; , " '" ; ,'", '-;';f"-- 5. THATU.Bee~eerw.be ..,. 'c' the prirn:lipf&wtue of the. Reserve FUnd set aside for their '. ~, for thl;lir capitat requests;, in the all'lCiMlt 01$11,000; - ,. : . - '-,~', ' - 6. THAT the ~-e Museum late ~'._, request be ~ to the Difeclor c of,............:..- . ".' . . _ ~-H::Iil~_I~_, : ,;_"'-,,,~:.- i . 7. THAT ~grant. iaterest.ff9& .lGlwman..8tAfortlte purcha',' of . a fiv&.year peticd ~ihRingjn _3: Ilijf . art estimateet $3Ot000 to the . decoratioRs-tq be pSi<:! \ilaCk. ~r <> ';0-.)- ''''c''-- . ~ FND.oo7-02 . ~1;.tal Budget and Four Year Fen net 8.. THAT shoukHhe Newcastle BIA dec.. proceed, that Coum:il grant an interesM..eefoan for an estimated $7 ..to tbe NewcastleBIA for the purchase of ~s decorations to be P_.... 0V$f' a five-year perklid beginning in 2003. Page 2 '.Revi$wed by0'~ ~. Frlill'lk/mWu ChiefPidminjs~jv~Officer NTlhjl -~',..' ~;';f!'t';~~ "'>'-"'& , fND..oo7..o2 2002/C~taI Budget and 1=our Year F~GIi! .., Page 3 Beckgroumt_!~nts: 1.()k~.4t 1.1 The reCOllU'l1eflded impactonthetlilX.~~'1J9fthe proposti)d Capital Budget is appl'Qx:inlatetyO.55%. This is netof~~tion of theenWneering design budgetfl"om the Capital BClctgetto the/Qm;entBudget. Thisy~arsCapital Budget includes:SOmEt significant projects~,~ to various external! pressures. cannot be det8~to future.years. . 2.0~rC"'''IPt()jects 1'he.rnajorCElPital~Saffectingthe.~~ ioolude.the folloWi'l9: 2;1 Em8rge1l1CYServicee · RepUicement Of the 1987 Pumper; and · CommLlnjcations equipment for jQint ~(approximat$ly ~.1 million). 2.2 Enginee"ftg.o.partment · Longworth Avenue bridge and road r~on; · Prestonvale ~oadreconstructioll; · CohC8SSir;m Street reconstruction; _ · Tra~itservlCElcapital requirements. 2.3 C~Servic.Departn1ellt · South CourtiQe recreation complel<. 2.4 Planning.$ervices · Llilnd acquisition requirements. 2.5 Corporate Services · Financial replacement (final year), 2.6 Claril'lgtonlJbrary . Furnishings and equipment for MW~branch. , , . FND..o07-o2 _C.tal~and Four Year""~l. 3.0 Other ..... Cla~Okler Adult Auociathlm TheAssociation haS requested a~4mwQf $11,000 for network upgrades (Attachment #2). It is recOmmendlilQ_thlsbe financed from the Reserve Fund thatisset!.lpto provide them wittI ~!;fQr use if needed. in: operating the Centre. Page 4 .;3.2, ClafDMuseum The capital reqljest WaS reeeivedpn.~' 6,. 2002 (Attachme~t #3). Due to time constraints, it is recommeoded~tbe request be referretlto the Directorof Operations. to review through ~~~I program for ~rgent deficiencies. 3,3 BOWJtI.nvIIl.Buslness IlI\prov.,........ The Bowmanville BIA has requested a~ grant of $3O.00Qto replace the Christmas decorations in the downtownatlla (Attachrnent#4). i Otherwise, they are requesting a five-year interesHree .in order to financeJhe purchase. It is Il!lcC)rnmeoded that the five-.year in~ loan be approved. Council, if it so chooses,. may. direct a capital grant. 3.4 Newcastle Bu$ine$slm.provement~. . , An ~p1jPBtionwas received through 'tb.i~MunjcipafGra~t procEl$S from tlle.NewPBstle BIA (Attachment #5). It~'recommended t~t, sttould they wish to proceed, that they be offered the same~nity of an int$rejSt--freeloan as the BowrnanvilleBIA with the same terms atld col'lditions. Concfusien The Capital Budget is presented for Council~ation. The~l~eDepartment Head can answer questions pertaining to th$iJ"~nt's capital requests. The financing formest pfthe PfOjects is. a ~ .OfReserve, Reserve Funds, Accurnulated Surplus (one-time only) andtax~. , , . fND..oo7-02 2002 c.pitalBudget and Four Year F.... Atta.chments: Attachment #1.. Capital Expenditures on~~s alld ReserveFtmds ~t#2 - Clarington Older Adlllt.~request A~t #3 - Clarke Museum request Attachment #4 - $owmanville Busine$slm~nt Area request Attachrnent#5. Newcastle Business Impro~ Area request Page 5 OF CI.AAlMGTON 19' F (905}623-08 Attachment #1 Hi ! It ! n 3 .U ~ ~~ 51 IIi ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 H ! ! H I hi} ! :~ !! !! ~! f t u n. ~ un ~ II"" ~~ ~ ~u~ rt ! ~ ; i ! ! J ~ ! ~ . ~ ~ ~ "1-.----------------------------------------------------------~i~i~----------- . !N e ~I ~ .n ~ ~i ~ II ! .~ .~ t ~ ~ II ~ a ./i. .~ ,; .; :: .; ;; . ..; . ~ ~ ~ al ~ ~ ft I . . .... , ....1.1 . . . .1 .~ . . I. . . !i.!i ~~ ~ ~ 51 i ~ . . ..U ..~...! n. .~ n .~u n ~n ii.~. .1- 11-- i i ~a ~ ~il "'::iwi " ~, U 50"4 s: ::....~ ~ " ~ - .. . . . ~n . .!..~.n n..n ~.e. .~.n. .s n !iU ii~.I- i HII ~ g-N i ~~I!!: oi~ n ~~ -~~ ~ ~-. U~ ":ci s: n ::.....~ ~ ~~ " . - . ! i a n ! E ~ In I :!=R ... uuu~ nunll ~IU~ ~ UU~..;: .~IU~: ~"~~: u "", , t 1i1 :~ II ~ 1 dh " d . '. r ~ ~ Hu! uth R~~I f "q i- ~.. , n J nn }j IBHI Wi . ~ CLARINGTON OLDER ADULT ASSOCIATION Attachment #2 '{\"ton Beech C c,\'3,l\ ." entre ,.~~.... 26 Beech Avenue . Bowmanville. ON L 1 C 3A2 Telephone: (905) 697-2856 . Fax: (905) 697-0739 December II, 200 I Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON LIC3A2 1'@lEl1w~rm DEe 1 7 2001 ~ MUNICIPAUTY OF CLAR FINANCE INGTON AU: Nancy Taylor Director of Finance Re: .llPPLICATION' FOR MUNICIPAL GP.1lI'I' Nancy, enclosed is a copy of our OperaliollS and Capital Budget for 2002. I have also included a copy of our financial statements for the current year up to Nev.30th 200 I. The Clarington older Adult Anociation is requesting financial support for our OperatiOllS and Capital Budget. 01Jeraticms aDd AdmizUstration The Clarington Older Adult Association is requesting a grant of $8000.00 from the Municipality for its OperaliollS Budget for the upcoming year. This amount is shown as item 20 on page 2 of the 2002 Budget. Last year the Municipality approved $10,000.00 for our Association. This money would be used to help offset the cost of providing activities for our members. Cio.....1 With the increase in membership and request for more computer time, we would like to upgrade to a network like other facilities. This will allow us to operate more efficiently and permit the Older Adults to use the Internet during the daytime. The Association are requesting a draw of $11 ,000.00 from the principal amount of the operating reserve. Nancy, I would Iik&to thank you and Council for your support in the past with our requests and please feel free to contact John Coffey or myself if you have any questions or concerns. Yours truly, tJ-M~ ~ Vi Ashton President Clarington Older Adult Jl-<Kiation .,jai.:; Cc: Bruce Taylor Ass't Directorl Liaison . MAR-06-1902 09:35 FROM ENHANCE PKG TECH INC TO A1~::>:'ll'lF;l'lA P.l'l1 Attachment #3 March 6, 2002 Maric Manmo, Tn:asunr Municipelity of C1ariDgton 40 Temperonee Street BOWDWlYille, Ontario LIC 3A6 )P)~I~~~~Y~m:1 ,1L\ MAR 6 2002 ill! MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FI NANCE Dear Mol Manmo Re: Clarke M___ Bud_i 2002 In a letter dated Feb. 14, I submitteclthe MIISCIIIDI operaliDg budget fOr 2002. At our meeting last night, the Clarice MU5eIID1 Boan!. revieww. fulunl capilal needa for the Museum Facilities. A motion wu passecll!O request Capillll fOr the following improvements I!O the Museum site and buildings: Drill a new well and iDstalllleW pipe and water line $10,000 (Bxisting well lCp_Adly faill water quality _ for bacteria) Install dniDa and grade the ~ building driveway To preYCDt flooding 55,000 Imprcwed. sbelYing, SlOralc and e><h.ibit space in the Almex building ID prew:tlt cIamage to stored axVbcts And to allow buiIdlDc ID be opcm:d for exhibits 510000 Total 525,000 These are order ofrtlqDitude estimates. More detailed engineering is required to determine construction cost esWnaIeS. :;1~~ David Climtlmhage Attachment #4 8B ';iIi4t<PUe ~ BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE P.O. BOX 365 BOWMANVILlE, ONT. L1c3L1 2001 12 12 Mrs. Nancy M. Taylor Director of Finance and Treasurer Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario LlC 3A6 ~IE:@milW~~ DEe 1 ~ 2001 W MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON FINANCE Dear Mrs. Taylor The Christmas decorations which are currently being used in our Historic Downtown were originally purchased in 1989. and are now 13 years old. After being exposed to Winter weather for so many years, they are now in need of replace- ment. Even some of our regular customers, this year, have observed that they are looking "very tired". As you know, inquires were made t~ determine if the inter- est which has been earned on the Bowmanville Mainstreet Re-vitalizaion money, provided by the west-end developers several years ago, could be used for this purpose. As the answer was in the negative, we would, th~refore, request that Council consider including the funds necessary to re- place these streetscape Christmas decorations in its 2002 Capital Works Budget. We, of course, would agree to con- tinue to pay the yearly installation and maintenance charges. which amount to over $8,500 annually. Should Council choose to deny this request, then our only recourse will be to purchase new Christmas decorations on our own. In such a case. we would then ask that Council enable us to do so by granting us an interest-free loan for an estimated $30,000, to be paid back over a five-year per- iod beginning in 2003. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me at 905-623-2997. Yours very truly .~~ Garth Gilpin Secretary-Treasurer and General Manager pc: Councillor Jim Schell APPLICATION FOR MUNICIPAL GRANT II :1 I I' I = p~ DEe 0 3 2001 SUBMIT ORlGINAL TO: MUNICIPALITY OF CL.ARlNGTON COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 40 TEMPERANCE STREET aOWMANVlLLE, ONT ARlO L.1C3A6 ~OFCl.ARIN6TON SInic8s PLEASE PRINTITYPE PLEASE COMPLETE ALL AREAS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7,2001 1, ~Jan1e of Organizat:oniAssociation: J)OlAH'::i. '---TZWf\.) _ l "'-yi'O \Ju\'\.c,IJT \Al,1E ( 1\JE"U.1Ci=1'S\LC\ _ TELEPHD.\E .-r-- ___"?-O.---=tS:1 ~ E- f\S:( ST 5Er ADDRESSiPQeT OFF1C~ eox __J0~~..c...a~ Ie,. E C I\JI i rJWl.; PROVlNC: L l~ \ ~(() P,.,STAl cooe 2. Con(~ct Person for this Application: 3. is YOur Crganization Incorporated as non.proflt? SJ :1 yes. when? TELEPHONE NUMBER: q OS q ~ 3 HOME: WORK:<j 0 S 0. 4;1 Lf 7 Sf =K()~ f-\.q.Pe-(C-t+A" iL \ NA.'AC'PO IT;ON --f- NO :jdim.1\ilYl 4 ~ist the prograr'ls/sef\lices provided by your Organization, - 'm-pf'OU\N::J -:t)(:)~N ll)wN lN€'WCAS-ri.-C) JLi.'"\ r\ I L.A G S ') f ~ (AJ e..t~ ) ?,q (' 'rC-e.T/L .r.:)t1D__~.r 0 M::(.)--=r~~-=0\ e , l) \ 1l-B-G.c.___ _.9~.d_n\J. <;<:\'..II'<:"<:;;'C \...u l ~\ N \ J:1hSr)'/.. rY [,ll S ~-LS' G. T) f r.- .i<. jIft 11v' S"' ON,C.S./H;W PSI OATAlG RANTSJAPP 1I C o Jescni;e how (he progr3~.slserJlces provided by your Organization will benefit as a result of MU:1ic;pal funding. -3~_L1~&LqTI\~c:J .~ ~eDCt)t-..'~-L:i-F_,_ --==r-B.-L-. l)r, \.'-.J (\ I -rc;~ ~2~-E P ( t:: \..) I c) v ?-._pA C,- .---.....-- ---- -'- -----.----_0- 6. CATEGORY: Rec:reaUonal Social (Circ!e On~ Hall Board/Com. Centre Have you made a previous request for a Municipal Gram to the Municipality of Clarington (formerl:! the Town of rle\'ica:;tle)? / YES V Amount Requested 7 S GO 'w 7. NO I;Y~ If t I 11- II If J le_ase comoiete the fol!owina: - .-- YEAR REQUESTED AMOUNT REQUESTED I AMOUNT RECEIVED I ... 1...000 - L' 0(';000 ;).5000.00 <7'. '-', J . - ---- - I -. I L --... "- . ~ :1 J I' I l Jj 3. Has YOJr Organization requested funding in the last 12 months from any other Municipal. Provine' a: or Federa! Department or .Agency? YES ~/ Ii Y 1:8. o:ease comolste the fo!lawlno ii-'. -.. _n . If AGENCY ! YEAR !f- r ~. ~ r- L - "_ '-. L l_ I 1- ~--l RECEIVED 1; I II ':1 'I l' R.EQUESTED i '-, I I. ...! .'\ "nv - 'I' I't /' , \.. c' ,. ,'- ON :C.S.lM :WPS1 OA TAlG H A.NTSiAPPLlC ~ ...'h,.n_ .. MUNICIPA,LITY OF CLAIUNGTON SUMM.ARY OF GRANT I~FORMATION .\l'l'LlCANT OGRANIZATIO>-:: ('o~.; r ACT ~AME -=-~\i?[)!U:SL I iJ()~Y~"'POSTAL CODE [___ !:.__BEPHONF. " ~1"~~~p wt,t<ST---3 <(O S Q q;, S:L S-::>.., j : DESCRIPTION or PROGKAMS AND SERVICES '-0 o..u l-.) ~..... IV \ VV\~ f Ou€...\'A.e......\J-\ TOT.-\ L ~1B\'mEKSHIP/P ARTlCIP ANTS: REV}~NUE SOURCE _._M".... _., \tU:-fICIPAL GRANT _.___M__.~. fU1'.'DRAISINGiPROGRAM _ .. REVENUE .---- riU:;\'IOUSYRARS StlRPLUS fDEFrcrn i ----..-- OTHER TOTAL 2000 5 8SQ.CCl l 2001 .0 .0< i , --I 1-+1 rc~ 0<-> . --~ It i\ 0 .ou , 2000 ; F.XI'ENDITlJRES 1----- I _____ SALARIES , FACILITY RENTAL : ___._nPRc5GRAM SUPPLIES : MALl\1TENA.l~Cr: .----PROMOTION TOTAL "~oo -:J l 't"'? . g~ I 70"::>;; - DO I .-9 oS t-, 00 I 2001 ... ==1 i . "'I j : - >;roT OPEHATION - RX?E~:SES ; LESS REVENUE _..._-~--- 4,1100(.1 :)vCT I r-1l\),<;I\t:\) I .'.1l!!\lCIPAJ. (iRANT H1STORY: !'2ooo~;RAN7 APPROVED 2001 GRA!\i APPROVED 1.._____- 2002 GR.,,-"'lT REQUESTLD I I -------------------------- . '~I -'-(;:al p'ogram or associalion membership in yourorganizauon, --.:J:L_ 'r, ,~. De:;~rc;u8n of Organizations' Exec~Jljve: ";\'E; c:iufy that, to the best of our knowledge, the informa~on provided berein is accurate and CC-liplete and Is endorsed by the Organization, which we represent. '~~% I: NAME II_IY\~~;~~ !I""""":-J---, l~~.!_!c~ J ~ - TITLE DATE 010 "d :C;-~(:' I:J~A 7/) ~ ~ " \,,'" 'lC'\ )ry 1 I C.hA\"'l":>cl'.s:oN ~'"2 -Z ucJ I I\J 00 .. This Application must be signed by two (2) Members of the Executive. 11, fl'Jdget !nfoimation: ?ieasl: camplet!). in detal!, tl1e attached brr.. Aiso include a copy of the most ri:cent statement of 'avenue ana expenditures for the most recent fiscal year ~ N:C. S.JH,W P51 OAT AlO RANTSIAP PLlC -' '.EWCASTlE BlA :tatement ~f Operations (Unaudited) =or the year to date Nove.oer 30th, 2001 -;scal Year to period 11 ------------------------------ "rinted 11/08/2001 7:57 Y.T.D. Total Previous Current Budge' DHference :PENING SURPLUS/(OEFICIT) 4,110 31.6 3,185 24.5 3,185 24.5 Requisition from Municipelity 13,000 100 13,000 100 13,000 100 ',ET INFLOWS 13,000 100 13,000 100 13,000 100 Donations, Prizes, Gifts Etc 631 4.9 592 4.6 1,500 11.5 (908) (0) Downtown maint. & Event preparations 5,098 39.2 5,732 44.1 7,000 53.8 (1,2611) (0) Advertising & Printing 1,831 14.1 1,417 10.9 2,900 22.3 (1,483) (0) Annual Dinner & meeting costs 612 4.7 809 6.2 1,000 7.7 (19'1) (0) Insurance 540 4.2 594 4.6 540 4.2 54 0 Extraordinary & miscellaneous 81 0.6 60 0.5 (60) (0) TOTAL ouTFLOWS 8,793 67.6 9,144 70.3 13,OCXJ 100 (3,856) NET CHANGE 4,207 32.4 3,856 29.7 3,856 Exp. from Contingency Fd 1,133 8.7 :caSING SURPLUS/(OEFICIT) 7,184 55.3 7,041 54.2 3,185 24.5 3,856 0 :;ALANCES Bank Sa lance 7,706 59.3 6,949 53.5 6,268 48.2 681 0 ... Petty Cash 273 2.1 92 0.7 273 2.1 (181) (0) + Prepaid Expenses 150 1.2 150 1.2 150 1.2 - Acets. PayabLe 945 7.3 - Accrued Expenses 3,356 25.8 (3,356) (0) + Unpos t eel (150) (1.2) (150) (1.2) Surplus!(Oeficit) 7,184 55.3 7,041 54.2 3,185 24.5 3.856 Approved by Date: Title: