HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-94-81 IV- a CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1.10 TEL.(416)263-2231 REPORT TO THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 25, 1931. REPORT NO. : P-94-81 SUBJECT: Final Report of the Environmental Impact Analysis for the Courtice Urban Area Our File: 16.1.4 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully submitted: 1. That this Report be received; and 2. That the final Report of the Environmental Impact Analysis for the Courtice Urban Area be accepted by i Council; and 3. That the Clerk advise Gartner, Lee and Associates Ltd. of this resolution and thank them for their work on behalf of the Town; and 4. That the Council in accepting the Environmental Impact Analysis for the Courtice Urban Area, adopt the study for use by Town Staff in: a) Preparing Neighbourhood Development Plans for Neigh- . ( , bourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c in the Courtice Urban Area Plan; and b) Evaluating specific development proposals in the Courtice Urban Area; and - 2 - c) Evaluating the land use designations and policy provisions of the Regional Official Plan and Amend- ment 12 to the Darlington Official Plan with a view to recommending possible amendments to those documents; and 5. That Town Council advise the Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority and the Region of Durham of this resolution noting that the staff of those agencies will be requested to provide further assistance in the work outlined in Number 4 above, in order to further ameliorate the concerns in respect of the environmental impact of the further development of the Courtice Urban Area. The Courtice Urban Area Environmental Impact Analysis has been prepared in general accord with the provisions of Amendment 12 to the Darlington Township Official Plan (The Courtice Urban Area Plan) . Section 6 of Amendment 12 requires that the Town of Newcastle conduct an Environmental Impact Analysis to examine the environmental sensitivity of lands designated "Environmentally Sensitive" within the Urban Area. Briefly, the plan requires that this examination describe the bio-physical characteristics of the site, possible effects of develop- ment, measures to mitigate negative effects, and areas requiring protection. Plan policy states in effect that the suggested land use in the Plan will be reviewed and where necessary modified in light of this environmental analysis. Iy-Ca1 - 3 - Section 6.4.2 (1) of Amendment 12 states in part that the Environmental Analysis should be prepared to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle, the Region of Durham, the Central Lake Ontario Con- servation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources. Input on the terms of reference for the study was solicited from the Region of Durham and from the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. A group with representation from all agencies noted above met as technical advisors throughout the preparation of the report. Comments reviewed from these agencies following circulation of the draft report, indicated a general satisfaction, with the possible exception of the Conservation Authority. Authority staff have expressed concern with various aspects of the study. A copy of their comments and related correspondence from Town Staff is attached. LX-gional Planning Staff provide"' comments on the first: draft of the study and at that time expressed concern with the lack of comment on the routing of Adelaide Avenue. The final report has addressed that concern in that specific recommendations in respect of the routing of Adelaide Avenue have been included in the text. In accordance with the Official Plan requirements, this report will be read to evaluate specific development proposals and will be used as a basis for review of the Urban Area Plan. This study will also be used as a basis for the preparation of a Development Plan for Neighbourhood J, as OULTinea in amenamenu T2. The land areas that this study concentrates on are described as Neighbourhoods 3a, 3b and 3c in the Courtice Urban Area Plan. 4 - COMMENTS: The study addresses the Official Plan requirements in that it describes the physical and biological setting and identifies the sensitive characteristics of each of the three Neighbourhood areas. Potential impacts of development within each Neighbourhood area are predicted. The report contains a suggested Planning concept which reflects the sensitive properties of the study area and relates them to the land use designations within the Courtice Urban Area Plan. The Planning con- cept suggests that Residential areas can cover much of Neighbourhoods 3a and 3b where the sand and till plains are "high and dry". There are, however, special study areas, particularly in Neighbourhood 3c where shallow water table conditions exist and where more detailed study is required to define the levei ot development. Open Space areas, as outlined on the Concept Plan, occupy a band across the northern boundary of the study area, and extend south into the centre of Neighbourhood 3b. These lands provide a buffer to the sensitive open space areas to the wrth and are suggested primarily to pro- tect special vegetation and wildlife attributes found in the study area. Environmental hazard lands relate to the valleys and floodplains of drainage courses in the area. No development is suggested in these areas and extreme care must be taken in permitting development adjacent to them. In addition to the concept plan brifly outlined above, the report presents planning suggestions and measures to mitigate develop- ment impacts on sensitive areas. V (a) - 5 - In their final summary statement, the consultants have suggested that "development can proceed over most of the planning area provided that the levels of density adequately reflect the environ- mental and engineering concerns of the area". Respectfully submitted, i FA:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 11, 1981 Director of Planning LAKE O 2 gTfON �`� CENTRAL, LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AU'THORIT'Y 1650 DUNDAS STREET,EAST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. UN 2K8 (416)579°0411 REF NO. May 6, 1981 . HAND DELIVERED �� � Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Planning and Development Department, Municipal Building, Hampton, Ontario, LOB 1JO Attention: Mr. T. T. Edwards , M-(.1 P Current Operations Planner Dear Mr. Edwards : Subject : Final Report , Courtice Environmental Analysis Your File Number: 16. 1 .4 The above noted report , prepared by Gartner Lee Associates Limited , dated April 1981 has been reviewed. The following comments are offered for your consideration. After reviewing the final report , we find that most of the concerns raised in our letter of 96 February 1981 pertaining to the draft report have not ,- bees addressed. �OV3 ral important recommendations made to the consultant by the Town on 1:110 df-fift report , also expressing our concerns , have not been incorporated h1 to the final report . Our impression, subsequent to a accommodate def me land uses in ameodfiw[it 12 to the Darlington official plan and ignores a c v i l~i ca l policy of the anw-ndmerl t : ''Land uses defined within the Urban Area Plan and subsequent Neighbourhood Developments Plans shall be reassessed and alternative land use concepts analysed , in light of the Environmental Impact Statement , . . . ." I I _ tswTnxL LAKE ^n0 CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Corporation of the Town of Newcastle May 6, 1981 Attention: Mr' T. T. Edwards Page 2 arid 06]oct |vc 6. 4. 1 : ''To identify, conserve arid protect lands with environmentally suns | iivc character|sL |cs arid the ro|e of these lands as components of the environmental system as a whole and the viability of the system | Lself." In conflict with these prov|sinns , we note the following on page 33 of the final (and draft) reports , regarding map 6, Planning Concept : ''This map integrates both physically and biologically sensitive features and portrays suggeste6 planning categories selected to reflect environ- mental conditions and to corres d as closely ibl with those LatecIories contained In Amendment 12.'' Based on the above , we do not feel that the environmental study has as yet fulfi lled the Terms of Reference under which the project was to be completed. In the final report the consultant proposes a route for Adelaide Avenue wh|ch does not concur wi th Jotai )o6 fiolJ s u t di -- es �unu uctog by the AuLhority in the summer of 1977 in an attempt to provide a satisfactory environmental alignment for the Region of Durham. Our route was chosen to minimize impacts on significant wooded areas and avoid most areas of organic soils , areas of high water ta6|o, pot-ids and swamps ' and areas of existing residential develop- ment . We cannot agree with the consultant ' s proposed alignment for Adelaide Avenue since it conflicts with our detailed investigations ` and furthcr , because the proposed route |n the final report passes through Open Space, Environment/ Hazard and Special Policy areas and essentially avoids areas the consultant directly recommends for residential development . The suggested alignment east of Trull 's Road is unclear in the report , however ' if it is to extend due east , which may be |nforred, an area of beaver activity documented on map 5 of the report will be directly affected . The issue of the optimum route for Adelaide Avenue through the study area may be largely academic at this point since the extent of environmentally acceptable development has yet to be determined. We trust the above comments will be given due consideration by the Town. Yours very truly , W| l ) lam Fry' Resources Planner-.. WF/k} L TOM CORD ORA HON, OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P., Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1J0 TEL. (416)263-2231 May 11, 1981 Mr. W. Fry Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority 1650 Dundas Street East WHITBY, Ontario LIN W Dear Sir: Re: Final Report - Courtice Environmental Analysis Our File: 16 .1.4 Thank you very much for your comments on the final report submitted by Gartner, Lee Associates Ltd. noted above. Following on your comments and our discussion of May 7, 1981, we are largely satisfied with the results of the Study, recognizing that you have some outstandfug concerns in respect of the "thrust" of the final report, and more particularly in respect of the routing of Adelaide Avenue. It In my hope, Lhat' through the preparation of Neighbourhood Development Plans within the Environmental Analysis Study Area that we can furthor address your concerns, and that joint recommendations can be prepscod for consideration of our respective jurisdictions relative to pomsible official plan amendments to the Durham Regional. Plan and Amendment 12 to the Darlington Official Plan. As on discussed, we will be recommending to Town Cauncil that the "GOUGHr Lee Study" be accepted by the Town and used as a "Wil1w im — "NOL"a0VU, MULainel in Ene reglonal Neighbourhood bOvelopment Plans. T reiterate that we will not limit ourselves to (A'W mot terial contained in the Gartner, Lee Study, but will also rely on the Conservation Authority to supplement that information, ' Mc. W. Fry - 2 - May ll. 1981 L will (ocwurd a copy of our staff report on the Study to you wicblu the oeoL few days. We will recognize your concerns in that report . Jo not hesitate to uonLuoL mu if I can be o . any assistance. Yours very truly, D0S;lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.Y. Director of Planning C.C. D. Co`me