HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-91-81 Report #5=(o'{,J c 1 - " MAY 7 TOWN of CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NE D AHf(m-EN ; PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT D.N.SMITH,M.C.I.P.,Director HAMPTON,ONTARIO LOB 1.10 TEL. (416)263-2231 REPORT TO COUNCIL MAY 19, 1981. REPORT NO.: P-91-81 SUBJECT: Expansion of Orono Museum at site of old Kirby School -- Acquisition and renovation of the "Morris House" RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that: 1. This Report be received; and 2. Council advise the Clarke Museum Board that the Town cannot support the proposed expansion of the Clarke Museum at the Kirby School site by the acquisition of the "Morris House"(in the 1981 Budget year,) and 3. The Clarke Museum Board be thanked on behalf of Council for their interest in the project and for their ongoing contribution to the Town. BACKGROUND & COMMENT: At a recent meeting of Council, Ms. D. Layng, Curator of the Clarke Museum Board, appeared before Council and outlined the Museum Board's interest in relocating the Museum to the site of the old Kirby0 IV School. Ms. Layng indicated that with Council's support, it would be i - 2 - possible to expand the facilities of the Clarke Museum by acquiring the Morris House in Kirby and by moving it to the old Kirby School site. The Museum could relocate from its existing premises to the new site in Kirby. The Morris House has been acquired by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications through the Ministry's plans to reconstruct Highway 35 and 115. The House is available to the Munici- pality through the Clarke Museum Board at a nominal amount provided that the House will be relocated as soon as possible and that all costs asso- ciated with relocation and renovation are borne by the Town. On April 22, 1981 members of Council and Municipal staff met with the Museum Board to discuss the matters noted above. It was noted at that meeting that the Museum Board had been requested to advise the Ministry of Trans- portation and Communicationsprior to that meeting as to their intentions with the Morris House. Mayor Rickard indicated that he would write to the Ministry of Transportation and Communication requesting additional time for Council to consider the Museum Board's suggestions and to come to a decision. At the meeting of April 22, 1981 (a copy of the Clerk's notes is attached) the matter was referred to the Management Committee with the request that it be considered and recommendations forwarded to Council. At the Management Committee meeting of April 29, 1981, the matter was discussed and referred to the Director of Planning for a Report to Council on behalf of the Management Committee. It was agreed by all of the members of the Committee that although the proposal had merit, it was not in the Town's interest to proceed at this time. It was the feeling 3 - of the Committee that before any further commitment is made by the Town in respect of the acquisition and operation of additional facilities in the Orono area, specifically new public buildings, that the Town should determine its existing and future requirements in that Community and should develop a program and Budget for property acquisitions and the sale of surplus properties through the Town as a whole. It was respectfully noted that the proposal would involve an expenditure in excess of $15,000.00; not budgeted for in 1981 and that no estimates of ongoing operating costs were available. It was also noted that there was no guarantee of Wintario funding available to the project in 1982. Staff note that a portion of the designated heritage site on which the Kirby School building is located is subject to a land exchange commitment between the Town and the Ministry of Transportation and Com- munications, which may result in the eventual rezoning of a portion of i these lands for a commercial use. Members of the Museum Board were not aware of this proposal at the April 22 meeting and appeared to have con- cerns about the usability of the site for their proposal given the reduced land area. Respectfully submitted, A 44P DNS:lb D. N. Smith, M.C.I.P. May 6, 1981 Director of Planning TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Notes on a Meeting of Council members and staff with Clarke Museum Board. Date: April 22 1981 Time; 7:30 p.m. Place: Kirby School House Present were: Mayor Garnet B. Rickard Councillor Ann Cowman, Councillor Diane Hamre, Councillor Bruce Taylor Staff: Joseph M. McIlroy, Town Clerk Don Smith, Director of Planning Klaas Degroot, Treasurer i Museum: Mr. D. Barnett, Miss D. Layng, Mr. Bob Hancock, Mrs. H. Schmid The meeting had been arranged by Council to discuss the Board's request to acquire the Morris house at Kirby from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and move it to the old Kirby School Site. Mr. Barnett agreed with Mayor Rickard that there were at least three aspects to consider: 1 . Capital costs of relocating (Estimate $15,000. ) 2. Location of building on lot, including provision of septic tan"aci-lities 3. Operating costs Mr. Barnett indicated that he had no knowledge of any negotiations to dispose of part of the old Kirby School Property. Miss Layng said that she understood that there were no Wintario grants available this year but applications could be made this year for grants in 1982. Mayor Rickard cautioned that any grant must be approved before a project is proceeded with. The Board was asking Council to provide the expense of moving the house. Some ideas put forward were as follows: 1 . Close road allowance and use for parking, picnic area, etc. 2. Fill in area north of School House to make more usable. 3. Make a survey of public buildings in Orono area and possible uses. Buildings to be checked by architect vI Z 4. Wintario funds to be used for study. 5. Town to assume ownership of Morris House as soon as possible and guarantee to have it moved or demolished on demand by M.T.C. Mayor Rickard said that he would refer the matter to management with a request that they consider the matter and make recommendations to Council . Joseph M. McIlroy, Town Clerk NCYhlI COR120RAVON OE IMF: TOWN OF NEWCAS11 F 'I> 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO LIC3A6 TELEPHONE 623-3379 May 11th, 1981 Ministry of Transportation and Communiciations 3501 Dufferin Avenue ;�;, ',��` Downsview, Ontario M3K 1N6 Attention : Mr. Bud Aaron Property Department Dear Sir: T refer to the letter addressed to you by the Clarke Museum Board regarding the moving of a house on Highway 35/115 to a site further north under the control of the Clarke Museum Board. Council met on April 22nd, 1981 with the Museum Board for the purpose of finding ways and means of financing the move and relocation of the house, but no hard and fast solution has yet been found. However, Council and staff are considering the matter and hcpe to come up with a recommendation as soon as possible , which might possibly involve the municipality .requesting that they accept ownership of the house in the name of the Town with the provision that they would move it or demolish it on demand by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications. However, we would appreciate it if you would give the parties concerned a little more time to come up with a firm offer. Yours truly, GARNET B. RICKARD Mayor GBR/nof cc Mr. Sam Cureatz, M.P.P. Mr. David Oakes, Town Clerk Members of Council